HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-02-23, Page 5Josling and his wife, Dianne; first
-vice president Joe Vandenberk
and his wife Jean; secretary Ken
Smith and his wife Marjorie and
Mr, and .Mrs,. Doug Ellis6ii.
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visited. They were relatives of his
son-in-law, Grant Bisback, and
were very hospitable, people.
He was able to name ,most
the flowers in these gardens'.
Wi.udoyv boxes of flowers we're
shown in profusion in many of the
houses a.nd bidldings.„ These
reminded me of London, England
in Coronation year when even the
shops on London's streets had
window boxes containing red,
white and blue flowers. The
Horticultural SocietS,Tdoes a won-
derful work which deserves our
support. Their chief aim is to
beautify our town. I was pleased
to, be associated with such a
wonderful group.
Seaforth Manor Happenings
Pastor. Yielding 'and ladieS of Mrs. Clark of Bayfield visited
Bethel Bible Church visited her father Mr. Erie Dow on
SeafOrth Manor on Wednesday Monday afternoon. ' -
afternoon for a stvice. Thirty-six Winners at Bingo this week
Usborne & Hibbert
Mutual Fire
Insurance Company
(Established in 1876)
Provides Full InsuKance
Coverage for Town Dwellings
as- well as Farm Properties
Ross Hodgert '
Hugh Benninger
John Moore
Clayton Harris
Joseph Uniac
Mrs.Elaine Skinner
Wally Burton
• Mitchell
Jack Harrigan
Robert dattiner
Lloyd Morrison
Lorne Feeney
Ray McCurdy
William Chaffe
R.R.2, Staffa
R.R.1, St. Marys
13.R.2, Dublin
Monaco. 2 door hardtop. V8
Automatic, Power ,Steering
and Brakes, radio,
#JNS886 $3,195. •
CID 1/2 ton pickup, V8, '
Automatic, Lie. #D21256
. $2,895.
to borrow'
10,000 lbs.
Market Sharing
Dave Baan
R.R 3 Walton
Brodhage woman
(Photo by Frank Phillips)
.are. back row: Matt McCreight, Doug.Rock; Orville
local Charhber's 1978 executive posed for, a group
photo Jest week wben..-membeto entertained theil
wives at. the C. of C.''s annual ladie-s night. From left
rig the morning worship
service. It was conducted by Rev.
Arthur Horst. His sponsors were
his uncles and aunts, Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Faust and Mr. and
Mrs. Dennis Westman of
residents attended the service
and a social half hour followed.
-During the service -Mrs. Seim')
and Mrs.Rapson favoured with
two beautiful duets.
On Tuesday afaternoon Bingo
was enjoy4d also a Valentine
Party to celebrate Valentine's
Day. The dining o room was
decorated with hearts and
cherubs which the residents
helped to make.
Miss Marilyn Taylors,of
Brucefield visited withMiss Ethel
McClure and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert McClure. •
Mrs. Ford Dickison received
telegram last week finm her
daughter Glenda stating she had
arrived safely at. Maradi, Niger,
„West Afrida. She will be teaching
English to senior students at the
school there. trOdhagen and
community wish Glenda a
successful year.
Mr. and, Mrs. Les Weitersen
visited with their son-in-law and .
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bill •
[By Mabel Turnbull],
Visitors: , Mr's. Robert
' Campbell, Egmondville with 'Mrs.
Ephriam Clarke and Mrs.. Robert
McFarlane; , Mrs. R. Aikens,
"Ritz Villa", Mitchell, Mrs. E.
thirst, Egmondville; Mrs. Larry
Horn and family Marilyn, Judy
and. Jennifer with, Reuben Aiketts.'
This brought together the three
generations of the Aikens
Miss. Marilyn- Hillis, Tillsoliburg;
Mrs. Mary Pryde, Exeter, .Mr.
and Mrs. Harold' McNeill, Strat-
ford with M., Turnbull, Peter
Sillery with Mrs. A. W. Sillery;
Mr. : and Mrs. Ron Bennett,
Walton with . q. Robert
McFarlane. Mrs. ., Gladys
Seaforth is otir 'most
recent resident. Congratulations
to Mrs. Robert McFarlane Who
celebrated' her birthday February .
10th. wMiss Mae Smith enter-
tamed a group of mutual friends
at a surpriNe euchre party with
Pearl as the honoured guest.
Congratulations 'also to Mrs.'
John Coutts who celebrated her
birthday February 12th. Her
family Miss Marion --Coutts,
Egmondville and Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Coutts, Waterloo and family
Marilyn, Allan, the hockey player
and Susie, three. years old, who
sand the "Teapot" 'song with
actions. They too0M-s. Coutts
. out to dinner. They-returned to
Kilbarchan for birthday cake and
ice cream and took pictures. She
had a very. happy time with her
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Coutts,
'Mrs. Lavern Wolfe
345:27,57 •
Visitors with Miss Marie Meyer
were her-brother, Mr. and Henry
Meyer and sister' Miss Clara
Meyer of Kitchener on Saturday:'`"'
They did, not return `empty
handed as Marie'senttwehre quilts
with them for Lutheran World
Relief in India where the need is
great. 'A cyclone caused so much
havoc in the Ghtur district and.
surrounding aril During , the
past number of weeks Marie has
been very. busy piecing and
sewing quilts, using the electric
sewing machine even though she
is confined to a wheel chair.
She is to be commended for her
thotightfuldess" and concern for
others in UnfOrtunate circum-
stances though she is handi-
capped by her physical, condition.,
Guests with. Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Fischer, Lori, Gaye and.
Mark on Sunday was the latter's
. mother, Mrs. -martin Diegel from
Shakespeare, Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Bachert, Keri andStephen of
Brussels, and Mr. and , Mrs.
Douglas Elliot and Shawn of
Brodhagen when they celebrated
Mrs. Dale (Star) Bachert's
Sincere sympathy to Mrs.
Edgar Elligsen
Sincere sympat'iy is -e2,tterided
from 'Brodhagen and community
to Mrs.-Edgar Elligsen, Mr. and
Mrs. John (Joanne) Bender and
Karen, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
(Margaret) Hull and ' son John
11Tigsen, also many relatives and
friends in the loss of a .beloved
husband, dad and 'grandpa. The,
late Mr. Edgar Elligsen.
Mr. and Mrs, • Albert Seimon
- accompanied Mr. and, Mrs. Boyd
' Driscoll to visit their sister and,
brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs.
Walter • Bode in Listowel on
Sunday. The former is., recuper-
ating at his home where he
returned from the Memorial
Listowel Hospital.
The second meeting of the
Btodhagen 4-H club was held on
Monday February, 13, at the
Brodhagen Community Centre.
'Members read and discussed
pages on quilting-techniques and
articles of quilting samples. ,The
leaders teaching this club are
• Mrs. Barb Scherbarth and Mrs.
Jean Ahrens.
, Friends of Mr. Lorne Siemon
will be sorry ,to hear he is • a
patient in 'the* Seaforth
Community Hospital again.
,. Michael Douglas, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Doug Vock was baptized
'February" 12 in,. St. Peter's
Lutheran Church, Brodhagen,
Gibb, Katheryn and Jamie of.
Stratford on Monday.
Sincere sympathy is extended
from Brodhagen and community
to Mr. and Mrs. Albert (Lucy)
Seimon and family and Mrs.
Peter (Clotilda) Maloney and
family in ,the loss of a beloved
brother and_tutcle, Rev. Vincent
Eckert. °
A large' attendance enjoyed the
presentation ,of the Resurrection
Ambassadors from Carnrose,
Alberta, at 5t. Peter's Lutheran
Church on Tuesday evening,
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Morrison were, their daughter, •
Mrs. Mike Crowley and daughter,
ondon visited her in the evening
together with Don Coutts,
Mrs. Olive Muir and I attendbd,-
the regular meeting of the
Horticultural Society; Wednesday,
evening in the Masonic Hall
which, with rio •steps, 'has easy
-'access:— Dr. Rodger Whitman •
entertained the group when he
showed his slides •-of his trip to
Europe two years ago. It, was his
first showing of these slides,
outside the family. With him on
-this trip were Mrs. Whitman, his
youngest daughter, and her
friend. They took advantage of
the "Eurorail" plan which is ,
designed especially for tourists.
When you have a ticket you can
travel• anywhere in Europe at any
time. Holland, Belgium, Ger-
many, Italy, Austria and "Sivitzer-- •
land. •
Dr. Whitman had pictures
taken in most of these countries,
except Holland and Italy, where it
was very hot and mosquitoes
were troublesome. He accem•
panied :his showing with an "off •
the cuff" commentary which was
informative, interesting and
absorbing. I was impressed parti-
cularly by the old buildings and
the formal gardens. He spoke in
detail of the historical signifi-
dance of the buildings and made..
.cotriments on the gardens which
were spacious and beautiful.
, Dr. Whitman, in a 'personal
reference,, showed pictures of
older members of the Bisback
family in,. Belgium s whom they,
Mrs. Ed. Regele
Mr. and Mr. harold
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCallum,
Mr: and Mrs. Alex Glanville of #1
and 4 andMr. andMrs. L. Hugill .
# Seiforth spent a few days north
of Huntsville.
Little 'Cindy McCallum spent a
few days•with Mr. and Mrs, Kelly
Dalton., ,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dennis
of 'Atwood. spent Tuesday
afternoon with Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Regele and Mr. and Mrs,
Stanley Preszcator • of Crediton
spent Saturday afternoon at the
same home.
Sympathy. is extended tb Mr.
Elmer Koehler and family in the
loss of a wife and mother.
'Sympathy is also kextended_to
Mrs. Melinda Koehler in the loss
of a daughter-in-law and Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Wore and -Mr.
and Mrs. Robert. Beuerman.
Mrs. Paul Stephenson and girls
of Varna visited on Sunday with
her mother, Mrs. Margaret
When the nrodbagen,
Chamber of.Commerce held their
annual Ladies' Night last Tuesday
at the Brodhagen Community
Centre, Gary Josling, Brodhagen
presidenffor, 1978, presided over
the' evenieg, In his opening.
remarks he paid tribute to the late
carne Brodhagen, and
the late Edgar Elligsen,
Walton, both prominent members
of the , Brodhagen 'Chamber of
Commerce for many years.
Fred' fleibert, Mitchell,
delighted guests with his
humerous anecdotes and joined
Mervin Dietz, R.11'.1, Dublin and
Leonard .Rose, BornhOlm
.as they led ,a sing-a4ong' of old.
favourite songs. .
Bob Jarmuth, R R 1 ,
Bornholm, assisted the' president
in distributing several special
awards to various guests, much to
the amusement of everyone.
Keith Siemon, Walton, in
proposing the toast to the ladies,
thanked them for' -supporting the
Chamber of Commerce in its
fund-rail g endeavours. In.
recognitione' k each
lady received a red and white
corsage and a gift presented by
Bob Osborn, R.R.,5, Mitchell,
Gordon Mogk, R.R.1, Bornholm
and Joe Vandenberk; R.R.2,' M
A highlight of the evening was
the presentation of ,a •plaque by
Bob Jarinuth to past president
Earl Bennewies, R.R.1,, Bornholm
• in honour of-his leadership choking
1977. Mrs. Bennewies received a
bouquet of red carnationS
appreciation of her efforts. Mt,
Josling asked .for continued
support tram an members during
his term as president for 1918-
. Gordon Mogk thanked . Mrs.
Miller and her staff for the
bounteoUs meal:
...Maynardt -lioegy, —Brodhaget47._
introduCedi the guest speaker
Doug Ellison, and 'his 'wife Mary
of Exeter. Mr, . Ellison spoke of
his experiences as one of the tract„
officials at the 1976 Olympics in
Montreal. Joe Vandenberk
thanked Mr. Ellison and
presented him with a token of .
Ron Qethke, `R.R.1,. Bornholm
-conducted an auction of the plants
adorning the tables: The Aucky
chair prize was won by Mrs..
Mervyn Leonhardt, Brodhagen,
and. the lucky:cup-prize-went to
to Mrs. Clarence Ronnenberg,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Osborn
organized 17 tables of progressive
euchre and presented prizes to
the following: Ladies' High -
--Wilfreri Ah rens_
$r-'-o Ladies"" Low - Mrs:
Milton Bode, R.R.5, , Mitchell;
Men's High - Har old Rock;
Mitchell; Men's low - Joe
Vandenberk, R,R.2, Monkton;
Ladies' Lone Hands - Mrs. Bob
Jarmuth, R.R.1,,, Boitholm;
Men's lone hands Mr. Carl
Wick, Brodhagen.
Head table guests were : east
President Earl Bennevvies and his
wife, Laura; President Gary
Mr:and Mrs. Frank.E11wood of •
Montreal were Saturday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley.
Mr, and Mrs. Allan Merrier of
Waterloo' spent Saturday visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Merneti
Sandy, Julie, Michael and:
Shelley. .
Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson
and Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Terentb
'Hunter of Colborne Township
spent the weekend with Mr.' and
Mrs. Andy Thompson of Oakville-,:;
Mr. and Mrs : , Reg. Lawson,
John and Elizabeth spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs.' George
Turner, Barry and Bonnie of
12 quilts for In
Brodhagen and community was
saddened by the passing of Mrs.
Elmer Koehler (Betty) in the
University Hospital in London on
Friday. She was. hespitalized in
Seaforth Community Hospital for
a long period of time.
Mrs. Lavern' Wolfe
accompanied Rev. Arthur Horst,
to visit with Billy Vock and Mr.
Lorne, Wolfe` who's a patient in
Stratford General Hospital, on
Friday and caned on Mrs. Fred
Young and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Young of.Stratford. At the same
home were the former's- two
neices from the West. A belated
Happy Valentines-to all.
Ship your liVebtOck
Tuesday is Shipping Day
CAlitrittikf 345,2656
MICH /364088
jaPasiironttg,, _Mara:Rhine: ,Hitae_varLoegY, ActelloaneckSi,emBoobn,0:oorrldno,n_.
Mdgk,`.front, - Ken Smith, Earle Bennew.les, Gary
rs. cEaricino's bielhday
were: Full House • • Miss Ethel
McClere, Mrs. .Verna McClure,
Mrs. Ada 'R-eld our Mrs. ,Gettie-
Hall. Four Corners - Albert St'.
Denis, Mrs, Verna McClure, Miss -
Wilma Brill and Mrs. Ruby
Anderson. Straight Line - Miss
Ethel McCtlure, Dennis Arney,
Miss Lillie Hudie and Mrl, Leo
Honkamen. Full HOuse - Mrs.
Verna mCClure, Mrs. Ada Reid,
Mrs. Margeuritp Shill and Miss
Ethel McClure. Visiting with
Miss Jean Scott were Mrs.
Margaret Sharp. We' welcome
Miss Scott as a resident.
1973 FORD
Country Squire Wagon, 8
Passenger, V8, Automatic,
Power Steering, Power
Brakes, Air Conditioning,
Radio, Lie. #DFZ 389 $1,795.
1973 DODGE
Polara, 2 door hardtop, V8,
'Automatic, Power Steering,
radio, „, Lic.#DHL 568
- $1,995.
1974 GMC
15 Hundred 1/2 ton pickup,
V8. Automatic, Power
Steering and Brakes, radio,
D21746 $2,895.'
1974' COMET
4 door sedan, 6 cylidner,.
Automatic, Radio,
Lie. #HYM 556 $2,295.
1974 DART
—Swinger 2 door hardtop,
V8, Automatic, Power
Steering, Radio,
Lic. #I-IFW 574 $2,295.
Fury, 2 door hardtop, V8,
Automatic, Power Steering
and Brakes, radio, Lic.
#AXS 323 $2,695.
1974 NOVA
4 door sedan,6 cylinder,
Standard Shift, Radio, rear '
-defroster, LicIFKC 491
4 door Sedan, VS,
Automatic, Power Steering,
& Brakes, radio, Lic.
#HNL 726 • . $2,995.
1975 DODGE '
D100 1/2 ton pickup, V8,
Auteniafic,Power Steering
and Brakes, radio. Zeibart,
Rust proof.. Lic.#D21710