HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-03-02, Page 13% . THE HURON Exposnrono MARpti 2, 1918
Jane Stephens
rucefield honour qc
I b/ Plan today, tor tomorrow
• .--- r with an RASP
at your Credit Union INIMIIIMIEm•nrm
at 1 '
1 ,
• :Correspondent
Mary Chessell
• • 482-9969
-WinnerS at the. Orange Lodge
"—euchre.' party . on Friday night
•• :Lodi-es-7 41+0 art
Pepper: Ladies' Low - Mrs.
_AM twin Johnston; Men's High
Frank Thompson: Men's Low -
Jack Taylor. Draw winners weir:
Mrs. Della Slavin, Bill Chessed,
Mrs.' Bob -Dalrymple and- Mrs.
Bruce Mcclinchey. Thefe were
► thirteen tables play.. The
Orangemen arc having a .dance at kA • • Holly Gully on Saturday. Marti
.18. • with• music , by the Green-
sleeves. Please keep thiS date,in
mind if you'd like to go out and
have ,a good time with 'your
friendS...and neighbour*, — •-•-- •
Mr. 'and Mrs. Mervyn .Hatyer
have returned from a t 11' O' week
vacation in Florida.• They were
accompanied by Miss Frances
Carpenter of London,
' Bill and Eleanor WAsh
returned a week ago from a lovely
-and relaxing vacation in the
Harbados. '
Kippen native to
work in Arabia
Important Notice
Within '
Interim Tax Bills will be mailed on or before
- March 17, 1978, payable in two instalments
on (March 31' and June 15, 1978.
This tax billing, represents the equivalent of
60 mills on your real property assessment
and business assessment or approximately ,
50% of your 1977 Realty 'and Business Tax
As art example
If your real property assessment is 1000,
multiply this amount by. 060 to calculate the
' interim tax, bill and divide by 2 to calculate
'the amount of each instdlment.
60.00 [2 instalment; of $30.00]
Your interim instalment payments will be
shown as a CREDIT oh your FINAL TAX NOTICE.
Elizabeth A. Oke
Tcxx Collector
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Henson .....
Couples home
from Florida I
. Mrs. Hughltsrp: . younger girls of both
• A shower was held art:Saturday. congregatioWS Served Inch. •
afternoon at Brucefield United ' • Personals
Church M
for Miss Jane Stephens, .
. .. r. and ' Mrs. A. Gribben,
daughter of Roy. E.S.Stephens Mrs. Edna Paterson and Mrs.
. and Mrs. Stephens by the Kippen' Pearl Eyre returned home on
and Brucefield ladies. . Saturday after a cool holiday in
Mrs. . Ruby Triebner acted as' Florida
chairplatifOr the occasion. Mr. and Mrs., Wm. Pepper and
After a brief program by other reptiVes are spending a feW
members 'of Kippen , Wig week in Florida also, Vic and
Brucefield, Jane was called, to Mrs. Hargreaves are enjoying tne
the front accompaoied by her • sun in Florida.
mother. where she received many Mrs. Mona Caldwell is a
• gilt:..• , patient in Seafqrth Hospital. -
' : Mrs. Paul Cornier has returned
.1i-t;‘ALr'ktratilced all f:thtoe b -c lovelyMa tgifts t satnhd' home after having surgery in
,..,••,; ..,•,• ,,fii.,,,,,n. The Victoria Hospital.
Correspondent .
Mrs. Bertha McGregor • •
Mr. and Mrs. Fric
returned home front a two week's
vacation in Florida and while
there visited Mr. and Mrs.- Robert
Mr, and Mrs: Hugh MeEwen
returned home froth a vacation
spent in, Sarasota and St, Peters-
berg, Florida. •
Rev, Fox of London conducted
service in Carmel Presbyterian
Chuteh on Sunday continuing his
studies, on St: ,Luke 'Chapter--16
"The. Shrewd Manager" • Rev„
Vernon Tozer of St. Marys will
conduct. the service on Sunday
March 5th. Choir practice will be
heid for the Junior and' Senior
choirs. Sunday March 12th
Fox will conduct the. Communion
service. The World's Day of
Prayer service will be held in
Hensall United Church• in the
Fellowship Room at 2430 p.m.
Friday March 3rd. • .
Miss Dorothy Farquhar
Toronto spent the Weekend 'with ,
, • sons Of Exeter were recent . • •. •
visitors with Mrs;FUnk's parents_ •
-Mr-; and 'Mrs: 'Gordon Troyer.
• Mr, and Mrs. Lionel Wilder
and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fields
..... returned hothe from a motor
to Texas, Arizona.
Surprised on Birthday •
Mrs. 11,H. Boyce who has been •
spending several months withlier".
son-in-law and daughter Mr. and
Mrs', Earl Hacket in Stratford way
pleasantly surprised on the
. . occasion of het birthday when a
number of neighbours and friends
front' Hensall gathered ' at the
• home of Mr. and. Mrs. Hackett..
An enjoyable afternoon was spent_
and .refreShenents served by the
• • hostess. Those attending from
this , area were Mrs. Vera ,
Brintnell, Mrs. Clarence
Coleman, Mrs, Earl Kins:man--
. • Miss Mary Kinsman,: Mrs. Jack
Brintnell, Mrs.. Kerslake, Mrs.
-Alvin Cole and Mr. and Mrs, Ted
thuss and family.• •
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton
have taken up residence in the,
Flizabeth COurts Apartments.
Mrs. Irene `Finlaysen and Mrs.
:-Beligeugh'-returned -home
' tram a - pleasant holiday in
Florida: . •
A large crowd attended the
SpringZ'one• Council meeting.held
in HenSall ,Legion. Hall on
Wednesday .evening, All legions
jn the zon-e-werckwell•attended by .•
members. The President Grant
'MeClinchey welcomed -the Zone '
Commander . George Campbell
Correspondent •
' Mrs. Rena Caldwell
The first 4-H nfeeting of
Kippen 2 was held on February 20
at the home of the leader. Mrs. E.
3. Roberts. Mrs. Roberts gave a
warm welcome to all the girls and
especially to the new members.
The Club opened with. tiVe 4-H
Pledge after which Mrs. Roberts
explained its ' meaning. The
election of offieefs 'results were:
President, Eileen Connolly; Vice
President: Sandra Finlayson;
Secretary, Floating tile first
secretary, Sherri Dayman: Press
Reporter, Linda Rob&s-:
• The Will Call "What does 4-H
tnearrto me?" was answered by
16 members.
Assistant Leader, 'Mrs. S.
Wilson gave a few important
pointers on "Developing good
Mental and Emotional Health
Habits". After adjournment, a
delicious, lunch was served.
Janet Kinsman, daughter of
Mr. and Mt's. Jack Kinsman,
honoured by a miscellaneous
shower held in Chiselhurst United
Church on February 21. Mrs.
Cecil Kipfer read the addreSS'and
the' bride-to-be received many
beautiful and useful gifts. A short
program chaired- by Mrs. C.
(Continued from Page I)
Alex .Thothson.
John Murdoch lived 1 1/2 miles
south of the village on No. 4
Highway„on the farm 'now owned
'by George Clifton. He was greatly
interested, in, rattle, selling and ..
Importing •frem-they-01-d- Country.
The first meeting place or ledge
room:was o ver 'Mrs. Baird's store •. o
and when it 'was destroyed by fire
it waslvate ...s.ltest of, the present
fire hall.- It ' thtugh(the lodge
room must have been moved
sometime ;be 'ore ..the fire which
. was about 1 03.•
The. new home for ,the '100F •
was above the new store .built in,
1893. by William Scott -& Co.
where the members Lcontinued to
meet until about 1951 when they
taught Wheeler'S blacksmith
shop Shop With living quarters above.
The living quarters was turned,
into'one large roormand this 'was
very good.; but the staircase came
• up the Wrong way. In a history of
the. Lodge, Ross Scott said this
.was changed but as more room
Was needed an addition was built'
Mr. Scott recounted, that the
failure of the Farmers' bank waS•ii
hat blow to Brucetield Lodge as
the Lodge general account was
kept 'there and wa's. :lost. • about •
$1.,300.00 a lot, of money at that
time. . •
4:„reserye •account .wits -carried
in anothePtilrit3ii-d-so tali this
•Would. • not. go the `Way of the
other, ft was,--movedthat :it all be
spent ;en regalia.. •
presiding over the birthday -.
festivitieS . Tuesday night was
V1,rallace..Jackson, Noble Grand,
StanleSt :Rec
• •
LONGTIME M MBERS — The tote.' membership of these four--Brucefield 100F
members amount p 'more'than 200 veal's of service. At their Lodge's 100th
anniversary Tuesday night are from left, ',Gregor McGrew, 61 -year member; Ross
Scott,T 9-year member; J.K,Cornish., William Caldwell, 48 year members,; Fred
Boyce, about 40 years. A'bsent because of illness was Fred Burdge the longest time
Member still living. (Photo by Oke)
Brucefield Lodge.
The guest speaker for the
evening -was John Broadfoot,
member of the Brucefiefd Lodge
who was elected Grand Master of
• Ontario last June. He is the first
member'el-Briteefield-Lodge•to be
elected to this tomosition. In his
remarks hp Mentioned many
highlights -in the-historY ,of—the—
Lodge. He named various
Brucefield members who were.
District Deputy Grand Masters --
Tom Fraser in 1906; - Tho ma s
Bair'd in 1918-Walter Moffatt in
I927,. James Bowey in 1933.'
Hugh Berry in 1939, Ross Scott,.
1944; Fred Boyce, 1949; William ,
Sinclair in •-1.955; William
Caldwell, - '19'Of ; Mr. Broadfoot
himself Ira .1968 and
Taylor i 1975.
Mr BroadlOot said he • had
sentcd a b&year jewel to Fred
•Burdge in 1977, (Mr.. Burdge was
'unable to attend- the celebrations
because he. is in hoSpitill, RoSs
-Scott. was preSented with, a •
55-year .jewel 1974'1V his son
Kenneth Scott; •Gregor, McGregor
was presented Vvith 50-year
jewel; Bill Burdge, Lindsay Eyr
and J. K. Cornish resew thei
2.5-.),Far jewels hi 1967
Grand Lodg leers at the
, event .were arry Notes, Forest.
deputy G and' Master; •Alex••
,xeter., Grand -Murshalh
JIM . Lose, Seaforth. Grand,
Musician; Lloyd - ,Penfold.
GlanwOrth, Grand Messenger..
Past Grant's a. .
• Also. .present - were Bye! ,paSt
grand Masters; R.K.Williamson
.London; . 'Ross • ChisVvell,•
-Broadfoot. •
The toast. to the Rebekahs- was •
proposed by Douglas Cantelonk.
Clinton, District Deputy Warden
• ..d it • d by Deputy
President, Mrs. Bertha
' MacGregor of Hensall.
The toast to the •Brucefield
o gc was proposed by •District•
. • Deputy • David ,MeCuteheon of
Brussels and.replied to by Grand
Master John Broadfoot. . . , /- Ross g-cOtt, Past District Grand
Muster.' expressed courtesy
remarks. to those taking part,.
• Entertainment -following the•
banquet was provided by the Jet
Set f •F
Preston.; Jack Calvert. Stratford;,
Harry Wade. Newcastle and
Emery Hatheikay, Sarnia.
Five of Brucefield's . past
district deputies were' present:,.
Ross Scott,' , Fred Boyce, Rill
Bill Taylor and.„ John .
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Clinton Community M.
1 - The February 'meeting of the
Recreation Committee' v6s• held
last 'Wedn'esday ' afternoon.
Members agreed-411M thefamily
skating party had 'been a .big
itecess this year. •
Tickets are now available from
members tor the Spring Dance at
Gully-on Sluttrday. A-pril 157'
The Music MakerS will play for
dancing from 10 to 1 -6*.eloa anti ,
admission., is $10.00 per couple.
• witlk- a good lunch 'provided.
• Curling trophies havb been
purchased. and will be presented
to the winners 'a tte r the ' plat'-offs,
'which start in two Weeks .
Curling lids been very popular
with the Stanley Township'
residents, and will no doubt
_ beco me an a n
The next meeting will be on
March 29 at 1:30 p.M. when
planning will -begin :-for the
baseball season.
Cadman with Mrs. Robert
Kinsm an a ccompa ning the
musical numbers was enjoyed.
:The South Group of. K iopcn
East W.1: held•'• a euchre i.,;1
February 23 in the Legion Hall.e'
Hensall. ' Prize ..winners were:
Ladies' High. 'Mrs. C. •Volland;
Ladies' Low. Mrs. E. McBride:
Men's High. Wm. Rogerson:
Men's Low, Eldon Kcri': winners
of the .Lucky Draws, W. D. Wilson
ado Mrs. R. Harris. •
Clarence Wan Wiesen *as
home• for the weekend from ml
Fanshawc College.
A number of Kippen ladies
attended a shower for jane
Stephens in Brucefield on
February 25. The bride-t -be
received many gifts. A short
program and lunch were enjoyed.,
Mr. John T of ison, Civil
Engineer, son M and Mrs.
Bert Thomso s.ac e t • a 'ob
in Saudi Ar bia.
M'r. and.. MIS. Dave Moyer.
Parry Soun visited with Mr.-and
Mrs. B Thomson during this
past week,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGee,
thitlgatlhOtt, were guests of Mr:
and.Mrs. W. L. Mellis.
Mr:and Mrs. Orville Workinan
have returned front south
her mother Mrs'. Emma Farquhar
Mrs. Clendon Christie returned* eb.ekahs R
home after a pleasant trip to. meetIng,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Funk and. •
After missing two ifteetingsd.t1e
very. _stormy weather, -
Edelweiss Re,bekah -Lodge has.
had .1a Ve-'ry---btiSy 'winter. Two,
. afternoon euchres have been held
with the next one a St. Patrick's
euchre on March 15 at 2 p,M.
Numerous catads'and gifts have
been sent to shut-in members as
•-well as .adopted patients at .
Seaforth Manor and Kilbarchan. •
A-Service was held at the Funeral
Home and laterthe charter draped
in theirtory of the ' late Miss
Margaret McKay,
A donation was made ,to the
'United Nations Pilgrimage for
Youth Committee 'which each
year sponsors a public speaking .
contest, •The 'winner of this,
contest receives an expense paid
trip to the United Nations in July.
The speak-off. this y l ears,wil
held in' Clinton high school on'
friday; March 3 at 8 • ,p.tn.
Contestants are from the five high
. schools in Huron County.
Other donations . have .been
'made to Meals. on . Wheels and
March of Dimes. . . • •
The members have been
'invited to the 'annual Odd Fell6w- —"
Rebekah'Goon Friday Rally to be
held in St. Thomas.
The social convenor for
February is Mrs. William Bearss
With her committee being Mrs.
Mac Hillebrecht, MisS Jean
Scott. Mrs. Annie Harrison. Mrs..'
Arthur Varley, ,....Mrs. Robert
Campbell, Mrs. Peter Malcolm
and Mrs. Lon Stnith.
buys curling trophies Varna (
rucefield lodgel 00
and zone members to the Hensall
Legion #468 The next ,zone
meeting will he held at'
.Kincardine M arch 5th. The Zone
Commander will attend. the
Previneial Command Cony entiOn.
Mensal] Legion will host the fall
dance in Hensall, FA)iki%1•4
entertained the guests to a hot
Kippen WI holds euchre
-The .Kippen East Women's
Institute held,,, successful
progressive euchre in the Legion
Hall, Hensall on . Thursday
eveninii with seven tables playg
euchre. The prize :winners were
as follows: Ladies' High - Mrs.
Clarence oll an el; Ladies'
Consolation - Mrs, Ed, McBride;
Gent's High - William Rogerson;
Consolation - Eldon Kerr. A box
of groceries was . won by
W.D.Wilson • and Mrs. Rosa
Harris won the cheese and
70 Ontario St. 430 Allattt St.
482-3467 235-0640
a 1