HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-03-02, Page 19•
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CAMP C11513400.
Camp for crippled.children
is li p for other children.
ept. rounds and buildings are
designed bearing in mind'the
people using them have trouble
getting around. An crippled
children need therapy
Substantial money and
person-power are required to
run these camps. Easter Seals sup-
plies the Staff. The money -comes.
fitnn you. When the Mail brings'
Easter Seals, use them. And send •
a cheque. Darlene's handicap
doesn't get in the way of a
good time at camp. Don't let
money be a prOblem.
Help FasterSeals help crippled children.
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THE HURON EXPOSITge, MARCil t", Om .19 ,. ;;'''''''''" "I r.
ee 3000 to aid Crip ai
•-•1-4-4.4::-1.4 4","r"'"" for the first time, the annual' Easter Seal
appeal will not end on Easter Sunday,: Instead,
the official 'campaign perfod will run from
March 1 to April 2.
Easter Sunday falls on March 26 this year"''
and the Lions Club of Seaforth's campaign
chairman, Tom Young, feels that having the
campaign period include Easter instead of
ending with it will give his hard working
members ,a better chance to reach their
. Mr. Young said that this year's objective is
$3,000.00 which is to be raised 'from Seaford)
and Seaford) rural routes„ Egrnondville and
Walton and Walton rural routes.
In announcing- the objective, Mr. Young
paid warm tribute to local residents Who have
supported the clItIA Easter Seal appeal in' '
previous years.
"We hope to count on their support
he said; "and we MO make a special appeal to
those who, for one reason or another, have not
yet-made an Easter Seal donation,." •
The Ontario wide goalrfor the society, which
---iprovided treatment centres, ' day care
facilities, sumtner camps ad equipment for
12,000 physically handicapped children, in the,
prOvince last year, is $2,500,000—
, Last year, 300 residents contributed $2,000„
to help' the club' in its efforts on behalf of
physically handicapped children. Half of these
funds remained , With the club for direct
services for these , .children within the fir
community. The remainder went to Ale_
Ontario Society-.-for .Crippled Children' to
provide province-wide services beyond the.
scope of any one community.
Although the campaign period officially
ends on April 2, donations will be more than
welcome, anytime throughout the year.
Easter Seal fads
and figures
. •
The Ontario Society for Crippled Children's I978 Eastee.,Seal
objective is $2,500,000. This figure-is ,based careful analysis
of the Society's min imum "needs in Order to meet its obligation to
almost 9,000 physically handicapried youngsters throughout -
Devoted to the welfare of physically handicapped youngsters
throughdut the Province, the Ontario Society for Crippled
Children is based on the work of 233 affiliated :service: clubs and 4
finance_d 'largely contributions to its anntfal Easter • Seal
appeal, e
The Ontario Society for Crippled Children's services • and
facilities ,are available to any youngster in Ontario, whose
restriction of activity by reason of neurological, musculo-skeletal
. or other non acute organic defect produces a physical handicap,
The Ontario Society for. Crippled Children's, objective is to
assist physically handicapped Youngsters in ,achieving their
-maximum potential by means of a comprehensive treatment and
training program. , -
The Ontario Society'for Crippled Children's.program includes
skilled diagnosis,• cliniclevaluation, speCialized dental services,
active rehabilitation treatment, district nursing ,services,
camping and community recreation programs, -artificial limbs,
braces and other aids, training for employment, counselling and
. • medical research.
' • The Ontario Society kir Crippled Children's current active case
• .=
load consist of almost 9,000 physically handicapped children
throughout Ontario.
The Ontario Society for Crippled Children's 23 , District
Nursing. Offices provide a co:nsolting nurjpg , service to
physically handicapped children and their parents in. the home
through its 40 specially trained public health nurses.
The Ontario, 'Society for Crippled' Children's five stonier
camps provide the largest specialized camping program of its
kind 'in the world. to more than 1,000 physically handicapped
youngsters each year. '
The Ontar.jo Sobiety for Crippled Children offers parent relief
by providing spetial holldays for severely handicapped children,
unable to attend-the Society's special camps.
The Ontario Society for Crippled Children 'arranges or
sponsors any needed transportation for physically handicapped -
children to treatment centres, hospital's, clinics or .camps.
The Ontario, Society for Crippled Children sponsors basic 'and
,clinical research into crippling disorders of children, 'preventive
measures and new treatment techniqueS.
This year'S twin Timmies, Peter and Paul Settle of
Hamiltoh, Ontario, add a couple of prized aUtographs to
their rapidly growing colleCtion when they encountered
weld' champion marathon swimmer Loreen Passfield
(L) and the first woman to Corfiplete a double crossing of
the English Channel, Scarborough's Cindy' Nicholas.
,'Last' August, Loreen won her fourth world
championship, title in 10 miles of rough, cold water off
Chicago. , •
CindY, holder of the Lake Ontario record, 'has
4' dorique,reci. the English Channel no' fewer thah -five!
times. Last September, she completed a double
-crossing of that treacherous 22-mile stretch of water in
the remarkable record breaking
Peter and Paul have also set a new record. In the 32
years' that the • annual Easter Seal appeal haS been
symbolized by a Timmy, thiS is the first time-that twins
have been chosen as goodwill ambassadors icy the
Ontario Society for Crippled Children.
ThroughoUt March, these two 16 year oldS will attend
numerous special events in an attempt to fOcus
_attention on the needs of thousands of Ontario'_s
physoally handicapped children. To meet these needs,
the taster Seal, appeal must raise a minimum of
time of 19 hours 55
March 1 -April 2
J with East~rSeals. -s-
Use the addressed envelope you have received with your Easter Seals in the mail,
but if this his been misplaced, send your EASTER SEAL DONATION anyway.
Campaign Conducted by ' '
LIONS ma' OF SEAFDATH, TOM YOUNG, Chairman, Easter Seal Committee
To conserve mailing expenses, receipts for gifts under $5.00 sent only upon request.
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