HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-03-02, Page 6MIN • — Men
\'8--THE QN EXPOSITOR, ACK 21 1978
centre Huron',.117 e 1°
By Dave Sykes
in thepoderich Signal Star
An energy resource centre will
be esta#Ithed inGoderich
one of .1494centres set up across
the program.
McQuail explained that the
group.'hopes to •establish 'an
extensive library on energy,
epservation and alternative
the country through the fedesal energy sources such as solar
department oPlabor, to encourage heating and wind. powered
less resource consumption and. generators. he added that the
educate the public on resource. gyou,p,,, will be prepared to'give
project co.ordinator, Various aspects of conservation
demonstrations and talks on
Tony McQuail, said the resource and energy alternatives.
centres are.just setting up across The' resource .centre in
Canada under a• service Goderich will only be operation-I
for six months but it is hoped the
basic---formula of the ,prograrn,
educating the public, will be
parried on by cdnim.unity or ,
church groups. The resource
Centre will close the first week of
And Tony's main objective.
other than making the public
aware of the centre and it
benefits, Will' be to work w
conservation On their` curriculum,
so the program may continue on
its own , merit when the centre
'l .ope groups cariAtontinue
the program or successful aspects
of it, and not j ust, one group but
perhaps several church 'and civic
groups." he said'. "The Program
has a real, and serious, purpose
and that is to impart the need for
conservation arid the practicality
of it." .
Materials and ideate will be
shared between•centres, the most
immediate being Stratford and
Owen Sound, and alt„, will pe
backed up by the RegiOnal
Resou- e-Centre in Toronto.
The adian public has
beceine rnor conscious abbut
er ation recently due
to rising costs. It karts to hurt
when we feel in the wallet.
McQuail 'said that immense
rained as a group to acquaint community group ers savings can be made through
themselves with the purpose of as well, who m.„want to include ' conservation and the centre can
provide Some specific inaterials.„ that Will • be turned
The centre, through Toroitte; -back over fo the cottimunity, In
will have the resources to September, by soliciting public
' conduct a computer analysis of a/\ support in providing any old
homes. heating • qualities, tables, chairs or desks the centre
Applicants will, simply have to fill • could use for six months. He
`..out -a 'questionnaire' describing explained it ,would be more
their' 'house and the heating beneficial to the community to
capabilities. „ , .spend the money on -resource-
The 'computer 'analysis will materialgthat.will be provided free
indicate to the home owner where
insulation would best be utilized, •
what types and costs for both
insulation and labour.
McQuail said that small
insulation clinics will be held as
well as others on educating the
public on how to make their home
energy efficient. Another major
consideration for 'effiCiency is,
renewabl alternatives such as
solar, energy and wind pcwey but
Tony explained that the cost has
been a deterrent!
The centre in Goderich will
open in March and Tony hopes to
turn MO • budget, money into
at toe centre rather than spend
the money for office furnishings,
McQuail wants the community
to be involved, with the project
and its success largely depends
on that involvement. Anyone
having suggestions, questions or .
who would like to be involved can '
write -to Box 532, •Godericb.
.'"Contraet, which ,although
admittedly will provide 'needed
jobs is geared to working with the
community in helping meet their
needs and desires on energy
Toby has hired six additional
full-time employeeS to staff the
__centre which Is expected to 'be
open six days' a week arid most
evenings.The employees will be
0 0 0-
I. Prices effective till closing
Tues. March 7/78
= • mig, .
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i • .....„ ainutimuilinummuilmomomummiliiiiiminimiumns - a- = . a
1.... =
! . 4001
Minnie Hawley
'92 year old nurse
Delivered babies'
in Dakota
Mrs. Minnie Hawley • of dolivery.of many babies and often . '-"""
Seaforth marked her 92nd delivered .babies herself without . .....
birthday, Friday. at-`'Seaforth the aid of .a doctor.
Manor with a party. She was • a missionary and ' a •
- Although confined to a 'wheel served at a mission home . .
. ,. . . . . .
Uri .10 MEM • •••••-
the years, she , is bright and . :in Victoria, Brit's!' "1"
chair and her hearing dulled by spcmscoclby the United Churth Prod•USA Can No 1
cheerful as she remembers the - Columbia. At the Mission, there =
1 Lb. CAA 1.":": 8411.11.41414 ''D°G :‘"1‘1111.11‘1
• CELERY STALKS •• Minn days; of her youth on .a MCKillop• were ehildreilfrom one year to 16 • ' ittok ...imum••••111”v ,• •
. Township farm near Winthrop. years, mainly •Orienfals.'About 30 • 411184 "•".11111111111r w' .off
mother, the former Lydia children lived there and . were • • 4110111. = Prod USA Can. No -1 CHEESE --"si-r"- McCallum,' died- when Minnie .provided with school classes. = 'IMO& nor aim •
E RADISHES was twelve years old. and she left Mrs. Hawley said One Chinese ...▪ .., . • • . .. ....,„.. . •
. . ' PREA 16 years of age to be raised by her become .a doctor and went to. ..... .00,
S a family of seven children under - girl continued her _education to . =
Bag D ' = Prod USA Can No 1 Temple husband, William 'George China to practise. 3▪ ow $110! • MIMS
Jar $
In-later years, she -was married "'"' 2 Lb,
b '• 'McSpadden.
Mrs. Hawley recounted some for eleven years Car ORANGES
9 •3
experiences she -harl-gs. nurse Hawley until his dtPaih-');' ;
+ ,
OM NI 15,4
Tin North. U.S.A. 'when = Ont Grown No`l COoking
OiON.I NS 2L6, 1 Bag 9
that state was being settled by: Her .sister Sttsar; Hutchings = •
itok. ‘. olotinto0 4‘ PrimitiVe- hospital which she Her three brothers have died, = ititt
pioneers. She spoke of small lives in Stanton, CaliforMa. OM/
was a nurse and -of the homes Samer6l. le"CTiai-Talt and William, .4•••
where she nursed a sick member also two sisters, Ida and -
of the family. She assisted in the Hontletta, .••
# •
= Weston `s. i,„ .
1 2
PKG.OF ' 2/$1 ‘...imiumemp...4...41111.611111111111111 =
• = AIL
0 40 000,
1=1•1 - •
Remembeking brea d
Grandmother made la FLAKES •
. • .
:Ott loggs , ,
MIMS • • MEM =OM ietrich s D
:=" CORN SCONE k ROLLS ••••,
Sliced = -
Lb. 1.59 --"7" = Ars6 BOLOGNA
4 varieties
Min .
= Schneiders Sweet Pickled
= 4111111‘ ' • CORNED BEEF By Mabel Turnbull , enough lo shape. into • 001
This. 'note' is• written with round ;buns:. Then set, hem aside"---4--•••••••-'111110. 141,„ 880 _ ,_ . e . ,..
675 gr. .S.chneiders
apologies to Susan White, editor • again to rise hut. no;change. In =. MUM
of the Huron'EN'positor. I follow desPeration I plunked them into =
het; column with interest each we. the oven at 'the required temper- =
sand enjoy her writing in ivtiieh attire and waited. I opened the
ka.‘ •,.she ."halt something .to oven' aftet W'aitillgthe required • a.
usually front her own expetience. ' time for baking.. They -just sat """
5 varietieLsb. $ I. i 0 a jol 117. (). 9
10 E. ,‘. ...
... _
5 = ......- .... = 0 =-Ania SKILLET - =,........,
111N ,/, , = , =,
-Isersor mitillimmilimillimminnimimmillmommffilimmmilli . , .....,A•re . =
4""17 E. ' CHIPPED BEEF,
—.' Schneiders • •
4448 °- :
= SchneidersA,...--=',.."-11-----""r'......„.. :=1 ..........p."- r.: If
• ' I alma.loit STRIPS --- - z . .... ,
,-, naive taught ituvu of the voullrof there in their. flattened cop
the town in her age group bill as • had had enough so I took them.
out of -the oven. I had to adinif
defeat. What would do with . '
them in their hardened•condit ion?
'They reminded me of golf', ' = •
so I took doWn my golf club-s and E
had a good lime using the driver r = •
to off on the laWm which was = • 4444
the full length of• a tennis court: =
Golf wasn't my game anyway. but go" 4444 Aylmer ••
=±Schneiders Farmers Market
IMO Susan belonged to an accelerated
grant, who by pari7sed my room,
-Grade 5. at that time, however. 1
was associated with , her twice
weekly Music classes.
'SOUR- weeks ago. her .experienee,
triggered a similar one from
'Memory Lane' which I will write
''•11111111.111PP." • 1 had played a couple of times. My Unfortunate experience was
. attempting to make buns. This is
• a sequel to ,her 'making bread, I
have always been a lover of
homemade bread or buns, sincel
• used- to visit my grandmother in
Varna quite Often When mother,
sister. Ella,. and I would drive to
Varna with a horse and buggy..
Grandmother would be taking.
bread from& tirc---oxvil7011. that
irresistible aroma of newly-baked
bread! It was .overnoWerinr.
'Gr-andihother would favour by
cutting off a crisp,' brown. crust
and butter it with homemade
butter. Yurn, Ymn! ‘vasn't old
enough to know at that time that,,,,
incidents like this 'might cause a
,problem_in la ter - year-sr--•
followed by something worse. No
one seemed concerned with. dicfS
in those days an d if a person was
• chubby that_ was good, A 600
calorie diet ordered by my 'doctor
soom trimmed me down by fifty
pounds. That advice came too late
and I suffered the consequences
of high blood pressure and
overweight which caused a heavy
stroke, a cerebral hemorrhage.
Back to the buns. I looked` tip a
good standard recipe., and set,
about diligently to follow it. I
assembled - the required
ingredients which 'I believe ,
consisted of milk, dash of salt,
yeast, sugar, shortening,, and
flour. After mixing these, r set it
aside to rise to double in quantity.
I left It a while in expectation.
After the required tiine for timttg,.
I gingerly took a look. There was
no change in quantity,. Norte be
daunted added more flour to
•-•• SOU . =
Tennis was my game. I didn't =' me. p • —10110,-- = Quaker Ready to Serve
follow • these balls of hardened = ANL
dough lest, can driving them back, •••••
they might tax...e hit the windows = AO° OATMEAL io 0 Z. Ass' t flavours Tomato or Vegetable
= .Libby's
heated the liquid too high -a • =
in the hoarse and broken tliem. 1 7 -°'"' Imo jolt
discovered that perhaps 1 , maw' • NNW
-= SPAGHETTI tw/C,beese Sz" . "
omato Sauce 19 Oz. a a
fik S,.
1 Lb. V 1 19
• . . . . a
FE Aunt Jemirna Regular — =
- 8. luewater Thrift Pak
Er..'." FISH & CHIPS
. . i
. ▪ PEANUT BUTTER ValL :.8r i . ...,-,••••ge aT----
temperature and ruined ' the
properties' of the yeaSI. When 1 mum.
NNW 11.0011
enqiiired they agreetl that was =
possibly the trouble. I have never . s''" .
when circumstances permit. I will =
tried since to satisfy 111V efgo but = ..
have a nothey 'go at the' art,
Congratulations to Mrs. Olive ., = , .
Kaiting. Kitchener. who ecle; = ..
btated het birthday. Febratry 18i ... - •
.Kisitors: Mrs. Veronica ' =
Nicidinger the Staff came with we" ' _
bright little and infant daughter = = Maple Leaf
Sara. a ilaby Kitchener. 8 = mikit
Mr. and Mrs. J.. A. Stewart mark - = •444ki. Christie = CANNED PICNIC i1/202 99 4111k. Granny s Mon ths
Plus = • • Tin •
= Kraft -
called prior to 'leaving by ear for _ = """' MIN
MUM southern climes. thcCArolines = .P rem
Florida were mentioned. Their = AIL , Salted
travelling companions are Mr. ow. - - MIRACLE WHIP 320z. 1 29
and Mrs. J. Slattery. We were 'NNE 111.6 CLACKERS op. TARTS
She is now proudly in drade 2. = 3/11*
e 2 Lb.
'gay. MOM
a v)eased to have Ross Gordon .and = •
daughter. Vicki. visit us. Vicki "•"' . • 00,
1 3
'0•0/0, _1ROTFIS FOOD,
s80 , 2
has grown since last xvesaw her. ' as
She is looking forward to 'corning = .
toS.P.S. when she reaches Grade = ' It Box •
Gordon Searle, London, who =
Mrs. John Van. Bakel, nee = WE tteeErivE THE. RIGHT Mon., Tues., Wed.,.
has just returned from a Florida
'week. .....
• \litifida holiday, visited Mrs. Searle this = 14 t MARKET STORE HOURS
Janet Sebtt, a former valyea = To LIMIT GUANTITiEt To
= 40 4 . o tiog000lor ,
Zip ....=
J .., ,.....
Rip E---. 0;•••
Seaiorth Ont. and Fri. 9-9 S&L 9-6 . member date staff, called to sec =
tricticrIV7ildi'llg and %visited the lifill111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII01111110101111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111141111111111111011111111111IIIME