HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-03-02, Page 10C. The family of Eleanor „and Harry Palin . invite relatives, friends and neighbours to an OPEN HOUSE atthe home of Eleanor. &Harry Patin R.R.#5, Seaforth on the - occasion of their parents 50th,Weddir?g . ANNIVERSARY Sat. March 4 2-4 and 7-9 Best Wishes. Only Benefit• Da nce. for Mr. ancl Mrs. DON RUEGER Friday, March lOth' Vanastra Recreation Centre 9 - I a.m. Ladies please bring sandwiChes S.O.P. • • • • • • 41) WAIT DISNEY • PETE,' *PARK 3a, TH1 „.5Q UARt LProgrtrt HONF 54 781 1 rsijbleCt .AmoNorrip:NEa to change GODERICH 4110 • • • HIDDEN BEHIND A WALL OF ICE • AND DOOMED TO VANISH IN FLAMES! 410 • Roger Corman preSents .110mITTA1Vtt I PROMI 111:, •••••••••••••• • • LAST NIGHT THURS. ONE SHOWING 8 P.M. WARNING: Some Scenes & Language 'May he Offen- sive. • ' - THEATRES BR. ONT. it ePEOPLESHOOrHE ma,1.:1 `» TEACHER SE STARTS FRIDAY: Two Days Only FRI.-SAT. - ONE SHOWING ONLY 7 P.M. • - People Time Forgot 7t00 Shoot Teacher 8:45 • TOUCHING & HILARIOUS — (I,!,Gilnronr Porriuto Cle, 16. 04 WHY tt P**1 Starts Sunday MARCH 5-8 ONE SHOWING ONLY 8 P.M. ---ISEMILIOUGlly 7 EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS' • • • • • • • • • gig r"" 1111P' STARTS THUR. MARCH 9-111 ADULT'ENTERTAINMENT Mak° ypur plans to come to the Show during Eatter holidc4i and see MARCH 11-23 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 41!) • • • • • HALL FORD RENT Seaforth -Legion . Friday nights available Discount rates for week nights CALL 527-0740 • Junior Formers • BROOMBALL TOURNAMENT March 3rd March 4 7 111 p.m: 7 a.m. - 8 p:m. At The SEAFORTH ARENA DANCE ptu-rckiit,--M-arch--4t h- 9, p.m. - 1-a.m. to Drumlin Entertainment Friday, and Saturday Night Recording Artist - Jimmy -Steele ******************* FRIDAY & SATIMDAY NIGHT CHICKEN 'WINGS VIIDAY SPECIAL Ravioli POOL TOURNAMENT Starting March 6th GOOD PRIZES-sign up at the bar COMMERCIAL HOTEL SEAFORTH FINE FOOD FINE ENTERTAINMENT . SAVAGE . NORTH * STt.R . SELBY . Women's SfiZ4i * 0° c„b oc ,,c * 00 0 LIMITED SELECTION 0 p00 < A« 0 CH1LbRENS itb" . c‘ V‘P. SHOES .ZP DISCONTINUED LINES Main Strpe,t, Phone 52, 7-1110, depending on*the availability of funds Classified AdS pay dividencrs. .12AQ..1).S.I.;,..: • Q.P.M.PH.4...,..„%.. KAUFMAN FQAMTREAV... cn 4:4 C4 U CO c (.D LU CO Men's Shoes 0° 00 4$4.4 oc C • C‘P BROKEN LINES ONLY —1 1 (—) m FINAL WINTER CLEARANCE r . 11, '0 slyth hall pxpiatisiloti -'4 ...OroNJ:to/4 b.y theatre board' • By Leo Hagan In Seaforth, as in many other communities.' both large and small across the country, through the . month, of February, the observance of Brotherhood in the form of meetings, or •get-togethers were held by various .organiza- tions. • not to .end up .as a thankless' society, Gordon A. Wright thanked the guest speaker and Alf Ross thanked , 'the Legiotf Ladies for.Auxiliary the -excellent lunch they preParedat the gathering. Chairman,. Joseph Hugill, extendeda welcome on behalf of Britannia Lodge and Ross Scott, Hrtier'firl1. offered' (into nfter the singing of the "Queen' Thompson. Rev. Royal's talk centred' on thirdly he sa to o comet n.g for, nOthing, wrtichseti4e1 be the best thing ever dont fin our lives, s—, Thtarsday the Brotherhood Night, sponsored by Britannia • Lodge No. 170' and chaired by Joseph Hugill, was held at the Seaforth Legion Hall, where there was a -very large attendance of . members from the vatiOrtg orga itations .in ..-Seaforth . , _ • BilLilatigert.are_back in.-town followin.gLatt • Rev. Lockhart Royal of Knox Presbyterian Church. Goderich and padre of Branch'1Q9 Qpderich • Legion, was guest 'Speaker and wa's introduced by Dr. • W. .1, • Theatre' staff to lend look up to, that is a leader. His • , "examples we set"' stemming r . . • ..1:.. • front experiences he had during , . his early years as a florSeimt and . .. • . Ger. 'His first example was the fact that all must have someone to talents to schools -hich all show unity as a nation , second example•was Patriotism in to- be proud of our people; and , • staff will be meeting wtih the board's administration to mirk out the details of,the proposal. .. .......................... Effie Stephenson has returned from two weeks vacation with Dr, and Mrs. John GorWill in Tobago. Seaforth native, Cindy MacDonald, has been named_ stiperviser Of the Listowel Day Care Centre, Miss MacDonald, 'a••• daughter,of Marion and GordonAMacDonald of Je;hn Street, 'has been a teacher on the staff of the Listowel Day Care for two and a half years: She starts •her,,new job March 6. • Mr. and Mrs. Allan Patterson and Shannon of St. John's Newfoundland, visited recentlywith their parents, Mr. and Mrs. -John E. Patterson. A former Seaforth resident, Bruce McFadden, was featured, along with his wife Mary, orta CBC television news feature about inarriage,Standay,night., Bruce, a school principal in -London is'a brother of Sheila Morton of Seaforth. Their dbd is Ralph "Farmer" McFadden, a well known former Seaforth resident. Jim Cardno ha. been successful obtaining his inter-provi4ial certificate as an Electrician and as a result is.ahle to carry on his trade anywhere in Canada. Mrs.W.C. Bennett and Mrs. Florence Ludwigsen have • -returned from a holiday •in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Marlen Vincent and Mr, and Mrs. Ken Campbell .spe,nt,„the past week on a cruise in the Caribbean: Mt. and Mrs. Gordon McKenzie who spent their , winter holidays in Havitii have returned to town. • Lawrie. Kruse of Sc aforth was suecesV in winrling the $25 monthly draw in the Liolls- Club #8 tar Club. fhe• ticket was drawn by Mayor Betty Cardno at a Lions Club meeting Monday evening., titerchting four Week tour to the far east. While Mr. Hodgert said every minute of'the trip was interesting What . perhaps impressed 'him most was the, startling contrast betWeen the modern buildings in which most visitors were accomodated and the primitive conditions udder which so 'many of the native population lived. „ • Sonic actors . and staff-,of the • Stratford Shakesperean Festival - ..may•---b-e--belping out 'in Perth County's.Educational•system next „ year. . . . ' • Artistic director Robin Phillips, and . „festival- president John i‘ •Heney:' told' a receptive board of ).education last Tueday that many _of the theaters:. •people have ' expressed an inteisSt ih putting theirtatents at the dipsosal of the teachers.- • -,-.--, . --- - - • ,-- - ----- .Accorditig . tc Mr. Phillips the - ' festivil personnel would leild their abilities to the board to .enhance cxistin schotil programs in' performi ng t rts. • • The whole concept will . hinge , on ' whatever. programs arc available at 'a particular school, he said. • , . . ., , Mr. Philips told the- board that many of the actors 'have been teachers • in their own fields - so would have experience workingin this capacity. . . . Board chairman Barbara Herman • said. '''We.ve often hoped for better liaison between . the, festival 'and the educational , system, now we've been offered . . . . . • . . Trustee Betty McMillttsalt,L. --.----rTiriiiik its 'a great idea, it should make the languages and...arts courses conic alive:" 4 - Mr. Phillips told the tkistees• that the idea will work beeaese-, die festival is • coming to the students instead of the, reverse. _ , He said, "If the programwas held at the festival -a lot of student S would •sign -up just to get out of class.''' Mr. Phillips hopes that this way it won't become a gimmick. Both Mr. Phillips and festival A major e4pansion of facilities for Ellyth Memorial Hall was approved in principle by the' board of directors ,?of the Blyth Centre for the Arts on Thursday. February 9. TI,e .Board agreed to go ahead with the expansion programme as funds ' become available, The three phase projec1 wOuld, cost between $150,000. and $200,000. the project has been approved in principle by both the board and the Blyth village council which owns the building, actual details of the plan will not be Settled until onsuttation with all community gloups .using the facility.has been carried out, Entertainment consisted Of step-dancing by the McQuaid sisters, accompanied .by NelSon „,.seeond Rhase would see instal- Howe and Mrs. McQuaid; violin lation of air conditioning. lighting and audio equipment and othe techniCal facilities. The final phase would be the erection of a new dressing room and workshop facilities, offices, and storage space for sets and props. The building. 'designed by --the Goderich architectural firm of Hill and Borgal, will also have a ramp, for easy • access.. for the handi: capped. Board chairman. Keith Rohlsto_n,—.sa id that—though----it --seemed large project td- undertake,. the board. felt .that continued growth of the four- year-old Blytli 'Summer Festival was dependent on the improve- rnent of the technical (Frailty of the productions, , The project is expected to Abe completed over, a two,year period, • lZSS Seaforth THIS WEEK Thurs. to Sat. Lincoln Green NEXT WEEK Ian Wheatley Band • Daily Lunch I Hour Specials Service club memb,ers talk things over at Brotherhood night ev. Royal spea r on brotherhood The first phase would '..see• improvements to meet new building code requirements, The selections by Nelson Howe an Fred Harburn accompanied by Jim Rose; Heiman Snell gave a musical selection arid, Bill Dalrymple'slep-daikedle end the programme. The gathering then concluded with a soda! evening of euchnp. - Junior Farmers - 'MARCH MEETING Yuesd Wirth 7t-h-- 8:30 p.m. at the SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Seaforth ".•H..^1 1 .973 Chrysler -Newport 4 door Se n in Golden Fawn with a gold cloth interior. Equipped with a .400 V8 automatic owe! steering , power brakes, radio, rear defogger, left remotecontrol , mirror, white wall radial'tires, vinyl 2bodysid9e mouldings Lie. #HCF735 regular Price $2,395. .WEEKLY SPECIAL s • o 5 WITH LICENSE ;$.1X::::41.511;4$%::::$J4s4* 527-167D *•; 0:03*;.4.:11:011*4414. • 0