HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-10-01, Page 6f F UE Wi. to !IA., i TIMES, OCTOBER 1, ISM7. t.t #,-..014 .1 <r • 1 Proctor & Sons, R McMurray; small Wilkinson; hair. flowers, Miss Me-, $A,B$ATI3. SERVICES. on linen, Mrs Dr Carder, Miss Mc -1 PRItSBYlERIAN—Iter, Perdu, trit1DAY, C)nTollElt 1 1$97. Judge ---John. McMillian, Blythe i Clelland; lace work, Miss l lace, pastor. Services at t.11 a maod7 p mt Ilele, Miss iMcClellalnd; rag carpet, p ro x� i�jiIf # I,eas,IZ Scott; large peas, It 11ic,Gowau, Clelland ; embroidery on silk, Mrs <' G. 1 IZ,obC Seatt IZ ]:Tele, Miss I. Sparlirg; enzbraidory i ManOlIODIST--Rev• Dr, Pascoe, pas II l.dwatde; timothy, , • tor. Services at 11 a m and � ..,.�. McGowan. ,., .�...,.«. FRUIT AND 1el.owrnis, ling, Mrs hole, twine i , Lowe, rector, Services at 11 a in and 7 LGRAVi FALL FAIR. Golden russets apples, 111 II Har- kiss Owens • collection of latdie's BAPTIST—Rev, Jas. Hamilton, pas- , * r � � „ ,, rison, 1' Al Henderson; baldwlns, II tivozl- llliss AicClellttnd Mrs Vele `toi•. Services at 11 a m and. 7 p nl Thursday McGowan, W Geddes; snows, W + Judges --Mrs J B t''erglason,Wing- M soon pastor. A 5e vie s a li .nR n The fall fair hold on Thursday Geddes, Jas Owens; Rhode Island halu; Mrs J Coulter and Alice E and Friday last in Ilel;;rare by the greenings, Uco Sowlcr, W Geddes; Harrison, 1 ast Wawanosh, r Ic;HRISTIr1N WORKERS -- Misses northern spy s, Jas Owens, W Geddes; ; Ben Davies, R McGowan, 0 Proctor ; Outram and Loci[ in command, Services M 1 East \Vas ti ooh Agricultural Society, was a grant; screws, financially and other wise. The. weather was grand, I tat3 p ntand 8pm. & Sons; Canada reds,R McGowan, i FAIR NOTES.I SALVnTIONARMY—Adjutant les and the ilttenclatlieo was larger than Geo Sowier; king of ompktns, GeoMr. 1 Mr.?C. Morningstar, of the Wing.' m,3 wifeeiutco8apnaund. Services at 11 a. has. been in yeitrs. There was a St. wler, D B Anderson; varlets winter ham ump Works,had a fine exhibit; In each of the above named churches good exhibit of everything and the; apples, W Geddes, C Proctor & Sons; of his pumps. ; Sabbath School is held at 2.30 p in. Direeto]'a i.ore very much pleased variety fall apples, M Lockhart, D 1 Messrs. W. A. Johns and James' .a� .:._ _..,__ - with the success of the fair. The B Anderson, fa11 pears, M ri liar- McKelvie, of Wingham, supplied re-;; and the Q. C. intimating ;hat there Judges'deeisiou in the tug-of-war, rison, T M Henderson; winter pears, freshments• a 1 was not, it was withdrawn and Ras- `� ,a ,that $2 ao he Oven to each Ai Lockhart W Scott; variety of Mr. D. Showers, of Wingham, had I sell discharged. J. 1+'. Lister, Q. C., cap: sill, r>I divided i e ti 11 men, < , ; , and it was declared a draw. The R McGowan, James Owens; plums, I, Mr. Wm, Gannett, of Wingham, I prosecuted, oSted, rad E, Campion and M. l d d bet vee thegrapes, T M Henderson crab apples an exhibit of pumps list of prize winners la as fellows : Wm Bone, Walter Scott; peaches, was on hand with an exhibit of Johnston HORSES. John E Fells; collection fruit, T M plows, ete. Henderson, R Corley • table bouquet, • Heavy Draught--i;rood mare, M E Sackrider, Mrs henry ; Band "; H H.arrl , p ,, bouquet dowers, k1 Sackrider, Wi PAIN—WRACK. -o a rine• foal iii H Ilar- risozl;. two year old filly, Barber Bros,, ftylor ; flower in pot, Mrs II Mc- i NO STATION IN LIFE IS BROOF AGAINST nIIEUMA Lean, Ii Sackrider ; collection house � TIBIA—ALL COME UNDER THE BAN --SOUTH plants, E Sae':;rider, Mrs 1.1 McLean ;1 AMERICA9r RHEUMATIC CURE' CURES ALL. Geo Taylor & Bros; two year old gelding, Jas Foster, N Cumming; team, Jas Foster, John E Fells. General Purpose—Brood mare, R Scott, N Cardiff, Barber Bros; spring foal, Barber Bros, John Casemore; two year old filly, JasOwens, D Scott collection foliage plants, E Sackrider, i Chas. Cotton of Gananoque, has been Mrs H McLean !employed by the ,Rath bun Company for Judge—II Spencer, Whitechurch, • nearly 20 )ears as engineer. and from the nature of the employment was sub- MANrTFACTURES. I t d toattacks f h i WEDNESDAY. BANK of HAM Te ..c:�,,,. gtes WINGHAM. Capital, X1,250,000. 11oit, $650,000 President—'JouN STUART. Vice.President--A. G. RAMSAY. =RECTORS Joint PROCTOR, GBo, E0AOt1, WM GIBSON, 1', A. T. WOOD, A. B. Lau (Termite). Cashlor—J. TURNBULL. Savings Bank—hours, leto 8; Saturdays, 1* 1. Deposits of til and upwards rimelved and tares; allowed. Deposita also received at current rates of ic-siert. Drafts on Great Britain and the United States bought and Hold At the opening of the court Cul- bert was brought up for sentence, and sent to the Central Prison for 12 months with hard labor, Between 12 and 1 o'clock the grand j wry appeared in court and presented a " No Bill " in each of , the counts in the Jessop conspiracy case, and this being the last item on: Iendar rho court was closed in I. Jee e severe a too s o [ $mat sm. the ca & Sons; two year old gelding John Union flannel, J Owens; blankets. Retried many remedies with scarcely due form. Taylor; year old filly, John Taylor James Owens, T M Henderson any benefit. South American Rhematic < , , ' Cure was recommended to him. Lie GRAND JURY'S PRESENTMENT,, Jas Owens; year old gelding, Barber coarse boots, James Haugh, 1st and found almost instant relief and the first The Juror's for our Lady the Bros; team, Geo Taylor & Bros, Jas 2nd ; men's fine boots, Jas Haugh. ; bottle effected a cure. Sold at Chia- Queen, beg leave to report as fol - home ' made wine, R McGowan, T 1 holm's Drug Store. lows: They examined the jail, and Owens. Road and Carriage—Brood mare, N Henderson. 1 Jos Brandon, W 13 Wilkinson, W • Judge --Wm Robertson, Wing -1 he Huron Fail Assizes. Geddes;' spring foal, Jos Brandon, Wingham. CHIEF JUSTICE 11iEREDITH DIRPO5E5 Lance Tasker; two year old gelding; ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. I OF Ti -IE DOCKET IN TWO DAYS, R McMurray, W Geddes; year old Elephant potatoes, W Geddes, W t gelding, Jos Brandon, T H Taylor, Taylor ; matchless collies, JohnThe fall sitting of the High Court jr; single driver, R Melndoo, John Coultes, Charles Proctor & Sons; ern- for Huron County was opened at Scandrett; hack horse, Levi Lott; pire state, E Sackrider, M H Har- Goderich on Monday week by His team, Jos Brandon. r°son • any other variety, R ;4ieGow- Lordship Chief Justice Meredith. Judges--uf Nicholson, Lucknow; M H Moore, V S, Brussels. CATTLE. Thoroughbred—Co w,Geo Sowler,R Corley 1 and 3; two year old heifer, It Corley, D Cook; ycnr old heifer, .. made complete_ find the place very clean. We found fit a prisoners, one of whom, an idiot, has been confined there for 17 months, and we regret that the Beaver Block Winrliem, Out proper authorities have not sufficient • room in the asylum, as we think the jail an unfit place for such. W ch out of W. CORBOULD, AGENT E. L. ,U1OL�INSON, Solicitor, A. E. SMiTH BANKER, WING HALAL GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANS- ACTED. Money advanced on Farmers and Business men on endorsed note and collateral. FARMERS SALE NOTES CASHED. Moneys remitted by draft to all par of Canada and the United States. Notes and accounts collected on reasonable terms. Money re Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES Money advanced on Mortgages at 51 pee eentwith privllo a of paying at the and of any year, Note and account$ colleoteci. ltOST. mean DOO. e find the windows mu repair, and would suggest that they an, W Taylor ; cabbage, E Saekrid- The grand jury, being sw ern in, be made perfectly tight; as the' war- m., W Taylor; red pickling cabbage, chose W. J. Dowding as their fore -den cannot tell from the noise E Sackrider, W Taylor; cauliflower, • man, and were instracted by His whether a person ie trying to get in E Sackrider- W Taylor ; blbod beets,• Lordship, The following were the or out. o W Taylor, T M Henderson ; man- eases composing the calendar : soon as possible we would Bu,, , gold wurtzels, E Sackrider, W •' gest that rho sewerage system be } MO�IDaY Ait'TFRNOO�T T II 'Taylor, jr; heifer calf, T II Geddes, s,vede turnlp�, J Coultes, i EI ie vs. Butt.—An action on a Taylor, jr, R Corley; bull calf, R W Scott; field carrots, E Sackrider, . promissory note, His McMurray ; early horn carrots, P Y p hear - oey, N Cumming, bull, two years W Taylor, Charles roetor & Sonsing the case without 'a jury: At its over,or•R Corley; bull under two, parsnips, E Sackrider, Il Edwards ; conclusion judgment was reserved Robt Scott, till the risingof the court. Garrow (trade—Cow, 1J II Harrison, R onions from seeds, E Sackrider, W Taylor ; onions of any other kind, & Proudfoot for plaintiff, Holt for E Sackrider, W Taylor; celery, w :defendant. . Taylor, E Sackrider ; corn, R Mc -1 Gordon vs. Wright.—An action for Murray, R McGowan ; watermelon, 'seduction, was tried by a jury and A Tietehobau, E Sackrider; musk lasted till the coati closed. A ver - melon, W Taylor, E Sackrider • diet for plaintiff and $250 was ren - pumpkin, E Sackrier, W Geddes ; dered. E. Campion for plaintiff, J. squash, E Sackrider, H Edwards; l T. Garrow for defendant. citron, E Sackrider, II Edwards, I In the case c'f the Queen vs. Rus - tomatoes, R McMurray, W Taylor; sell, the grand ' jnry returned a true beans, E Sackrider, W Taylor ; con bill.• lection of garden vegetables, E Sack -1 TUESDAY. rider, W Taylor ; grey stone turnips, I Jaklin vs. Prondlove.—An action T M Henderson. for S. breach of promise, and being Judge --D McKinley, Wingham. 1 undefended, was soon given to the DAIRY PRODUCE✓ jury, who returned a verdict JUL Scott, T H Taylor, jr; two year old heifer, D Scott & Sons, C Proctor & Sons; year old heifer, D Scott & Sons 1 and 2; heifer calf, D Scott & Sons, Thos Ross; two year old steer, C Proctor & Sons, D Scott & Sons; year old steer, John Barr, D Scott & Sous; steer calf, D Scott & Sons, John Barr. Judges—Wm Cameron, St Helens; Win Bowman, Brussels. SHEEP. Leicesters and Grades—Aged ram, N Cumming, R McGowan; shearling ram, John Coultes; ram lamb, John Coultes, N Cumming; ageclewes,John Coultes, N Cumming; shearling ewes, We regret the; the County has made no provision for visiting the House of Refuge. All of which is respectfully submitted W. J. DOWDING, Foreman. Grand Jury Room, Goderich, Sep- tember 22nd, 1897. HOWICK. - Council met. September 'Tth in the Albion Hotel, Fordwich pursuant to adjournment. Meiners all preserrPexceptdeputy reeve Finley and councillor Doig. The reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Moved by ;Jpence and Gregg, that John Coultes, N Cumming; ewe Keg dairy butter, Jahn Coultes, plaintiff and $800 E. L. Dickenson J. T. Wiggins, be collector of taxes g' M II Harrison• crock of butter, C for plaintiff. for the east division, and Richard lambs, N Cumming, N Henry. ' t! Horn vs. Glavin.—An action for ;toss for the west division, salary as • Downs and their grades—Aged Proctor & Sons; butter in rolls or by providing ram, L Tasker, Jas Tabb; shearlinggPrints, J Coultes, George Sowier ; as tlSlan�e ease eer, did nded b loot take re) much dinnerintime, stated in the satisfactory Security <uto the Council— home-made be•d R M 11 • H ram, L Tasker, ,Tar Tabb; ram lamb, dbread, cr tt xray, verdict for lair tiff and 25 cents and Carried. Edwat•cds • ala le syrup, 1V Scott,R p L Tasker, Jas Tabb; aged ewes, Jas Scott factorycheese, Iietcllobtl, costs. R. 11. Collins for plaintiff, L. Moved by Messrs. Spence Tabb 1 bind 2. shearwe ewes, Jas l';�:Juti e^ --C Gillespie, \Vin�rllam Ii. Dickson fur defendant, Tabb, L Tasker; ewe lambs, Jas g y p Wingham, . McNall vs. Russell.—An action for Tabb, L Tasker.. and D Sproat, Belgrave. 'seduction, was settled by cdtlsent, a PIGS. FINE .lItTa'. ' verdict for $250 for plaintiff being Painting, still life, .Miss L Spar- accepted. Garrow & Proudfoot for Large Breed—H Edwards, R Me- lin;;, Hiss Owens ; pencil drawing, plaintiff, E. Campion and M. O. Murray; brood sow, It Scott, II Ed-, ,Its Hele, \i:"s Dr Carder; oil paint- Johnston for defendant. wards; Boar littered in 1897, Ii inn, miss111eClellatacl, Airs D I1 Johnston vs. Johnston.—Settled Edwards, 1 and 2,� wow littered in : Anderson ; collection of oil paintings, t• oat of court. 1897, Ill Edwards, r Scott. 1 Jiias L Sperling, Miss Owens ; collet- i 11leliinnon et al vs. McKinnon et Small breed—Brood sow, 1;.� Me- I tion photographs, Mies Edwards. ial.—Settled b agreement, par- Finance Report : Geo. Henry, Murray 1 and `, Boar littered in. , , y a leement, all x 1$97, II Is'dwa; d;. 1 L :DIES DEPARTMENT. 4R'LMr:1T. I ties to the suit consenting to a jade. gravel, .20 ; T. D. Edgar, sewer Judges—Jas Lane, Lanes; Thos . 'Tatting, hiss L Sparling, Mrs' ment giving testator's widow the in. pipe culverts, $ 0 ; Angus lIt•ie; CIOCI,et .cork, Mrs Dr Carder, •• tercet of testator's personal estate Anderson, Auburn. Mrs ;fele ; bead work, ;bias 11ct�1e1- : through life. Stewart:, gravel, el, w'<5.8`2 ; J. J. Mont-' POULTRY. i land, Mrs Ilele ; hooked skirt, woolen, ' During the morning the grand Vinery, feneing dangerous place, Geese, D Showers, T M Henderson; } Airs Brydges�; fancy knitting, Mrs jury brought in a true bill of shoot- Howick and Carriek boundary, $1 , turkeys, 1) Shower's, 1 and 2; ducks, i Vv McKenzie, I'M s McClelland; gents ing with intent, against Culbert, and Joseph, Botham, Mfrepairing culvert, T M IlchdeL'.sc;n, 1 and 2; Plynlr,uth i linen Ilii t, Mrs' IV McKenzie, miss' immediately after the noon recess a 1•.tl24, con 3, e 1,,,) , <l . ;1ic D.,1'mtut, Rocks, T M Henderson, 1 and 'r, ` , e en-11,cd; gent't3 fancy flannel jury was sworn to try the eharge, balance an contract and , contpensa Leghorns, W Taylor, 1 and 2; Spain- shirt, Mr i3i•ydzhei, lies W Melien-' A number of witnesses were exam- tion ,or extra work,C8-4 1.. Cooper, isn T M Henderson 1 and 2; Wyatt- i tie; brafirling, Mrs Brydges, Miss L ineri, including the prisoner, and gravel rind repairing )I idge, lot 17, dotter T M Henderson; CocllioR'I.9 Spurtin;; ; feather flowers, Mist!! shortly after the case was given to coat .1, G0J 2 ; MI's L. Walker, to M Henderson, 1 and 2. Owens; woolen stockings, Mrs W the jury. who, after a deliberation of apply an sa.lary,� ;'2 ). 1 t '< a,. Miss McClelland ftp over an hour,returned a verdict Moved by .tfeeers Spence and Jud e• --••I+ 1 stetsot:, - ingliaao McKeuzi,, ,nd, seek , .ict of r ,• g , Mr.; Haugh, Mrs W McKenzie; • tullewfulln wounding. J Ii', Lister, Gregg, that the council do now ad. Iii; ID1tLN T,t4. j tr flit, th Gregg that by-law No. 6; for year 1897, be read a third time passed.—Carried. Moved by Messrs Gregg and Spence that no action be taken in the matter of Messrs, Donaghy. Wyness Becker and others, who ask that corn pensation be given for gravel placed in front of their places of business in Ford with. ---Carried. and the and GRAND TRUNK RAIL'WA'Y. Toronto and Last Palmerston mixed London and South Kincardine ' woolen gloves, Mrs W Mckenzie .' Q. C., Sarnia, prosecuted, and J. T. jrMlrtl t0 tflC't fl;;at n 0 Farm gate, II Edwards; churn, W wt,t.Irtti al:itc:i, MLn Owens, Mrs Di ;Garrow, Q. C., defended. Wednesday in Octalano in the Town ltd Taylor; Pump, C Morningstar, i9 carder , len cabin ria it, miss me -1 The grand jars threw out the bill Nall Gordo.-- ('staled. Showers; lumber wagon, John hila e• a;irtHalitl ; knitted gnilt, Mrs .yowler, i two counts, that changed DeLong don, buggy, John I3rtlnedolt, J Is Miss f-klett; paltei=ed quilt, Mrs W 1 with horse stealing. Walker; plow, W Gannett, 1 and 2; 13 ►ire.: its Di' Carder; rag lntit, Mrs g At the eancluaion of the shooting gang plow, W' Gannett. y Ife:•rs', MrT3 W Geddes; Berlin wool ;case the Queen vs, Russell, a charge Judge -Z.1 J f,r Stewart, I3c11nt,le• •w+,ali. rani cal, 5119 1)r ('alder, Miss I,atrape, wascommenced. The first GRAIN. Sparling ; i;erlin wool work, flat, ; witness, the girl hart, aged 16 years, has proved a wonderful remedy in my 1'yhite fall ttboat, T M Henderson, Mrs f)' Cateiit', .tiffs:•a L Sparling; Wal the otlly one, for at the.e1r+,(i of fancily. Wo wnUld net be without it LI7.7,It': `` strata, Clark. iin'1ou'.rttdiq the Boort• talsN•rL1?:r1iK,-1 wish to nay that 1)r, Fowler'u 'Extract of Wild Strawberry —118 PL1I+LISIIED 11iYEBY FRIDAY MORNING —AT T11E— TIM S OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STRET '/fINGHAM, ONTARIO. Srtbaoription price, 4.11,1Rir year, in Ativar1041 ADVICRR1111Nel RATES Spoor 1 1lrr. 1 Ono. 1 a mo. 1 mo Due Column ifd0 00 330 00 $20 0U 5+8 00 I ,. n , n Half 4q 00 ? 0 1.. 00 0 00 Onaster 20 00 12 a00 8 o Inch 5 00 y 00 7 00 1 00 Legal and other east at a ver aeinents, dc, per line for first insertion, and 3o per line each subsequent in•ertien. Me,eured by =opera scale• r oast notices IOc. per line for ars; insertion, and 50. por lino for each subsequent *needier.. Advertisements of Lest, round, Strayed, Situations and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 line nonpareil, 51 for first month, and 50o. for each subsequent month, Rouses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 line, El for first month, 80e, per subsequent month Larger advertisements in proportion. 'rhes) terms will be strictly adhered to special rates for larger advertisements, or longer periods. Advertisements and local notices without speckle Idirections, will bo inserted till forbid and charge' accordingly. Transitory advertisements must bo paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must be in the office by Wednesday noon, 10 order to appear that week DEPART ARRIVE 6 50 tt. m. 2 40 p. m 380pm1025pm 855aru 240ptn 658 a m 11 10 a m 330pm 800pm 1110ain 650am 255pm 830pm 1025pm 830am WANTED. NTED So.ieitors fat• fCanada, An i% 11Lbvl t Encvclopodia of th$ Coun• try;' in Fire Royal Volumes. No delivering. Coml. mission paid weekly. A canvasser reports hie first week making over 9oventy dollars pro t. TIE Lt N5COTT COM P AN Y. Toronto, AGENTS.. ''Tho Bost p.lptilat Lif$ of C3�l�l JL a • Her Majesty I ;lava ever aeon," writes Lord i,orne, about t,% r r, t G, -;a •i a,•' Sales unprecedented. ilius to make 5i daily, Bhr commission. Outfit free to canvassers. T 11U RALLEY G.'RIt1TSCON CO., Litnittd, Toronto. $1,806 GIVEN ANY To persons who make the greatest number of words out of th e phrase, "Patent Attorney Weclderburn." For particulars address the National Recorder, Washington, D. 0. 8.15n GHAIVI EAM PUMP '110111CS THENEWk*WAY ALL TEEL LIPVIHigt.)31LL MY! MA( At. eirrTtn `ni-FCMILLIS Haying pnrchased the entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, I am now prepared to supply the • publio with Wood and Iron Force and Lill >r nanps, Draw and Iron Cyllsafller't;, (aIvtsn ;- ed Iron Tubin elm—terns, Water stn ougiat•3, i+finkit, llattlisold'iysc Fitting, 'Well Digging; and everything in con- nection ^n. ifs:. necttotr with water ., alit � Galvanized Steel Windmills for t or:•or anti pumping' wator. Deep well IIUmpii al spec.iatlity. Repairing promptly r.tttnidefj to. 1'arttea writing for itifornrtti+rn or ordering; by mail should always atilt() depot of well. All work gt; irautoo,l or no BATS. 01 MORNINGSTAR Boa 110 Winglianr, Ont. I3 HArrlrion• red fall wheat,II sofa pith y, Mrs I)r (Intim% Miss T, the cross examination Itis Lordship for twice its price. I say itin ';'Itis mitt --- _.._— I 1 barley, iZ McMurray; 1)lack "'.1CG'lellarld • painting' on satin silk was any use, after the girl's own h1 a i' public t tds3, C Proctor et Sons. si:s- Sparling; silk guilt, Airs Ilele, Miss asked the Crown prosecutor if there (not merely one of the beat -bat ilii, Son r1'III? IN INt;tIAM TINfIn; edlriue ver brought before the lSon ' • , r fur sutntner ootnplaint•nr• diarrt.lreto il. 0 Per yea in ?`\dvance. Jt Irdivards; white qtr,,, 1, ! or velvet, Kira I)r Carder, Mre H evidrnee, proceeding with the ease, eithsr in ehiledro.t or in arlultn. I3, B. ELLIOTT, Paorieu xOa AND PUBLIeuaR D • VANSTONE, BARRISTER, euLICITOIt, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, to and farm property bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Block WINDHAM. J. A, MORTON, BARRISTER, &c., vi•u.,,.,am, Ons. E• L. DIOI rNsON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO BANK OF IIAl'XILTON. iroNay LOAN. Office—Meyer Blonk. Winirham, . G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, So Orrice—Corner Ilam+lton and St. Andrew street, opposite Colborne Hotel. GODBRIOU, ONTARIO. ii ENTISTRY.—J. S.IJ FROM L, L. D. S.,;; WOMAN.13 la manufautur first•olaas seta of • �4Y teeth us cheap as they can be made in the Dominion. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain, by Ins ney process, guaranteed perk. tly safe. orrICJ•;: In tiro Beaver Block, oppos e Brunswick house. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. B,, D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsyl¢;aaa Dental College OFFICE•--MACDONALD BLOCK. NoTs—hill visit Blyth every \Veda.9doy. OHN RITCHIE ei GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT WINDHA•M. ONTAR [) DEANS, Ja., WucouaM, Y LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR ;IIE COUNTY - OF HURON.. Solas attended in any part of the Co. Charge, Moderate. OHN CUItItIE, II/INGRAM, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Farm Stock and Farm Implements Solos of specialty. All orders IvIt at the Tutus office promptly atton3- ed to. Tei'cs reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. 8. ® Camp Caledonia No. 4u, meat' O. . the first and third idonday in every moan, in he Odd renews Hail. Visiting brethren Welton+• J. Murry, Chief. D Stew. art Roo.•Sec WANTED. waege,.iy to a refine moot to wand hor timo in a mood cause. T. H. LI:ti8COTT, Toronto. Ont. tV'l1 LU '"wOad es toanbolinahr hnyaRusn i� u4rtous repcocentativot, Can py a hustur ) out 515 a week to start with. AnvarT,sutt. Modica; Building, Toon o. Agonts Bell <'h.LoaSts3 Gold Fields" Like a whirlwind. I•'.xperionred canvassers reaping the richest harvest of their Avco; new neginnera doing wonders, Nearly ev't;ybodv subseribc9. One vnung fellow 08 a farm at 512 a month it; halting 45. A lady tvpe.writer at$3 a week M doming $ii• A mecitanio wile had earned $1.50 a day to clearing es a, ray, We tient rnm•c. agents. Corvrr:tins* out- fit 25 its., worth L'+1. Tui: BRADL Y•GAIi1i15TSON CO„Toronto, Limited, Cnt, JOB PRINTING, TNf1I.0DING Books, Pamphlets, fosters, B 1f 1L IIeado, Cirmiltua, se., &o., executed in the bent style of the art, r.t moderate prices, and on ehOrt notice. Apply or add roan tI, 11. ELLIOTT, T use office, Wintrbam. BOOKBINDING. We aro pl*lsed to annennee that any 3ookll or Magazines Icft with al for Binding, wui have Stir prompt attention. Prices for Binding in any style will be given on appiloation o the Timm Odlce PH RE .1 n 0 tl 0 of TRY 0 RHS K DN T It CU fol tl' 4 BEWARE Sold in ' • This is the truth Nerve Pills PEON from sleep of breath, groundless anmmia 01 effects of etc., shou as they curt is guarani money refu whom the authorize t of the ab limited to t person. T `'frit 3 eat bet tha that iR W still ;u: ON Su Repairin SuoP—Dia Lively JO IT IN T I I3efare I complete cur& I can Tright) an Ideal 8 give any eine I have ha,: now enjoy per Pried $: THE SL P. 0. Dram