HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-03-02, Page 9, *EMMA EXPOSITOR, MARCH 2,1070 Walton WI holds debate on women s Place in society 11 , For the training schools,-Short . Hamburg. • Londesboro woman celebrates 1 :APPLICANT7SURVE ...ASSISTED RENTAL HOUSING ..:.FAMILYAND SENIOR CITIZEN Town of Sepforth -If You -Have One Or More Children. OR - - If -You Are Sixty-Years Of Age, Or Over -If Your Present Accommodation Is Inadequate- -If Your Income 'Is Modest THIS IS OF INTEREST TO YOU! determine the local need for this type of The Ministry of 'Housing, at he request of" your municipal council, is conducting a accommodation, interested families .and survey to determine the ne for additional senior citizens now living. in Seaforth are assisted rental housing ,tp ed on a. asked to complete:an application form and geared td income basis- Seaforth. To return' it to,the Distrial-jouting Authority at the address indicated below. • The Ministry of Housing, at the request of your municipal• council, is conducting a survey to determine the need for assisted rental housing to be rented on a geared to income basis in the Townships of McKillop, Tuckersmith and Hibbert. To deterthine local need for this type of accommodation, interested families and senior citizens now living in McKillop, Tuckersrhith and Hibbert Townships -are asked to, complete a questionnaire form. • . Sdciety tor. crippled 'children for counties of Huron, -Rerth and part of Middlesex and John Butler, __Toronto, supervisor of'service club relations for the Ontario Society for Crippled Children. Mr. Butler was the guet apeaker-ata Lions Club meeting at the arena Monday night. (Photo by Oke) The 'resolution meeting Ofkhe Walton Women's Institute was held in the community_hall ,on Wednesday evening; Febraury The 'president Mrs. Bill. Humphries Opened with a poem "Winter", Mrs. Ron Bennet Was- nominated to act as secretary the absence of Mr. -Ken McDonild. Nineteen inemlters : answered 'the roll call, "What I would doif 1 could.do as] please". Mr's. Don McDonald reported as the Public Relations officer regarding the planning of the bus trip for May 31st , where an appointment has been made tp tour the Sara Lee :Cake Plant n 'Brimaiee then to spend time at the large shoPping centre at Bramalea. A letter was read from the new provincial president, Mrs. • Clarence 'Diamond, New The group will make an • autograph quilt. Ferne McClure and Helen Lee were appointed to , buy material and to charge 25 cents per name Vi Burns and Audrey Thomp'son werp• appointed, Mareh Roll' call is name a woman in" Jesus time and, tell about her. program committee's at Hunking, Margaret Good and • Helen Lee. Lunch , committee Betty Hulley, • NorMa Glousher ' and Florence :Cartwright. The prergrant of was in 'charge Bernice Hunking Vi Burns a d Audrey Thompson. ,, -Bernice gave a reading on "the woman of Samaria". Audrey's guest was Brenda Radford'who. • spoke on hertrip to. the Barbados • in the ezribbean. Vi . Burns conducted a contest on cake The garden club 'for the, project will be available this summer with Mrs. Harold Hudie offering to be leader, it being left 'with herio get an assistant. -- meg. B. Humphries eave• the results of the vote op the fixing of the hall. Since_ then 'the has been .iowered, insulating has been done and joists repairs in the. basement. It was voted, to (cave further fixing of thestage, painting 'of windOwsi new curtains and cleaning floor till a, later" date.' • TheAtiilt that haS been made' ' by the Instithte has been completed and was, on display ,. Tickets on sale from any Institute memberw are to be. handed into Mrs, Ron Bennett or Mrs.L avern Godicin„...T4ie draw will be.made at the Institute special meeting; W'rith guests on June" It was also decided to the other. piece of material ,that was purchased with. Mrs.' E. Stevens and Mrs. H. Craig to do the marking.. A cushion was donated by Mrs. Earl Mills ; draw CRIPPLED KIDS CANIPAIGN STARTS — Seaforth Mayor Betty Cardno shares a joke with Tom Young,,- Chairman of the Seaforth Lions Club Easter Seal Campaign, after purchasing the first set pf Easter seals in the. Seaforth area. Looking on are 'Sonia ' Jackson; L6ndon district nurse sier the Ontario 'A surprise birthday party was held for Mrs. Flora .Kelland 'who titrned.87, at the home of her son - O ville Kelland. on Sunday. Her brother HeOor McPhail and sister the home of Helen Lee. President Aimwell unit met Monday at meeting, will be' th a small remembrance given out at: March group,.- Shut -in names visit shut ins before Audrey, Tiro m p son opened .-trexting with a hymn.lollowed by • a read ineYou don't have to win " and "He Loves You" followed' by prayer. Roll call was answered - by-16 members 3 visitors and one , new niember. anon ,Snell. . Vi Burns and Helen awson SEAFORTH JEWELLERS for DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELLERY. FINE CHINA GIFTS FOR EVERY OCCASION All Types of Repairs Phone 527-0270 . • Luneh 'was served by Margaret GoOd, Helen :Lee and Pat Hunking, Meeting closed with inizpahllenediction. 4-II NO. 3 Meeting Eleven members of the .k,ondesboro III club ' met on Monday 'February 20th 'at the home of Marjorie .Duizer under the leadership ef-Ma rjorie- Otlizer and Judy Datema. 'The club -decided op the name "Quazy Quitters". Different quilted items,'quilts, pillmg, purses and place mats were observed and discussed. The quilting -samples , were started and will be worked on in the following weeks. There were 12 tables in play at, the .W.I. card party on Friday, February .24th winners were ladies high' Betty. Hulley, lone' ' hands, ,Anne Overholt, low, Dora „Shobbrook. Men'-s high, Bert lone hands, Wilma McMichael (playing as a man), low, Alec 'MeMichael, cup Edna HackiVelETher will be her etc-I~ 8th in Charge will be Hattie Wood, margaret Taylor and. Ora Bruce. Marjorie Anderson and Rainnia Jamieson attended the course im Clinton. on "personalizing your patterrn. AnyOne'Wishing to, take advantage . of this course to+, he held in Londesboro hall with' the' date to be announced please contact Dora Shobbrook 523-4250 or Marjorie' Anderson 482,7283. 1-411Londcsborii Londesboro 1-4H Club met at .the home of Hattie Snell-February 15. Elected officers ' were • President, Karen Overholt\ -secretary Chris Van Spengen -and press reporter. Tracey Greidanus. Members discussed the meaning of the 4-II emblem and hada quiz ' on developing good • menial habits.. ' • ' W.I. March 'meeting on, ;'Consumers Affairs" will 'be on Match 8th at 8.p.M. Speaker will. be . Mrs. St., Jean from Auburn. Roll call "How, to stop a safesmae," Verbena Bone of Wingham 'visited last week with her brother Mr. and Mrs. 'Howard Clarke. r Mr. and Mrs. Cohn Paterson. visited last -weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burns. Mr. 'and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook, and Diana spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs: Ron 'Ellerby and family, Clinton and attended OntairieSt. Church service. P....=•••••• to be made at a Court Whist Party. It was decided to go to the Callender Nursing Homo. in Brussels, on Thursday !larch 23 With MrS. Herb Traviss; M'rs. Jim Axtmann and Mrs.. Lavern- Godkin in charge of, program. A vote was 'passed to have the aiiiittal Meeting ie April a the hall with a pot ,luck supper and donate the money to the hall. Nominating committee to bring in the new slate of officers will be Mrs. Herb Travis; „Mrs. Stewart Humphries and Mrs. BIB Humphries. The Institute will cater to a wedding In August and* avilable Papers Befdre you throw out all those papers you have accumulated over the long winter months there is a paper drive bei4i g organiked -Tor the area by the Londesboro Lions. Instead of hauling 'all -of those heavy papers to the dump, bundle them .up with rope and set them out on the curb for pickup Saturday morning' March 11. • For the tithe -being, the papers will be picked up and stored with Howard Cartwright: - • At the present there,are no set plans as to where the papers will be recycled. When several tons have been thered then - maYbe "-g \ someone will e ready and willing 'to haul 'the lo away. Recycling plants are located-in Kitchener, H amilton and Toronto, The Londesboro Lions are initiating this project in order to raise money for . Community -•-projeetS and have received permisSion from the 'Clinton nd and Blvth Lions groups to collect in their areas. If a paper drive is planned in our area the-Lions will'-Peeve the collecting for a week or so, so that another organization can collect. Papers will be collected until further nOticew. • Please remember jest newspapers are being collected, • no magazines. . for a ny fUrthei catering, It was decided there would' be two 'carloads go to the Bluevale Institute March 8th meeting when Jim 'Armstrong will be speaking on the Plowing Match on his farm in September. There will be a St. Patrick's Court Whist party in the' community hall on Friday, March' 10th at 2 p.m; Men and wemen are both welcome. Several offered to make posters to be taken to the different towns. Committee in charge of lunch will'be Mrs. Mac. Sholdice; Mrs. HarVey Craig, Mrs. Neil McGavin and Mrs. Allan McCall. The conveners on resolutions, Mrs. Jim Axtmann and Mrs. Lavern Godk,in had a Very interes- Focus on Walton 2 4-H Club met on February 15th "*Tor its second .meeting for the spring project "Focus on Living". They gathered at the hall when Mrs. N. Reid and -Mrs. 1-1, Bolef'Sliowed the girls the techniques of ting.ddate on '''Resolve that the , semen's place is in the home.". Takidg the affirmative side were Mrs, ) Bill Humphries and Mrs, L. Godkin while Mrs. J, Axtinann and Mrs. G. Watson spoke for the r" negative side. It brought up subjects on everyday lives, giving us much food-for thought. This brouglit the meeting to ,a close, with lunch servedby Mrs. Herb 0 Traviss; Mrs. Bmerson Mitchell AndIvIrs. Ray Huether. Smile A husband is a person who .is under the impression that he bosses the houee, when actually he only, houses the, boss. Living home last Thursday after a few weeks spew holidaying M Florida with Rev. and Mrs.G. Hazelwood • of -Brussesls. On Monday morning the Walton Unit quilt committee put in another quilt at the Thamer, home, so a nu mbn of ladies will be busy for a day or so the first of the week. Correction - It was Mrs. Jim Axmtann who accompanied Mrs. G. Watson to the Senior training school in Wingham for two days not H. Hudie„ so anyone in the community wishing , to take the course' P ersonalliing y our pattern" get in touch with, Mrs. Axtmann or Mrs. Watson course, needlepoirtts for. beginners was -first choice with second contemporary tailoring.-,, The regular collection and the n.ennies foit friendship was taken 'reminded all of the World Day Of • • Prayer in the chnkh at 8 p.m. Friday March 3rd. Aimwell u nit will serve lunch' Service.' to charge, will be Helen lee, Audrey Thompson and Helen Lawson. Mary Cole :from ,Mitchell 'were present alongwith son Lloyd and' . Joan. Whyte suggested family from Stratford and the'-'\., members D' _typm Clinton, _ . _ Easter wi - from the Aimwell Unit 4-ICI Club meets for Herb Traviss while. their parents- were holidaying in' Arizona. The World Day of Prayer "- service will be held at Duff's United Church,' Walton,' on Friday, March 3 at 2 P.M. when all ladies of the community are quilting. leaders. Margaret Sitatreed and Community cordially invited to attend—There • - pane discussion on LinChs eSritefflt:re regtiurrisnedwittOr Pethgegiyr Humphries' home for the rest of Living. Spirit and Modern for the opening. , Minutes were Mrs. Viola Kirkby returned the meeting. Julie Blake preside read by .1 eanne McDonald. The roll 'call was answered by naming one ,or more articles you have in your home. 'whether quitted by machine, or hand and whether they were pieced or appliqued. Members were gi'verr material to be made into 'a quilting sample. Following the 4-H motto,' feig.y served. lunch. They met again on Ttiesd , February 2 1st, at Lin: Steffer home for' a work meeting. Personals ° Alisson and Lesley Traviss of Waterloo spent last week With - their grandparents, Mr. an'dMrs. • E 5URVEY ASSISTEP . RENTA1.:. HOUSING FAMILY. AND .$ENTIOR. CITIZEN. TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP. TOWNSHIP OF •TUCKERSMITH TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT - IF YOU HAVE ONE OR MORE CHILDREN OR IF you ARE SIXTY YEARS OF AGE OR OVER - IF YOUR PRESENT ACCOMMODATO 'N IS INADEQUATE - IF YOUR INCOME-IS‘MODEST THIS IS OF INTEREST TO YOU IF YOU ARE A SEAFORTH RESIDENT AND ARE INTERESTED IN RENTING A SENIOR CITIZEN OR FAMILY UNIT IN SEAFORTH PLEASE COMPLETE AN APPLICATION FORM. For senior citizens and families interested ih renting an Ontario Housing unit additional information and application .forms are -available at: Clerk's Office 72 Main St. S. Seaforth, Ontario 527-0160 or Huron County Housing Authority 53 Stanley Street Goderich:, Ontario IF YOU AREA McKILLOP, TUCKERSMITH OR HIBBERT TOWNSHIP RESIDENT AND ARE INTERESTED IN RENTING A SENIOR CITIZEN. OR FAMILY UNIT IN SEAFORTH, PLEASE COMPLETE A QUESTIONtlAIRE FORM. For senior citizens and families interested in renting an Ontario Housing unit additional information and questionnaire forms are available at the ' local Clerk's office. McKILLOP TOWNSHIP TUCKERSMITH TOWNSHIP— Mrs. Marion McClure .). R.McLachlan, RR 1, Seaforth GM8 117, RR 5, Clinton, 527-1916 482-9523 HIBBERT TOWNSHIP Charles, Friend, Dublin, 345-2931 (\, ,,,