HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-02-16, Page 24Ashfield Reeve Warren Zinn' asked Bob Dempsey, Huron County engineer, about the amount of salt put on county roacls. He asked if there was any formula for the applications, or if it N,v,ps more hit and miss. "14t is really a judgement call," „„.. explained Mr. ,Dempsey. The weather-the wind factor and the temperature-determine the amount Of salt applied to roads in the:Winter months, he said. In general, the rule is . salt to asphalt roads and sand to gravel roads. Salt does not work in all` situations; said the engineer, the mix of sand to gravel is left to the roads foreman based' on his previous years of experience. ****** Warren Zinn, Reeve • of Ashfield Township arid chairman ,of Huronview's.. committee of management, said that. while . prices • usually go up, it was interesting to' note that the price of bread for Huronview -has gone doWn slightly from. 1977. The quotation was accepted at 33 cents per loaf of bread, with pa'stry, rolls, etc., to be charged at retail cost less 20 pe r cent , of Lewis Bakery . The committee also authorized the purchase of a small safe for the vault which will result in the • . lionwsnerreare premiums being Two Clinton firms were successful bidders for. Home ...supplies. Pete's TV will.supply a television to the. Home for $529 plus tax and Huron Business Machines will provide a calculator pt $192,55. , .. Paul • Steckle, Stanley Township dep,uty-reeve,, expressed his disappointment that Huron County,had missed an opporttinity to advertise the 1978 International Plowing Match at assignments that such a student could - „player, including the ,updating' maps of ,, the Egmondville water system, compr'i'sing a plan of Egmondville 'and finding' lot sizes. in Vanastra ,that don't meet bylaw criteria. . "There's a lot of work We could put them toand it would help the. mnnieipality," Clerk McLachlan added . " r • • . A motion was carried to hire -Margaret Tugwell 'of Clinton, to work in the Tuckersmith office, part time at $3.25. per , • .1 • • will sit on the bbard for the Court of Revision which is being held on 'the Elgie Drain an Tuesday, .Febraury 14: • hour. Councillors Robert Beth 'Frank Fareiiicer -and Reeve Erwin Sillery 4 S a rorimmm...mor AM"M • Ster6 Radio . twi h tr:`--ackTAPE PLAYER .Complete with two $ 99 91.'5 Separate speakers Now Only YOU MUST S e AND, HEAR THIS UNIT IN .0 Eh TO APPRECIATE THE VALUE' This is, a real Bargain Price 4 Town briefs At: their meeting Monday night, Seaforth council: Approved an agreement between the town and the Lions' Club which will see the town Recreation Committee manage the' Lions Park while the Lions will be responsible-..-for , operating-- deficits.. A joint committee will prepare park -budgets and rec director Clive - BUist will a mister 'the facility. , A reed that engineer James F. MaeLaren Ltd, proceed with' :drawings for the Huron St. storm drain and that Haan from Ord to Louisa and Louisa St„ from Huron to John be ciTained. • Decided that the town foreman, the PUC manager and the public works chairman together will decide when a .tree is to be removed from town property. Appointed Peg De Jong to the recreation committee. Appointed Ken Cardno to fill the remainder of Glenn Chesney's term on the Seaforth Planning 'Board. • - , Approved hiring a •sales tax _specialist who,_ will be paid a percentage of any sales tax overpayment he recovers. Asked the Fire Area Board, to reconsider the town's request for four more fire hydrantse and for hydrant rental fees of $4400 in " 1977 and $5401) in 1978. Learned , that ' Vasto Construction., not the town is liable and should pay'-any sewer damages at the Emmett Malone property. Learned that officials from the Ministry of Transportation and ComMunication will meet Thursday afternoon with town and hospital officials .to discuss the turn lane which'MTC has turned down. , - • Approved a resolution from the City of Stratford asking for a policy that clriYers of municipal and provincial vehieles-keep their' headlights on in daylight from November •til March 31. • Endorsed the idea, of a,global referendum on disarmament and a 'request -to all three national party leaders for a national ballott on .the same question.. Learned 'that, because , of budget cuts, the Huron County Planning Depattment's revision of Seaforth's official plan and zoning by law has been deferred at least until 1979. Tuckersmith hears Phone system may expand • BANK RATE FINANCING on all models - new and used Come to Brussels Motors See Our Selection '77 Chev. Impala, 2 door, air conditioning '77 Pontiac Parisienne Brougham, 4 door. "77 Chevelle, classic 4 door., '75 Chevelle 2 door h.t. ,'75 Oldsmobile Cutlass,.2 door, H.T. '75 .Ford Custom 500 4 door sedan 3-'15 Chev. Impala eldoor - 2 with air - without: • , '75 Astra '74 Buick Century 2 door '7,4 alina with A.C. 74 F d Glaxie 500, 2 door, H.T.A.0 2-/4 Ford Custom 500, 2 door H.T. '73 Le Mans 4 door '73'Pontide 4 door H.T. '73 Chev. Impala, 4 door H.T• 71 Ponfiac 2 door H.1. _ STATION WAGONS '73 Gran Torino , • '76 Pcintiac Le Mans Wagon chassis .13 Ford'4/4 ton pick up '73 Cliev. C50 series either van , or cab ,73&Fodrhd Louassis. isville with cab and chassis: '73 Chev, 1 ton pibk up '73 Ford 1 ton cab and chassis , Number of '71 - Chev & Ford vans • BRUSSELS MOTORS,INC • "THE HOME OE BETTER USED CARS" Box 335 E,teLisselt--; Ontario' Ms mils WM ON MIN INN UM MN NM '77 GMC 34 ton with 4' wheel drive '75 Chevrolet Cube Van with dual wheels '74 Fords Louisville with 48' van or cab' 75 Chev. 1/2 tbn pick ,up purposes-approximately two per cent on the average across Huron: Reserve funding will not suffer, either, A total of $150,000 was ' added to the reserve 'for_working. capital; $50;000 to the hospital reserve fUnk and $60,000 to the capital Works . building reserve 410. , •'........,7-7Warden Ginn 'Said in his opinion, it was important to keep the reserve. funds healthy. He • explained that it might have been. possible tO achieve an even loWer budget al by deleting the reserve funds for 1978. but said t was not considered good business to lower a county mill rate for one year and then, perhaps, find in the next :year that a sharp 'increase is necessary. • Transportation services, highways at $3.249,000 and the' Sky Harbor, Airpoit at $16,000,,, accounts • for by far the largest portion of the b'udget,' a total of $3;265,000'. Next is Huronview where the 1978:-budget is an estimated $2,587,326 . in total. Health is third tit $889,260 including.$566,340 for the health unit,. $220,000 tor. Home Care. • 20,TH,E HURON EXPOSITOR, FEBRUARY I i6) 1978 TOURING THE TOWN — Seafgrth hasn't officially named West Branch,Michigan 4-sister city yet but' officials from tHersoltured the town Monday. Some Seaforth councillors may visit the north ,central Michigan city about 150`milee from theSault bridge; in March. From left on their tour which included the Varna, Ont. 482-7103 R. K PECK APPLIANCES "In the heart of downtown Varna • VACUUM CLEANERS - safes and service of most make's. CB RADIOS AND ACCESSORIES * SPEED QUEEN APPLIANCES '711' MOVFAT APPLIANCES * SMOKE SENSORS * -INSECT LIGHTS AND FLY KILLING UNITS * HAND CRAFTED GIFTS MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT WITH GLEN McCLURE' • ar CLARENCE DALE. We'll Visually Check 15 POINTS On Your Tractor bury them. all. Mr. Graham 'explained that in , 1976 'expansion of 100 lines w ••• counc i l Count briefs any new Or t next five years. college' s dents studying . In addition, ' somo of the .-'surveying IntrificilYat adminis debenturonioney will be used.to tration courses to getilrome • bury 'all the service cables. ThiS-, practical experience. he noted will cut down on trouble Under the program astudenfin In the past just the, bad these courses may be hired for a services have been buried, but - maxiMum of 20 man wee The ministry will pay 80 percent or a tiow the telephone workmen plan to go up and down each road and ' In other council bUsineSs•, Clerk system must be in favor of the extension: They will vote on the . Jack McLachlan was given permission • to look into the • matter at the annual meeting to be held on March-2 after which community college student to Tuckersmith Council Will issue or work for the township in the. not issue the debentures. • summer. Mr. Graham. told the council 1 he decision was made aft thal the extension will include 280'. cot-respondence .was reset ed . total of ,some 700 ' lines. The ••McKrilop new attics, whiCh sfietild make -a from the Ministry ofTreasury nd• Economics outlining a summer additional 'lines should service • • subscribersf work' project whichenables permission by the council to services if you don't have obtain debentures of not over $150,000 for the expansion.. Mr, Graham also noted that However, before the , with the new expansion the main office, in the old Bayfield school. •debentures are issued, l0 Per cent approximately 25 lines would be Tuckersmith Telephone System is used a year, however some SG g,oing to have to expand in ordei• lineswerensed instead. Therefore to accommodate-Its subScribers, the expansion• only lasted half of Tuckersmith Council has learned, its expected four .yeats. Last Wednesday -night, "It will keep increasing," he Febtua'ry 8, Mel Graham. that time •i • Village of Bayfield the • t was presumed that, of the independent telephone's will be filled. secretary-treasurer, was granted-:,:w a supply Due to the rapid groWth in` the put into •the Bayfield Office. At possibilities of obtaining a equipment.'.' Marne d "You c n't maximum of $125 per student per man week. 1 Clerk McLachlan explained the worthiness of the program to the rest of council and- .noted the Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCallum and -daughter--Cindr-who- Were holidaying with the •Yosts of " ' to explain details of the . Dayton, Ohio have returned 'to assessment to Mr. Roggarth. their home on Sunday., CoUncil rejected Mr. Hoggarth's Mrs. Harold McCallum, Mrs. appeal. Paul McCalluin and Cindy visited' Council passed a motion 'that at the home of Mr, and Mrs, people booking the ' Vanastra Murray Hare of Stratford' on. Community Hall who don'tgive 30 Monday. . • . •44 days ,, notici that they're Mr. George Wilhamson of cancelling wit l'i have to pay half R.R.#1. Walton •is a patient in the price of the halt . except in Stratford Hospital. unusual circumstances annroved arena, .hospltpl and senior citizen apartments are Mayor • Betty- C:ardho with 'West Branch mayor Richard Werth, rec director Clive Buist with his Michigan counterpart Jim Gray, and West Branch councillor Ross Reid with Seaforth coundillor Bill Bennett. ' (Expositor Photo) ppegl.on E gie BY SHIRLEY J. KELLER- Warden Gerry Ginn called the 1978 budget for Huron County 'a "stand pat budget", Costs are up the_„. _Warden told country . councillors at , the 't ebruary Session- of council in Goderich Thursday, but the' county' apportionment will not increase, "That's good in these days-. with the inflationary trend," he added. : County administrator Bill Hanly advised in his preamble to the budget presentation that the 'total expenditure in Huron :in' 1978 will be,an estimated' $k822',650. ,That represents an' overall increase . of $322,267 or 3.79 per cent over the 1977 budget.- But the County apportionment-- the amount of money raised in Huron County--will remain the' same, '$2.,630.000. This will ,be achieved by bringing into the 1978 budget an accumulated surplus olt.$407',57,9 from 197q, and by the strict watch all .county committees kept on their 1978 budget requests:, All county ,.committees a.t .,mpted to keep their budget increases to within fourver cent for this year. With increased assessment in Huron,' some tapaycrs in the county should actually experience 'a slight decrease in ..taxes; for county Huron's078 budget 'Stand par: VVarden says by council:• • A court of revision was held on Council ,also passed a motion the Elgie Drainage Works at. a that would give the clerk', the meeting ....,..of Tuckersmith • re eve and • :the deputy reeve Township .. council -on Tuesday, signing authority on cheques if night. the need arose. The courtwas held to hear an. ,'• appeal-from, Alan Hoggafth who felt that he had been assessedtoo Council received high. Henry Understadt, land correspondence from siiiVeyettWaS-alSo it' th • in e-et ifir -Ukterstadt on the-Glenn'Mun icipaT rain-rplected MIMI *MIMI allowed us to', budget for the construction of a structural corrugated steel culvertbli-Road 25 east-6f Walton one year ahead of the_ road constructiora-in4979,"•",- ,said . Reeve.. Campbell in his. -report. "The new machinery. and salt dome. budget was also 'increased `to, $15,000 whichr Will permit the Salt dome at, the roxeter Patrol 'Yard'to be 'completed, prior to the: fall of 1978," the Reeve 'noted. • .The road chairman went on'to explain that the road budget is "highly dependent" -on how kevere the rest"of this winter and • the start of next. winter will be,-as regards snow removal costs, and' • what prices come in as a result of , paving and .gravel tenderS for 1978, • Reeve Campbell. said' if such. -expenditures are higher than estimated in the budget, the committee will reduce the total cost by' redUCing the length of sonic of the county ,construction__, programS dtaPPing some 'Drair • from the Ministry of budgeted items tor 1978. Transportation and The Family and Children's Communications regarding , SErvice (formerly Children's Aid severance applications: on . Saciety) budget was also highways, a copy of the duties of approved• by council at this a' municipal treasurer and • a - lettery from the Miniitty of. sitting. . It calls for 'a total Tra ns porta tiOn • and,. expenditure of $587,250 .with Communications r-egatding $469,800r coming from the bridge inspections that had been province 'and $117.450 raised in done. ' , Huron COunty-.. NEM MINI MN OM NNW $52,920 for family planning and $5,0.000 for the hospital reserve, 'fund. All these segMents of the budget; _hOweyer, are heavily -• expected, was brought over from Seaforth and . eaforth and chairman 'of the. 5 A :StirPhisTOf $252,558.5 or , ,,, John Flannery, reeve of. 'abodt $62,000 higher„ than-- the' 1977 road budget into` the Social . Services Committee, said 1978 road budget. According to Thursday in Goderich that Chairman Ken .Campbell of Huron's Social Services depait- ., • Stephen Towns-hip, the ment is "still among the low ten committee intends this year to' of the provincial counties as far as "keep the surplus down and do a Social Service costs . are little more work." . . 2_ Also, the Huron allocation from.' c6lAi tepr. nreesde'n't there ae 110 Cases .the Ministry of Transportation being handled by the \lOcal Social and CommunicatiOns was $41,000 Services department, for a total of higher. than expected. in 1977,. 410 beneficiaries., Chairinan Campbell• said in his "Although the-. caseload is report these extra . funds down considerably from a year ($103,000 more' than' ,expected ago.".said•Reeve Flannery, "the totalling' surplus and MTC number of, beneficiaries 'has not allocation' )• were allocation)- decrertsed that much." ' , . , throughout khe road budget and r'tle.prediettd that if utiemploy- .used- to reduce the county rate ment remains at its present level increasecrcent . from 9.8 ger cent to 1.34 • or increases in 1978, the Social p .. Services department could. have a supported by the provincial goveinment. Home Care and family planning are subsidized 100 _per cent by the' province, - ROAD BUDGET "The 'additional fends also Hirron •Co,unty doesn't have an assistant tree commissioner any more. With the resignatkin of Murray Seed from that position, the county has agreed not to replace him at this time.. According to Administrator Bill Haply, a new, TreeS' is •10 be. developed,. and it has been considered best to wait until the terms of the Act are clear before replacing Scott. • ****** McKillpp lieeC/e• Allan Campbell wanted to know why the county had not leased land in Est Wawanosh to Fraser Land Services Limited, on behalf of- Shell Canada Resources Limited. , .Developm"erit committee chairman Bill Elston said it .,is county policy not to lease county-, d laid for oil and ___, . , ._, . _ •: the recent convention of rtiral municipalities, ,He suggested something be planned to promote the plowing match in Huron at the Good Roads Convention. ,. Bill Elston, reeve of Morris and a membei of the: committee,. said he'd gone at his own.expense to the Farm Show 'In Toronto for tWo days to promote the match. "I'm afraid • it ' isn't being advertised properly outside the county," he added, • He, pleaded for anyone witlf ideas for advertising to get in touch with the comiiiittee. "very difficult year", r • ****** , 'At the December meeting of county council, it was reported by the Social .Services committee that the ' rate, for the ' homemakers involved with the new FAmily care Agency would. be $50.40 per "The agency has now advised that this figure was in .error and the corrected rate. is $36 per day,". reported . Chairman . • 1011Ii-Flannery. , • ' EMtuiries Have been made for a co-ordinater for the Horne SuppOrt Program, but nothing definite will bef decided until it is known whether the MintStry- of Community and Social . Services will be extending the .program a erarc ,,, ;*.**** County representatives to'locaf hospital ,b.oards :have been appointed for 1978.. They are Kermeth Saxton to Wingh.arnand District Hospital board;- Beecher Menzies to Clinton Public Hospital board; Cordon Rimmer to Seaforth .Community 'Hospital board; , Mrs. John Berry to Goderich Alexandra Marine and General 'Hospital board; and .. Derry Boyle to South' Huron • Hospital Board, Exeter. ' Other county appointments included: W. J, Elston.: Victoria • Order of. Nurses; Warden Gerry Ginn, Ervin Sillery and' Ed -Oddielfson -to..theTRUItiti Toiic - Jail board; Warden Gerry Ginn and Ervin Sillery to the 'Coderich, Airport Committee; John Flannery‘,' Warden ,Gerry Ginn, 1-tarold, Wild and. Harold Elliott to 'the Family , and Children's Services of Huron County Board;• Warden Gerry Ginn to the 'HuroA Centre for Children and" Youth. ••• Don Eadie to-the Huron Power • Plant Committee; Bill Clifford tO .As.sbeiation 'of Counties and Regions of Ontario Housing Committee .and ;,•to the Rural • • Development -.butreOh Project, Guelph UniverSity; •a!nd Warden Gerry. Ginn to the Association: of Counties and Regions of Ontario Foodland Preservation Committee. • Members of the 1978 executive serve the local 4-* committee .1 1 e •ve as government `study committee. -