HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-02-23, Page 187.• T.7." • " • No matter1V .111 1 Coming Events 1 Coming Events Classified_Rates WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words, Sets of numerals as for serial, numberS, street' numbers, phone numbers or prices cont as one word per set. Words joined by hyphenstoulit as separate words. FIRST INSERTION 20 Words $2.00, 7c, per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS 'No copy changes, 50 per word m inirfulirn41.50 , SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.96 per column Inch.' SUBSEQUENT• INSETIONS -$1.68 per column inch. 1,11101 \ (Minimum size irr th Is category 1 1/2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.). BOX NUMBERS •TO THIS, OFFICE - 50c per • - insertion. BIRTHS 20 words, $2.00, 70 per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Ehaagerrierits, Death . Notices, 20 words $2.00, each additional word 7c. IN MEMORIAMS -$2.00 plus 10c per line of verse COMING EVENTS' - 20 words $2.00, each additional word 7C. Three insertions for the price bf 2. , CARD OF THANKS -- '30 Words ' $2.00, each additiOnal word 30. 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT" . ON OR BEPORE :FRIDAY NOON IN WEEK ;INSERTION: I No cancellatiOn of multiple insertion advertisetrients after Neon, Tuesday Deadline for clastifled adeisJi2 NOtitt Tuesdays Phone- '2'7-0240 The Seaforth Happy Citizens will m eet for euchre' games' in the. Legion Hall on Thursday, March 2nd, at 2 p.m. Visitors welcome. Please bring lunch. Bowling at Nobel Lanes, Febriiary 24th at 2 P.M..1-37x1 ROYAL Canadian Legion - St. Patriek's Dance; Legion Hall, Admissiop $7.00. per 'couple,: lunch provided, Tickts available from Legion members. .1-37-tf 4. Help Wanted CLEANING person required by working. couple in Seaforth to work 1 or '2 half days per week. Apply to BOx 3317, The Huron Expositor, 'Seaforth, Ontario, giving . experience, salary- eipected and references. 4-37.1 • McKillop Township The Township of McKillop requires .a person to go door ,to door in the municipality Register dogs and issue dog tags Applications must be submitted to the Clerk's Office, 1R.R.1, Seaforth before, MARCH 1, 1978 MARION McCLURE , CLERK-TREASURER 4-36-2 Maintenance Person Bendix Homes Systems, Ltd. a leader -Recreational Vehicle and Manufactured Homes required a MAINTENANCE. PERSON for it's• Hensall , Ontario Recreational facility, The' desired applicant will possess a maintenance electrician's' license phis practical experience in a manufacturing environment. Remuneration will be baSed upon experience and qualifications. Please apply in confidence to Bendix Homes Systems Ltd., 73 Mill Street HENSALL ONTARIO • or Phone 519-262.2600 s 4-37-2 13ABYSITTER required for two pre-school children. Monday to Friday, 527-0573, 4 37.1 'MATURE capable person required to live in on occasional weekends and for weeks during summer. Dufies preparing meals and looking after 2 persons itti Senforfit. Apply stating age (over .18) wages expected •and availability to Boit #3316, The Huron Expositor,, Seaforth: Ontario 4.37-1 Police Constable The Town of . Seaforth is expanding its Police Force to four - Constables. Applications will be received by t undersigned ' until 5 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. -288 978 for the position of Police Constable. All applications -!must be in the applicant's' andwriting. Applicants must possess the qualifiCationS" referred to in. the Pollee ,Act, and must supply atleast three character references. Please submit resume indicating any previous police experience Applications must be forwarded in a ed envelopes clearly 'marked "Application - Police .COn ble" and addressed to: JAMES CR KER CLERK-TREA URER P.O. BOX 6 SEAFORTH ONTARIO NOK 1W0 --1 Person with a keen interest in photography wanted to learn Dark Room' Technician's Job at 4.-•11 lit loon notio This is a permanent part-time position which involves 3 to 4 hours Bork on both Monday and Tuesday afternoons. Experience isn't necessary but a desire to learn and work hard Please apply in writing giving work experience, ecitication and personal , details by' . -Monday Marth-6-:- EDITOR, THE HURON EXPOSITOR Box 69 ' SEAFORTH, ONTARIO 4-37x2 1.973 Charger. Polaris, new track, and nOV sliders, 5.27-081.8. 11-3:42. • 10'' Radial arm saw, range hood, 3 bar stools, •Vanity basin,' .527-1094. • • 11-37x2- APPLES: Macintosh, Courtland: Northern Spy, Red. and Golden' Delicious and Ida' Red. Also potatoes, honey and fresh apple cider. Art Bells Friiit Farm, 524=8037. • 11-37-tf ONE 'person's junk is 'another's gold mine,. Turn your unwanted articles into cash with an EXPOSITOR classified. 527-0240, 11-34xtf 13 Wanted Wanted to borrow M.S.Q. up to 30,000 lbs, 527-0329: 13.36-2 WANTED: a steady pig buyer for approx. 800 pigs a year. Apply Box #3310. The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ontario.' 13-35x4 WANTED: old brick buildings for demolition & salvage purpdeS. Contact Ross Lumley._ 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 13-30-tf 14 Property For Sale' THREE bedroom, 2 storey house and garge on W lot 65 x 11711/2 best offee 527-1525. 14-37-tf A Hobby farm '/4 mile west of Londesboro,• a large barn, excellent shed, 8 room brick house on 5 acres, immediate possession. Robert Trick, 523-4387. 14-36.4 - Be 'a Wheeler Dealer: on April 15 and. 16. it's'Fun! What do I have to do you ask? Simple.Think about the old saying "Otie mates junk is another man's. treasure". NoW go , to your basement, and turn out those. unwanted items of furni- ture, books, dishes, bOttles, toys,,, knick knacks. etc., and bring`, sell, trade andl Our Family Wheelin' Dealin', Days of Fun, Salturday April 5 and Sunday, April 16. Our figated-halb is kicated 2 miles south of Clinton on Highway #4. Be the first, to reserve your space then tell year. .neighboty. Wet need your partici- pation to makeit. a fun weekend. Ph:me 482-7077. • , „. 1.37-1 EUCHRE will be 'held in St. ThOmas Anglican' Church Parish Hall,. Tuesday, February 28 at 8 ' p.m.• 1-37-1 • SEWING demonstration open. to the general. public Thursday and 'Friday, lk,itai.7'eb & at Hopper lipckey; Main Street,.,. Exeter. Janet Goodwin from Husqvartia Wll. be in the store . demonstrating all the different. --- typesof stitches, embroidery, and to answer any questiont you may .. have for-her. Shp wilLbe in the store both dayS; from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 1=36 2 GT lemlog "row ere,7 <we> CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thursday, 8:00 P.M. 1st regulai'. card $1.00. Restricted to 16 years or 'over. 15 regular games of $15.00; $5 least on split. Many other speCials. 'Jackpot $200.00 must go each week. 1-34-tf BEECH'WOOD POTTERY'S regular Show anctsale Sunday„afterheop 1,pm. to 6 P.m, ' • 'tnLi arodIent•St, Caluenban 345,2184 V.34-tf Please let us know, if you or your child will be attending either of the classes. Classe's• will 'be discontinued if . less than five persons indicate attendanm , PLEASE REGISTER BEFORE !ITURDAY, FEBRUARY25th Doctdrs consent required. 1-37:1 4 Help Wanted The. Town'of SeafOrth requires a person to go door to door in the • Yd.' Municipality, to 4 Help Wanted STRIP ticket's _for admission or refreshments,. „ single and duplicate, The Huron Expositor, Seaforth. 11-34xtt USEFUL to the whole family, World Book Encyclopedia. For more information call • Mrs. Arnold Taylor, 482-9155.. 11.36-2 , Big Savings • - noWinobile Suits. Vests, Pants, Jackets. Boots and Helmets. UozaReC-7 lil SEAFORTH - AYR • CAPARRIDGE ill PARTNER chain saws, complete parts- for. Pioneer' saws, Oregon saw chains, bars and sprockets. Robert-- Glen-----Saws-: "_Phone House for Sale. bedroom, 2 storey house op a lot 65x1171/2 , located in quiet section . Seaforth $27-1525. 14.34.tf• • 1000 bales "firstcut hay 75% .. .- alfalfa, no, rain. 500 hAlesstraw, phene after 7 p.m. 523.'9406. For details on plans covering Corn, Spring Grain, Beans &Nevv • Forage Seeding call: Joe 0-Reilly R.R.2, Dublin 345-2465 ..11-37x2 • , , • , '527-020' OfORGC R., JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE', LIMITED BROKER BOX 249 768.1170 482-9292 21/2 miles west of - Clinton on Hayfield Road 1/2 mile south', 11-37-4 PART TIME sales person required to sell paint in rural area. Apply to McKellar Barn & Commercial Painting, R.R.#2, Staffa, 345-2879. 4-36-2 kr-2, ro. gooard If 66/.6... School' Bus- Driver • HOWICR CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL R.R.#1, GORRIE Written applications addressed, to Mr. R. L. Cunningham, Trans- portation Manager, Thelluron 'County Board of Education 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario, NOM ILO or Mr. Bruce Robertson, Principal, Howick Central Public School will be received untir.12 o'clock neon on Thursd ay, March 2. 1978, Duties to commence March 6. 1978. R'. J. ELLIOTT,. D.J.COCHdiRreiteNtoEr Chairman 4-37-1 7 Sittlatior 5W111:1L15z5 b.abys,._it in_ my 7 home,.3727 Every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Huron Expositor Want Ads, Dial 527-0240. 8 Farm Stock For Sale PUREBRED Charles'. Bull, 2 years old, also 1 purebred Hereford - bull, 1 year old, 527-1629. 8-37-2 10 Used Cars, For Sale. 1972 - 442 Olds Cutlass; 350, 4 bbl 2 door hardthp, dark green with gold stripe, 'slot wheels; 527-1316 or 887-6647..10-37-1 1975 Dodge Coronet .two door hardtop, power steering, dower brakes, 8 cylinder, in good condition. Phone 527-1784. 10;37x1 1970 Chevrolet Belaire '(as is) driven every 'day. Sedan. Phone 5274016. 10-37x1 1977 Chrysler New Yorker, 4 door hardtop,' loaded. with every conceivable option, 13,000 KM (8,500 miles) 357.3284 after 6 p.m. 10-37-1 11 Articles For Sale KNIT AND CROCHET YARN. Warm,. • comfortable, .machine washable, dryable, yarn developed for long lasting shape ,retention using Acrylic Nantiik and Wool, for our Canadian climate. Order direct from yarn colour selection card showing Fall samples. Send name, full address, 50 cents for postage and handling. 'You will reeve shade chait, metric tothergron -charts, helpful hints, price list order form. Write: Yarns Of Tralee, Box 459, Milverton, Ont. NOK IMO. 11-37.1 • • • Sewing Machine &- Fabric Specialists 1 full floor of fabric and sewing notions. 1 full floor of sewing machines featuring WHITE AND ELNA New sewing machines from 89,95 Used sewing machinesfrom 29.95 SEW AND SAVE CENTJtE LTD. 149 Downie Street, Stratford, 271.9666- (2 doors south of Hudsons) , ClosedMondays, • - 11-33-6 tubes: Phone Cliti-s"-'Kifeisch 527-1101. 11-3513 TR 1 AL FISH' BU G b CANARIES A complete line of pet supplies PA'T'S PET SHOP 350 Main Street Exeter .Phone 235-1951 11.344 • Order Your Seed. Corn and get in 'on a free" hat• while' supplies last. WM, St STOREY •.' 527-1448 11-36-2 SWIMMING POOLS - Leading swimming pool manufacturer' must dispose of brand new 1978; Models. Fully , warranted, complete with ' pump',' motor, filter, f encing, walkaround and deck. Suggested retail - price $2350; Available 01 ,pre-season special of $1322. Call now for early installation. Long term_ financing available-. Ca-ll toll free; anytime. 1-800-268-1944. 11.344 FALSE 'teeth, long underWear? EitpoSitor elasiifieds have sold centrOff when you pay cage today by calling 527-0240. 50 almost•eVerythitig. Place 1316-31:x a d f Pioneer Corn Test Results For 1977 on own Farm- 3978 yield 158.5 bu. 3977 yield 138.4 3975A 'yield 152 3965 yield 155.9 All .available' in one seed sileat your ° PIONEER DEALER HAROLD PRYCE Phone 527-163„7-11_35_2 SWIMMING• Pools to tent Will lease and install forlibmeowners, family:size aluminum o swimming peels with patio. Choice of styles, m eeting , all fencing regulations on a one, two, or three year rental basiS• with option' to own. Try before you buy! Call toll free anytime 1-800-268-1944. 11 7 34-tf • '77 - 440 Whirlwind MF snowmobile, only driven 370 miles. Priced re enable. Call Wayne Hugilf, 482-7 11-57-2 GOT something to, sell? 9000 people read the EXPOSITOR classified ads every week. Place your "low priced 'Thcaoslra classified at 527-0240e -11-30xtf 1977 Yamaha GS 340 Snowmobile, low mileage, good condition, 900.00 , 482-9134 eyenings. • 11-37-2 TWO white" nurses uniforms pant Suits; one uniform dress; one pr. size 10 new shoes, one pr.-size 9 shoes; stereo, 527-1105. 11-37x1 ST LORNE-ONT. First time4offered .... carpeted bedrooms, riehly wallpapered, two full baths, nearly-new gas fernace, water softener, full basement, large lot, excellent location, new aluminum siding. connected to sewer and many other features. Priced asked ...... , $34,500. Suitable down payment and the owher is willing to carry the mortgage, 14. 7-.I LadieS • and children „, elpthing store, living quar ters a ,ove, alcljacent service station in•Blytili• Excellent business for man and BOX 189 SEAFORTH ONTARIO 519 527-0050 ICE CAPADES • Kitchener Auditorium .March 12,1978, 6:30 p.m. Show- Bus Transportation and Show $1 f .50 per:person 1-35-tf Bingo EVery Tuesday Night -at the VANASTRA CENTRE R1R.5,'Clinton 8 P.M. First regular card $1.00 15 Regular games of $1500 3-Share the Wealth Jackpot $200 must go Admission restricted to 16 years or over 1-34-tf • EUCHRE at Hensall .Legion Hail,• February 23rd • at 8_ P.M. Admission "$1.00. Lunch provided. Sponsored by Kippen Women's Institute: 1-37-1 Breathing CLASSES for persons with • Lung Problem's Central'United Church Primary Roorn, Stratford • THURSDAY, ' BEGINNING MARCH 2, 1978 Children 5 to 14 years . 7 to .S 1p.m. Adults 8 to 9:30 p.m. Sponsored b-3, Huron Perth , Lung Association 121 Wellington St., Stratford, Ontario; 271-7500- MITCHELL 341102 MT. FOREST 323.1$4 'Join•-us on one of our, fay escorted tours: 10 DAY FLORIDA: Departs"March 18th.' School Break, No night • driving. • 4 DAY NASHVILLE: Departs Good Friday, March 24th, Includes Ohery, guided tour of Nashville, Country Music Hall of Fame and more. Book early, to confirm space, 4 DAY WASHINGTON 7-- Cherry Blossom Festival: Departs March 31st. Washington D.C.'during Festival' time is a glowing pastel of Cherry Blossoms which .truly 'must be seen to' be appreciated. 9 DAY NEW ORLEANS and Deep South features New. Orleans with guided tour and Mississippi River 'Cruise, Memphis,* Bellingrath Gardens and more, at the most beautiful time of year. DriParts__Apr1 6th. 3 DAY RENFRO VALLEY JAMBOREE: Departs on April 7th • and May 5th. Featuring good old time fiddlin and *kin in that down home Blue Grass StY,fe. Mein/des 3 great shows, a horse farm tour and boarding house dinner. • - 21 CALWORNix TOUR : Departs Apri1.16th, 6200 miles of lieu and different scenery from plains to, mountains and deserts to oceans: All admissions and 'city tours, etc. included. 19 DAY BRITAIN: Departs May 10th. A beautiful spring scenery in England, Scotland and Wales. First Class AccomModation, fully escorted, even includes the Highlands. . 14 DAY HAWAII: Departs April 15th. Features 2 Islands.Fully escorted,` includes all, tours and admissions. 14 DAY ALASKA: Departs June 10th. Includes air, ship cruise, motor coach and train. ReServe Space Now. ALSOt '2 Day OTTAWA = Departures on M ay 13 -and May 20 3.day HOLLAND - Departures on May ; 16 and . May 18 3 Day W.WVA - Departs May 26th. • „ WRITE FOR FREE BROCHURES Mount Forest 519-323-1545 Mitchell 519-348-8492. 1-37-1 dogs' ,and issue dog: tags A commission of $2:00 per tag issued will be paid. Applications must'be subitted to the. Clerk's Office by • Tuesday, Feb. 28, 1978 J, CROCICER CLERK,T1REASURER , 4-36.2 11 Artteles For Sale .• 1973 kiroule 440, electric, wide track. 345-2741. . 11-37-1 GLEANER C2 combine,' bean special with corn and grain beads. Fully, equipped and reconditioned Phone 482-9260. 11-304 ' 11 Articles Far Stile FOR SALE Billiards- Tables . New, Used and Installed FRED LAWRENCE Mitthell T48-8684 • . 11-37=1 'Town of Seaforth COPIES' Copies of your important papers or documents" while you wait. Letter size; 25c each.: THEESURON.EXPOSITQR 1134xtf • 1977 Suzuki 185 ce..Enduro, low mileage, excellent condition, 1973 CT 70 Honda, good condition, 3412088.. 1.1,3.6x1 REAL ESTATE LTD. 482-9371 Clinton 110 acres crop land near Blyth, 100 acres workable, no buildings. ****** 1 1/2 storey home in Londesboro, 6 "rooms, 4 bdrms, oil heated, close to school. • ****** 231/2 acres land 2 miles from Bittevale, mostly workable. ****** 1 1/2 Storey frame home in Brussels,,`rooms, 3 bdrm'S, carpeted, oil heated. 11-37-2 ****** • REAL ESTATE NEW HOMES' OP Jarvis Street, 1 split level and 2 split entry, a113 bedroom with garage. Priced from $49,900.. S..ACRES - in Hullett has 2 floor brick home with ' modern conveniences, most floors. carpeted. Modern steel drive shed 32' x 64', bank barn. 100 ACRES - on paved read. near Ineknow. N early new split level brick home. Modern farm buildings set up for horse's. • River crosses properly, 5129,000: REMODELLED SCHOOLHOUSE - in the Exeter area. One floor 2 oil furnace, Large country lot. " LOTS 4 adjacent building lots at the south end of town.. • RENOVATED HOME 2 floor 3 bedrooms, new family room and sun deck, new aluminum.. siding. Small barn. Located in Kinburn, $29,000. VANASTRA - 2 floor 4 bedroom home. Insulated to hydro standards for electric heat • $35,000. HULETT - 3 bedroom country home. on 1 1/2 acres. drilled well, -neaLputnp, .531 Clinton Office 482.3595 .John Thompson 52770238 DiCk vatt.detliterf 482-1165 El ON HOLST REAL ESTATE LIMTIED Realtors 14-37-1 • Additional Classified' :on ..next Page. a We have other homes and next week, will givp description-of . a ' tell small dwelling ,that would 11 • suit a couple or one persona Let us show you a 100-acres of 36-2 casehrscrop land tat is for-. off FED up with flickering GESTETNER INK AVAILABLE WILLIAM M. HART r fluorescents? Use LITCO at The Huron expositor, 527-0240. Seaforth 527=0870 or 527-1972 " guaranteed longlife fluorescent Seaforth. 11-34xtf wife. * * * * * * 11/2 storey home at Vanatra, 5 rooms, 3 bdrms, full basement, . 80 acres near Hayfield, with new ranch-style home, all, ultra- modern, 10 rooms, 5 bdrnis, all carpeted, 2 fireplaces, all well landscaped,. Beautiful vievv:- 133 acre dairy farm near WaltQn, 122 acres workable,e fully equipped. Good 1 1/2 storey brick home. •• . FOOD FOR THOUGHT 0 It's i nip ortant- that people know . what you stand for. Its •equally important 'that they know what you WON'T stand for. - 14-37-1 '