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The Wingham Times, 1897-10-01, Page 8
Matrasses, foulages, Picture Framing, Curtain Poles. Our Ma.tresscs are all new and clean and of good stock, great value in them for the money. Our Lounges are up to date in style and oar prices aro right. We do the trade in Picture Framing and repairing Stretchers, any size, for 20e, its all they are worth, we've never charged any more for them. Our stock of Curtain Poles is as good as you can get in the town and the price is right on theist. We have no old stock to get rid of. Everything new and up to date, UTUMN MOS Obit.; 4.1' ttho Isle:Fa n. i :4f fall is the Oppklt'Milky ti} \;etre everything new. from Hat to S.!('c ya,a way think of I)re•,ti 4,4r)cl , tilt)vts t ud Il.+siert, Ready Made Cl-th- , ini,»,Suits and Overcoats, Hats and in; an Mr. I)'nt;;lts I4laser's last; Cups, Boots and Sheer, no matter week. what you. rellltire. You'll Bertha Finley of Howick who find us prepared with an immense has been staying at Mr. James variety• with the very latest and Wylie s for the past week has return. d:ai:it 4 t e 1 home. 1111 L..T. \'Nilson, ex -principal of the \i'ruxeter Public School taught for his brother G. E. last Friday afternoon. Mr. Malcolm Campbell, of Blyth was a guest at Mr. Wylie's last Fri- day,Maleolm seems to an have at Pao tion in Wingham. • Mr. Douglas Fraser and his daught- er Annic'left on Thursday touring for Kent, where they -expect staying a 'p},© Sabool of Dress Cutting is now couple (if weeks. open in theButton Block upstairs, was n her P A small party given by the where Dress Cutting in all its branches Mie Barton last `Tuesday evening. may be learned by a new tailor syst'tm, Um he hisses Barton intend leaving for the leading system of the world, outs all Toronto on Wednesday morning. Mr. Andrew Genital had hard luck with his horse at the Teesw).ter races but then two of the horses against which he contended have marks of 2 22; and 2 26, and there- , • � allowedto run fine ..auuid act have at all. Andrew intends trying hi horse at the Winghalu rates and we hope he may be more fairly dealt with. 1.11E W1NU1tAM TIMES OCTOBER 1K 1897, Invitations are out antlouneing the for some years. Rev. W. J. \'Vest marriage of Hiss Jessie Higgins and preached an appropriate sermon. Mr. James Flemming, The collection in the morning was Mi -,c Iiatto Willson, of Atwood was 'sent away to help pay for the lesson visiting friends in the Itei;;ll4n'ltoa(l, helps and in the evening to pay lbr 4,f (il4•nfarrow last week. I the new Books of Praia() purchased .tlr4. Fraser ilia het' daughter Mrs., the Sunday school. elclliilaui c=f Sh;tr.espeare were visit " O REVISION. style; and nt eseltie5, Alfeltellistetais BA • URDAY t _AIN DAY. ...411..-.t. t-. * • � •-.0•.• .v..� T`. ' ;l i Y '',1 GOODS. e 4 bent t edin • 1 ! l 4 TWENTY pieces. new colorings in 1 r el., Gray, Fawn, 1StrtErtte, regular €,3c, Sat- urday- 50c. Six • pieces Heavy I1'aney Tweed, regular 3ria, Satur- day xis. MANTLES. TLES. 20 New, t ,)'to -date Mantles, regular • 6, tiirday $ 1.50. 1!'Il:iv & BOY'S SUITS. 20 Men's attite, very special, regular ei1.F)0 Saturday $7.75 , 25 Men's . Fall anti Winter Ove rubats, regu- lar a.10, SaturdayE.50. 20 Boy's Snits extra quality, regular ;'3 and $-your elioice for : ?.75. BOOTS AND SJES 50 pair Ladies' :+ince and Strong Shoes, Laced or Bo;toned, regular $1.50 and $1.75, choice Saturday, $1.:25, 25 pairs Men's line oboes, special $1.65, Saturday $1.25. F UR. • 10 Extra Fine Capes, silk lined, all sizes, extra quality, regular $12, Saturday $9.50. SPECIALS. att HE VY, Shaker Flannel 5c, 7c Fac- s,.torY : Cotton 5e, heavy Cashmere Ifo el' egular 40c, Satarday 250; Gent's Linen Collars, regular 20e, Saturday 1` e ; 50 Stiff' Hats, reg- ular 2, Saturday ;;1.25 ; special prices in Carpets and Lace Car - talus. .Ask for a $25 ticket, good for 1 dozen of Cabinet Size Photos taken at the Star Phato Gallery, 1Vingham. value $3, FREE, at ® 1113. y4' CU .,4ti.66. • Ewan :McDonald and wife left Wed- nesday last to their home in Aber- deen Scotland • Miss Annie Simpson, Ph. B. Brandon, Manitoba. is hone on visit t:) her mother, sirs. Willis 'Simpson. I'; is now seven yea tsience she want. She enjoys the dis- tinction of being the first lady gra hate in Pharii tcb I'.1 Mtinitoba. S is employed in the drn; store Thrilling & Sens Brandon. Not( will be List Aot, the Count Huron, at Ge 4th day of Oeto In., to hear and complaints of et Voters' List 0 wawanosh business attend is hereby given that eld, pursuant to t Ilia honor, Court of ti es' Hal ielgrare, on the 1.; 7 at 11 o'clock n, ermine the several 1 omissions in the r�/�7 �+ ti rsons havingof El"1 C. Mei i I RE'S. uested to Court Voters' e Judge of e County of s the Mu 1807. A II the Court are the said time and pit P. POR l'EIi,FI Township Clerk. ed this 21st day of Sept., 1897. M':JL""iylt, �..L,"4��:'')''-'4"11'r', ,,( :: [,s ,(..1.•.^L": ••�,.IL• 4;:�'Jln.tDi l;lt' i"411iz'1,41t1�`-0.4,M :,` '.4117 Al Closed for Repair. I a611: Y4f:';ti 1 1 k . VI,.•i 4- .Eid s.{, e 4: U R SHOP is being en- larged sold renovated It will be closed for a few days, will re -open next week. A. W. EWER. CRESS CUTTING SCHOOL. • of a William years S - d She of ' \VIZ0XEr1li., Mrs. T. B. Sanders is visiting friends in flarrisi,ot,. Miss Miily Playford is visiting friends in- Win,;bam. Z . Black made a business trip to Mt. Forest on Wednesday. .A. E. Paulin has sold one his horses (Bill) to S. B. McKr iv e of this town. The new Book of Praise is -now an established fact in the Presbyterian Church,having caste into use for the first time last Sabbath, Our popular townsman J. A. Bar- nard is to judge the pauttry at both Wingham and Brussels fair this week, Rev T W Cousins I3 I of Ford. - liLUEV ALE. ntaggie Robertson is ill with quinsey. errs. Bruce is visiting her brother in crani tuber. tier. and errs. Geo. =Donald visit= ed friends in a tolcsworth on Sanday. Will. Rogers, son of Rev. D. Rogers is attending Ilarriston high school. Razors Honed. We are very sorry indeed to hear ,r, ,� r �F that John McIntosh is ill wittt.typitoid 116 NOT INECE0S �s� 4� fever. , . Mr. Samueliiagee an styles or garments on the goods. no pat- terns no refitting, gives all the new curves, costs no more than u chart and is far ahnve any ether method in many points, lessons given at your own home or place of business without any extra charge. The wingham ladies should not miss this chance to perfect them- selves in this important branch or work., Open daily until the 20th of'Oatober. Free exhibition in drafting garments each evening. Girls frof the country given especial attention. J. E. SLIGII, Designer and Cutter of Ladies' Garments. E- .H. E NEY,. TO] OR1A.L ARTIST. Opposite Queen's Hotel, wingham. • For an easy Shave and a First -Chas, Hair Cut., give him a trial. d ataud and Mabel iaagee, of Battle. Creek, Michigan viited here last week. . Mi:S l:mary Schoales, of Kinburu . and Ethel King, U; Wingbain visit- ed ties. eleorgeiMacdonald last week. amiss Alnis Oliver, who has spent the summer at her grandfather's, John Burgess, returnee to Toronto, on Tueeday. The morning service. for next Sab•` bath at the Methodist Church is with 1 drawn. The pastor will preach ars 7 in the evening. Irs. F. B. Scott and miss Mare Scott drove to Seaforth last week to ri51t their many relatives and also take in t;he show. Judge Doyle held Court for the revision of the voters' list, in the Foresters' hall last Saturday. Henry Mooney, Con'ervativ0 candidate and Archibald Ilf,lop, Liberal candidate for this ruling attended the court. Threshing is over at the fax grill. and lifting the fax off the fields has been commenced. This has been a bad year for flax, but we hope the farmers will not get diseouraged,but try, try again and if the weather is not se wet they will succeed. The second lot :,f flax seed was shipped this ts' el; The Lard Vmeyarcc, a service fir children, was rendered in the Pres- byterian Church last Sabbath. The church m lately decorated with growing plants and cut flowers. The children's c;.).>ir was carefully train- ed by Rev. W. J. West and hiss Aggie Herbert, the Sunday sehoal's excellent oi'tiauist, and their singing was the best heard in that church x.•a., ., . wieli peached in the Methodist Church here lest Sabbath 43Vel,tn„ exchang- ing pulpits with Rev. J. 13.Kennedy. 1. BEiN' Mi -•a Ia:nnnx wheeled to the Tees. water fair last i ri.18y. Miss Higgins, of (ictrrie was visiting at Jne. \Vylie's last week. Miss Anderson of I):torit was the tallest of ,Hiss M ig g ie McD,;uga11 last Friday. Mr. and Mra. ;Joseph Iliggins and Miss Maud aetentled the 'l"ecswater fair last, Friday. Mr. O.11. Wilsnit won the first prize; in the bieycle rasa at 'l"ecswater las' Friday afternoon, lir. 4Viltianr Iie:It.a,:;l has been re-. engaged. to teen •hay seb.aol next ,year at ^ r. axiom* ita.aalikr', . a ,,v, i' M gise ii.+;l - 1" & i 11 , • 1: �', r ',s t 'f, '�'•r es Blood means sound health. With puns, rich, healthy blood, the stomach and di- gestive organs win be vigorous, and tltera will be no dyspepsia. Rheumatism and Neuralgia will ha unknown. Scrofula and halt film= will disappear. With purer Your nerves will bo strong, and yosz sleep sound, sweet and refreshing Sloud's 8arsaparilIa makes pure blood Thatis why it cares so many diseases. That is wby so many thousands take it 0 . Are You RUPTURED ? If so it is your advantage to call on Gordon & Co.'s Drug Store, Winghatn. They are the agents for the celebrated Wetmore Truss. WAY THE YIETIVIORE IS THE ,tU'E FOR Yeti ; 1. Because it is dangerous to be a moment without one. 2. It will never rust and is conse- quently durable. 3. A person wearing a Wetmore does not find it a bother. 4. We will guarantee to hold in position any reducible rupture. 5. This truss cannot possibly move after adjustment, 0. Some of our townspeople can testify to its merits. 7. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded.. 'GORDON ez CO. Tu lay aside your soiled or faded suits or overcoat?, but take them to t.be � ingham Cleaning and Dy 1 ing 4Vo; ks, and have thew elem.. ed. dyed and repaired to look like • new. J. W. S`aNELL. Proprietor. Order y'Our,. WAX D— a —FR011 THE-- HOLSI EDN DAIRY. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in the hour and time of need. Is prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known —sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special cases—xo degrees stronger—sold by druggists. One box, Three Dollars ; two boxes, Dollars. No. i, or No. 2, mailed on receipt of price and two .t -cent stamps. Tho Cook Company, Windsor, Ontario, Sold in Wingham and everywhere by responsible druggists, Before Purchasing Your' • CALL'AND SEE �e BdlC RAN S' GOO DS They are certainly the newest out. The latest designs from both ENGLISH AND CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and have tie equal in town. Remember the place, next door to the Brunswick Hotel, Winghatn. U rPi This week we desire to call special attention PImmense Stock of fr . WE 1 LA --direct importation,-- which for Quality, Valeo and Styles are well worthy of the careful inspection of every lady who in-- : tends purchasing a properly made and • correct fitting garment. We offer a very handsome MANTLE, latest style (no old 1 I• , out of style Mantles to offer at t e t any price)good materia], alto tf� Velvet Collar, perfect fit fur Many people' would consider that they had secured a great prize if they got such a garment, even in the great cities at $6.00. We are in a Position to Sell Goods Che.ull and we are Doing R Every Day. u Ll ti BOS AND SH!S`'ES1 Never in the history of this Long Established Business have we TL sold anything like the quality of Boots and Shoes that we are selling i this season. The reason is that we sell the BEST as cheap as others ti] sell common stack for. [r� Remember that we are Headquarters rr� FINE TEAS & GENERAL GROCERIES. rig Cr Come Early and get the Latest and Best. 'Good building lot for sale cheap and on easy terns, t a9 m 1121C7) 9 Lr Wingham. Direct Importer. ro ,E r 7r.s .17da FLA•, bfi =i111 ,,rte, ,--I-�� •,r F -ti a® THE -BUTCHER 80 - is selling all kindsof MEATS —at the— OLD PRICES. Meat delivered and orders taken daily. D. J. GEDDES. IT PAYS TO CANADA MIMS CDL ECS' CHATHAM, OBIT. Still leads in securing choice positions for students. 115 of one students placed during the past 11 months, The foIlowimr have recently been placed: -' Flora Fuce steno., Montreal Herald; D. Stevens, bookkeeper, Erie Mills, S. Thomas; Eva Payne, • Kent ;Mills, (Math 1.m; Erne4t Long, steno„ Chatham Gas Company; Robert Hawthorn, with a Winnipeg wholesale hour ; Jessie 1lcathortne;ston, 3rd steno., Sntherland & Imes 0,„ Chatham, Jas. ltcdf 5, manager of busiecas•41ep,trtment. Taconic Bus ss College, Wash. The above shows results obtained from a oonrso with us. For Catalogue, address,. D. MIcLACIILAN, v, Co., Chatham, thVAINMINT- 113 fR la I CO AA 9 efit -Nclizit.gMal X 9,'4,' 11,,b"h'4,' 14h''hhi16'tll'i9,40s'tug01104i'tb'lu1Is11114,'1111EI'4dl'h0h'1h' 1044 Ol,uh','1h't01011,90411010 KI We do not want to make. any vain boasts of what we have done or what we are going to do. The amount of trade we have done since we started, speaks for itself. Our expenses are lower than any shop in town in our line, therefore, we can give our customers the benefit of it, as we can sell at smaller profits. We have never had enongh profit on our goods to give. you an $8 article for $5, but we will sell at a very small profit. We have fif F'YCYIl;!4IONTABLES front $2.75 nip. yEM}»RDs. We can give you a Sideboard, with three drawers and 16 x 28 mirror (note the size of mirror, 16 x 28) for $6.25. 1 CHAIRS and SWUNG BEDS. Our Chairs and SpringBeds are made up at the factory and we can make the price right on tnem. BEDROOM $1JITE6. Our sbek of Bedroom Suites is as good as in town. Ten different suites to choose from. to cure disease, retain good health, �t re• Vent sickness and suffering. Hemeinhe,. Our stockiof Undertaking is complete and pricer reasonable. Remember the place ...._.Opposite Macdonald Block. Residence ---Opposite Foundry. Sarsaparilla 1st Os rear Mood Purifier. $1 per bottle, WINGIIAIIf. Furniture Dealers and UUndertakers. • P. 5.—We don't want to tnonopiize, the trade, All we want is a continuance of the trade we have had since we started business.t�_ floods delivered y a o1ire• .tvrr iffy. rsliy�%b g g grfor yare IRELAND 4W I31J J TON, 1iC sbitl t4CICA.e7tOxtfJoparl►Gt.,t15�r a rdohable distance. Cash is the thing that counts and it erg elide what rise worth, t1/ 1,-