HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-03-02, Page 3At. •
Lions start East& Sed drive
only. to do .what it can at Easter
seal time.
Today he .. said responsibility
includes guides to and direction -
of rehabilitation. The tendency
for clubs to sit back and say to the
.professionals "you do it" must be
resisted otherwise the work at
some point couldbe taken over by
governments at triple the cost and
with an increaSe in red tape that-
could not be estimated. • '
' "There is a happy medium" he
said "the profesgionals and the
service clubs -can work together
' In this way the clubs, through the-
society, . can ,continue to
contribute in an effective way to
assisting not only the child but
also his ,parents 'and family, tp
cope. with the pressure and
needs . which arise with a
OrVille4Oke, who last year was .
elected area direetOr for. the .
society, expressed appreciation to
the speaker. Geo, . D. Hays won
the weekly drdw.
'Men .intured .
Two Men were...slightly. injured
Saturday night abOut 6.30 when a
van and a car collided on
Goderich St. E., just. cast of the
main intersection.' George ',AK, ..
McClory, 20, of Brussels,
was44ve.iiillgSEISLUI a 1977 Chev
passenger . van which collided
With a 1969 Pontiac driven by
Fred. W. MacDonald,' , 23. • of),
8.12.4, Seaforth, travelling west..
Seaforth 'Chief of Police John
Cairns,,said,Mr. MacDonald, and
David Mehitosh, , a passenger in
the -McClery van were taken to
Seaforth Commtmity Hospital
where they, were released after .
haying stitches, Mr. MeClory will
be charged .with making an
improper left 'turn, -
'The Seaforth areit. Easter seal -
campaign .was kicked, off Monday
night when offiOals of the Ontario
Society . Crippled -Children
Were guests ofthe Seaforth Lions
Club. The Club has participated
• in. the (Tippled children,program
fur ny4ct.rly SO yeapoancreach year
spOnsors the Easter Seal
• Campaign . on behalf ; of the
Society. .' , •
The.mceting was arranged by.
the . Lions Health and -Welfare
ComMitte of Torn Young, Darwin
Bannerman and Orville Oke and •
vas .chaired by Mr.' Young.
6ticstAiineluded Scaforth Mayor
.Betty Cardin),
Recalling the many years in
which ---Scaforth ... Lions had
sit Ppi'iffiFil crippled
• Work ...John Butler. executiVc "
director Of the Ontario Society..44.r."
crippled children •told the club it
was Orie • of' 2,1b.. service • clubs
across Ontarid Who made .up the'
Mr. Butler referrer • to the
changes that' had occur ed since
the Society first began its work.
While there• continues to be, a
requirement • to ensure that the
Crippled child receives the bets in
Mr. Butler referred • to. the
changes that had ectl".irred since
• the society first began its work.
While there continues. to be a
requirement .to, ensure that the
crippled child receives the best in.
medical attention today, he said
no longer is enough for club to
regard its committments as being
In a, story op the possible
closing of Walton Public School
Iasi week the Expositor said rural•
children attend WPS for their-first
five grades. This, was inco.nrect.
Walton Public School has' four
grades, from Kidnergarten to
Grade 3 inclusive. The Expositor
'regrets the ermir.,.
by Karl Schuessler
The annual March . of Dimes
campaign in Seaforth has raised
" chairman 'Mrs. Shirley
O'Shea . has 'announced. ,That
rtweseots a significant increase.
over 1977 when $1 .475. wits
raked by volunteers in Seaforth.
Mrs. O'Shea 'expressed thankS
• to the large number of Volunteer
-cayra\sers and members of the
Ifiedia .iind the commtinity who
supported the March of. Dimes
A coupleof dogs crossed my path this Week.
And before 1 let them takea bite•out of me, 1
' ,thought I'd get the bite on them first. '
-I must explain. These weren't' real dogs.
. Well, they were real. but I mean just heard
• about them. and that's set me off howling this
.Someone told me he heard you could tell
'what a iman was like by the dog he had.
' Now, that wasn't news to me. I'd heard that
one before from one of my best folk sources
- around-from my wife's Aunt Hazel, For years
she's been saying her father always insisted
.... that to really know a man. you should pay as
much attenti in to his dog as you do to him.
iY guess -the feeling must be that birds of' a.
feather-ahem-dogs-of a fey-pack together,;
But is, it true? The persop wanted to knew is
there any truth to this folk wisdom?
,hoW should I know? I haven't been
that much of a dog keeper in my lifetime.
Maybe `it is true. Maybe a mean dog is a
sublimation for a mean streak in , a Man.
Maybe like does attract like. Plain animal
attraction in both of them. •
But what I've never been'., able - to
understand is why decent, sane and tolerant
people keep snarly -and toothy dogs, •
In _general, people are supposed to be
hospitable, aren't they? So how do I feel when
I walk up to a house .and there's a big bowscr
barking his head off at Me? And I have that
sneaky feeling he's eytkieg my lower'leg with
extra delight and relish?
It's enough to run me off.,
I know, liget the idea. 1 ought to get. And
the bewaret4he-dog sign reinforces the idea,
Some people have tried to console me and-
say barking dogs never . bite. How can they
,bite when they're barking?
And someone else says his dog is just being
friendly-bark and all. But the darn dog is
lifting himself all over me and sniffing me up
and down--in the not most respectable of
places, either.
"He's never bit anyone yet", he says.
But that's no comfort. I don't care to chance
becotning his first flesh offering.
Down boy. down. That's where I like my
dogs. Down a . preferably out of `sight.
Music Is Now
New Albums And
Hi=Fi Equipment
16 Ontario Street,
Stratford 271.2960
P says no schools
(by Wilma Okel „- -
'there will be some movement-,
of students for better class sizes
but none of the 19 elementary
separate-schools in Huron and
Perth countiq will be closed" due ,
to declining enrolment, the H-P
board decided*Monday night.
Trustee Ronald Murray,.
'Dublin, chairman of the'declining
enrolment ,committee,. reported
on the three public rdeginss held
by the committee, , ,? •
With a 5.4 per cent decline in
enrolment beginning in
September 1977, the .committee
was set up to study the problem,.
using the report prepared by the
administrative - staff providing
statistics and, background
information on the schools. also
. The three publie:meetings were
lield in , Dublin, attended by 150
persons; in St. ' Colimban
attended by atiotjt 60; and in
Stratford by over' 200, which
pleased committee members.
Con 12 Hallett 2 1 3 miles from No 4
She 6.10
[SEcontli $12.00
Men's Leather Top
Felt Lined
S,Toe -
'S, Sole • $19.00 _
Green Drill
$4.00 .
North Star
Size, 1= 6 $8.00.
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$2.00 • $5.00
Insulated or Plain .•
St, Toe $25.00 - $40.00
6.00 1.009.00
S 8.00 ,S14.00
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School House Store
tittle Girls
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CHOICES. . 5.00 pr„,
Opect'till 9 pan.
Close .Tuesday fill 1 P.M.
ethia* to soy
'by Susan White
,N ICEAK ITTY When the Kindergarten class from'"-
Seaforth Public School visited the Wayne Hugill
farm, R.R.#2, Seafol•th last Thursday, a special fiello
- to one of the family's cats was in order. Pictured are
Don't get me wrong. I'm not all that vicious,.
I don't know if I exactly ascribe to -a current
feeling `around the countryside- "Shoot.
Shovel and Shut-Up". That's one farmer's
advice when itwines to .a dog killing. his
chickeng and wpfryhtg his sheep. .
1 heard another dog story' last week--.one.,by
James Tborber that American h ninon r ist from
Ohio. There were-plenty of clogs in his life, but
the best remembered was the worst behaved.
Trixie wa's her name. A mean dog if I ever
-heard of one, but his mother insisted on
keeping her even though the brute bit house
callers systematically.
AMother Thurber had her own balm for the
...bitten and smitten. At Christmas time,Mania
ThurbelA,F1, •,.. baked cakes and sent one to each
person -ixie had bit during the year. That
kept the woman busy in her kitchen for days.
And the banner year was one Christmas when
mama sent a cake to a U.S. senator, because
Trikie had taken a nip out of him when he .
called at their home that September. , ,
But get rid of Trixie? "Never!" mania said.
And papa had corrections down at the city
hall to keep the impounder at bay, -
And when Tr ixie finally, died, mania
'insisted on a pror gravesiteatid a memorial
marker. And she didn't rest easy until she
aline up with exactly the right wo'rds--in Latin
no less. In the same words that served ,Trixie
'in life as well as 'death: "Cave Canon".
"Beware the Dog". .
I heard a redefinition of grace last week. 1
don't"mean the kind.of „grace that means you
walk • in elegant ease and style. I mean
theological grace-undeserved forgiveness,
unmerited acceptance. '
Grace. this pastor said, was when the
minister's kid did something bad. nd the
congregation didn't cluck and gossip about it.
They didn't say a word.
Now, if I were really big about it. I'd odend
that grace to the pastor's dog. His--dog needs
it. -
But I have a mean streak in Me. And 1 don't
have a dog to work my• aggressions through.
'Ruff! Ruff!. Gm] Gm! watch out all you dogs
and people. I'm wearing a sign too. "Cave
Karlem". "Beware of Karl".
Something rather pleasant happened in
Canada recently. Not too. many pleasant
things have Occtirred in this country of te, so
perhaps we should observe and enjoy this one,
" I'M referring to the general dece.ney shown
" by the -press and politicians„ neither of them
noted for this ..quality, in the Franeis Fox - • - • ' affair.
In case you've already forgotten it: Mr. Fox,
a brilliant young cabinet minister and Solicitor
General • of Canada. confessed he had
wminitted peccadillo and resigned
from the cabinet. • .
He had forged the name of her husband to
a'paper permitting an abortion for'a married
lady with whom:he-was, apparently.. on more
than speaking terms. -he 'was caught when
• another, lady .wrote the prime minister and
squealed on him.: '
Mr. FOx. a Rhodes .scholat...provCd once
again that' you cot have a lot of brains and still , •
he a du intmy. '1 I e not only eorninittledforgery,
he committed adult .cry. And he seems never.
• to have heard of birth coma
That's all Tight. There are a good many
. dummies among our ihnstrious leaders, and/
always Irnc hecn. Most of the others just
• has en't been caught.
But what. was rather ,startling about the
whole business was the• restraint practised by
Fox's opponents in politics., by the press, and.
by the pnblic in general. Nobody went foi: his
jugular, or thtit ottthe goVernment. which is
aston i Siting in these .times. • when sym-pathy,.
compassion. and deceia.yscem to be,going by
the board.
• •
Had-it haPpened in Britain. the tabloids
would ha VC had a fieldday,,a nd the poor inan
-wordd-h liari cTi:itictf outof is 'cabinet.,
out of parliament 'and probably right out of the
country by the sheer weight of the scavenging •
that would have . taken place..
But no. not here. Political foes expressed
sympathy, 'editorials reminded us that we all,
have a skeleton,or. two in the closet, and the
head Of the United Church wrote Fox. a I Ater
hoping that "there is enough graec • and
understanding in this country that you. willnot,
has e to rite under the cloud."
Such forbearance. A. generation _!ago the
man would has c been howled out of the office'. -
Not so very long ago: as sonic elderly Tories
remember. a num-4..berof cabinet ministers of
that denomination were smeared rather
thickly for exlianging bon mots with one Gerda
Munsigner, a German lady with a shady past.
What, in the world has come over us? Why
sodden benevolence tow ard, . a fellow
heman being? Is it some. sort of midwinter
marines', that has crept sneakily into our dour
Canadian puritanism?
List night it was 10 p.m, before
1 realized that 'Tuck hadn't been.
fed. He usually eats at with the
rest of us. But, in our rush to get
The baby bathed and settled down
and father off to,a hockey game:
Ttik got lost in the shuffle.
• It was only that I heard him
practically knocking at the back
" door to come in and then watched
him charge towards his blue bowl
,that I knew Wokl completely
forgotten about him.
Now I know • we're not• the
typical family, but I've begged
the better half to stop, telling
Gaby that Tuk is her big brother.
She's going to be the" only kid in
1 -
Or is the whole thing a crafty Liberal plot to
snatch hbaillineS and induce sympathy among
the women on the country? First Margaret
bogs off 'and leaves., that poor. cleat' man with
three boys. to raise. Now .Ftaneis, with one
swell loop, reveals that evert a -cabinet
minister is capable of paSSion.
If this is the case, what in the world is Joe
Clark going•to (1O-to counteract' all this free
pliblicity. ,before • the election' canipaign
begins? His wile- is staying home and
behaving herself, and' his own past is
impeccably dull. •
My suggestion. to Joe and the Mlles, f,or
what it's Worth, is that• they start' rooking'
around for sonic really' rotten ,people 'as
potential cabinet ministers. Whattltey need in
their anxious ranks are a sex devtate or two
couple of guys who served time for armed
robbery, and a few ladies who were formerly
happy hookers. A jam of tarts, as it Were. Toss
in a child hatterer and ','otticotie who snatched
,underwea r off clothes line's, and they'd run
the Libel-ids righl ,off the fi..ont pages.,
Is it true that we all have a skeleton' in otir
closet, something that• would be humiliating
Were it gxposed to the avid, public. eye? ,
Maybe' there a,re a few • lofty. Souls With ,a
clean slate, but I'd he surprised it' there were
enough of them to form a hockey team.
Conic on now, gentle reader. Cast yotir ntind •
hack Over your life, and take 'a close look into
those dark corners, you have managed to
altnOst forget.
Have you never picked your nose when
nobody was looking? Have you never,' ever,
smelled you r own armpits *pi siThilar company?.
Haye you never!helped.d.estroy. a reputatjon -.
• by repeating gossip? Have you neVer done a.-
cruel thing or a mean thing in.your life? Have
you never got drunk and made an ass of
yOurself. Never said, • a bad word? Never
hawked and spat a gob when nobody was
around? Never emitted' air from . an orifice
, Well, good on you, as we say in Austrailia,
'''' iTY-Ott haven't. You must be ander six months
of age, and even infants can't quality oti 'all
I could, probably count on my toes the
people in this country who have,, not lied,.
'cheated, stolen. committted adultery at least
in the head. worshipped vile graven image
known as a ear. or railed to honor their father
and mother, at some time.
Personally. I 11 ave so many skeletons in my
Own closet thbre's no room for more, I had to
start shoving, them under the bed.
It Joe Clark takes my suggestion with the
seriousness with which it is offered, I'd he
-glad to help. I know some really rotten people.
she didn't think she'd ever have
A grandchild. But still, it's hard
When a grandrdog has to move,
Over,„ for a grandchild as he's
finding otit. -
My mother was lamenting the
fact that. when we go away this
-weekend to 'a convention in
Toronto, Oaby,the baby gods with
us. "If she was,Weaned she could
stay here with us," she said a
little wistfully, —
"Never mind" we told her,
"y/ou can look after the older
.boy." She tried hard to look
You" re
in e
"w one in Dublin-would go for
this," Mr. Murray said. "The
only place you could transfer
students . from. one school to
another without upsetting the
(Continued. on Page 20) ,
Crowd at Walton
(Continued from Page 9, (locally) to, hold th ings as they
trustee McDonald said but he
lose their jobs. "They'd go to
Seaforthi if WPS -was closed,
®' chairman. Wilfred Shortreed, who
are." " •
Former trustee and boded
chaired the meeting suggested added "we'd be remiss if we went the board. might have to revamp
against Walton School. Seaforth all its boundaries,, perhaps
D HS isn't down that badly." . drawing a 'circle • around each 'Seven.
years ago when the 'school and letting students attend schools closed it was going to be where they are closest.
cheaper, 4e all know how, it
All the facts about enrolment in, went" said McKillop • councillor-
all county schools should be Ralph McNichol, who
also available for parents to look at, acknowledied that the board Trevor Smith of Walton
members are, Under great suggested. "Then they can see pressure to make cuts. "I hope where the orntilems are."
they can 'get 'enough pressure
to- come and
see ,us
at the
Febructiy 28th
Marche 3rd.
Serving Agritulture Since 1936 .
Mrs. Joyce
Seafortkl and
farm page,
Hugill with "Oheryl. Anne Storey of
,Jennifer Hugill. Another peloto i on the
t ' I
(Photo by Oke)
Most parents know what a big
adjustment a new baby is to' an
older child in the family, Luckily I
don't have that problem with 'my
daughter. She's the one and only.
Well; almost. The sibling
rivalry, ‘'e have in our family is
more unusual, subtle. It concerns
the first born, "our older boy". as
the better half calls him, our dog
We hasiTt.dc for three and a half
yearS •before we had Gab the
baby and although he-adjusyd
very' gracefully to a certain, drop'
in the attention that was focussed
on him. he's suffered. oh how
he's suffered.
_Sugar. and Spice
by Bill Smiley
Something pleasant
kindergarten whose big brother
has*a curly tail.
She already watches him 'with a,
great deal o terest. He's not so
thrilled er though and he
partic rily °Weds when we try
to give her a 'short ride on his .
back. fie sits down.
He'dees try to give the back of
her' head a good cleansing lick
when it's nearby.• "Never and,.
It'll he good for the cradle cap.'
jokes her dad,
Tuk always got a great deal of
love and attention from his
will close 7* 40 -
relatives and he still does: My
mother-In-law ' her
"grand-dog"• probably because
The▪ 'administrative staff report ,
had suggested consolidating
Dublin and St Coluniban schools
or Seaforth and St, Columban by
a redistribution of several classes.
The • regular meeting of the
Seaforth Horticultural Society will
be held on Wednesday Miircit 8th
-at '8 p.m.
Cord Wright will show slides on
his trip to Scotlatfd. „
Seaforth Co-op Nursery School
will meet in the lower library on
Monday March 6., 8 o'clock. All
interested persons please attend.