HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-10-01, Page 7Leo ET 'Amer mo s 00 0 00 300 1 00 c. per each scale. 11, ante rations 8 line rr each 3 linea month or specific harge ' oust bo t bo in appear BLIOUER est se, to NE if lElt, deo streetst. TAR10, t INGRAM. 0 sets of be made :xtractod r Ins 007 ✓ e asyykao se. ORTAlt 00 LINTY Charge• in outs 3 anon]• PHRENOLINE REMEDIES Taking the lead everywhere. We are working day and night to supply the demand. Our correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of poor sufferers are being restored to health and happi- ness daily. TRY OUR ., RHEUMATIC SPECIFIC 03 KIDNEY AND LIVER PILLS They are absolutely rure and healthful. Guaranteed to op re Rhetunatistn, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lumbago and all forms of Kidney and Liver troubles. BEWARE OF SPURIOUS IMITATfON'S ae 4;) meed - nclay in Visiting D Stees- r.Iy to a refine Ca1180.. Tito. Ont. O House 11 and in. . rir out 1:oa O. ltls'� s reaping **tiers es. One making ring $11, clearing ,ing out. 111 TSOl urs, if 11- Pie beet en short luhaM. rooks or utile Mit ny sty -lo PCO Sold in Wingham, only by Gordon ce Co An Advertisement • This is an advertisement which tells the truth about Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. PEOPLE'. WHO SUFFER from sleeplessness, dizziness, shortness of breath, smothering feeling, palpita- tion of the heart, pains through the breast an d heart, anxious, morbidcon- dition of the mind, groundless fears of coming danger, ana:lnia or impoverished blood, after effects of la grippe, general debility, etc., should TRY MESE PILLS as they cure thesecomplale-e. Every box is guaranteed to give satisfaction or 'money refunded through the party from whom the pills were purchased, and we authorize them to do so on the strength of the above statement. This: offer is limited to the first box used by any one person. T. MILBURN & Co., Toronto. ELp gT�`!J N'3 UMP Will stand wear and tear for 3 ears. No better proof can be given -of their (lnrabilittr than 'is shown by the f'tet that some of these pumps put in wells 25 years ago are still working. IRON and FORCE PUMPS Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended to. Sues?—Diagonal Ss. opposite Beattie's Livery. JOHN PELTON, , Wingham, Ont. IT YS TO ADVERTISE IN THE TIMESo a s 1.1E \YIN(1.IAMM TIMES OCTOBER 1, 1897„ Provldence.Tha>altea• It is with pleasure that I receommend /3,13. 13. for the cure of indigestion and impure blood. I had tried many reme- dies but received no benefit until* thinner Providence, I was advised to try 13.13.13. and it VMS with perfect sueCess. MRS. WM. Loma], Ji, Oshawa Ont. Say, pa, what kind. of pans do miners use when panning gold? Dust pans, my boy. When we are invited to dinner we always regret that our friends instead of putting more on the table than we can eat, diden't divide the spread and make it two meals. Iliclrs- -I suppose it is a bargain between Dick and Miss Sparker. They seem made fin' each other. Whicks--Yes as soon as they met, be made for her and she made for hirn. 11115- - K4r3 ,�r0/>�t id. [4 yFjll' t,T hYI,Y.i a {i l TTLLE yY� telt ILL MK HE OM Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drovrsi,. ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They ..cgulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. 19 P 1, Small fosse Straaiii Price. Substitution the fraud of the day. is e you get Carter's, .‘.. sl;. for Carter's, .. isist and demand _:: rter's Little Liver Pills. . LONDON ADVERTISER The Best One Cent Daily in Western Ontario. . . Cannot be excelled as a bright, enterprising and popular paper. Has all the latest news from all parts of the world. Supplied by all news dealers in Western Ontaria. The "mt- WSTERM ADVERTISER (Weekly Eddition.) ONLY 75c. A YEAR. Equal to and better than many published at 81.00 a year. Agents wanted in every district to canvass for this publication. Address all orders ADVERTISER PRINTING CO., lid. LONDON, ONTARIO. 1.4 TRADE MARK. 'f. big, Before I need one battle my health improved and tho medicine effected a Complete euro. lean highly recommend SLOAN'S INDIAN TONIC for all Nervoua disorders. an Ideal f3lood Purifier and will do all that is claimed for it. I will be plena. It give any information I eau to aey onesimiliarly affected. Since using tete medi Ouse 1have had noreturn ofthe Ise ten, I have increased greatly in weight, and row enjoy perfect health. SLOAN'S INN TONIC Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Erysipelas, Eczema and all Blood and Skin Diseases. Mrs. Jnmes Stewart, N9 Hughes St., St. Thomas, writes : " Some four or live years ago, 1 was troubled with a complication of diseases and was trona ed by several of our best city doctors and tried all kinds of patent medicines, but received no benefit until I triedSLOAN'S INDIAN TON /C, and I at once began to improve. My loft side nt ono time was paralyzed. and I was scarcely able to move and had to be assisted in (Irons - rhea 1111,0 ; e•' THE SOU 171134,1r4 CO. OF HAMILTON, LIMITED. All airaegiets or:by 1 tpress. P. 0. briwar 33• P. a. Drawer :;,r ,titan. Suoaessors to Burtch Bros. & Co. Straight Tall. to Young men, The success or failure of ev arm depends upon his efforts, and the sooner he disco this fact the better it will be him. The schooling a young gets in acquiring a few dollar exactly what he must have in o to retain him accumulated we and use it in the right manner. append a few business rules t should be adopted and strictly hercd to by the young men j starting out on bis business cares His first ambition should be acquire a perfect knowledge of details of his business, so that he not be at the mercy of inefficient incompetent subordinates. Ile should accord a correct e tolary style, for he is judged by business world according to the pression and style of his letters. He should never suffer a letter retrain unanswered, however uni portant it may seem. He should never fail to meet business engagemeut. Confine his capital closely to t business he has chosen. Avoid display and choose asso ates discreetly, Avoid ligitation, but in ease necessity employ competent almsFortunes. have been lost by " eve man being his own Dwyer." Never run down ' a competitor goods, remembering ' that he h friends as well as you.' Never misrepresent, falsify, or d ceive, or allow it to 1'e done by tho under you. Have one rule of moral condo and never swerve from it. N( ver refuse a Choi ;e when o ter. Never sign a paper for a strange Personally inspe'3t your accoun at least monthly, With the above suggestions as ground work upon which to build business career, your structure wi rise storm proof, and, if a littl longer in reaching the top mos course, its character for solidity and business probity will more than re- pay. All that should be done for any young man is to help him to help himself. The individual who depends upon others is a clog in the wheels of progress. You cannot pass upon the reputation of your ances- tors. You are either genuine or counterfeit and the world knows it. Bear this in mind.. Very own vet's for plan s is or alth. We bat ad - net r, to the will or pis - the ex - to m- a he ci- of el, ry 'S as e- -e et f - r. is a a 11 e "I WILL BE HERALD" IN LIeTTINa TM WORLD KNOW WHAT A BOON CATARRH SUFFERERS DAVE IN D11. AGNEW'S CAT.t1RRIIAL POWDER. John B. Dell, of Paulding, 0., says o Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder : "I was sufferer from eh mob catarrh. 1 was ad- vised to try Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow der. It worked a great cure in rue. 1 had almost instant relief. It is the best remedy 7 ever tried for this disease. I will do all I can to make its excellent qualities known to those suffering KG I did. Sold at Chisholm's Drug Store. wisely, as the following serts Married in white. You have ehosmen all right. Married in gray, You will go far away. Married in black. You will wish yourself back. Married in red, You'd bettor be dead. Married in green, Ashamed to be seen, Married in bine, You'll always be true. Married in pearl, You'll live in a whirl, Married in yellow, Ashamed of the fellow, Married in brown, ' You'le live out of town. Married in pink, Your spirits 'ern sink. To try on a wedding ring before the ceremony is nnproptioai+. Should the shaking hand of the groom drop this symbol of love in the act of put- ting it on the bride's finger the cere- mony had better be stopped at once. To lose it is prophetic of evil, and to remove it after it is placed on the finger is unlucky. The throwing of rice and old slippers is descended from antiquity, rice meaning fertility tend plenty, while the old shoe is supposed to invoke the favor of the fickle god- dess of fortune. No bride or groom must turn back after starting, and the bride must be sure when she leaves home to place in her pocket a sliver coin, so that in future years she may not come to want. rhyme its. ONE HONEST MAN. written "Editor.—Please fielyl, inform mail readers, led 1 t- ter, particulars of a genuine, honest;, home cure, by which I was permanently restored to health and mans vigor, alter years of suffering from, nervousdebility, sexual weakness night losses and weak shrunken parts, I was robbed- and swindled by tho quacks until I ncarlylost tannin mankind, but thank heaven I am now well, vigorous and strong, and wish to 1nal:o this certain means of cure known to all suf- ferers. I have nothing to sell and want no money but beluga arm believer in the universal brotherhood of man, l am desirous of helping the unfortunate to regain their health and happiness. I promise you per- fect secrecy. Address with stamp W11. T.ltULFOED. Agents' Supplies, P.O. Box 59, St. fiend, Que. COUNTY AND DISTRICT. Over a hundred hands are employ• ed in the flax rain at Harr'ict)u. Letters patent have issned incorp- orating the Exeter Electric Light tend power Company (limited), capital $15,000 in •$20 shard, and the Lon- don Oil Company (limited), capital 1$,'3,000, in $5() shares. The trustees of S. S. No. 9 Turn - berry, have engaged ,Mise Sillers, for 1898 at a salary of $275. Mr. Jewitt who has put it three years of gond solid, work for the school will go to the Ottawa Normal School after Chrittrni,s to recur'e his profes-- f ' sional 2nd class certificate. George Cox of lot 21, con 6, Gode ' rich township, was in Goderieh last Wednesday attending the North- western. "I was" said he "at the first show ever held in the county. It was held at the corner of \'Vest and Waterloo streets about sixty years ago. It wasn't much of a show, but it was a starter. Wedding Omens. Few girls are dauntless enough to risk being married on a Friday, and also in the month ct' May, which is considered a very unlucky time while June, September, October and December are deemed the luckiest months of the year, but June is the greatest of all. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are considered the best, days to be married on, if assurance of' ha ppi- ness is desired. Monday for wealth, Tuesday for liealth, Wednesday the best day of all! Thur.day for crosses, Friday for losses, Saturday no luck at all. All bride's elect rejoice when the marringe day dawns brightly, re tnembcring the old adage, 'Blest is the bride upon wheat the sun cloth shine.' And all are equally certain that: To change the name and not the letter, Is a change for the worse and not the better, The postponement of a wedding is regarded with such horror that many will he wedded on a sick bed or in a house of mourning rather than chane the date. It is all ever•bold woman, indeed, who will let her vanity so far get tho better of her as to don her bridal rnbeo in their entirety before the hour 1:et 5,u' the ceremony, as such an act In'esagcs death and (lire misfortune. White is the color usually chosen for bnidr'l robes signifyingpunity and innocence; but others may he cho,=n A quiet and pretty wedding took place at the Manse, Blyth on Wednes• day of last week when Miss. Bary M., second daughter of Rev. A. Mac , Lean we.s united in marriage to Rev. A. MacVicar, 13. A., of Huntsville. The ceremony was performed in the presence of a few intimate friends and reiatives by Rev. D. MaeVica.r, 13. A., of Victoria church, Montreal, brother of the groom, assisted by the father of the bride. The bride wore a pretty dress of orgndio muslin white veil with wreath of natural flowers, and carried a boquet of white roses the bridemaids were her sisters Misses Millie and Kate MacLean, the former wearing Swiss muslin over pale blue and the latter white over pink. Little Sea)i\IacVicar niece of both bride and grixnn, who acted as maid of honor was prettily attired in pale pink. The groom was assisted by Rev. An en:l (irahanm, 13. D., 'of Pet- rone, and Master Dan MacLean. After the cermony the guest sat down to a d:tintly luncheon, after which the newl'• marrkd couple teff on the four o'clock train for their new homein Huntsville. The wedding presents were many and Beautiful. Away Jana Bast. From east to we:,t p0o1,lre have heart di: -crus. Teti ea liner vlt,lont hoadarhes, neuralgia, nerve tronbi' and pro, teat on Have 141ra. S:)niero of 1lpnotnn, N.13. : "T tried many remedies, -but never found anything to give Ino 1eleh prompt, relief as Milltnru's Ilaart an 1 Nerve fills have eul1iereil fromthe 10.tne symp• totn:l, l,nt nil v 111.1'y to tho mire these wonderful pill:; bar's me l;e in my ease, toad 1 h;,[.0 that all sufferers yell try them, Sime Tried Receipts. (1rahain I3read.--Four cupfu graham dour, one of fine flour, 01 of molasses, one pint of sweet mil one tablespoonful saleratus, a lit salt. Drop Biscuit.—(Tae quart of flou butter size of half an egg, three tea- spoonful baking powder. Make dough thick enoull to drop from spoon with sweet milk. Corn Bread.. --•-Three eggs, two cupfuls of flour, two of corn meal, two of milk, small half cupful short-• ening, three teaspoonfuls baking powder, a little salt, hake twenty minutes, 'This receipts was never known, o fail. Breakfast Muffins.—One te'tspoon- ful sugar, one and half tablespoonfuls Melted butter, one egg, one cupful of intik, one and a halfteaspoonful beck• ing powder, one pint of flour. Bake twenty minutes. Cucumber Pickles.—rine cupful salt to one gallon water, for 300 pick les. Pvur the brine scalding hot on the pickles seven or eight mornings; then wash and drain. Scald enough vinegar to cover the pickles. three mornings and pour over them, They will keep beautifully. Mrs. B.'s Muffin„—One quart milk, flour enough to make thick batter, one yeast cake, a little salt. Let stand to rise over night. In the morning acid two or four eggs, piece of butter size of an egg, Full rings half full on griddle and bake. Eat hot with butte:• and sugar. Piccalill! —Chop fine one peck green tomatoes, six green peppers, four onions; add one cupul salt; let stand over night. Pour off liquor, put in kettle with vinegar to cover. Add one cupful sugar, one of grated horse- radish, one tablespoonful cloves, one alspice, one of cinnamon. Stew till Peach Pickles.—.our pounds of sugar to seven pounds of fruit, one pint or more of vinegar. Put one or two cloves in each peaeh. Prick well and steam till tender. Lay in crock, pour syurp on after it is well doiled. Let stand 24 hours, Next -scald syrup and pour over again. When cold are ready for use. Chow -Chow, —Two quarts of small onions, four quarts of small cucum- bers, three cauliflowers—cat latter• in small pieces and soak with ctcum- hers and onions in strong salt water over night. Rinse well and boil in vineger till tender. Mix one-half pound best ground mustard and two ounces best salad oil to mix well, and stir into the chow-ehow while boiling. Before taking from fire add a very little red pepper. It is then ready to bottle. 7 I've fast bought a flying machin,„ 11 l; ehnt;tk'is Is 111:1` 1, to lc, Waltzer—(rn d1o1, r 1'l'El j alhcgrd-.. tfe eft in the mems ;: ,- • It a you wish to eat Illen-i P r, Absent -Alluded i'rofess,,r -1 haven't time to talk now. Ask girt; after dint. ner. Severe Headache Cured. DEAR Silty.—Being troubled with a severe headache 1 was advised to try Laxa Liver Pills. I only used half a bottle and have not since suffered from the same complaint. They seem to be a perfect cure. Tack spends all he makes. If that's all be spends he must be ecomonical. Lousse, two thirds of every healthy infant's life should be cent in sleep. Well don't tell me about it; go talk to baby. The mayor has a fine war re3ord hasn't he? I believe so. He has been married 50 years. A Two Stop.- Didditt—I'm in hard leek. Wl Ilett—Who is up? Didditt—Twins at the house. Willett ---That's duced hard luck. She (after the quarrel) --And must we part forever, Harry? IIe—Well, at least until to -morrow night, Maude. F 11 ...4 .I%,Yr.'ls,,,, an? . l:`il3i..i',nelt, 1 �tcm ;., ,n. -^--��- iia ly' 1 Z-' fr m' Lf:.Q,'yc'fret,,il S1 l ? Littlie Peeie-'-Will it make much noise, Mr. Constant? Petie---•Sister said she thought ycu would pep to -night, and I was wend., el'm's if it could be heard upstairs. Don't cry, Buster; said .jimmy boy after the e' tastraphe, Napoleon did- 'nt t'r'y every y time his brother hit ttini acctdcntily on the eye. I know that' retorted I3u:ttr. Na - paten did all the hittin on the eye himself, Now really, :,al'l the rl'laiina!tI,fal Man, did yon i v('1 ti(e :t woman crit° was hem'eis enretelh to ,trip a clock by looking; at It? No said the Nonee114ica1 Chap, bat I have seen a woman stop a eat' by looking at the conductor, Pale] -1'"c 11 .1,-i:'Ille, pot ]vent tt) chive]) This :welling? Yc, 1,:11111. How aid you 'flit.,the sal r:lf•1ty 1,t'4144.11.1; v(•,t, ;;,.>O.,1 and the end iv U; 1f 1, ; l,nt, , i+err was to mut. h illi(l.lio. 10, it P'r,t. ib Cq,7 6if.�t34 ,at e-0 x44651 • '01Y-44" —s0V9IiiiV4-044.4* la/ WE CLAIM there is orly one preparation. in Canada today that is guaranteed to cure 13RONCIIITIS, and that is GI;. Gnaws SYRUP Gr LI;1S:at0 A.13 T(ii i:NT1:13. It is MOTH. ER'S cure for her child when it is all stuffed up with CIIOUP and coughing 1151 the lungs out with WIIOC'hI'IXG COUGH. One small 11100 inulicchiatt'ly stops that cough. By ho ening the p Falun, pints the Vale one to $.leap alit] rest. Dr. Chase conl;,,l:tot ed this syrup so as to ta:..0 away' the un - 1 e: r>ant taste of t'u•p ^seine and laseed, WE i-eFFItR to rebind the price if Dr. Chase's IT, will tr,t do all that it is c1. ,0.._.1 to do. to•.1.1 am a r1•ar,^,ntee at all ei0al:.rs, cr ,:.an:an. 1.01 gates S. Co., 45 L.omiard Price, o ;*^ • _ •e 49 [�1't'� t�5 r fie es ere eta. CV Lz; And all Ste=-i1E S G mi children ea'; PRICE, 38c. ..cit (3i tri. s. • F `4t� mo" 0".1..- i• ( !s c' t i I a1; patent tl Ttrlilnl , t i i r 1t. My rf . t ' e - i nt}e eti.i tellti 1'116(1 S` i s Ie • r tel are un. ., ascii etcho17 0 .1a1c ion, wit's t•c n, r , ita5e. claimed. , i v i t. -Fr , piitivis as to fee • 1- , i r .v t : r omtcel ti:,g tho » 1 t r5 w •` 1 1i roeweed the :1:1.1.:-.'... ,15' 1 '1'er0�1'Ct5, °'Itvo, - .:.t.. 'Vn1D3,' con. 1 i.: . •z.sidt 0Go-' c.. ;ill CIOs•LIa . in Sparing Time get Pure Blood by using B.B,B. No other remedy possesses such per- fect cleansing, healing and purifying properties as Burdock 13lood 13itters. It not only cleanses internally, but it heals, when applied externally, all sores ulcers, abscesses, scrofulous sores, blotches, eruptions, etc., leaving the skin clean and pure as a babe's. Taken internally it removes all Isorbid effete or waste matter from the system, and thoroughly regulates all the organs of the body, restoring the stomaelt, liver, bowels and blood to healthy action,