HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-03-09, Page 3ou're invited 9 Plymouth +.• - • ••1•••• MARCH 9 1970 • Anzen Free'? ..Ha! by Kait$chuessier • I A 6 50 states. ' I was here. I had arrived. At this most prestigious dinner of the year, And what did I get for all—my trauble? X piece of piper. • A nice piece of gaper, of course. Good quality stock. If I didn't know better, I'd say sheepskin—quality, the good thick kind with letterS'all in, black, But when the words got important, they came out in silver:-silver ' letters that shone "1978 Ohio State Award" "CBC and Ideas", and "Bob Harrington, the Chaplain of Bourbon Street," 'And my name? It didn't even make it in black letters. It didn't appear at all. But Why should that get. me down? I was . here, wasn't I? Eating 'that good veal cordon" bleu and pouring myself another glass of wine from the carafe that sat on rny, table. So what's in a name? What's it matter that I didn't meet any other radio interviewers and - 'producers from all over the country? So what if I was seated next to the one fellow I knew in the whole crowd? A CBC man I see often it the CBC cafeteria and balls. At least I got to meet his wife, didn't. I? His -name didn't appear on his award either. All he had to do--like the rest of us—was to recognize hiS name when .the -ran called it Ytiu'd think if ie fellow drove a 1,000 .miles to Washington, Er.C. and picked up his 'Ohio' State Award .for good radio programMing, he'd come home happy. . You'd think he'd forget about the $56.00 a night hotel room. The $4.00 a night overnight parking. Andthe White House tour,he missed because he couldn't Linda parking space in time before the White House closed at twelve noon to visitors. You'd think he'd take his flu bug in stride and not, 'complain a whimper 'while he drove—miserable and ugly—all thf?„„way back' home. ' Isn't if worth it all to go, tat far—that long—to hold in your hands at coveted award? Well, at least they tell me it's coveted. And I mean by "they" the people who give out the awards--,the Ohio .State University people who spend hours and hours listening to ' every program entry—all 806 pf them this year. . And to plaice the awards all the more. prestigious, they movedlhe big banquet awards program away from their Columbus, Ohio home base and into 'Wa shington, D.C: You can't get much more prestigious than that,'-ean you?In the Washington Press Club rooms, no less. The veal cordon bleu never tasted better. Of, course„ maybe anything rnighl h'aië" tasted better after Big Macs, french fries and cokes for three days. I had to cut down somewhere with the high cost of housing me aid my car. The candlelight on white tablecloths and real linen nantins was perfect Anno was the elegant room curtained and draped in velvets • and sheersand displaying every flag from the out, walk forty feet to the head table, putout -his hand, say thank-you, and turn ardund and go back to 'his table. • That was it. That .wa.s all. r It'wan't like the:Oscar and Emmy Awards • , . at all. When the winner gets behind the Microphone,and asSur0 everyone this award wouldn't be 15(:ositi1e without a lot of other , people., 'And so I 'would like to take' this opportunity to thank my producer„ my assistanf .producer, my' eXeeutive producer, , my Copy • asiistant, my' research editor, the corporation, my , Wife, my ,child, my mother, my father, everybody, without whom .this - • award—would neverliave been possible: • I didn't get a' chance like that at all. I didn't get a ehance to hear a Word of 'my award winning program-.-Or anyone else's for 'that matter. You know that's how they do it with the 'Oscar awards. TherthrOW —on • a screen- excerpts and clips front 'the award . winning Movies. To give you a glitnpse of the. brilliant production. Oh, they did that at the Ohio State Awards. . They did screen for a minute or two the award winners. But nobody in his right mind expects youl? throw a radio program on, the.screeri. • You could' listen to a' segment of course; but who listens? TV- is king and gets treated like, one. But 1 really, didn't feel th.at bad. about not hearing any radii program segnients. I'could barely see the yv excerpts. ,The reason was simple. TV cameras need bright lights". And when you have TT camera men walking all -aro-rind arid taping this moinentous: 1978 42nd. ,Annual Presentation, you can't dim any lights to let the audience see what their tame to see. afriglit-J can learif —to squint and strain to see those award winning segments in'. bright' lights. I can 'lean forward and try to Make out the faint image of Paul harvey .whd • addressed us from the •screen. couldn't make' it to accept hi.'S reward in 4person, even though he was the super thiper winner of the year. dpn'tmind. 1 don't' mind at all: that the main speaker talked all about American TV, and and radio rules and regulations. I don't Mind if the people from Boston who were supposed M sit on the other side of .me came late—just in time for after dinner-Coffee. I had-two extra fruit, appetizers and three more dinner rolls-AhankV.tb them. • • 'I don't mind at all. Because I. brought home with me • my trophy--My' " prized — paper award--matter no less, just in case .1 want to frame it. • . -- It,Ls all mine. And 'nobody's having it, 1 deserve it. Not becauSe of my awarding. winning Bob Harrington radio program, but because I gave five days out of my, life to accept it, and four days to recover. And if CBC wants to hang a copy up 'on their walls,. they'll have to pay $20.00 for it. • Mine was free. Local'people start Re dri ve , The ,annual, , .. sampaign to provide fund-to-assist in the work of.the Canadian Red Cross Soceity Society gets.. Under ',Way • in the Seaforth area thi'S week and Will • continue' throughout March The Seaforth area objective is $2500.00 while across 'Ontario the Soeiety expects to raise $4,500,000:09. • ,Tlie campaign: has;,been. organized by a committee-headed by_.Chairman Robert McMillan. Others on the Committee include Hon,.. President Lillian Kerslake, .secretary, Thelma Dale, captains Jean Stewart,. Donna Patterson, clarencc Walden, , 'Effie Stephenson, 'Grace , Titford. Shirley Stafford, 011ie MacDonald and Adrienne Hutchison. The Winthrop area representative is cirol Hunt while Alvin McDonald represents Walton. . The committee plans a house to house canvass that will continue throughout March. Gifts also may 'he forwarded .by mail or left at any Seafortb bank. In all betWeetf 75 and 100 volunteer canvassers will take part in the campaign. -Any interested in 'assisting may call any member of the committee.. The Red Cross Society services_ the Seaforth, area through its London District headquarters March meeting Of the SeafOrth Women's Institute will b.e held at the home of Mrs. GOrdian Elliott, on March 14 at 8:15 P.m! Speaker for the meeting 'will be 'Mrs. , Susan White, Editor Of the,Huron ExpoSitor. Roll call to be answered with "What part can. we as individuals play in ther formation of 'public opinion." ' Lunch .conimittee will be Mrs. G•' . l Pagple,Mrs. McNairn, Mrs. L. Carter and Mrs. Kay. 4 ' The regular meeting of SeaKirth Hospital Auxiliary will be held at. 8 p.m. On Tuesday', March 14th at .Seaforth Com- munity Hospital -Board Room. GueSt speaker will be .Robert Plurnsteel. Everyone welcome. Where' emphasis is op the Red Cross blood .donor program. Jn addition The Red Cross-snonsors a water safety" program wiTh which the Seaferth.„ I,ions, Park Pool instruction is allied.'.' ' . In commenting on the need for area cooperation to ensure that the objective is reached Mr. -• McMlilan said the sixteen programs sponsored by the 'society *create a ,continuing demand for funds despite the care with which campaign, resources are budgeted. He emphasized that 90 percent Of ,,the work carried out by the- Red Cross ,is done by volunteer's. ' Ronnenberg Insurance Agency INCOME TAX PREPARED Farmers —Businessmen — Individuals —At Reasonable Rates — File early to avoid the Rush and delay, in refunds [24 years Experience] •THE HURON EXPOSITOR t. be made to lower taxes." Cute, huh? If you have any children' under 18 'and die without a will the, Offictal'Guardian copes intd the • picture and must approve the sale . o(any real estate or the'vvithdraVf of any, money your spOuse might need to, educate . or maintain thent,. „There's a:' healthy charge for advice of course, and. 'what you leavepays•it. • • Your . children will get their shares of your estate, in full al that magic., mature'(?) age. Their. • interests are carefully guarded. until they're 18 but „they can spend the ,money any Way they Want, That's' what the law says if •—we-w.ant rthe-government—inakes-- .Y.D.u--d0111-114Y-Q--.4. '• one for us, , • YoOr spouse is considered Thatoin effect is what happens executor and he or she must post a bond of double the arnount of if you die intestate, et. without a will: The Devolution of Estates your estateto make sure all is fair Act takes over. Once ' that and square. Borrowing that bond ... ' happens the consequences can be costs " Al l m tohneesye applications to aag:pi disaterous for the loved ones you leavebehind and for any business entail: sericiu,s delay ...apd or intereSts that you've built up. expertNe," the non'-will Will says "Scare tactics", the accountant and it's not kidding. Your hei rs said as he passed around a "will" would be' lucky to see.any money _at all , from your estate with! 'at that outlined exactly how an estate would be left if the least a year. after -Your deitli.: -- deCeased had no will. He. said the'If your spouse remarries .and document had been successful in dies without a will, the second the past at getting clients who 'husband or vviteTvould be entitled . were. reluctant...to make a. will to to a third of what is. in fact your ' get to it. , estate. And no wonder. The "will" I'm not up on all the legalities • „that we all have if we don't have a but I heard enought on th,e weekend to understand that it's :Will says, among 'other things' just, plain silly not to. 'flake will; -- "Under exisiting tax ,law, there I don't have anything to leave, are certain legit' ate avenueS open to me to lataxeS arising you say? Stop a minute and think , about that. Maybe you don't have , on my death. Since I prefer,- to have my money used for *IlluBeuh,t cash : governmental stae 'has sky rocketed' governmental purpOes rather than for the benefit of my- wife in value in the past five year's. ,,,,.,and children, I direct that no effort. • McKillop names collector for dog licences, 'township. Gravel for farm lanes was se ,t The new rates are: one male at .$3,00 per cubic yard., mo her Joyce accompanied them dog $5.00: second male, $10.00 Corti consented to a land • and eich=additional male 520.90, ' 'seigrance of approximately 100 Formerly the fee was $2.00 per, acres for agricultural purp-oses-cm" '" male dog. For a female dog The concession 10, lot 8,' owned by fee"i8 ., . $8:00 for fir Francis S Murray st; $13,00 for seeond; and $k30.60 for each additional. Formerly-the fee• was $4 b Council established a building under .,the Ontario.00 for a 'female. Building Code: No person will „ Where the owner can produce-a construct alter, demolish, remove - or relocate unless '..a permit has , veterinary' surgeon's certificate been- issued by the building . that a female dog has been r. spayed the licence fee will be the inspeCto • Council made application to Ontario Housing for an additional For this special 75th drawing, yourWintano ticket quslifies you for all 5 regular$100,000 draws • PLUS 2 special prizes of $75,000 102 special prizes of $7,500 102 special prizes of $750 and thousands of other special prizes ' ...for a total of more than150,000 prizes worth nearly $6 million!, Your regular Wintario ticket number gives you thousands more chances to win in this Diamond Jubilee bonus draw! It's good for all the regular - tax-free prizes.. .PLUS SIX SPECIAL BONUS DRAWS, featuring two bonus prizes of $75,000, for tickets with the correct series numbef and five-digit ticket number combinations. In addition, two separate five-digit numbers Wabe drawn—one for $7,500 and the Other for $750—PLUS two other- three-digit numbers for over 18,000 $25 prizes.There will also be over 35,000 $25 prizes for having the last three digits correct in the four major bonus draws! Prizes shown are based on issuance of 102 series of tickets. Each ticket is eligible tO win only one prize in connection with any regular or bonus • prize-Winning number. Winning-tickets must be presented for payment Within a year of the drawing date. For further details see The Lottery Nev,r,s of March 3rd at your retailers; • ATARI° I OT FY CaRPORATOI,F 4 methilv to sty. „ by Susan White • I It s a Wills. They're a difficult thing to talk About. It's 'only human nature I guess to think "if I don't talk about it'it's not going to happen." - ' So whole bunches of us ge,ori not wanting 'to face the fact that we'll die someday and we don't make a will. But actually, as-an accountant pointed oat at. a ,seminar I attended at the Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association convention on Saturday we all have wills,, even if we don't make them. it's just that, if we .don't take the trouble to make and sign our Myn will's, and leave our ' estate to whom we want, the-way • house. If you oWn a term, well you know what prices per acre .are these days. What iabOut that • iniuran olicy yofve been ;Paying premiums on since' Day 1? It 'could itoye.ypqP0?le a' fair siz,ed bundle.. • It's a serious, thing to do and it's notplleasant to sit down and decide:-if' 1 die, what 'happens? Wt. it's onerof!..d>seNthii_14;We all bave.todo Most people in this area own a same as for a male. The report on the Elligson grant of $59,622 for the purpose drain , was considered and a ..by-law was provi,sionally adopted. •of making loans to •Owners of hOrnes requiring repairs. The estimated coat of fife drain IS , $10,920, •il id - to the Maitland Valley Conserva- „. Gravel tenders were dpened tionAuthority for 1978, up $1,175 and that of Joe Kerr Ltd. Of from laa year; also-the levy to the Wingh am was accepted to Ausable Conservation AuthroitY ' , for $500 which is the same as last year. • pfiZes Ove 35,000., • a Wain mote ib cam,* kowares -#07$24 million— Diamond TibilfeDraw . Matcn 16 4 door sedan in dark brown metallic with a tan vinyl interior, 350 V8 engine', aulomatic, power steering and brakes, rear defogger , full wheel disc, body Side moulcangs. White Wall radial tires Lic. #HNM190 Weekly Special regular Price • $2,895. With lic—ense S- 2688 we album wil l, Make a will. save a lot Of grief for those ,who surviVe you. Make sure' the person you leave everything to-has a will to.., if you both go at ,Onee all Your efforts .are for . 'My Oke] supply, crush and apply gravel to ,,,.,,JfcJil1op Township council the.. township rdads for appointed Edna Shannon of approximately 2,0,000 cubic yards R.R.4, Walton, Monday to licen6e 4 gravel at $1.90 per cubic yard and register _ and colleet the for an approximate total cost of .. WE LIKE MOVIES — Little Andrea and Bradley Pibey are among the customers . licence fee for dogs , in the $38,000. • who enjoyed the Optimist 'movies for Children on a recent Saturclay,afternoon. Their (Expositor Photo)' NOW PAYING au '0/ /2 to Compound Bruit:els Office Open Monitton Office Operi Tuesdays & Fridayt Monday tint Saturday Plione:881-666.1 Pinine,341.2241 "'"••••,•••••••7•••••••••••••••!•:4,45Mq.kNw•:':, Live ontIV! Tune in 9:00 poi.,Thursday, March 16, from Port Colivriie: FHI•471Vi.