HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-10-01, Page 5= • • L. w • 47 • ! 9 .7 r 1. • RUSY r: DAYS 1112. WINGLIA.S1 TIMES, OOTOBR 1, 0397. Doing Business on a Cash Basis is Proving a Success klere, We are cons.antly on the alert; to secure good reliable goods. During the past few weeks new goods of every description have been anis ing, nought for spot cash, and sold lower that any firm doing a credit business would suspect. When at the 13lyth Fair next Tuesday and Wednesday, October 5th and Oth, drop in and see What we are doing, and find out if we sell goods as amply as we advertise. IIeavy Tweed Dress Goods, mixed effects, double fold, good. colors, special at 17e, Dress Goods, warm winter weight, sold' in lots of places.for 25c., but our cask price is 22e. Dress Goods, very sightly, and will give satisfaction in the wear, in green, blue, brown and grey colorings, extre value, 25e, Better lines in black or colored dress goods, at 80e, 40c, 50e, 75e, • 85e and $1,-. Flannelette, good patterns, wide width, usually sold at 7e or 8e, our price Ge per yard. Heavy Wool Tweed, checks or stripes, worth 45e, but we bought it to sell at 35e. LADIES' MANTLES Wehave theni at all prices, but ask your attention to three lines that we consider above the average, in light or dark effects, Prices $3.50, $4 50 and $6. TABLE LINEN. Two special lines we tilink might prove worthy of your attention. No. 1 is the same as we have often sold at 35c a yard, but now you may buy it for 25c. No. 2 is a very wide table linen, good pattern and the quality is worth 45e, but we're selling it as long as it lasts at 35c, White Check Muslin worth 8e, for 5e. Men's Lined Kid Gloves, two fasteners, worth 75e, a special for Fair Day at 50e. You will find our shoes and rubbers up to -date. WINCHAM FALL FAIR R Hastings ; two year old heifer, R . . ._..— . . Corley 1 and 2 ; one year old heifer, A MOWED SUCCESS,—THE HEST snow Edward Taylor, R Hastings _,' Wr.NGHAM HAs Exp,u irAD,....-A heifer calved since islet show, Ed FINE DISIVX OF EVERY, Taylor, R Corley ; bull calved since THING. — 000D SPEED- last show, It Corley, 1 and 2; ING CONTESTS. ' bull over OHO and under two years, — R Hastings , aged bull, Thomas The fall fair of the Turnberry James, R Corley, Grades—Breeding Agricultu.ral Society, held on Tues- cow, It Scott, 1' Fowler ; two• year day and Wednesday of this week, heifer, D Scott & Sons, . Thomas was . a grand success in every pars Henderson ; one year-old heifer, D tieular, The inside exhibits were Scott & Sons 1 and 2 ; heifer or steer first-class, and the prizes for every calf, D Scott and Sons, Themes article were keenly competed for. Henderson; one year-old steer, Sam'l The show of roots was up to the Burchall, 1 and 2 ; two year-old average. as was also the ladies' de-. steer, Sein'l Burchell, Wm Cruiek :partment ; in fact there was a grand isplay of everything in the ;indoor epartinonts. The Wingham Or- ehestra supplied music on the first evening of the show, when the building was, opened to visitors. There was not a very large attend- ance on the first evening, no doubt •on aceoudt of the millinery openings coming on the same day. It was too .ibad that it had not been ar- ranged to have different dates for events of this kind, and no doubt something will be done another year to remedy the interference. • 1Vednesday, the second day of the shows, wet a flee day and from early morning crowds of people could. be seen coming in from all directions to visit the fair. The show of horses. was better than has been in years,' and cattle was far above the aver- age. There was also a fine exhibit of sheep and pigs. 'The show of poultry was away ahead of anything in the past. The speeding contests MILLINERY OPENING ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER lst, and following and bicycle races were the means of days. You are cordially invited to inspect our showing. • - tdrawing a large crewd, and every- 132.. one went away well pleased with their day's outing. There were • three heats of the Wingham Bicycle Club's three mile handicap race ran. 1The first heat WtIS won by M. Mor- , ton, the second by Thomas Dodds, land the third by L. 13. Duff. In the one mile professional race, S. Elliott Down Goes won first, and E. Moore second. The the Price of speeding contests resulted as follows: WINGHAM SAW MILL All kinds of rough and dressed —LUMBER, —SHINGLES, —WOOD, —BARRELS, —CEDAR POSTS, Ere. kept constantly on hand and deliver- ed on shortest notice. , Call and get prices as we are determined not to be undersold. MeLEAN & SON. WINGHAM, 0, D. E. MeDONALD OPEN TROT OR PAON—. MILL HEATS. Lionel H., G B Roe, Wingham 1 1 2 I Paddy R. .T Roche, Stratford 2 3 1 Maple Leaf, James O'Leary, Wishes to inform the it General Public that he is supplying all kinds of G MEATS at the w FORMER PRICES.', Brussels. TAIIMEUS TROT on PA MILE MEATS. 3 2 3 log, G 13 Roe, Wingham .. .... .. • . .... 1 1 1 uy Rutledge, R Frost, Seaforth 2 2 2 al fer G, Andrew "Gemmill, Wingham " 3 dr a MILE—RIMING. . orene, .1 B Swarts. Wingliatn .. .... .... 1 41. . • Ur. Sass, ,1 Ibang, • : Meat delivered to any parttown .,of the IWingham .... .... .... 2 '41? 130b BloIntosh, II F Gordon, Give us a call.s_ Wingham.. 3 3 , 3 3nNurm ram on rAou•—i zurm nnvrs, D. E. ifie ONALD, • Little Mack, T Shaw's Old Stand, Butcher. Wingham.. .... • I. 1 1 Louise, G B .. • • .... 3 2 2 Fred II, II Frost, Seafortli . . 2 3 4 Harry G, J Watson, Listowel 4 4 3 i The prize list of the show is here- with given : HORSEA. Heavy clrenglit—Prood mare, foal at side, M. "I Harrieton, Thos Hensler son ; spring foal, :kr ri narriston, II Bosman ; one year-old gelding, Thos Nomomienares........orammacoemoanagg...........a.izetamilaxask IlifEliMasi====11==...P t1==ese-O7,13 .....T. A. Mills has just opened out a E-77, —0 IT Ull 4 ine , Henderson ; two year-old filly, Wm, Barber ; two year old gelding, James Foster, John Mulvey ; team in har- ness, John G McKenzie, Wm °rules - SCOTCH TWEEDSUITINGS ,sbarik. , purp93e —Brood mare, foal side, ,Tohn Caeeteore, Wm Barber; 'spring foal, Geo Cruickshank, Chas !Taylor ; one yeee-old filly, George • .FANCY AND BLACK DRESS coon* Cruickshank, Wm, Barber ; one gelOqsa year•old gelding, D. Scott & Sons • two year-old filly, Chas Taylor ; two Direct froth Europe, which he is offering kear-old gelding, A & J Taylor, Jno —to. his Customers at... Roadsters—Brood Mare, foal at • side Beattie Bros., .Jos Golley V. 5, spring foal, Jos Golley, V 5, Beattie VERY - LOW - FIGURES Please call call in and examine for Yourself; • No trouble to show goods. Place A. manrr•selamcworm.J.,•ornenwn our enteaminalsomsesraw.s. 21241111.1,00/101.11016.0111,-*OMCUIVAMDINCONM*1010,1611•110MME1110 • Bros ; One year old filly or gelding, Jos Golley; Two year-old filly or and be Convinced. gelding, Robert MeIndoo , saddle , horse, Lett & Sturdy, 1 and ' 2 ; single home in harness, 15 hands and under, Beattie 13ros, • Deans, jr single horse in harness, over 161 !lends, fi 1eIncloo, R E McKedite ; team in harness, road or carriageeT E Swart, Onward Green; carriage filly er gelding, one year. old, NV'm Deans„Tamr, knus ; car- riage filly or gelding two ecar.old. ni James Angus, WDeans judgee,--Geo °reit:1m, Shepherd - ton, W Huck, Mildmay, Vr.rt 0-011-4 ELA Durbain_4weding cpw, Rcod,, shank ; fat cow, m II Harrison; Thos Henderson. Judges. — Henry Ronnenburg, moneton, Alex McKee, Teeswater. • • SHEEP. Leieesters and their grades—Aged ram, N Cumming, Thos Henderson ; shearling ram, John Coultes ; ram lamb, John Coultes. N Cumming ; aged evve,John Coultes, N Cumming; shearling ewe, John Coultes,1 and 2; ewe lamb, John Coultes,N Cumming. Downs and their grades—Aged ram, .W II Weber, ram lamb, Alex =Kee, W II Weber; aged ewe; Alex meKee. 1 and 2 ; shearling ewe, Alex McKee, W Weber; ewe lamb,Alex McKee, W 11 Weber. Fat sheep, ewe or wether, W J Carrie, 'nos Hender- son. Judges.—Andrew Linklater, Jno Carrie, Wingham. PIGS. Berkshires, Essex, or Snffulk—Boar of 1807, II Edwards, Chas Hender- son; boar prior to 1897, Chas Hen- derson; sow of 1897, W Maxwell, Chas Henderson ; breeding sow, Thos Henderson, W Maxwell. York- shire, Chester white or any other large breed—Boar of 1897, II Ed- wards, R etemurray ; hoar prior to 1897, R memurray, LI Edwards ; sow of 1897, R Scott, Edwards ; breed- ing sow, Thos Henderson, Chas Hen- derson. Jadge,—John Elder, Wingham. POULTRY. Cochins, any variety, T M Hen- derson„Jos Gray ; games, any vari- ety, Joe Gray, 1 and 2 ; Wyandottes any variety, T M Henderson, Jos Gray ; Hambargs, black, T M Hen- derson ; Langhans, W ,Taylor, Chas •Henderson ; Leghorns, white, W Taylor, 1 and 2 ; Leghorns, brown, Waltar Taylor, 1 and 2 ; Ply- mutt' Rocks, T M Henderson, John Currie ; exinoreas, black, Jos Gray ; Bantams, any variety, W Taylor, Chas Henderson ; any other variety, Chas Henderson ; turkeys any variety, D Showers, John Currie geese, any vat.ietsr, Chas Henderson, D Showers ; ducka, Pekin, T sr Hen- derson, Wm Deyell ; ducks an other variety, Chas Henderson, i' Fisher jr ; collection of pigeons, P Maier, jr, Button & Fessant ; cage of canaries, AIisS Bell, Rev. air. Got- ten. Chickens—Bi-ahraas, Iigh t,Chas Henderson; Bi -has, dark, Chas Henderson ; Coehins, any variety, T M Henderson 1 and 2; Gam; s, any variety, Joseph Gray, 1st and 2nd ; Hamburgs, black, Chas Henderson, T M Henderson, Hemburgs any variety, Chas Henderson, 1 and -2 2, Langshans, Jos Gray, W Taylor Leghorns, si bite, Jos Cray, W Tay• for r Leghorne, brown. W Taylor, 1 and 2 ; Plymouth Rocks, Chas Hen- derson, Jos Gray ; Spanish, black, Chas Henderson, T ix Henderson ; mammas, black, Jos Gray, T M Hen. derson ; bantams, any variety, John Currie 1 and 2 : any other variety, Chas Henderson, 1 and 2. judge.—John A Barnard, Wrox- eter. WOOLLEN GOODS. Flannel, home made, Wm Robert- son ; blankets, home spun wool, Chas Henderson ; blankete, factory spun wool, John Ansley, T Al Hen- derson ; blankets, union, T M Hen- derson, Wm. Robertson ; yarn, home spun, W 11 McCracken, S:nn'l Kerrighan. Judge, --S 13 McKelvie, WrOXCtOr. LEATHER AND OTHER IIANUFACTURES. Men's sewed boots, Metauchlin & Haugh commended ; men's coarse l-oots, ISicLauchlin & Haugh, 1 and 2 driving mite, 3 D McKinley. Judge. -W J Chapman, Wingbam. AGRICULTURAL IlIPLEMI;IRTS. Lumber waggon, W Gannett, T II Ross ; buggy, Jas Walker, Dave Ewing; sod plow, T 13 Ross ; gang plow, Gillies & martin, T H Ross ; iron harrows, W Gannett, T II Ross; sulky rake, Rendall & Co, W Gan- nett ; mower, W gannett, Rendall & Co, wooden pump, C morrtingstar, D Showers. .Judges -4r Davis, Wingham, and R Sterling, Delgrave. GRAIN AND SEEDS. Fall wheat, H Edwards, W Currie ;ralt wheat, white, V, Has- tings, Charles Henderson ; spring wheat, Chas He/Wert:oil ; amali white peas, R Scott, Andrew F'ox ; large white peas, Chas Henderson, II Ed- wards ; white oats, M 11 Holliston, It McMurray ; black oats, Chas Hen derson, II Edwards ; barley, six row- ed, Chas Henderson, Geo Cruick- shank ; timothy, Thos Henderson, R Scott ; benne, white John Ansley R Scott ; any other, John Ansley, W Taylor ; field core, Andrew Fox, John Ansley, Judges,—A Burkholder, T. Gre- gory, Wingham HOED CROP, Sweed. turnips, Chas Henderson, W J Currie ; any other turnip, Thos Henderson, Chas Henderson ; man - gold wurtzel, long W 11 McCracken Chas Hendersou ; mangold wurtzel, shore W II McCracken, Chess Hen- derson ; Carries, field, W li Mc- Cracken, It McMurray ; carrots, table, J D Kinley, John Ansley ; beets, long blood, W 13 McCracken, R. McMurray ; beets, turnip blood, I hos Henderson, W H McCracken; Parsnips, J D McKinley, Chas Hen - del -son ; empire state, NI 11 Harriston Thos Henderson ; mammoth pearl, Thos Henderson ; rural New Yorker. J D McKinley, W Taylor ; white elephant, T 51 Henderson, Thos Henderson ; any other potato, Chas Henderson, T M ofenderson ; collec- tion of potatoes, John Gray, T M Henderson; onion from seed in 1897, J D McKinley, W 11 McCracken ; onions, any other, Wm, Webster, W Taylor ; tomatoes, plum or cherry, W Taylor, W McMurray ; tomatoes any other, W Taylor, W 11 McCrack en ; celery, red, W Taylor, W 11 Me Craeken ; celery, wbite,R Armstrong W Taylor ; -cabbage, Jersey Wake - Reid, R Armstrong, W Taylor ; cab- bage, flat Dutch, R Armstrong W Taylor; cabbage any other, W Tay lor, R Armstrong ; Cauliflowers, W Taylor, J. D. McKinley ; citrons W McCracken, II Edwards ; cu - cambers, green or ripe, Jos Gray, Wm. Robertson; musk mellons, Chas. Henderson, W 11 McCracken ; sweet corn, J D McKinley, W 11 McCrack- en ; pumpkin, It McMurray , W 11 McCracken ; squash, Chas Hender- son, lt Amstrong ; collection ofgarden produce, W Taylor, W 11 'McCrack- en. Judges, --John C. Currie, M. La- mont, Wingham, FRUIT Apples. —Baldwin, P Fowler W J Currie; King, Thos Henderson, W J Carrie ; Pewaka, John Elston, Chas Henderson ; mainden's blush, W Maxwell, Miss Sperling ; Lowell, Thos Henderson, T M enderson, northern spy, M Harriston, John El- ston ; wealthy, Tohn Ansley, T M Henderson ; Rhscle Island Greening Thos Henderson, T M Henderson, ribston pippen, P Fowler, M 13 Hale listen ; russet golden, M 11 Harriston T. M. Henderson ; russet Roxboro M 11 Harriston, T M Hendereoa ; seek no further, T M Henderson ; Chas Henderson; snow, W 'McCrac- ken, Thos Henderson Blenheim orange, P Feaster, John Casemore Wagner, W J Currie, Alex McGee, colvert, Thomas Henderson Charles Henderson ; 20 oz. pippin, M 11 Harriston. A Tipling ; cultivated erabs John Elston, Andrew Fox six varieties named, T M. Henderson Chas Henderson. Other fruit,—grapes, open air W. Webster, W Maxwell , pear, fall, M II Harrison; T M Henderson ; pears, winter, Andrew Fox, Miss Sparling; plums blue, Mrs. Tamlyn, W II McCracken ; plums. yellow, W II McCracken, John Ansley ; largest and best collection of fruit, T M Henderson, Chas, Henderson. Judge,- -J. A Morton. DAIRY AND POVISIONS. Cheese, dairy, Mrs W McKenzie Chas Henderson ; cheese, factory, 13 McMurray ; batter in prints, John Ansley, Thos Henderson ; butter in rolls, Alex McGee ; honey T 0 Gra* ham ; bread, home made, R. Mc- Murray, John Gray ; oat cake, W Taylor, W A 'Currie ; pickles mixed T M ilendereon, W 11 McCracken: pickles, any -other, John Gray, T Henderson ; tomato catsup, Wru Robertson W Taylor ; three pounds maple sugar, R Scott, W 11 MeCrack en ; ten pounds maple suger, McCracken ; collection, John Gray, T M Henderson. Judges, --7,T A Morton, D M Gordon Wingham, Wm. Messer, 131nevale. NINE ARTS.. Oil painting, miss Sparling, • ,sss- llele; Water color painting, mry ' t atiss Srurling; Painting nu Plagues, Mrs 'Tele, Mrs eteInnie; palming on bolting cloth, Mies Z Carder, Thoe Henderson; crayon work dark, Joint Gray; Qrayon work, eolered, Mrs Hele John Gray; Pencil drawing Kris Miss. Z Carder, Mrs Hole; tout Wit sketch, WI et*rtilr paistfo lug ou plasi Qartkr i' Kenderson painthig goil:ay, Miss O,.;d.ft T tI ilenderigm; Piing oi Aith: f r sdlIiI, M Carder, Mr i 5IvIr.rierq Collet:0.w/ f pint. ings, (trier; m.)11E43041 csf graphs, Mrs. ..f.kullyn PL 4. NTS ND FLI )1V EltS. Foliage Plante, C Graham; greenteenses plants, 11 0 Graham geraniums, T 0 Grisham, Win Webs ster „ fuchsias, Wm Webster ; vele lection cf flowers and plants, T 0 Graham; table bouquet, . D Kinlcy, Wm Robertson, reeesertieter ed, It Mande(); hand bouquet, Tandyn, Wm Robertson ; floral sigu or ornament, T 0 -Grahame M T:unlyn ; basket of annuals, J Meginley, W Taylor ; dahlias, McKinley, W Taylor ; gladiola spikes, J 1) McKinley, Mrs Tamlyn verbena heads, W Taylor, - T Graham ; pansies, J D McKinley -- petunias, J D McKinley. W Taylor; • phlox drummondn, W Taylor, J D McKinley; extra entries, W Taylor, J D McKinley. • Judge—D. Stewart. LADIES' WORK—OLD. Coverlet, Samuel Kernighan, J D McKinley ; quilt, pieced, Mrs Tam- lyn, Chas Henderson quilt, knit, Miss L Spading. Mrs McInnes, quilt, cabin, Charles Henderson, Mrs Tam- lyn; quilt, crotchet, Mrs McInnes, W II McCracken ; tatting, rtliss L Spars ling, Mrs Hele ; bead work, Mrs Tamlyn. Mrs Hele; specimen of lace, Miss L Sparling, Mrs Hele; fancy knitting, Mrs W McKenzie, Rev Me Gofton ; embroidery on woolen, Mrs: Tainlyn, Wm Webster; embroidery on cotton, Peter Deans, Mrs Tamlyn, braiding, Mies L Sparling, Mrs -Me- Innes; outline work; Miss Z Carder, Mrs Hee; collection of wsrk, Miss L Sperling, Mrs Hele; extra entries, Samuel Kernighan. L.IDIES1 WORK—NEW. Quilt, patched, Miss L Sperling, Miss Z Carder ; man's flee shirt, hand made, Mrs W McKeessie, Mrce Tafnlyn ; man's coarse shit t, handeesseee made, Mrs W McKenzie; night dress - or shirt, hand made, Miss Z Carder, s • Miss L Sperling ; wool seeks or stoeitings, Mrs W McKenzie, W H McCracken ; wool mitts or gloves, Mrs W McKenzie, W H McCracken ; cotton stockings, Mrs W McKenzie rag mat, Miss McDonald, Samnel Kernighan ; rag carpet, Wm Robert- son, Mrs Hele; Mexican or drawn work, Miss L Sparling, Mies Mc- Donald ; embroidery en silk, Miss McDonald, Miss. L Sperling; tidy, Miss L Sparling, Mrs 'maims ; crochet work, Miss Z Carder, Mrs Hele ; sofa pillow, Mrs Hele, Miss L Sparling: netting, W McCracken, Miss McDonald ; pillow shems, Mrs McInnes, Mrs Hele; crewel work, Miss Z Carder, Rey. Mr. Gorton; darning wool socks or stock;ngs, Mrs W McKenzie, Mrs Tamlyn ; darning cotton socks or stocking, Mrs W McKenzie, Mrs Tamlyn ; darned net, Mrs Tatnlyn, Miss L Sperling bracket lambrequin, miss L Sperling, Miss McDonald; fancy needlework, Miss McDonald, miss Z Carder; Ber- lin wool work, errs matinee, miss Z Carder; patches on pants, sirs W mcKenzie ; log cabin quilt, afs; Carder; wool gloves, mrg sirs mantles ; silk quilt, W eeken, Mrs W saeKenzie ; collectioe work, arcs Hele, mrs melnnes. Judges—Mrs. Hanson red Mrs Grierson, Wingham, PAIR NOTES. Messrs. D. Stewart and II. Me- Quarrie, Secretaries of the Brussels and 131ytn fairs, were in attendance, getting pointers on how to run a show, A common remark : " The attrac- tions were as good as these at the Torot.tu " People give a goods show, had I will make it a point to be pre.ent next year." --A visitor, Jirainy lneKelvie served up the " good things" in his usual goods style. 5 Cracey hai a voeyiI display of furniture, etc, Yonng & Paulin, the hardware and tinware men were on hand with a grand display of their go(44. Wingham now has its mime Up fir riving a good show, and the Direetors will spare no plies in ham- ing it up-tot:late every year In future, t S .titt:111. tendall & Co, T. II. Rolf, Wtn. Gannett eneh had good exhibits of agricultural implement*,