HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-02-23, Page 13R. K. PECK
"In die heart of downtown Varna"
VACUUM' GLEANERS - sales and _service of most makes.
1 Varna ( Ont. 4823Ipfi
• LIFE — and Mortgage Insurance Plans
Income Tax Deductable Registered
Retirement Savings Plans and Annuities.
,IntoritiAveraging Annuities
Ask for our new Flexible
Premium R.R.S.P.
Sun Life Assurance
Company of Canada
far 19 years.
CoMplete the workshop 'economically
28-inch Level Screwdriver Set
E. Cast aluminurrfi 4 11249 J. Mastercraff 2*Slot/
plumbs and 2 levels. 2-Phillips/2 Robertson.
Introducing the
`little-big' tractors
from John Deere
New small-size tractors with big-traCtor features
• Two power sites-850 with
22-PTO-hp diesel engine;
950 With 27-PTO-hp diesel
• 8-speed "Hi-Lc" trans-
• Differential lock •
Categoit 1 8-point hitch
fo. Rear 540-rpm PTO
Hand- and foot-operated
throttle controls ,
• Adjustable wheel tread
All this and more at easily afforda ble prices
Has fully adjustable grey-iron tables; automatic
blade guard; sealed ball bearings, 4 x 1/2" rab-
bet capacity. Solid-steel -cutter 'head. 5S.5511
Cuts big lobs down to size, Plugs into any
120-yolt AC outlet. Unitized .12-amp (2 hp)
motor. 5000 rpm no-lead sprocket speed.
Safety double-insulated housing. Anti-kick
.clulch, ttlg 28" cutting capacity. 58-5639
- *LES SACKED SEttvitt" 144010457,144
Mrs. Allan McCall
The Community hail was
• decorated in the Valentine theme
for the 'Progressive,euchre on
-,-.Tuesday cVening, February 20,
— there were eleven tables in play.
Prize, winners Were., for High
lady - Mrs. Harold•Tiolger; low
lady - Mrs, Harold Hudie; High
Man - Wilfred Shortreed; Low
man - Harold. Bolger. Birthday
elesseS40 Valentine's Day • Keith
Clark, Door prize draw was 4.von--..
by Mel Jaeklin, Brussels, , r'
Instistute hostesses were Mrs.
Keith Rock, Mrs. Dave Watson,
Mrs. Ray Huether and Mrs. Allan
McCall. There will, be another
euchre in two weeks with Mrs,
Mac Sholdice; Mrs. I-Jyvey •
Craig, Mrs. Nelson Reid and IVIISif ,
Ray Huether in charge.
The Insti, tute are also planning
a St. Patrick's Court Whist Party.
for Friday; March 10 at 2 p.m.
both men and Women are,:,
Wilton Unit Meeting •
The.;; devotions of the Walton
unit 'ere _Ili' Charge Of Mrs,
Walter Bewley and Mrs. Harold
Bolger ,fer the unit meeting on
Wednesday evening February 8th
Hymn "All people that .on earth
do dwell" as sung, accompanied
by Mrs. ' Ray Huether at the
piano. The scriptdre reading was
taken, from Galations 5 and
Meditation on A. Perfect World,
killowecl. by prayer. The singing
of Kum-ba-Yah closed this part of
the meeting. s
. Mrs—Ray Huether took as her
topic Society of , Brothers where
she spent .a weekend with the
families at Niq Meadow Run in
Fa;rmington,. Pennsylvania last
They are the Hufterian(also
called Hutterites) in South' and
North, Dakbta, !Minnesota,
Montana and Washington State
in the United States; and in
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and
Alberta 'in Canada, and also in
England. .1- . •.
They live in ' this. small
community, making
:commitment to give 'up their. will,
talents and possesion it js :only
their way..
Mrs. pill Coutts presided for
the business. Midutes were read
by Mrs. Mae Sheldice in the
abse`titt—of the secretary, Mrs.
Haward flackwell' due to
by 17 members. Thank you notes
was read from Patti Bremner for
shower gifts. The membership
fees of 50Q; were collected' and
: Mrs. M. Sholdice took up the,
Collection. Gifts for those in
hospital are to' be looked of ter in
our own units. The U.C.W.
meetings in the winter months
are. to begin,at.- 1:30 p.m. The
Walton Unit will serve at the
Thankoffering service in April
with the decision ' to have
sandwiches for lunch,- will make
final arrangements at March
The 'World Day of Prayer
service Will be held on Friday,
March 3 at 2 p•„m. There will be a
spring and fall bale packed •
possible through itn inner van
from God that they can accept
this life, ti to be away from the
outside World, they serve God in
Hymn "Where cross the Mrs. Bruce aik, he is Mrs.
Crowded ways of life" followed by Ckrk's brother.
the Mizpah Benediction closed • Miss Joan Bennett. 0wen -
th,e meeting. Sound spent the weekend :at the
Hostesses were Mrs. Torrance home of her parents, Mr. and
Dundas, Mrs. Ernie Stevens and Mrs. Ron Bennett,
Mrs..Leenard Chisholm of Du
. - r Mrs.. Nelsopn rRseolnda•ls
" ngannon visit0d on Sunday with
• The Explore is and C.G,LT.
with their leaders
' Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Johnston her mother, Mrs. James. F. Payne
sicicnessi Rolreall was answered • daughter, Joyce Colyer at Victoria
visited on: Sunday •with their
Mr. and • Mrs. Ted Achilles
.- skating party at Blyth arena on
entertained' their families to a
February 9th. Afterwards they
and one of the kindergarten
classes h41 not received their
class pictures earlier. ,
..Gratie B Trip to Goderich
On Thursday. February 9, the
-gra& traiTelled fi'Maderieft by
bus, They went to a council
meeting-at the courthouse on the
square. , Thby talked about the
organization and what theyklo at
the council meetings in Huron
County. This special trip proved
to be worthwhile and educational.
• Hotdogs
This year the'Student's Council
Holly Hobbies. -
Elected as officers werc
President - Theresa Hieknell Vice
- Lo,uise Rian, Secretary; Jean
Murray, Press Reporter; Linda
-Klaver: Other members :are
Rose-Ann Nolan, Marion Nolan,
Mary Murray, 'Louise 'Nolan,
Mary-Jo Ryan,' Martha
7Claessens, Eileen Duffy, and
Margaret Hicknell.
Leader - Mrs. Jamicke Murray
and Assistant Mrs. Dorothy '
Murray explained what the club
was about in general and what
members would need.
is selling hotdogs. Every Friday, ,
hotdogs are sold either to the
junior or senior sides on ano,
alternate basis.. The students
enjoy having the hotdogs and it is...
also 'a good way to make money.
Once. again this year, Hullett
had the dental program. One
February 8, 9 and 10 two nurses
came to the school to administer
the program. Every • grade had
their teeth brushed and the grade '
six class had their teeth flossed as
well as brushed. Each student
received a tpothbrush and the
program proved to be Worthwhile.
On Wednesday; February 8.
thPArkde;".„ 1 '•44 IgOnn,1101tOri
Public to
make use of the snowshoes. The
snowshoes !were bought by the --
Student's Council of Hullett. The
.rete rned to their hpme in Hearst
on Monday after spending the
• week at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Rolly ..Achilles following their
return ' from their brother's
Funeral at Ithaca, New York State
last 'Monday. Others attending
the funesal were Mrs. Bill Taylor
of Kintail andMrs./ Jim Sills,
Hu11ett .stuctOnts .have poker rall members. decided on the -name
"Focus On. Living - The,
B &D Jig Saw Orbital Sander
Moratig 'names
to build oh.
:4...Poker Rally
On Friday, February ,10, the
grade six class went on a poker
rally to' a nearby -bush. The
childm travelled by sti owshoe or
by skis7Thpupils wrapPed their
hinthes in tinfoil and cooked the
food over an open fire. The Class
had to find cards placed in the
bush and also had an hem- of free
time.The class had' a wonderful
On. February, 16th the school
vollbyball teams, played exhibition
games against Holmesville Public
School. E. ch team p14ed two
games: The .total score for the
boys' games .•were 32 to •28 for
Hullett. The total score for the
girls' games were 28 to 16 for
Holmesville Both teams played
very well.
Valentines Parties
On,February 14th many classes
in the school held Valentine
patties. The •grades 1 ,k2 baked
small candies and the grade 4-s ,
had to bring a lunch and share it
with a friend. Everyone~ 'enjoyed.
the cookies and other'landies.
Nurses Return
,On. Febrfary 14th 'the d' ental
nurses. once again returned to
StudentS' to t11, ,They
had to do some of th grades on
the Junior side who had missed it
before. Another group of nurses
also came on the 14th. These
Hospital, London.
Mrs. Gerald Watson and
Mrs.. Harold Hudie, attended the
two-day course on "Perspnaliz-
ing your Patter.n".. They will-
bring the information back . and
are reqiigtrra. that...„,any W.I.
-members or interested ladies in
the coii-pnunity are to get in touch
grade •three class had .an
enjoyable time,
Grade 8 Trip
On Monday, February 6, the
grade 8 class went on a field trip
to the bush.-they could travel by ,
snowshoes or bring skiffs "fro t
home: Tiley-toek their lunch els
cooked it over an open fire. ey
could also go tobogganing on. a
hill. The class left the school at
9:15 and returned at 3;15.
Accompanying the class were Mr.
Millson and• Mr. Riley. Everyone
had an enjoiable time, ,
served hot chocolate and cookies,
The first meeting "for
Londesbpro #3 4-H Homemaking
-Club project ."Focus on living"
was held February 13 at the home
of Marjorie Duizer. under the
leadership of Marjorie Duizer and
Judy Datema. There were 11
Elected to office were President
- Carol Cartwright, Vice
President, Jacqueline Johnstpn;
_Secretary - Helen Kolkman; Press
reporter Kathy Radford.
suffered a stroke an1.1,--bn Monday,
February 13 was admitted' to
Clinton Public Hospital. She was:
transferred to' London • on
Thksday. "Friends wish her a
speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs.' Toin Allen ent
jlast _week end Th sday to.
Mondayat Dwight, Ontario.
Frank Ellerby, • Clinton spent
Weekend with his grandparents.
Joan Garron, London and Kennie
Colquhoun, Clinton, visited on
Saturday at the same hoine.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Durnin were Mr. and
Mrs. Don Case, Exeter, Mrs.,
- Hazel Brockford, Toronto and. Mr.
And Mrs. ' Jim Lobb, Goderich,
Remember the W.I. card .party
this Friday, February 2,44th at 8130
p.m. in , charge are Doreen
CAiter, Margaret Taylor and Ora
Ken Armstrong, David and
Billy moved to their new home On
co Constable Ken Armstrong is
spending 2 Weeks attending
O.P.P. College in Toronto,
Concession 11 Ffoltett Township'
last week.
.Mr..and Mrs. Jack .Arrnstrorig
visited on Siinday with his
Mr. and Mrs, Jim Armstrong,'
nurses were administering
vaccinations for polio. • The
..students'certainly had a healthy-
' Constable Wilsoit
On --February- 1Sth Coostabl e •
Wilson of the 0.P,P. came, to
Hullett. He shbwed -a film to the
whole school and then answered
questions. He talked' to the
grades 7 & 8's together and then
went 'to ,. the other classes
separately. He spoke to the
students about Juveniles and
theft. The students now know
what will happen if you ' are•
--:Catight stedi ng.
'White Cone 'Week
(IntendeOlor last week)
On Wednesday, rebrua6,
Hullett 'recognized White C nc
Weels, The school held a. special
assembly in which every pupil,
attended. The special guests were
Mr. and Mos.• Harold Vodden of
Blyth. Mr. Vodden is 4 a blind
gentleman who has a leader dog
called Chipper. Chipper
accompanied the Voddens to the
assembly. "The assembly gave' a
better insight into how the blind
arb able to cope in society with
the helc1,43f trained. slogs.
Photographer Returns
On Wednesday, February 8,
the photographer returned to take
glass pictures. The grade '3 class
Blac Decker model #7504.
Double-insulated with 2.1-aMp'
motor. 3200 spm. l'capacity in
hardWood,11/2 " in softWood
Wood-cutting blade. ' 54 ,r23
A. Six assorted blades $2:89
Black & Decker model #7404.
Safety,double-insulation with
powerful 1.6-amp motor.
—10,000 opm. Uses 9 x 39 /6 "
sanding sheets (extra).54-7213
with either one of the leaders as ea girth.:
soon as possible. . •
Miss Amy Love is visiting this
week with her Sister, Mrs. Jean Holly Hobbies
Broadfoot. Other visitors at .the
same home on Saturday were Mr. elect officer
and Mrs David Allison of London. A discussion was held on the.
and :Jerry Ca rdiff of Fetrolia on The first meeting of the meaning of the 4.1-1 emblem and
Sunday. McKillop #4 4-H was held on- points to remember for good
Robert McGillvary of Winnipeg_ February 14 at 7:30 at leader Mrs. emotional health .
is visiting at the home of Mr. and Janneke 'Merray's home. The Personals
" theme, for .the Wing project is Mrs. Jim (Marion) Snell
B & D 3/8" Drill
. Black4 Decker model #5726'E_
is a terrific. general. drill
with a super high torque speed
fixed'at 1000 rpm. Powerful 2.1
'amp motor. ' 54-2802..
71/4" -Circular Saw Routing Kit
Black and 61
B. Black and Decker model
7340. Real workhorse with a
powerful burnout-protected 10
„Arnp•motor. 5200 rpm. Ball and
1.6iler-Cearings for long life. Cuts
2 9/3 2" at 90° and 1 39/3 2" at 45'.
Has control knob. 54- 8321
B & D Grinder
Black and 4249
Model 7900 'With 5" vitrified
aluminum oxide wheels to han-
dle jobs from knives to mower
blades. 2.2-amp:. 3400 'rpm.
Eyeshiglds, guards. tool rests,
etc, 55-3529
Safety Goggles (55-0016) . S1.99,
Black and S113140
C: Kit 7611 performs artistry in
wood. Burnout-protected 3/4-hp
22,000-rpm router with 1 /6 4"
calibration, cutting 'guide, 1/ 4 "
HSS straight 2-flute bit and 2
wrenches. Complete with a
handy custom case."il 54-6902
-3" Belt. Sander
D. Heavy-duty 4-amp motor
drives the 3 x 18" belt at 1000
sfpm. Unique tension design for
quick belt change. Auxiliary grip
plus contour handle with flat top
.for conversion to bench sanding.
Sanding belt included. 54.7233'
24" Crosscut Saw
'F. Hardwood handle;
8-point blade. 57-7444
Wood Mitre Box
G. Inside size 3 x 13/4
x 19P 12". (about), 57.5612
Tool Box
H. Enamel finish, 26 x 19
, 9 k p" high. 58-0819'
All-Steel Hammer.
t( Rubberized grip.
16-ounce weight. 57-4130
Wood Chisel Set
,L. Sleet blades in 1 /4,1 /2, 999
3/4, 1" widths. 57-2394
Arrow Stapler '
Heavy-duty model. I
Staples (114 to P/16") —Box from $1.25
• •
• Rar
Quality 6
, Now you can own a new John Deere
Tractor sized to fit your business. ••• and,
priced to fit your budge The new 850
and 950 pl the power gap. No 'more
overworking a tractor too small for your
.needs, or "loafing" a.machine too big
for the jOb you need to do
Both tractors are powered by 3-
cylinder diesel engines with wet-type
sleeves. The 850 has 22 INTO horse-
power: the 950, 27 PTO horsepower.
13ugged "Hi-Lo", 82speed transmission
provides a speed range of just under 1
'mph to abOut 12 mph. The foot-operated
differential lock can be engaged on the
go in tough-traction areas. And hand-
arid toot-operated throttle controls
provide more operating convenience.
These "little-big" tractors also have a
3-point hitch (Category 1), 540-rpm
PTO, and adjustable drawbar that .
accommodate more than 20, implements
Other standard featUres include: full
instrumentation, padded high-back seat,
coolant recovery,sySterm'adjustable
wheel tread, and a hood that tilts for
easy servicing. Bar- and turf-type tires
are available for both tractors. '
See us soon for More details on the
small-size tractors with big-tractor
featuret —the all-new 850 and 950 from
John Deere.
new 850 or950tractor
e Of-matched equOMent
See\us today for a
and a complete lin
gifluality '94noh Bench Sa
U Preolaitin, built table measures . . se your about 22 x
Cone eidensions, Single-toctt riP-terite. CANADIAN
nient up-front controt, Mitre gauge .
has positive stops fdr 90° and 45°. Cuts td ;, 'TIRE CAHO
2314" depth.134 bearing construction. 65-5826 s ... P .
With Stand
Armsysm iiiimnommeo
91/4-inch • 16" EleCtric
Scrub Plane WEMPlaner
With 114" blade Tough 15-amp nicktor.
Beveling, surface
and edge planing,
14,500-rpm, 120V
AC. 54.6618
pore Sayings! Cash arid Carty BONUS cp0oNs •
,4-inch Jointer/Planer CC
4", Electric
Chain Saw 1449
Single-Wheel control
adjusts latelar and
depth. 'cut. 57-6242
Tilley Ltd.