HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-03-09, Page 4Lions hav e Irish vis Ron! Disposable LIGHTERS Smile's n' Chuckles PEPPERMINT 0:4$1 00 pAnus 25g A ONLY ONLY 990 . 1L SHEWS FOR ONLY '2.99 (lib. per family When you present this Ad personally at Coyle's Factory Outlet BUILDING CENTRE —A Beautiful• Kitcheh Doesn't Have' to be a Dream. We can Turn Your Dream Kitchen into Rea Belvedere Cabinets are superbly constructed . from the finest materials bit• skilled craftsmen. Choose from a variety of styles, colors and at: tractive wood finishes. Add to this, a wide range, pf option0o enhance you'r culinary ex- perience. In selecting First lady 'Cabinetry, you are buying more than beautiful storage. With First Lady you are custom-planning a system to meet your personal needs and preferences for• labor- strving, tinQe-scrirnping efficiency and Organiiation. BuiliMucuulay Seaferth 52i-0910 ‘41' Henson 262=2418 BUILDING COME Clinton 462-0514 .41..o. • ' 9,1978 Sugar. apd Spice by Bill Smiley Year of the peacock Curls ws,reent, and pity the poor kid who.bad 1- ther6 naturally.. She was a freak. Then the Young 'devils wanted to wear" cool clothes in the hot months, and June produced shorts that left nothing to the imagination on appearance. I'll_ drink to that, both sexes, bikini halterS "on the girls, bare As a• high .school teacher, I've been in the feet in the classroom and finally, beachwear.. front hoe during the battles over clothes,, hair • Every, bit of it "neat and, tidy." • lengths exposed navel, and suchlike. Not as, a This was, follOWed by the grease Age, or the partrapant - I was „never unduly exercised Sleaze Era, mainly marked by denim. Buy a Oyer excesses - but rather as an observer. new pair of jeans and a jacket, wash them, ' During the reigns of a couple • of pretty fade them shrink them, scissor them so they conservative principals in a small town, I had ragged fringes, tear holes..in.them, patch • watched with some amusement, occasionally them, and sew some provocative or scato- hilarity, their' Canute like efforts to stem the logical suggestion across the buttocks. ' " « . fleod of horrors sweeping in from the cities. This particular peripd blew away,eompletely • I think the' firsf wave was longer 'hair for • - the "neat and-tidy" eupheMisin, Greasy hair, ' boys. Not the flowing tresses they sport today, scruffy .-beards, no : makeup and _general --Many of them straight from the hair stylist, • 'grubbiness were the ,order of the day. Not a\ .. others with a hair=brush or comb often ' in , particularly pleasant age. Even I had to fight •S. - evidence.I, s to avoid retching on occasion. ' Heavens, no. -The firSt rebels merely And this paLtipular movement dovetailed __wanted toilet tbeir hair grow down to theif rightinto the_:neye _laws. ,that-To_wered the-- collars. drinking age to 18 In effeet; it meant that kids No way. They were expelled, letters were from 14 up begin to drink. Grade Eight •girls sent home, they were . offered the price of a were arriving at high school dances with a hait-cut, and generally harassed. But that was mickey in iheirpurses. ' . , ....,...- just the tip of the ice-berg. - • . "It also tied into a new barrack room lawyer A side skirmiih -it the same time told attitude on the part of s'erne ,of the tougher teachers to keep their, hair cut, wear a tie, ' kids: They knew, well that, punishment ,for .shave off their beards (lady teachers, some of infringement of rules was almost a thing of the whom had better beards 'than some of the past. No Strap, "no detention and expulsion men, didn't have to •shave) and keep their merely a.:.reici -ne couple of weeks' holiday,,, , shoes shined. ' Or screw school; I'll get a job, easy. • - Ttreirt he more Oche girls got -into-the act, - Well; things -have changed-.-Ivor, the better.. with the 'emergence of the mini-skirt. None of The pendulum ha4 sweng. The kids are- ' the younger male teachers had the slightest starting to dislike slobbishness. Only those : 'Objection-,7-but-some of the old- maids-of botlr who-are bortusighs-arc keeping-it-um Girls at •c sexes-were rather horrified. I believe, if I wearing Makeup, Culottes, skirts, even dresses. recollect aright, that one benighted educator / Wispy boys' beards are disappearieg. Short- suggested all teachers carry ruler, and that er, neater hair-cuts are popping up here and skirts:shortee than a' certain standard be . there. • forbidden. (Or ripped off. It might have been With jobs a lot tougher to obtain. the old one of the young male teachers.) cavalier attitude toward expilision has Beleaguered administrators tried gritnly. to moderated. 'The older kids are hanging in hold the ' fines Boys' were not Ali . to wear there rer ,grimly, knowing that.. hoe e‘er. "ice-cream pants" or jeans. Girls mast..Wear' • -Much they hate school , it's better thin being ' skirls. ' " - '''One of the great mass of the itiemplfft'ed, 'out Then came the deluge. .County school ' ' 'there in the snow..` -- , - boards, made 'up of..mothers and 'fathers as . cowardly as all- the other parents battling the ..,. Whatever is causing it. the new look is a, new wave of attire and appearance, cut ,the Welcome change after the sleaze days. Ev en ground_ from under the administrators by' my daughter. a graduate of the freaked-out declaring that anything went as long, as the leek, is beginning to. , shed her tattered jeans and Student was "neat and tidy" or some such' '.: for skirts and , t vests.. -sifiart sweaters, nt! cant i - phrase. , anythinde se ladylike her mother Will buy her. ..._ Wham! Hair spronted in all directions from But knowing kids'; I'm rather sanguine masculine adolescents. The girls hiked their about the chances of the improvement skirts higher or leaped into • jeans. Granny remaining stable. Any day now, the boys are grasses and Mother Hubbard dresses became, liable'to start ,showing up in spats and shaven de rigeur with the more advanced girlS. Afro . heads, the girl's in corsets and high-laved hair styles and,Jesus_beards marked the more -- boots, like their grandmothers. I' ' hirsute. Hip-hugger jeans and the braless . .Now.,..if only the young men would get rid of those, ugly Gay Nineties. moustashes,... • • Every. week , more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost . ratepayers of Huron county," the " guron Expositor iyant Ads. Dial Would only be negated by ' the brief said and it Went on to urge- 527-02,40. • 1 unmatured Debenture'on the that, the board study .'presetit r 1 School, :since the unpaid balance Costs, projected enrolments and ' I Water Weill of Debenture (both Principal School attendance boundaries for total , responSibility of the decision-to close Walton 'Public. ' and. Interest) would become the all' :DRI L LING' schools" before making any . " I .W.D. Hopper We Have -a Fine • eie6tian-of __CUT FLOWERS POTTED MUMS EASTER LILIES REGAL BEGONIA • AZALEA a HURON EXPOSITORNIARC According to a recent magazine. artcreT-tliii is going to be The Year of the Peacock, There is afoot a strong Movement 'away from the grub and slob Of the past decade'or so toward some style and 'taste in clothes and . ^ • .• look were a la mode,. Girls ironed• their hair. Board won't Con.sider (Continued from 'Page 1) and Sons 4 MODERN ROTARY _ I • RIGS I .PHON E- Neil 527-17 .87 I Dud 527-0828 'I Jim 527.0775 ; •MINI•11 HYDRANGEA TERRA RUMS BOX PLAN T,S will be available for SPRING PLANTING It MACLEAN FibINERS . 5ocirforth for p4cope 0 ONLY k°* MOUTHWASH 12 oz. I 9 HE TRiAN LE C 011 Nirado Amphora $ PIPE TOBACCO poticHEs • 2 FOR ONLY 59 11;e6OTHPASTE''. Pro •2 F°R TOOTH BRUSHES ONLY 260 Tillson Ave. TillSonborg • 7 (at Coyle Lane) • FRESH ROASTED CASHEWS, PEANUTS AND • • MIXED NUTS, WHOLE WHEAT FLOURS, , WHITE FLOURS— IIREAD.ANQ PASTRY, RICE • . and other specialty flours JuSt arrived .7-,a new shipment of CAKE•DECORATioNs FROM CALIFORNIA Choose rur wedding calietop now while • seleCtiOn is complete • STORE HOURS: . Monday to Saturday 9 :nem'''. to 5 :30 p.m. friday.9:30a.M. to 9:00 p.m. OPEN THURSDAY; MARCH 23 UNTIL 9 P.M: SPECIALS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS THROUGHOUT Tfit DAY Children must b accompanie hyan adult • Ns:Offer Expires May 6 1978 SHOP THESE WEEKLY SPECIALS AND SAVE! movie and a book sale. In addition members helped at the Dublinfesf last year. - . ' With the money that has been made it is planned to purchase playground equipment .for the park. The next activity will be a --Patrick...s_.. Dance at St. Patriiiirs School, Friday night March 17...1978- Dublin • Mitchell & Lions Clubs' have announced the_ winners Of -the March Home Bingo. They were .Murray Smith. Mitchell, $20.00; Mike Gaffney, ;Mitchell., $20.00; Brad Ruston, Dublin, $35.0Q; Mrs. Neil Leslie , Mitchell- $10.00; Shirley Kramers, $10.00; Linda Maschke, Mitchell, $20.00 and Larry O'Connell, Mitchell, $35.00. • Dublin Fitnes's. Fans met 'on March(' at-,,the home--ef Mrs.. ,,Charles Friend. Minutes were read by-the Secretary, Mary Rose - -lou-wagie,-and4lie-.and --oft ofhe— club ; budget was given by the, Treasurer, Betty Anne Kroonen. The reheat! Was to define yourself as being • a good citizen, The meeting was then halided over to_ Mr, JI seIph hckert Sr, is a t patient in Stratford General Hospital, o 't Mrs. Jim''Arnold , and Joanne t -Evans of Niagara Falls spent' the e weekend with Mrs. Mille Evans. Miss Jean Dill and friend'Spent • s the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dill and family , St: Marys. t Dublin & District Leo Club s The Leo. Club has, been underway, for nearly a year and t has had a dance every ,month toboggan rides, hay rides, a ONLY -- - • he ado, Mrs. Erlend wbn.- alltecl on how to be agood citizen f-Carka.da and read a report on he privileges of being a Canadian itizen, • She introduced the guest pecker Charles Friend,. }fibbed' Twz,S1erls„ who talked on how he democratic government was..' tarted back in England with the Magna Carta. He also ataikeij on he three types of Government in Canada and its problems. ttN ,SOPERIOR . '4111MORIALS ISTAILISHID Oven Sip Irmo% . tionor•-fsififorth Alva leopr•ontalri-•,, , MICHAEL7HER 153 High root LI fan 482-9441 . SAVAGE . NORTH * STt.R Diko,NTINu'FD LINES ain Street - Seaforth - Phorie 527-1110 You'll be amazed when, you see chrrpreetaSltycale o w on" N clean s E N your rinses arid vadburns taut airt and grime in a single sweep; Cleans the way professionals do-but at a fraction of the cost! For professional carpet cleaning, you can do yourself only RENT HINSENItAt -sla zda.ayo CROWN HARDWARE 527-1420 Look at all the dirt RINSENVAC got out of our carpet! I That home you dream . about is now within your reach—all yours,to enjoy - while its investment value keeps growing over the --years: Get it with the help of a Victoria and Grey mortgage—bu . to. Bt your need and 'purse. Do it today at Victoria and Grey. RM. and TRY•St COMPANY SINCE ieBp . You can have your own home REY The regular dinner meeting of • the DiStrictlions Club was held at St, Patrick's School gym. with Mrs. Miller's. ._.excellent catering. Guests ' 'included Jack }loran, and.,Ftank Nolan who Were recognized for contributions to Lions' .• activities. . • .Fonr from the Orangeville 'Lions • 6) 'were ' introduced by President 'Bob Riehprdson. They were Stan Wray Wray from Ireland, who still . wouldn't believe that the Pollee Village of Dublin is on the. Liffy even .when verified by tWO SCots like• Lion Herb Brown and Lion . Don .MadRae.. Lion: David Trisk was along to support his brother Lion., • Dr. Ron Finlay, an , Orangeville veterinary who is • seeking. election as GO,vernor of A-9 at the'.'Upcoming convention asking fo4. support., He congra2 tulatc'd. the Dublin. .& District 4' —Lions-for -their .accomplishments with the mewommunny Pavilion and' other co niutty activities. Dr. Finlay ramie isced with: Lion Matt lylcereight about their old days wiren they built bridges and' culverts for- Looby Construction. " Tickets wer distributed on 50.50 draw with the .proceeds" to go to the Lions Leader . Dog .School which trains dogs to assist the blind to lead a• more useful life. IThe ,Lions' Home Bingo next Wednesday will have Dublin .and District Liens on stage and_ will_ feature ail ,theinc, Personals , Mr. Win. 0. Rourke has'. returned home front Stratford General Hospital. • 4 Attree•Ail