HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-03-02, Page 17Richard Lobb--Auctipheer AUCTION CALENDAR Clinton 482-7898 Sat.,Mareh 11- • Lakeview machinery auction, Carlow, Sat.,Mar. 18 2 P.M. Truck, tractors; combine for John Cronyn. 1% North & 2 mi east of Blyth. Sat.,April 1, 12:30 House-- hold garage 'tools, 'farm machinery, etc. for Bill, tson, 3 3A west of Exeter • and 1mile north. , Wed., April 5, 11 a.m. Dairy cattle, feed, farm' machinery, etc. for Ray €lat'''Of B'lyth. Sat.,April 8th, 1 . P.M. Large •tractors and disfarm machinery for Crich Farms Ltd., '6 miles west of Walkerton: and 9 miles north en Hydro Road. Tues., April 11 , 1 P.M . John Reere tractors & farm'` machinery for. Bob Storey,' 1/2 nil. west of Holmesville on •Cut Line. ' Sat., April 15, tractors and, machinery for Harris Butson, 3 3/4 miles south of Mitchell on .Hwy. 23. 20-38-1 • Custom Slaughtering clad Processing li ar out convenience free beef pH, up for athance hooking,s in January and February. Kill Day Wednestla, 1_, LI . tnnrin:z OASHwoOD 2 37 -8 3 1 4 a Disc Jockey STEVEN;VCOUNTRY GOLD AND ROCK 'N' ROLL Good recorded music for weddings, banquets, , afiniVersaries, etc, • Phone Brussels 'evetils 887-6 , 59 19-14-tf 1' ..••••••••••••••••••••••••/ , • HPRONIEXPOSITOR, NIMICH 2, 1978 if you .have an eye or .iwal value • ly 14 "Property P—or Sale 24 Cards of Thanks 20 Auction SaICs 19 Notices 10 Notices 20. Auction Sales 14 Properq For Sale EXPERT Installation . of your- •fa ,••••••...••••••••,. •• Gethke G. G R. R .• • • • GENERAL-AUCTIONEER IWTHWIELL'S 11111.11:INCZ=JIMN: FORREST — In loving' memory of my dear husband, Ross James, who passed away one year ago March 4th,1 977. There'sa: gift in life you, cannot tny, It's very rare and true, It's the gift of a wonderful husband, Like the one , I had, in you.e, The many things' you did for me, I'n your kind and lo"ving way, You gave me years of happiness, No-one can take away. , Nothing cduld be more beautiful, Tan the memories. I have of you. Lovingly remembered and l'Sadly missed by his wife Peggy,. 24.38x1 carpet or vinyl' in your home, van or boat. can itobert. Watcher... 482-3112, Clinten 19.38-ti GfORGE R JOHNSTON_ REAL ESTATE LIMITE D BROKER BOX 249 WEST LORNE.0141.-1 768-1170 NI •Serving Perth and Huron • Huron • Cottpties with many y.Fars 9 • A. • of- experience. • • • " • For reliable service at • Seaf-artii Auction To be held at Rathwell's Auction' Centre, 77 Main Street, Seaforth consisting of Hdusehold Furniture, antiques. appliances and miscellaneouS' items on , • SATURDAY, MARCH 18 at 10:30 A.M. RATHWEWS AUCTION SE RVICE 77 Main Street - • • SEAFORTH Bus. 527-1458 NEW WN.Q41'ES — -On-Jarvis - Street. I split level and 2 split entry, all 3 bedroom with garage. Priced from $49,900., VICTORIAN MANSION — Impressive 21/2 ' stdrey, 5 bedroom red brick features, ornate open' stair ease,' fireplace —in diningroom, fully carpeted, Beautifully - decorated. Gas hot water heat, detached garage, 2.4 acres" of treed property, Located: :in Clinton. Dead Stock Removal • reasonable rates, • • Call 347-2465 Collect • • • •Sat.,March 25 - farytt71,*-- • machinery, 'shop equip- • • ment, some household • • effects at lot 18, con.- 3 : •• • Hibbert, 2' miles south- • • Westpethiockf D. ublinfOr Harold : • • • • • • .Wed.,March 29. - Tractors, • 411 Combine. . farm • • machinery, etc. 3, miles • John .no Shea. rthofSt. Columbus for • • ••• • - • Fri.,March 31 - 12 Noon - • Small,' neat; comfortable and well-situated home. Suitable for a couple or one person. 04e block From Blue Sunoco corner. Next week well give details of a • heritage-type pistbric home jogging distance from Main Street, 6 bedroom's, '31/2 modern -bathrooms, etc. etc. etc. • Coming up soon • a two- family dwelling close, to Anglican Church. The best buy in town an easytoheat,.alumiontii.sicled residence that will stand the -,,elose'st inspection. Asking' price $34,500. Owner willing to talk .• about financing.' ' • ' The first nice day take a drive around the new sub-division. and drool -lover -the- and give some thought to buying a . lot there. • Tree-tapping weather is around the cerner•••:-... and then comes seeding time. It could be you good fortune to acquire 100 acres of cash-erne land close to • Seaforth. • • • •.. WiLLIAM,M.HART • Seaforth 527-0870 Or 527.1972 '• 14-38-1 • -CLINTON ONTARIO Attention ' farm'ers•: For dependableefficient service on all: farm stock. • CALL COLLECT 482-9811 24 hours a day, 7 days 'a week. "Call us first you won't have to call anyone else," 19-384 DON DENOMME • "Would like to' HELP YOU arrange t 1st en 2nd Mortgage at lower rates:- - MONEY is available 'for. Rural, Industrial - Home Additions and' Itu-• prevenient s - Debt Consolidations - Special Builders' -Plan • - Buy existing Mortgages for Cash. • 'FREE MORTGAGE . INFORMATION 1 St. Mortgage 9 3/4 % 2pFl MOrtgage_12:y"._. 'Call Don collect anytime at 524.2747 ADVANCED REALTY FUND - Goderich Res. 482-3120 20.38-1 x. I wish to thank all those who , 21 Tenders Wanted. 24 Cards of Thanks visitertme and 'sent cards while a . . patient in Seaforth Hospital and A sincere thank you to my family, , special thanks to Dr. Malkus and •. neighbor? and ' friends for the y, all the nurses. -7 ""Mrs. Irene lovely cards, flowers and fruit 1 Grimoldby - . 24-38-1 _phene; 527:005 .- ___ ,.= _iti--- IS, visited-Cr me' whilF1 was in the The fa'mily of the late Edgar machinery-T1,ot 29rCOn. : — ' Grey Twp.; 6 s . , • 19-384 : Tenders , Hos•bital. Special thanks to Drs. Elligsen would like tb express l•VVhitman and. Malkus. Rev. Mr• their sincere thanks and . COUNTRY HOME — On 5 acres in Hullett, 2 floor modernized brick home, has 4 bedrooms; 2 baths, '2 sunporches, most floors carpeted. Modern steel "machine shed.' Bank bar n. -RESTAURANT — with_ qtfarteic -and gas pumps, all lie:My renovated. Good •lecation- ort busy highw ,y, LOTS 4.- 4 adjacent building lots at the south end 0 town. RENOVATED HOME 7,-2 floor 3 bedrooms, .new family room and sun (leek, new aluminum siding.• Smaltbarn. Located in Kinburn,- $29,006.-/ R.S.BOX • ' Large modern farm " : Township of Grey • •- tractors, combine, trucks I . • • grain dryer, full line of ••• .... received and to all those who Seaforth - • st nearly new modern farm • FUNERAL 1101VIE 47 High Street Gravel• • Mi. •east, 2 rni' north of • • • • , Walton at the Village of „ • • Moncrief for John : •• Kry Zanovv'ski. • • • .• .Sat.,-April I st. Tractors, • • farm machinery, 'some • • ' household- effects,- etc. 1 • • mile east of Fullarton •• • village fOr David Davis. • appreciation to all relatives, neighbours and friends for the many kindnesses and expressions .of sympathy ' shown to them during their " recent sad • bereavement of a beloved husband. father and grandfather. The gifts Of food, sympathy cards and letters, , the floral tributes -and memorial donations are-deeply appreciated. A' special thanks• is extended to Rev. and 'Mrs. A. Horst, the Sr. Choir and the L.C.VV.'of St. Peters Church, Brodhagen, the Lockhart Funeral Home and to everyone 'who assisted in our home. The knowledge that so many kind people shared in our sorrow. over the loss of our loved one meant more-than words can express. • 24-38-1 Reuben and to an the nurses for the excellent care given me. It was all very much appreciated. --- William Boyd. 24-38x1 • During my recent stay in Seaforth Hospital I reeeiVed so many cards and visits' that it is difficult ,for,,me to express to you individully My gratitude for your concern--and thoughtfulriess so I would like- to take this way of thanking you all. I would' also like to thank especially the two men pn the ambulance crew who. responded so promptly, Doctors Malkus and Underwood and the nurses ). r their wonderful care and,the everend Mr. ReUber•for his' visits and prayer. A special thanks also to Yerna Stephenson, Ludy K enny, Northside United Church Choir and Arlene for the gifts of flowers to brighten up my room. — Pearl- E. - Williams. 24138-1 Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned or. Clerk Treasurer at the Township °Nee, Ethel, Ontario; until 12 o'clock noon MONDAY, MARC1T6, 1978 for crushing :arid application'-of 23,000 cubic yards more or Jess of •• 5/8 Granular A material to Grey 20 Auction Sales HOME INSULATION SERVICE Homes and all types of buildings Specializing in BLOWN CELLULOSE INSULATION Free Estimates'-- No obligation LOUIS BLAKE R.R.#2,BRUSSELS, Ontario 887-6800 Serving the people of Western -Ontario for over a quarter of a century. I9-38-tf • • Sat.,April I, 10 a.m. 100 • Township 'roads. :Gravel to be VANASTRA —,2 floor 4 be room hotne. 'Insulated • to h die -standards for . electric hea $35,600. HULLET,T — 3 bedroom country home TM 1 1/2 acre's. drilled w new Oahe. $31,900. Clinton Office 482-3595 John Thompson 527=.0238 Dick van dei Wert' 482-3165 DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LIIVITIED Realtors 14.38-1 • acre farm 4 ml. N.W. of IL. • Dublin .for Martin M • supplied by the •Township. •Bidders must use. Tender `• - Maloney Estate. • • • • • Sat.,April. 8 - • , a • • • farm machinery; some'• .•• • 'hosuehold effects 11/2 se .0 miles ..north -of '2St. : . •• • Columban for „lames • I McQuaid. ' • 0 •• Sat.,April 15 - Hogs, feed, • ' •-• • farm' machinery, some • • household effects 4 nil.. *. Forms available at the Township Offide, Ethel, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All tenders subject to .the approval by the M.T.C. • ROSS ENGEL ROAD SUPERINTENDENT R. R. #3, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO NOG 1H0 21,-37-2 ,,,, BAILEY REAL ESTATE LTD. 482.-9471 , Clinton 175 acre dairy farm neat Brussels, 155 acres workalite, fully equipped, 'milk house; Good 2 storey brick 'home. 12 acres near 2 storey long'' L-type barn. . • * * *4%* * TRI TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE '25 In Memoriam '. FORREST ln loving Y mem of • N,W. of Dublin for 1: • - • Martin Maloney Estate. 7' • • . • . - • • Sat.,Apr. 22 1 o'clock 65 ' Tenders for • , • a dear father and grandfather, 15 Property For Rent . Income Tax Returns . Business Farm - Individual LAWRENCE-BEANE Phone 482-9260 • acres farm land, tractors, • We wish to take this opportunity Ross James' who passed away op •• to extend our heartfelt thanks to year ago March 4th, 1977. Caretaker • farm machinery, feed & • • sonic household effect s • Our •friends and 'neighbours for for the Kipper Upited Chnrch We, will always remember the the' many acts cif kindness and • .ONE one-bedroom and one two- bedroom apartments, Pinewood / Coirrt 177 Albert Street, Clinton.,' Aft electfic, frig, and stove Brucefield included. Contact- 262-2536. - 15-38-3 Available year round 19.3.84 • at Lot 10, We st Mitchell Rd., ',Fullarton • Twp. 5 0, ▪ miles_ -south of Mifehell:• , • for Alvin .Pearn expressions of sy-mpathy extended to us during the death of a wife and mother, Mrs., Betty Koehler. Sincer ,thanks for beautiful floral tributes,, for the food brought to our 'home and . for the • donations .to ' the 'Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis --Society, CanCer and other funds. A special thanks goes to the Seaforth Community Hospital and the. University Hospital nursing staffs and Doctors Brady, Malkus and Hudson for their kindness and helpfulness, Also thanks-to Reverend Rcuber, es. Box Funeral Home and the Winthrop U:C,W. for their lovely _Jonah, • • • • • way he looked, And the way he spoke and smiled. e little things he said and did. With us all the while.. He meant so very much to us, But nothing we cal say, Can tell the sadness in our hearts As we think of him each day. He nerr failed to do gisJbest, its heart 'was true and tender, And those who loved him most of all, Are the ones' that will always remember. -NO one knows the grief-we share, When we all meet and you are,na there, Though absent you are always near, - - - -.Van acts of kindness will long be Still loved, st Ill missed, still remembered and appreciated. — dear. The Koehler Family. 24-38x1 Lovi ng ly remembered by IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES WAMSLEY Nancy and Kevin, Bill and Lowest or any tender, ,not necessarily accepted. Closing • . • 20-38-1 • • • • • • • •"S • 1•• • • • • • • • • • •• • • 260 acres' crop land in Goderich Twp. 220. 'acres workable'. 1 1 /2 storey home in tondesbdro. 6. rmS,• 4 -bdrms-.• oil heat, &se to. school. % • 231/2. acres land,: 1/2 „Mile from BlUeVa le * * * ** 192 St.Orey home in Brussels,' 5 - rms..3:hdrms`„ carpeted, oil heat. ** * * Half aer lid in Blyth. • Ladies and .children clot hing- store, living quarters above. adja.cent, service station in Ellyth, Excellent business for man and_ wife: • - ___ _ — • * * 133 acre dairy farninear Walton, ...--122:--acres• workable., 'fully equipped. Good 1 1./2 storey-brick home. date for tender MARCH 19, )978 " Send tenders or contact 'ROBERT KINSMEN -R.R.#2, KIPPEN NOM 2E0 or 262-5480.- 21-38-1 17 Wanted To, Rent . . ANY =punt of good cash crop land in Brucefield area: Apply Box #3.309, The Huron Expositor... Seaforth, Ontario. ' 17-38x3 • • . • Wanted to rent or share crop 25 50 acres of land in the Brodhagen rea.snitable• tor grain or corn, -""Apply Box 3313. The Huron Expositor, Seaforth. • 1,7-37x2 • 19 Notices •• WESTERN CANADA SCHOOL - OF AUCTIONEERING LTD. Canada's first, and the only completely CAnadian course offered anywhere. Licensed under the. Trade• Schools Licensing Act, R:S.A. 1970, C.366. For particulars of the. next course\write: Box 687, Lacombe, Alberta or Phone 782-6215. , 19-34-9 USE EXPOSITOR . WANT - ADS Phone 527-0240 22 Legal Notices 1, Donald 'Bennewies, am no, longer responsible for any debts unless incurred by myself as of February 27. - 22-38-3 CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING _ . and Rif iTHWELL'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' Carpentry PROCESSING Beef-Mondays, Hogs, Tuesdays Al's Market Phone 262-2017 19.384 Heather, Deanna, Dave. and All persons having claims against 44 e We grandsons, Tim Mark and Jame% • the'Estate ni ofJames Waslej, late - Fathers of Gary Indiana for all 25-38x1 wish to thank the Basilian ocfotuhnetyTowonf of Huron Retired Rinetitrheed thOughtful kin,desses shown our O'CONNOR -1-- In loving memory Mecanic, deceased, who died on • Brother Father, Vincent Eckert. of Frank O'Connor wl-te,, passed ' 'the 19th day of February, 1978, We also wish to" thank all our' relatives and friends for the away one year ago March 3, 1977. are hereby notified to send in full numerous Mass Cards, Sympathy Cfne year age you 14t for work, particulars of their claims to the Cards and donations to Cancer With -your usual joking and smile, undersigned on or before the 23rd Fund. A special thank you to ron 'Then, suddenly without a chance day of March, 1978, after which and P attic .Firmi and Barbara and''' You were gone in such a short Bill Eckert for accommodating the appreciated. •=• 'Sisters Clotilda, WilWwBhieibtielaecen.aknw 'rewere all together secret tears and loving . . eot. have those old days relatives after the funeral. ------,. Everything was deeply ••Lucy and Brother James mid .all, his relatives, 24-38x1 'thoughts . Will be with us forever. .0-- - — Sadly missed by wife' Leona- We would like to thank everyone and Children-, Pat, TerfY, Colleen, who who visited tis and sent cards, Jane and Dan.. .25 ' gifts and flowers during our sty in HOME RENOVATIONS SAALL ADDITIONS GENERAL CARPENTRY BOB REGELE 527-0715' on Estate- Auction CI * ** FOOD FOR THOUGHT Old taxes never die; they just turn • up under a different name. • 14-38-I Held for' the ESTATE 'OF MILTON JOHNSON and NORMAN TYNDAtL at Rathwells Auction: Centre, 77 Main St., Seaforth On' WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 8 • - at 6:30,P.M. e, • SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Fast efficient service. Write or call Harvey D, e, Seaforth. Phone Clinton 482- 0 or Seaforth 527-0284. 19-384 rs .19.38-2 15'tProperty For Rent, TWO droom apartment. gas heated separate drive, available March 1. 527-004.1. 15-37x2 NEARLY new 3 bedroom house available iminediately. Phone 527-0610. . 15-38-ff "-MODERN farm home, close to Seaforth, available March 1, 527-0197 after 6 p.m. - 15-37-2 , 3 bedrooth farm 'fiCinie, 3 miles east of Hens311 with -all moderq conveniences. No pets. Phone 262-5988. 15-37-2 TWO bedroom - apartment in Mitchell with private. entrance_ 345-2676. 15-38-2 TWO new apartments, in Blyth, two bedroom. Supplied with fridge and' strive. 4.vailable 1st of • March. contact Ralph Campbell, 523-9604. 15-38-2 For Renovating, insulating and Aluminum Siding call: CONSISTING AF : Car - 1966 Valiant 6 cyl.(as is) FURNITURE AND • ANTIQUES — 8 pc. rock maple dining room suite (refinished); round oak pedestal 'table; sideboard; 1" pine jani cupboard;. parlour tables and chairs; blanket box; cane bottom chairs; oval tablet Duncan Phyfe.drop leaf extension table: rock maple _hutch, (new); 'living room chesterfield, chairs and odtf chairs; sewing maChine and cabinet's; 54" bed and ,mattresses; other beds and Mattresses, dressers, washstand; chest of drawers; needlepoint chairs:wicker bottom chairs; cedar chest; portablt oven; two . door refrigerator; 24" cOppertone stove; Kelvinator 500 autotnatic dishwasher. (nee); plank bottom chairs; 'small round Duncan Pl,le table; hall rack; day couch; hooked "rugs; -Milan china cabinet. GLASS & CHINA— 2 hand painted porcelainplaques; Canadian glass; crystal; nil glass; silver butter dish; salts -peppers; blown ,g. ts vases; cheese dish: 12 pc. matching' "Mother of Pearl" silverwari, jlrolierse:r rr,ench ivory dresier • 8`matching salters; TERMS — CASH OR PERSONAL CHEQUE ' date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received, Lyle Ward 527-0347 tv, Call your Carpenter. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this . 28th day of, February, 1978, McCONNELL STEWART &, • DEVEREAUX, Seaforth, Ontario , ,Solicitors for the Executors 22-38-3 Also- snow and ice removal off house roofs. for building kitchen cabinet's, steps, additions to homes and renovating Contact • - JIM COLEMAN • y 1, SEAFORTH- ' 527-1684 ',19:37-tf 19-35-4 Seaforth Commuhity Hospital and since welca've returned home. We would also like to say a very special thank you to Dr. Rodney, Dr. Malkin, the O.B. staff and nurses for taking such good care of us.—Margie and Lone Ann Black. '24,38.1 MASONRY vvoul specializing in fireplaces and chimneys: Cement work and other odd jobs. Free estimates. For more information call Stan Kit•kham.. Mitchell, 348-8797. 19.384 Additional Classified on Next Page NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE '0F AGNES ANN LAMONT VACANCIES for retiea' 'people. downstairs.now available with 3 meals served daily (not a nursing honie) Van Danime's Holiday Home, Ontario Street. • Clinton, 482.3685. • 19.384 All persons having claims against the ESTATE. OF AGNES ANN 'LAMONT late of the Towteof • Seaforth, in the Countypf Huron, deceased, who died on like .17th day of January, 1978, are hereby notified to send in.full particulars, of their claims to the undersigned on pr before the 9th day of Mar , 1978, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only: to claims then received. 23 Bus. Directory, 23 Bus. Directory RATHWELL'S AUCTJON SERVI 77 Main sfreet SEATORTH ONTARIO Business-527.1458 Complete Bookkeeping Service & Related Odds Income Tax Assistance Preparation INDIVIDUALS — SMALL BUSINESSES FARMING WILFRED L. ELLIOTT • Res. 482.3126 20-38- I ELIZABETH ;COURT HENSALL, ONT. Now renting, new building 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Shag carpeting throughout, Kelvinator appliances, laundry facilities all 'utilities paid. - - Fi inquiries PHONE 4337781 LONDON 15.-38-if E EXPOSITOR CLASSIVIED Action, :Ads . READ an. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 10th day of February. 1978. MCCONNELL STEWART & DEVEREAUX Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executors 22-36.3 12 N. Main St, -Seaforth, Ontario 'NOIC iWO 23-38-t f PHONE • DIRE T 5274 4 Telephone 4519)527-0301 . P.O.Box 729 • • ,,,•••••••••••••••••••••