HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-02-23, Page 4f
Tom .Schoonderwoerd show the remains of a U.S.
gove-rnment weather balloon that landed in a tree
neartheir flame at Dublin, .Friday toping.
The balloon carried equipment capable of tracking,
12 miles high and sending back, sidhals measuring
temperature, pressure, humidity and winds, to its
base. The box under the balloon called a radioscope,
carried instructions in English, Spanish and French,
telling the finder not to return it if fo.und outside the
.(Expositor Photo)
For a free estimate and a look at
our newest satrapies of materials
- CALL --
Ph..523-4272 R, took, roy.
'yth; Ont. "'Put Your Upholstering
Needs In Our Hinds!'
Honte St' Building Centre
230 Mayfield Rd., Clinton 482-3441
OPEN. MONDAY- FRIDAY 8a,,M. -6 p.ril.;
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Linda Clarence, who is a Public
ffealth Nut* with the ..Perth
- County Health Unit, told the
Logan Township Cpuneil at the
February meetingc. • that -most
, people are not aware of the scope
of public nursing. lvItsis Clarence
who is-the health nurse for school
• children from 'Mitchell, Logan,
Hibbert and Fullerton explained,
she visits homes and •cettior'
citizens ap rtments, tehchers,
prenatal • cla ses, arranges for
immunization chutes, chest clinics
and deals with .many other, health
related services in the
community., '
' She:assists teachers"
'with pupils who have health
problems a,nd provides resource
material and films. Her office is in
the Mitchell Medical Centre' and
she may be reached there or a
doctor's receptionist will take her
calli when she is put on duty. he
also explained that she works
closely with fife doctors there and
other community agencies to help
people of this area get the
medical attention they need:
The Council considered the
alternatives of spraying roadside
vieeds, such as fixing up an old
sprayer which-the township owns,
or buying a new WAYgr, or loppg
a custom sprayor.kiipihe work.,
The ckision w4 left to.the next
.meeting when more information
Will be available.
Ken Brown and Tim Nicholson
along with Ceuncillor, Joe
Vanclenbork, were appointed, to
the Monkton 'Fire Area Board, for
, for the R9,Air paid
Improvement of the POP') 4Pad Drain Will bemailes1 put Ron to all
affected ittepaypfa, report
will,,bc considered at,,thc Logan
Township Hall on March 20.
W.E,Kel1eY or, ips"tepOseptatiye "will ,be, present to• preSent this
report on the drain and will
answer any questiAs of the
ratepayers assessed.
H nti se' toi
•• . . • .
,Ir - ', • ' 4 . . , •
The knights 'of Colurahtisl,and
-Shriners took a half day off franc a
busy schedule to participate in
the Annual of. C - Shrine
Bonspiel at the Vanastra .Cnrling
Club last Sundax.. afternoon.
' Participating .were' thirty-two
'',Knights from Stratford,' Seaforth.
and Goderich , Councils and..
fourteen Shriners .fforiLStratford
and Bluewater Clubs as well as
Masonic members from the. area..
All games were close this year
indicating that the, yearly -event is
getting more competitive.
• The winning rink consisted of
Tom Horenburg, John and. Jeff
Curan and Arnold Groenestege,
all Knights. Coping in a Close
second was a rink composed of
K-nights, ,Willy Kuran, Clare-
Shrine'"5,,Club; Wilfiard , Aiken,
Bluewater Shrine Club; Pat
Osborn,• District Deputy District,
31 K of C ray
Knight Stratford K. of C.1
Seamus Doherty, Deputy Grand
Knight Seaforth. K, of C.; Gaetan
Jacque's,' ight, Goderich
K. of C. all District Warden_ of
District 2 t k of C. ' The
Drawntaster and coorditiator of ,
the function was Re ne.Brochu of
the Knights. Singing was led by
,Knight Seamus Doherty. • Centenaires
to hook up
With Mitchel]
By Gary Gray
Seaforth's Centehaires will
hook up with the Mitchell Hawks
in' a best 4 oilt of 7 series in the
first round of the play-offs. The
first 'game was in Mitchell on
Tuesday, February 21, while the
The third game Wilibe in Mitc~iell
second game 'will be played in
Seaforth Friday night, Feb. 24.
on' Sunday, Feb. 26 with the
fourth game .„„in Seaforth on
Tuesay, Febraury 28.
G.P. G. A.- Pts.*
O'Shea 30 16 27 43'
Anstett . 33 17 19 315---
28 , 13 17' 29 'McClure
31 16- 13 29 Blake
18 16 12 28 C.Doig
34 7 17 24 Heard
31 7 15 22 Bennett
24 ' 10 10 20 LDoig .
Tuynhani 24 6 12 18
32 7 10 17 Feeney
30 3 10 13 Parkinson
27 6 6 12 , Aubin
16 2 -8 10 Carnochan
30 5 3"•8 Fry •
33 3 3 8 Ring
14 1 5 6 J.Nash
• 22 2 3 5 J. McIver
5 , 1 2 3 Flanigan
Wheeler •
R. -McIver 4
D. Nash
Nicol 1
CorresPondent '" Superintendent, Ernie Harburn,
Don MacRae were also in attendance. ,
The„ Father Stephen Eckert The:rest of the evening owas
Knights of Columbuls :held An4ii spent. socia4ing playing, cards
annual Beef night Thursday and finished .off with a deliCious
evening and after the regular beef dinner. Thanks to Mrs.
meeting entertained the. Hibbert Lorne Feeney, Mrs. Francis
Township Council. Greetings Iiicknell and Mrs. John Van
froni the Township were Geffen. •
expressed by Reeve... Ross Winner of the monthly Share
McPhail. the Wealth Draw of $310. was
Deputy Reeve Henry .Harburn Gloria Bedard of Zurich. Seller
apressed • his thanks for the was Tim Bedard. The Knights of
invitation in his usual flamboyant Columbus have donated over $1
"style.- — million to the Canadian Arthritis
Clerk-treasurer, Chas. Friend, Society as their'principal charity.
brought greetings from Brittania Torn Schoonderwoerd was
Masonic Lodge of Mitchell as. surprised one morning last week
secretary and eZpreSSed Ms to see an odd object hang on his
Pleasure with the new feeling cif hydro lines. It turned out to be
ChriStian fellowship. The Hibbert another' U.S.A. weather trans-
Council was introduCej),„ by mitter.
Brother -Joe O'Reilly. The...Dublin and . District Leo
Councillors Herb Brown, Roy Club held another successful
Swart,. 'Don Johns and Road dance at St. Patrick's School Gym
with 50 in, attendance.
Trustees Meet Dublin and Mitchell District
The Trustees of ,the Police Lions Club_-T.V. Home - Bingo
Village of Dublin held a special winners weitkl-Pat2----McGrath;
meeting last Wednesday night to Dublin $20i- Liz•Brown„" Seaforth
line up,,hanners and 'flags for $20; Nancy Coyne, Mitchell $35;
Dublin's Centennial July 1 and 2. .Ed Baillie, Seaforth,a20;, Helen'
Trevor Smith, ' Advertising Ann Elliott, Dublin, $20; and
Specialist of Walton, was in Jane Glanville,: Seaforth, $120.
service to be held
Bedard and Paul Nichol and pleasant hospitable afternoon and
the gracious service ,rendered by t hfr ihnee rCurling Sct illuebs .
ladies led by ' the members of the Club. Others
w ays and Means Chairmln Carol who spoke included Murray
Munroprovided-a delicious,roast--MeGill, --Master _ of 'Masonic
beef dinner. Ed Murray 'of the Lodge,•Goderich; Allan Stoll, Past
Knights expressed thanks ' on District Deputy Grand Master of
behalf of the gathering, for the. Ontario; 9ord Kemp, Stratford.
Most Goals - Anstett 17
Most Assists- O'Shea 27
Most Points - O'Shea 43
Game Winners - Blake 4
Most P,enalized r Aubin 141 Mins.
Novice Standings
Pat Murray 35 ,10 45
Mike es 21 13 34
Ron e 15 15 30 '
Je Alce r 9 5 14
djleutterimiller 5 2 7
St e:Sehroeder '0 7 7
Bi' ladville • 0 4 4
Bla euermann 0 3 _
Brian 0 2 2
Don Bro -.0 1 I
Dwain Osb 0 2 2
Dwayne Price , 0 • 0 0
The two goalies, Steve Stapleton
-and Tony VanLoon, have played
outstanding games all year.
barges/Visa or
Master C,krge„-.
available *
-outlets. • .
K of C entertanis Hibbert
council at beef night
attendance to adviSe and display
different articles and souveniers
Inspecting Trustee; Matt
McCreight, chaired the meeting.,
Trustees Louis Maloney and Don
MacRae were iivattericlanee,
Personals .
. Visitors with Mrs. Dan Costello
last week were Bill and Mary
Costello of New Lowell, Ontario.
The week before Mrs. Dorothy -
Krauskopf and Theresa of Guelph
Mr. and Mrs. Holden and
family of Sarnia gpent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Mike
MacRae and family, John Street,,
BusyBees . •
The third meeting of "The •
Dublin Busy Beek', on Tebruary
15 opened with eprcises and the
President, Ruth McCreight
opened with the 4-H pledge.
After Secretary,- 'Mary Rose
Louwagie, gave the minutes of
thelast meeting,-Treasurer, Betty.
Anne Kroonen gave an account of
the club's budget.
The roll call was to name a
leisure time activity or an interest
you would like to develop.
Leader, Mrs. Emma Friend
discussed the many different
ways in which to spend leiSure
time. She also discuSsed on how
to begin to crochet and helped
the' beginners crochet a few
'.stitches as to begin their craft
op,0000 Y 'woo 040'
TheRev. G. L. Royal,, M,
Div., Minister of Knox Presby-
terian Church will conduct the
665th Annual Mariners' Service to
be held on Sunday, Febr ary 26th
at 7:30 p.m. The.rivers'
Service i his lake
port •s a tribute is paid to those
me, and women who lost their
liv s in, the greatest - marine
di .ster ever recorded in the
. history of the Great Lakes, The
Greats Storni of . Sunday,
November 9;'1913, '
. Seventy mile an hour winds
raged across the great lakes from
'the south-west, suddenly
changing to-• the north-weSt
Causing 71 great lake freighters to
be lost with a death toll of 254
men and women. 24 of these
great Ships or that particular era
went down in •Lake Huron, eight
of them in the Goderich area.
They were: The Wexford; The
Regina; The John A. McGean;
the Jame's A. Carruthers; the
Issae M. Scott; the Hydrus; 'the
Charles S. Price and the Argus.
This lake port was at one time
noted for its ship building
activities--great schooners and
sailing vessels were built at the
harbour. There was also large'
•fleets of commercial fishermen
adn there were r several lumber
mills. Maity..men asgOciated with
these various industries Would
"Go to see" in he spring of the
year. Prior„ to ‘going to sea' a
church service was conducted at
Knox for these Men a,rid-tilieir
families. The Late Dr. James
Anderson conducted the first of
these services in the Spring of
Our 14th
EndsSat., Fqb. 25th
ATAISUNWORTHYspecials Vir While Stock Lasts' •
Hildebrand Paint & Paper
Inierier and Exterior Decorators
15 MAIN 'St, Seaforth Phone 527-1880
'A -47 3-LIGHT WAGON WHEEL FIXTURE. Colonial styling
accented with softly burnished wooden wheel and 3 copper-
canopied chimney-style globeS. Overall diameter 22', 18” drop.
Plugs directly Into wall, receptacle to automatically turn
lamps or applianCes on and off up to 12 times every 24 hours.
'Easy push-button operation with rnAnisal by-pass. 1875 watt
C 48 SQUARE RECESSED FIXTURE. 8" unwired fixture with
flat albalite glass and white trim. Takes 1 - 60 watt bulb. 9.99
D 50 FLLI,DRESCENT'FIXTURE. 24" fluoreacent fixture for single
- 20-watt tube. Rapid-start system. Lamp not included. 8-.99
,50A 36" Fluorescent Fixture. 30 watt 8.99
50B 48" Fluorescent Fixture. 40 watt. 8.99
E 57 METAL SWITCH BOX. For non-metallic Sheathed cable.
Complete with Clamps. • .49,
' complete with deblificiampe. 6 1/2 ft, long. • 5.99 -
sp Power Supply Cord 'for Range: 40 amp cable, 5 1/2 ft. long.
fixture with wrap-around, light diffuser. White enamel finish.
(Tubes extra). 19,99
H 49 RECESSED POT LIGHT. Easy to install.6 .1/2" eyeball •
fixture' with plaster ring and aluminum calting..frame. 5.99
I, 58. LAMP HOLDER. Lightweight, heat-resistant, easy to Install.
660 watts, 250 volts. . .73
J .55 FLUSH RECEPTACLE. Accepts up to#10 wire, Brown. :43
K 56 FLUSH TOGGLE.SWITCH. ,Single-pole, snap-action style.
Brow .49 Brown
L 54 NMD-7 14/2 NON-METALLIC CABLE.'CSA-approved
copper -cable for most home application's in dry locations.
Outstanding velfie! INFt4TION FIGHTER SPECIAL!, :09 FT.
54A NMD-7 12/2 Non-MetellIC Cable. .12 It.
M 61 30" VENTED HOOD. FAN. Assembled and prewired for -
easy,• fast installation. High-volume-single-speed fan and light "
Included. Assorted decorator colours. 29.99
61A 30" ISuctless HOod Fan. Activated charcoal filter provides
efficient venting where ductwork is not possiblo, -Single-speed fan
and light. Assorted colours. - 33.99 •
1903. The Service at that time was article. After some practice with
known as the Fishermen's and these new stitches, lunch was
Sailors Service. served.