HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-03-02, Page 5'at Marion Villa
Family, friends and neighbours
.,,of Mrs. Elizabeth Murray.
formerly of R.R.4, Walton and
now of Mariqn Villa, London
ka01Ci-cd at ,the•Villa on Friday,
February 14) to celebr'ate.rMrs. M
urrav's 90th b'irthda'y.
Mrs. Murray haS one daughter,
'Mary (Mrs.., Zack Ryan), of
Seaforth and five sons, Raymond
of Seaforth, 'Toni of Seafort
Dominic of Walton,. Frank of
Walton .and Vincent of Seaforth.
She received cOngratulations
TI,11, occasion was celebrated
with a special birthday cake arid
trimmings. • . General of Canada.,
She received greetings from n7C
any of , her, old, friends ,and
neighbours in the St. Columban
and. Walton • ideas and she
received an Apostolic blessing
from the Holy Father.
. from Prime Minister Pierre
Trudeau, Premier William Davis
and also Paul Leger the Governor
She was born._ in the St.
Columban area where she and her •
tatechusband Tom farmed. • Her
husband died24 years ago, She
has been living at .the Marian
Villa for seven years. •
When you're in-Triangle Discount - You're
HENSALL 262-2418 .
CLINTON 482-3405
• • •
Don MacRae
Kay SChlattman .ef Dublin is
apatient in Seaforth Community
Mr. William O'Rourke of R. R.
#1, Dublin, is a patient . in
Stratford General.
Mr. Ab. Siemon and Mr. Lorne
Siemon are patients in Seaforth.
Community Hospital.
Mr ant Mrs. Jack Cleary,
Kevin and Karen attended the
tuneral of Mr. Wm. Cleary,,father
of Jack Cleary and also visited,,
with Mrs. Millie Evans in Dublin..
Mitchell • Dublin Cable T.V.
winners of February 22: 1978
were as follows: Mrs. Helen •
Fowler, Mitchell, $10.; Mrs. H.
Bias, Mitchell, $10.; Mary
Shean;' Mitchell, $10.;,, Glen
VVinteringham, Mitchell, M.:,
Mrs: Albert Johnson, Mitchell;
$10.; Bill Austin. Seaforth, $10.;
• Mrs. ,Allen Muegge, Mitchell,
$1Q;-Mrs. Ken Gib , Mitchell,-
$10.;,, Mts. Hu McG,illivery,
Mitchell, $20.; arrel O'Connell,
Mitchell, • $10., • Linda Walker,
Mrs urray is 90
" Correspondent
• Mrs. Ed. Regele •
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald •
McCallum, #3, Walton visited last
Wednesday ,afternoon and
evening v.vith their grandparents
Mr. and 'Mrs. Ecl.j Regele.
Mrs, Mary Thornton who has
been a patient in Seaforth.
Communi)y Hospital for pst six
weeks has returned to the home
of Mr. and __Mrs. Stanley
Preszcator .at Credited on
(Continued frOm Page 1)
Twin Bells "Ranch at R. R. ,
Bornholm. The Fteuermans and
Leonhardtt were family friends
and Kathy was also the closest
person in the area qualified for
the job of riding 'instructor. -
• Interested
The 'next step , was taking the
idea to the students-who of course
were more than interested, Mr.
Beuerman ,decided to take only •
those studelltIce owned their
own horses and _had had some
experience around them but he
said as R turned out he could ha'qe".
had an, enormous number of •
students:Interested in -taking the
The idea' has now developed
into actual fact and eight stud-e.ntS • -
..',;1,from-G. rates 6, 7 and '8 at• Upper •
'Thames are now nearing the end
Of the six week course 'which is
held for • two hqurs on Friday
afternoons. The last lesson will be
held on, March •10.
"Each student is-responsible
for makitig an outline. One. of the'
objectives of the program. is to
.teach • outline :making,"
lBeuermarr said,
Educational -
Comments from the sttidents
themselves would scent to
indicate that it is an eduentioiral
experience' both in school and in'
Martha' Sibbery .of R.
Mitchell. wh,o is in Grade 7 -at
Upper ThaMes •had. ,this to say N,
- about the equrse..
Mott John Temileman
• 345-2346 •
' Mrs. Bert Daynard and Mrs.
s_ Charles Douglas were hostesses
for the international meeting of
the Staffa' Women's. Institute on
'Wednesday Feb. 22 at 2 p.m. in
the township hall, when Mrs.
'Robin Daynard was guest ,• , speaker, , showing slides of
• Nairobi and Kenya, 'site of the
A.C.W. W. conferenry: in 11, ctobe
fair cance
The Dublin Colleens met las
Wednesday evening at ST
PattIck's School, Dublin, whet
the meeting was opened by the
president, Ruth McCreight
hears Mrs. Daynard
besides those at Upper Thames.
She has 'about 25 other pupils
with her youngest pupil being •
only four years old. Kathy who is
only 21 'years old has been in
business-for herself since about
1975. She has a lot of ,stude• s
who are on the show circui and
have done extremely well. T is
year she had about 12 or 15,
students who were up to a level of
Kathy also feels the program is
successful.. She sdid there's
definitely been an improvement.
• every time the. children come
"We have no discipline
problems, They all y the two
hours," Kathy said. .
• All the horses that the,•childrc
use are trained show horses th,
work from verbal commands ar
cues from the children.
The objectives of the electivc • program at • Upper Thames at
designed to provide the studer
liiWe had some experience in Secretary, Mary Rose .Louwagit
read the minutes and treasurer
Betty. Anne • Kroonen gave at
account' of the chib's budget. The
Roll Call was a contribution, to tin
community which the .4-H,. clot
gave in gotug out canvassing for
the Cancer: Society. The leaders
discussed the,„ many diffe:tent
ways to prevent , in
homes, such as falls,and electrical
hdiards. Members also discussed
the "Hazardous Products
Labelling",.and what the symbols
meant. First Aid-began and lunch
was served.
I like it, it'stun, It helps me
with school," She .added that it
helped ,her • with -her horse
because she had never ridden
'Western style before.. She had
only ridden the' English style.
Carol McNain of R. R. #3
Mitchell who is .in Grade .8 'said.
She thought the, course was really
good because. • "Instead of just
riding at home, we've got: petiple
to ,help • us to see what tole do
wrong and to get us to do things
right," she said, , • • • •
"We look forward. to FriditYs
when We conic out here," she
Gordon Kraemer of R. R. #1,,
Mitchell 'said, really . like 'it
becauseKathy and • Mr.
Beuerman teach us a lot .of things
that we didn',1 know before 'and,on
my own horse;. I could do 'sonic of
plained, for example, that.-
he didn't know how to badk up a
horse and .he had never done
loping.on a horse before.
-He added that it helped hint
his schoolwork. He said, that
it scienee\right now they were
st ying domestic.. animals and
they each have a project to do, so
he's doing his- on horses.
Mark Gera of . R,/I,
Fullarton said the course was fun
because he's'interested in horses
k111.d has horses of his own. ,• .
"When you're riding your own
horse, you remember the things
you've been taught here," he
said. "It helps you with • your
schoolwork because you pay
attention' here and . you pay
attention at school, hopefully."
Basic 'Wings
• - The' basic things the children
learn about in the course are the
proper handling of a horse--
grooming, tacking. etc..• parts of
the horse.; basic equitation,
showmanship., trail . riding, cost
and care, etc:, •and experience.
with the horse under .01M-oiled"
On 'Day .1' they learn barn
safety, preparation "for riding.
final' , preparation before
rn untacking and
:returning to. stalls... On Day-2,.
the students go through the
preparation 'of horses: as taught
the , previous ..week, teacher
demonstration and student
pOrticipation. On Day 3. they
have a basic review, are given a
d‘emoristration .which includes
arena rules and basic. equitation.
They also have student.. partici-
pation in groups of two and active
involvement in - the above
activities,. "
On Day 4-, there is a verbal
repeat of previous Itssons.
practical application. of riding
skills taught the previous week,
theory which includeSparts of a
horse, blemishes and confor-
mation defects, parts..of
- On . Day 5, the students are
divided up into two different
groups. Group 1 .takes for
with an ekplanation 'of -
the "different classes for showing
and Group 2 takes riding for
enjoyment, which includes talks
,obeying the trail master,
traffre safety, spacing, respensi-
bility tp the public for using their
PlroPerly, and responsible Use of
terrain. On Day 6, the last day of
the course, there is 'a • verbal
repeat of basic equitation skills,
practice in applying riding skills,
general theory review and a talk
about the economics of horsertiarr-
ship which includes purchasing of
horses, boarding, health,
—The . students also have
question and answer periods
where Kathy. asks about what
they've learned previously and
the students. can ask-her questions
too. • •
Although he hasn't ,had any
. feedback•from parents about the
program, Mr. Beuerman thinks
the ,program 'is a good ,thing.
• "l think Kathy.....is • doing an
excellent job teaching and. the
response by the students is
,excellent too,- he said.
. • Discipline
As for helpijig children
learn in. school,- Mr. Beuerman
said.. 'discipline, morale and
school spirit aw,..1,11-1-enhatreed by
the elective fagraiii."
• Kathy is helped in her teaching
by • Mr. Beuermair: her father
Ross Lcoirhardt, and Anne Huff,
a volunteer of Seaforth. They, use
four horses an'd have an instructor
for every two students. . •
".Ross and Anne and niyself
1977.' mrs. Vaynards commear
on the people, industry etc were
most interesting as she and Robin
had resided in that area for 3
years. She also displayed many
fascinating(keepsakes which they
bad brought back to Canada.
Mrs. Douglas' presided- and
opened the meeting • with the
Mary Stewart •Collect and a
4011,Co4,1 What my household is
with -the opportunity to learn •
more about subjects which are of
personal i tere$ to them and, are
a mean of acquainting students
wit activities that may become
ure hobbies or vocations,.
Electives are also supposed to
*provide an opportunity for
teachers to meet students on a
personal level, and vice versa and
to develop excellent morale in the
school. -•
Roy lieuertnan and Kathy
Leonhardt may just have brought
a whole ifew4climensicrtino the
education system Where students
learn by doing and can enjoy the
process at the same time..
,-401n$, tO conserve energy, was
answered by 7 members and 1
Mrs..Bert Daynard had current
events and also gave the,
background and current history
on the A.C.W.W.
Duling busine4s a donation was
made to Bunny Bundle and the
pooling fees ...for the Officers -*
Conference in Waterloo fon May ,
2; 3 and 4 was -approved.' Short
courses, food fortuns and training
schools for 1978 were discussed.
Mrs. Carter o kerslake handed out
a guestionarie on your farm
history acid. house logs, to bee
completed and returned to . the,
March meeting.
Mr. and 'Mrs, -Lorne Feeney
and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
parsons are liaidaying this week
in Las Vegas.
Dati Cronin, " Je and Gard
Cronin, St. Columbarridek Bakei r
Seaforth. and Jim Baker, Mitchell'
spent the weekend ice fishing in
the North Bay area.
Debbie Collins, Judy Norris,
Jim Downer , and Doug, Norris,
Brampton visited on the weekend
with Mrs. Saht Norris and Mr..
and ,Mrs. Bob NprriS and family:
Mrs. Dan Cronin, Mark and
Jennifer, visited on the weekend
with relatives in Stratfoid and St. ."'
Dt*din people
shooing and we try to pass this on
to the students." Mr. Beuerman
And as for Kathy, she's been
on horses ever Since she \Nal four
years 'Old and :h.a,s..:been showing
tit m since she wasTOtne`r3fie said .
sic learned about. the ' training
and showmanship of horses along
the road and she also once worked
atilt a pretty.' xppular horse •
trainer, G(ird Wadds. She has
also learned through books and
experience. .
Kathy teaches other pupils.
• „
Stud ents r iding
At Mclaju ghlin's You Get . .
The. Lion`s
Share Of.
All 00( Greai
Mitchell, $10.; Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Rock, Mitchell, $35, -
Visitors with Mr. ,and Mrs.
Wilfred Maloney during the past
week were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Lorentz and Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Meyer of St. Clements: Mr. Peter
Maloney Jr. has returned from a
six week- •holiday in Sebring,
1974 Ford LTD
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1974 Meteor Rideau
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Raglan n
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2 door hardtop equipped
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1973 GMC 3/4 Ton Pickup
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See Our
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For Your Share Of Savings
Bill McLaughlin
527-1 140 .SEAFORTH