HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-02-23, Page 124 psaii1J , • oican economy • • Following• a morning of quilting and a Pot Luck dinner the U.C.W. of Chiselhurst Ueited Church held their. February meeting with the President, Mrs. Jack Brintnell presiding. Mrs." RosS Riley • conducted Worship on "Medi- tation". The Roll Call was answered by'14 members, reading the 21st Chapter of St. ,,'John Verses 1-19. Mrs.' Harold Parker' gave an educational and , interesting talk on this eleapter of..,... theRible: Mrs. Ted Stoneman gave a 'poem "The Month of Valentines." The President, Mrs. Jack Brintnell, gave , an interesting report of, the presby terial held in Mitchell. The meeting closed, with the ,Bene- diction and M'rs. Rosa Harris was • hostesS for the social hour. Chiselhurst Annual Meeting. The Annual meeting of Chisel; hurst United Chn7Ch was held on Friday, evening following a Congregational supper add a sing-song. Reports of the year _were- discussed, -and -accepted. Rev. Don Beck and Mike showed pictures taken during the year of various activities. Henscill 4-1-1 elects officers Welcome new residents Miss Jean Chidley and Mrs. Edna Yuon. Visitors Firn6r Oesbh and Mary Ann Oesch visited Pat Gesell. Mr. and Mrs. lid Pullman and Mrs. Rosa HartiS'-"Visited Mrs.. Bernice Lavery. Betty Smith visitedLynn Latimore and Ellen Kendrick. Shirley Prouty visited several _residents. 'Mrs. Ted Pooley visited Louise Mitchell apd Gladys Reynolds. Leslie Mitclfell visited his Mother Louise Mitchell. • The Kippen United Church Women entertained the residents on MonclaY with Binge. • Mts. Russell Erratt and Helen Taylor visited Russell Errat. - 6'y Greetings' to Ernesit 'Perry who will celebrate his birthday • February 22nd., If you require financing to start, modernize or expand your business and are unable to obtain it elsewhere on reasonable terms and cOnditions or if you are interested in the FBDB management services of counselling and training or wish information on government programs available for your business, talk to our representative. FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK a • ' Estahlishici 1876 MCKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 'H E: AIN ST.; SE.AFONTH, ONT Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Sec. Treas., Ph. S27-0400. FU,LL COVERAGE, Farm and Urban Properties • Fire, Windstorm; Theft Various Floater CoVertgell HOmeowner's. Tenant's Peckage,Composlte Dwelling , Met:tors and Adjusters litabt.Arehildd,R.11.4;Seaforth .)ten Comedian, 8.11.4, Seaforth" Imeta poking a.a.oik Walton Ras IMM144111, R. Bornholm .141mtdetwhig, R 11 3,, 01011 Shipley' MclIwrin, R R.2, GOdaileh DeOrl 81e1Cer4het, ILIA, Dublin Peppa,,Ilnuuttiki itarewerths,llex 661,0hor ' AGENTS hoes keys, 'ILEA, Seater& t 527.0467 *m. 141011 0.11.I. timaishoro 523.4257 Sieve 1. Wierrk$,I.S.5; Seaforth 343.2172 1 • CALL AN AdENT'og THE OFFICE'. 527-1817 527-1545 5274877 345.2114 523.9$90 5244041 527.1537 482-7514 4824503 FOR 'THE BEST IN e * Parts * SerVice Accesdries * Rentait , • vi.'ULLY" ULL SPORTS riticitAtiOktimirte VARNA-2144W 411.11.0.1*MINSINOINIMO;10611;11;11•1111•116.111101;1611.1116. The president Mrs. M. 14th at 7 p.m. at the Broa.dfoot chaired the buSiness Mellenger. portion. Thank ydu notes were 'February home of Mrs. The first, Meeting Of Hensel') 4-H was held at the home of Mrs, Gerstkorn. The 'club is Focus on "Living". The main topic was "It'syotir life". There were 11 girls in attendance. The roll call, was "What does. 4-H mean to me? This was answered in various ways by all 11 girls. Following the election of officers Mrs. Gerstkorn ‘: and Mrs. Mellenger completed the meeting.. It was decided the next regular,meeting would be held ori , Tuesday. Classified Ads pay dividencli. The 1.0.0.F. •Brucefield held a card party on Friday evening whol•the following winners were: Ladies' High - Mrs. Ruby Webster; Ladies' Low - Mrs. Cliff Henderson; Men's High - W.D.VVilson; Men's Low - Norman Richt. Lone Hands , Ken Stewart. Lucky, draws, Walt Webster, Warden Haney. • i'Vc „ 4tts HURON 7o n xposttor Clastified will pay you dividends. Have,yop tried one? Dial 527-0240. , SUPERIOR MEMORIALS .ESTASIA0H11) OVER SO YEAlti a - Clinton.- Seaforth Arsa Reprommtatimp • MICHAEL FALCONER 151 High Stroot • Clinton 482-9441< OUT QVIStc-fiT Spruce Up! Clean Upf -- $PRINGTIME . is almost here. We have time now to work on your special cleaning problems. FLANNERY CLEANERS none .527-025.0 SeatOrth • SHOP THESE WEE1LY SPECIALS AND.SAVE! Oil of Olay BEAUTY ONLY $ LOTION • 3 BROML sELYZ,Eei EFlTX A;10 N=: Stomach Upset Headacheg Bic • DISPOSABLE . Correspondent Rena Caldwell 262-5935 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibson, Listowel, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W, L. Meths cently. Mr. and Mrs-Tor Munroe are holidaying in the Caribbean and Florida. • Miss Laurie-faber-- dau,ghter •. of Mr. and Mrs. Rois Faber, who has been a patient in, Seaforth Commifnity Hospital,' has • returned home. "-- Mr. Elzar Mousseau is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Mr. • Bud McLeod, . Manitowaning, visited in the • village during the past week. Mr. Pearson Charters 12.4—THE HURON EXPOSITOR, FEBRUARY 23, 1378 tu ents public sReakin Mumps making rounds in Kippen • The Public speaking contest , sponsored,by the Canadian Branch of the Legion' held .hi he local hall on ThursdsaY evening was largely attended. Co-chaff.- man• Mr. 'by Cooper was 'assisted by Reit. Bla.ckwell. The judges wr,, Mr., Brooks, South• Huron District High Sch9o1; Mrs. Jane Brown, Exeter Public School; ,Mr. Adrenne Brand , Huron Centennipl School:. Contestants were from St. Marie School, St. Joseph; St. Boniface, Zurich, Hensel] Pubjic School and Zprich Public School. Prize underwent surgery, in London. Combined congregations of Brucefield and Kippen held, a social evening commencing with a pot'luck dinner this week. Townline blackout took , place on. Saturday evening whenLain struck a hydro pole, Mr. and Mrs. Harcild Jones and ,'Mrs, Pearl LoYe -visited With 'Mrs..' Margaret McBride at Blake. ' Janice Baillie visited over the weekend with relatives in the area. • , Thp mumps are making their rounds among the younger , generation of Kippenites. • Mr.. and Mrs,.:. John D. MoOye,-' Mitchell• visited relatives in the area at..the weekend. winners were as follows - Grades 4,5 6 - 1st David Dougall, Hensail - Public School; , 2nd.i, Tammy "Durand; St. Marie School,, St. Joseph; 3rd. Darrel Gingerich, Zurich Public School; Grades 7 , 8 1st. Jody Durand, St • Marie. St Joseph; 2nd, Jacqueline Hyde Hensall. Public School; 3rc 'Melanie Lovell, -Hensel, Publh' School. The-ii ?were-ten Seniors_ and Ten juniors from the foul schools. The first winner of eack group will speak on Saturday. March 4th at Goderich. 1• 013' WI 'try Bell; Lucky Chair Mrs, C, Moir, Lunch was served the ,secial Ho on: Lone hands- Mrs. Glenn committee being C, Moir; Mrs. E. Munn and. Mrs. Elilabeth "Giid Save the Queen" ova-su g. ave meetin •tr ' Mrs. Robert Kinsman were it Church regular meeting Fehtilary 'Unit 1 of Henali,„;,Utlite:if worrying but it Will help make Rev..' J.L.Royal of Knox your' worries manageable. Presbyterian Church, Goderich, (8.0 with Mrs}. Harvey Keyes Mrs. Keyes-led in prayer which, "Only res i d i ng the opened000d, ,,w.si with ag apvoee in,ai, 'ttwWataft9.111"Ferdienbdy WsileentHapyteayeinr. secretary. Rev. Royal opened Me Was ehairMan for, the annual meeting, Mrs. Robert Taylor was very thoughtful devotional using Jesus" was sung with Mrs. meeting by reading the 1st Psalm as her thane ';Worry-"t• If you', :,,Middleton accompanying, at the and leading ,h4prayer. must worry, try doing it for , piano. Mrs; :Christie • gaVe the Bert ThomPsou, clerk of the others. Much of our worry is highlights about JamaiO's Session, reported'for the Spssion •'4 needless or about things we ; cultures, economy, tourism and cfnnot change, She said, that Rev. Verne Toter. /of St. religions. Members were shown Marye is the jnterim moderator. We cannot , change the past. what becomes of the economy of a led to quarreling. . Dien the Disciples worried, which small" country, rich in minerals- and other, products, when 'large ., Managers Jim LoVe reported for The ehairnian a the Board of the board. The Treasurer's report Mrs. Keyes read -Luke 12 corporations take control of thete. beginning at verse 22 in which The offering was .taken was given by Clarence Volland' Josue anxious told abtohuet Dthiseefripilievsesn.oHt eto,sabied dedicatd 'by Mrs. Keyes. Business was conducted by and and the choir , report by Mts. Bertha MacGregor. , Spur. Father - knoWs wnat -you"."4/1.rs.--Ken Elder as"follows: World need. One Must have faith. If adopted by Mrs. Al Hbggarth, The Arnold Circle re,port was you. Day of Prayer March 3rd, worry try to switch it from morbid Hensall United Chuteh; ;Mrs. Val? the W.M.Sfi; 3t ' Mrs. Harvey Hyde reported for concern about your ownproblems Essen will be the speaker. - , Mrs. Clarence Mr., and •Mrs. Wm. Rogerson, Volland for the cradle 'report and to eoncern for the well being of Tentative date for Barbeque and Mrs. Earl Kinsman wore on the Ladies' find.. Cromhenex others'. Many of your worries• will April 26th, Devotion for General the .entertainment committee, , Financial reporfw as presentedby evaporate when you show concern m eeting April 3rd at 8:15 p.m. Jim Love, Progressive euchre was played With the following prize win rs:, Rebekah's The.1978 budget was,`' L Ladies' high - Mrs. Wal ., Mrs. Keyes thanked all for •' discussed. Three menibers were Carlisle; Ladies' Consolation i "' ' . taking 'part- •and the meeting elected for the Board of Managers Mrs. pert Horton ; Gent's'High : ' Personais closed with a poem "Things that for three years: JOhn Baker; R. i)tflarriS; • Consolation: , Bert , and compassion for others. This Unit 1 to meet 'at 7:30 to hav\ .wil!Tkot t keep you from all the Thankoffering meeting., • a patient in South Huron Hospital for the past several • weeks • Miss Dorothy Farquhar of returned to his home on Saturday. Toronto spent the weekend with weekend with the latter's geographical contest. The hostess Munn. " ' Mr. Edgar Munn-who has been O'Rourke of Ottawa Spent .the Benediction: Mr... Elder gave a parents, \ Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mr. arid Mrs. Gerrard prayer in unison *and-'the Count" followed by the Lord's Mrs.. Beckwas assisted in serving lunch •by Mrs4r. Kee Elder and Mangers.... Triistees Al---Hoggarth; Bert Thompson. Auditors Mr. add Mrs. Percy Campbell, A vote of thanks was extended -to the organists Miss. Brenda Pepper anti Mrs. Robert Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Volland for their services by Mrs. Agnes Madge."' At the 'close of the meeting refreshments were _served and a social hour enjoyed. Mrs. A. ScholL Bertha MacGregor, Helen. Thiel. Salary and negotiations Committee; Mrs. Harvey -li.Y0i Clerk of Session Bert Thompson and. Chairman of the' Board 'of • Queensay • . • CorreSpondent Rena Caldwell 262-3935 ' Mrs: Campbell. Eyre gave her usual thought p oking motto oh, "We shall resole to conquer, temper, ' tongue a d • eonduct" when Kitipen •East .1. met on February 15 in egion Hall, nsa . Miss Grace Bird took as, her topic "Supermarket Shopping." She presented the ladies with a quiz to "Rate your shopping sense" and then discussed each a 'donation to the ..,"Save the Sight"; Mrs. Dave Triebner chaired the program as the Resolutions Mrs. Hugh Berry The "February' meeting of Tuckersmith Unit 1 of,Brueefield United Church U.C.W. was held, on Monday afternoon Feb . 13, with an attendance of 20 who answered the roil -call "Love". Mrs. E. S. Stephens and Mrs. A. Broadfoot we're in charge. ' Mrs. Broadfoot opened the meeting • with a poem. ' Sir n stripe% -1.1.ymn " B e fie a th the Cross' of Jesus" was; sung with Mrs. A. Scott at the piano followed by prayer' by Mrs. Broadfoot. A Bible Study was' conducted by Mrs. StephenS from ,chapter 9 John. The theme of the study was. tthe Blind Man was healed and now he could see., The offering, wig received and dedicated by Mrs• Broadfoot "We give. Thee but Thine own", Personals Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Huxtable; Centralia visited with Convenor. Mrs. Charles tyre and are holidaying in the South. March 3 and a Penny Sale will be A number. of 'Kippen ladies held at the March 1st meeting attended a euchre in •Brucefield and euchre and sale on March on, Friday night. , 2nd. Mrs.. Bertha • Win at 100F card party to slim!! Opening new doors business 40' RANDY BROWN one of our representatives will be at The Queen's Hotel, SEAFORTH on the let Thursday of ' each month March 2 ' Per Peii?.._1'hifetinatidn 4611211.'0560 be Mite. 1036 Otittitio Street, Stratford , a The • _Three Links Senior Citizens met Tuesday evening in the local hall which was decorated for- Yelentines , The president, Mrs. Rosa. Harris presided, and read• a letter concerning a grant. She said Mrs. Berthd MacGregor and Mr. Bet' Horton,had agreed to accept the offices of fiest and second vice presidents which completed the executive cornrnittee. Mrs. Glenn Bell' proposed a letter be sent the Kippen East Women's Institute in appreciation of the dinner served the Seniors,. weicornes residents ga-ve the treasurers report' for • of the questions, Mrs. Robert Bell B f . ruce mid b Charge of the lunch, • Mrs. Jack Sinclair gave the Sunshine report. Mrs. Ross Broadfoot gave current Everits and 'Court s re a k M Al Hoggarth'and Mrs. Harold Jones chaired the business Mr. the "Speak Off" for students for portion and it was decided to give recently. t the trip to the United Nations will • •. The U.C.W.t of St. -Andrew's Church, Kippen, met on Tuesday, February 14 for their regular meeting.' Mrs: Keith Love gave the worship and Mrs. Stephens conducted a very interesting Bible. Study. • Mrs. Ross Broadfoot , enter- tained with several . musical selections on the piano'. Mrs. Stephens brought a 'report of the Presbyterial held in 'Mitchell. The hostesses were Mrs!Ed. McBride and Mrs. Robert Kinsman. Mrs. Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. John A. B. Bell beheldi Clinto nHi gh S N9b10 Grand Mrs. Maggie Campbell .'presitled for the meeting Amber Rebekah Lodge on VV,ednesday evening assisted by 'the R.S.V.G. Mrs. Aldeen. Volland. The C.P.T. Committee plans a euchre on March 9th and the 1.0.04% are sponsOringjil dance March 4th'. Mrs. Volland reported for the visiting eemittee and several "Thank " .Yei'' notes were received by the Secretary,' Mrs. Leona Parke. It was announced plan UN rOntest Chiselhurst has annual ak Church meeting sale raises $5 acGregor Said the dates of April . 17,18 and 19th for the visit of the .Assembly President Mrs. Jean • Bolton in Huron District! #3. Mrs. Aldeen Volland reported for the Ladies of the PreSbyterian Church ' who wilt cater to a banquet April 19th. Following the meeting Mrs. Hazel Corbett directed Euchre correspondent' recevied by Mrs. Stall from Mrs. with Mrs. Ruth Bell and Mrs. Lorne Wilson, Mrs. M. Cooke, Vera I.;emmon prize winners. • , Mona •Caldwell', Anna 'Aldwinkle Refreshments were served .by the and Grace Thompson. The theme social committee and thanks was of the March 13 meeting will be extended. by Mrs. Maggie • "Easter".Campbell, N.G. At the close of the meeting a• bake sale was held realizing $50. : Miss Jean McEwen acted as auctioneer with lively bidding. Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Stoll served lunch. ____ her mother,,,, Mrs. -Emma , ., Mr.'Cameron Henry of London . Farquhar and visited with Mr. Spent the weekend at his home here. • and Mrs. Walter Spencer. Annual Congregational Meeting Mr. Joe Ferguson returned to Rev. Fox of London conducted his home after..spending several ... service in_Carmel Presbyterian. weeks with members of his Church on Sunday. At ,2 p.m. m /farm y. Mr. and • Mrs. Ralph Holland, Gwen epd Michael of. Clinton .were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.; James Sangster and Brad. Mrs. Cyril Cornish of Kincardine visited last week with 'her brother Mr. Walter Spencer and with.,Mrs: Spencer who is a patient in South Huron Hospital,, Exeter. •