HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-02-16, Page 19• BY Y J. KELLER • You've got to be kidding! That seemed to be the attitude of county councillors who voted last Thursday at the February session of council in Goderich to 0 recOnimendation from the executive committee designed to even up taxes in• Huron for county purposes, Bill Clifford,'reeve of Gederich, ufged couety councillors to "look at what-is fair and what is just" when they perused figures that ,? showed what the variOus municipal apportionments would !give been had the 1975 market value assessment figures been used in 1977,. added to the equivalent equalized assessment' for grants in lieu, together with the population base for library, social services, Huronview, family and children's services and health costs. • In general, the figures showed that urbatudwellers would have paid substantially less into the county coffers,) while the rural dwellers would have been tagged with Many, more tax dollars. A recorded vote tallied ,28-19 opposed to .-rt committee `recommendation that the final 1978 county apportienment be raised on the system. 7.-r" •71-77777"1"-'71"'"" ‘97 • I HURON EXPOSITOR, FE.1314,VARY V, 1.978 15 TH a. is P Ilan a woman at your Credit Union • • IP • An R.R.S.P. gives you a chattiest*: •SAVE MONEY • DEFER YOUR INcom TAX - II 'WILD SECURITY FOR s YEARS TO COME ti INCREASE YOUR SAVINGS THROUGH THE COM- POUNDING OF TAX SHELTERED INTEREST Your credit union Is currently paying 9 per cent. There Is no admInistriatIon or with • ,drawa I charges. Your credItynlon can lend you the money to Invest In ,.a 11.114.P. The Interest yOu pay on 'your loawis also tax deductible. Be secure for tomorrow... See Your Credit Union today. Co.. III aid 500 es... we co Itelpl r Those opposed were C, W. Bray, Allan• Campttell, Ken Campbell, Tom Consitt, 'Frank- , Cook, Murray. Dawson, Cecil' Destardinei Bill Elstcin; Gerry Ginn! Simon. • Hallabali; 13ob Lyons, J. , F. MacDonald. 00110 Since 1972, more 3590 people have taken novice farmer courses. offered.. .by the Ontario Agrieultural College, University of Guelph, says Paul Hendriks of -the Office of Continuing Education, Beginning January 26, 15 evening coursestwilt be offered in. Toronto and Guelph. The weekly courses vary in length from 3 to 10'sessions from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Course 'fees range from 130 to $165, with special rates for couples.'' Courses available this winter includeAntroductory Agriculture; Farm Income Tax;, Landscaping the Country Estate; Vegetable • Prod ustion ; Tractors and Machinery; Tree Fru -Email Fruits; Fish Farming; oodlot Management;. field Operations; Soil Management; Med' We Produee; Forakes; Cereti Grains For more inforination -write: -Applied Agriculture Program, Office of Contiuing Education, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, NIG 2VV1, or telephone (519) 824-4120,. extension 3956: courses . McNeil, Ralph MeNicleal,Tom -Robinson, John Stafford, Paul Miller, . Bill Morley, Harold Steckle, Grant Stirling,Jack ' ., Tinney, Roy. Williamson and - spot was McKillop Township with $14;437 more. . Bil l Clifford, Bill Dale, Norman Other rural municipalities would 'have paid additional Durst, - John Flannery, Fred taxes as follows: Ugborne, rr~, Haberer, Joe Kerr, Cal Krauter, $13.770; West Wawanosh , $11.,7461 Stephen, $10,621; Howick, $9,934; "Grey, $9,322; Hullett, $9,263; Turnberry , $8,271;. Morris, $7,735; East embarrassed about voting in $6,159. Wawaosh, $6,502; Colborne. College g Royce Macauley, D, J. Noble, • Eileen Palmer, Ervin-Sillefy and Harold Wild. All other councillors were absetit from the meeting. Warden Gerry Ginn was a little Warren Zinn. 'Those in favor were R. M. Bell, opposition to nthe recommen- dation, especially when he wa acting chairman of the executive committee when it conceived the_. recommendation, • "I believe there should be tax reform," •he said, "but I believe grant refOrm should come in with it. But this does point -up the fact there are inequities." •• • "I don't believe we.can enter into this before we see grant ' reform," agreed Reeve Paul Steckle of .Stanley TOwnship. "We neesi to know where the grants ate coming from and . where they're directed." The results were surprising for some council members. It showed that in every rural municipality but one, Tuckersmith, there would have been an increase in the' apportionment, while every town and village in Huron' would. have realized a reduction: ' Goderich Township would have been hit the hardest in the rural municipalities=-$23,276 more. Running neck and neck for second spot were Sanley Township with $17,193 more and Ashfield Township $17,153 more. In fourth spot was Hay rdwnshit .,?..4„-$14,787 .'snore and in fifth [by Jack Riddell M.P.P.] Already a number of people have asked me for information • about filing Income Tax Returns and Ontario's Provincial Tax Credit System, designed to make . taxation • more equitable. The Property, Sales and Pensioner -T-ax—Credits.;'-are -Intended to improve the fairness' of .the provincial and municipal tax systems, by relating these tax credits to the individual's ability to ,,:pay taxes: -"The Political .dontribution Tax Credit is designed to encourage greater public participation in the . _democratic process: Ontario's Tax Credit System is administered as part of the Federal Government's personal income tax system, arcs the only ',method of obtaining t e various credits is to complete the special ' pale purple coloured credit form (TIC(Ont.)) whichis included with the income tax schedules. ,Even there is, in fact, no taxable income, this form must be filed with the Federal Government. In the event that a taxpayer has an outstanding liability for. Income Tax, Canada Pension Plan or Unemployment Insurance contributions the Tax Credits will be applied to reduce this liability. Otherwise, the Federal Depart- ment -of National Revenue will - —send-out a refund -Cheque Wlich will include the Tax Credits paid. by the Province as well as any • Federal Refund which may be payable. To be eligible, for the Tax Credits; . you , must be over 16 year- ofage and a resident of Ontario on the last day 'of the taxation year. If someone is temporarily out of the Province on December 31 he or she may still , be considered a resident, providing a tax return is not filed asa resident of another Province. Individuals who left ()Marie and Canada during the taxation year must consider the last day of their taxation year-as:the day on which they ceased to live in Ontario, and their eligibility for tax' credit purposes is determined as of that date. In an effort to make sure that the benefits of the Tax C' 'edit System are most helpful to those An ExpoSitor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried' one? Dial 527-0240. • . • in the greatest need of assistance,. the total Tax Credit entitlement is reduced by 2% ..'of the taxable income, which 'means that the amount of credit available to any taxpayer .depends Upon •family circumstances, age, income and the property tax or rent which is --paid;_ subject' to an overall maximum of $500, and • the Political Contribution Tax Credit, 'subject to a maximum of $500. For :the 1977 taxation year, Ontario' residents with a taxable income of $1,680 ..or less are considered 'to Inive a "nil" 'taxable income for purposes of calculating their-- tax. credits. In such cases, the • two percent of taxable: income offset• against Property, Sales and Pensioner tax credits, does not apply. This $110 Tax Credit may be Property Tax Credit ' This should be claimed by the. spouse having the nigher taxable income; is in , respect of the principal resideficemly, and is the 'lesser of $180 Or occepancy cost (plus 10%). For homeowners, Occupancy cost is property tax paid in 1977, and for those who claimed by everyone over 65 years of age and resident in Ontario on.December 31, 1977, but in the case of ,a married couple, both over 65 at' the end of the taxation year, and living in the same principal residence , only the . spouse with the' higher taxable income is eligible. rent accommodation it is 20% of the total rent paid in 1977: College, ,university and nursing students "living in "prescribed" student residences may claim occupancy cost of $25.00. No-one under the age of 16•.at the end of • the year may claim this credit:. People under the age of 21, living at home and' claimed_ as dependents are also ineligible. Saleg Tax Credit This credit is 1% of Personal Exemptions for Income Tax purposes, and' May be daimed by' most Ontario residents, with the exception of those under 16 years • di age, or anyone clainied as a dependent fora Income Tax purposes. Pensioner Tax Credit TuckerSmith would have paid a total of $23 less than they actually did pay In 1977, • T-his - attributed to a very accurate assessment -in 1970 and a very even rate, of real estate inflation through-the years. The Town of Goderich would have 1:)id $72,452 less in 1977 ▪ had the new formula been applied. Wingham would have paid $30,217 less Exeter, $26,029 less; Clinton, $21.151 less; and Seaforth $11.478 less. Among the villages, Hensall woula. have paid '$5,892 less; Zurich, $5,448 less; Brussels. $4,238` less; Blyth, -$2,718 less; and Bayfield, $543 less. Reeve Bill Elston of Morris argued that according to the figures, the people of Morris Who total about half the people of Wingham would be 'putting up" almost as much money as the people in Wingharh. The Morris share of the expenses based on market value assessment would have been $55,094; the Wingham shaW$62.472. • "I can see this• is going to cost McKillop a lot .410,F,c, mot? „observed Reeve Allan Campbell. "That's two or three more mill§ On top of what we're paying now.” Simon Hallahan, the East ,VVawanosh reeve who, can always be counted on to inject humour into any situation.„, said that if his ratepayers had to raise much more money each year the costs ter welfare in. Huron County would go up considerably. Not to-be outdone, the reeve of West Wawanosh, qobi,,yons said, Reeve Hallahan Shouldn4-quibble since ratepayers in East Wawanosh-would 'have' to come • up with just about half of the increase that' would be attached to Cash crop studied al Making money rom cash crops over the next three years may depend more on a better educa- tional package than , a' better machinery package, says Professor Gary Hutchison of the Office of Continuing Education. University of Guelph. The home study • course. Corn Production, has been updated by Dr. W. S. Young of the Ontario Agricultural 'College.. It is based On the' text ' ' Modern Corn ' Production and several Canadian and American publications, .and includes -specially prepared material on harvesting .and' storage. • • . • Although' the material in• the course is extensive, it is easy to, follow, Professor Hutchison says it is so practical you can take it tO. the' field with you. - - He estimates about 100 hours. of' stfidy are required to complete 'the assionments. Dr. Rob West, awanos Reeve Rill. Cli 00'4111e Tovi'n of Goderich,asked that councillors" not be as Concerned with lieW much more the rural municipalities would have, to pay as with what reduction would be applied to Gederich. Reeve Clifford • said it was clear that.Goderich had been paying more than its share for years and years. "These ,are not arbitrary figures„' he reminded council. "These • figures are based._ RI, facts, on work dime '1:i3t• our municipal assessors.." "I will, • it" -could be made retroadive;" Said•Reeve Clifford, "but I'll be quite hap.py to have it made fair front this 'point on.", course home McLatighlin, x t ens coordinator for the Department of Crop Scieuce, will, evaluate a ssig am e n tsand mit k e comments... "Costs are rising and the • squeeze is on in cash cropping:" says professor Hutchison,.. "The Corn Production„ course could heft) answer most of these problems. A better' under- standing of •how. the 'core plant reacts to fertilizer. and water may. trigger crucial' cost reductions." For more•information about t eciurse", sponSored.by the. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, write Independent . Study, Office of Continuing Educetion.-Uniyet•- sity 01' Guelph, Guelph. Ontario NIG 2W I or •call ,(519) 824-4120 ext. 3401. Cost... of the , course, including all study material, is $70 for Ontario residents, $90 for out-of-province residents'... • ..Orarte\i. . 1111111 dii Y VIP r LW" Our February Clearance Sale clikL. of USED CARS AND TRUCKS CONTINUES 1977 C-heV Impala 4 door automatic. Two tone blue radio Other Accessories Lien, SALE PRICE 1976 Chev Belair 4 door, V8 automatic Radio. An ideal family car. Lien. KM4.544 CLEARANCE PRICE SHIPPER to UNITED CO-OPERATIVE OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT l'ORONTO # Ship your livestOek w1111-- MIKE DOYLE Tuesday is Shipping Day From Dublin CALL DUBLIN 145-2656 ZURICH 236-4088 • Jack's Jottings Eitcmilak:treOjts vstotk Ontario Political Contribution Tax • Credit To obtain this Tax Credit, you list your Total Ontario Political Contributions for the. taxation year of 1977 and official receipts' must be attached. Remember that the total allowable credit maximum is $500,' and this is reached when total allowable contributions in the year amount to $1,150: You may_ claim 75.% of , the first $lop or contributiens,. 50% of the next $450 of total contributions. and 33 1/3% of -total- contributions in excess of $550._ For the 1977 taxation year, the Political Contribution Tax Credit may .be Claimed by either the contributor or the contributor's spouse. In Other' words, official receipt's for political contributions are -now transferable between spoUses. However, , a single contribution for which one official receipt is issued cannot be divided between the 'spouses. It must be claimed entirely by one spouse or the other. When you re in Triangle Discount • You're hi... SHOP THESE WEEKLY SPECIALS AND SAVE! LOVING CARE HAIR COLOUR LOTION CLAIROL io oz. . *IR SPRAY ONLY AQUA FRESH. TWIN PACK TOOTHPASTE JOHNSON'S SHOWER TO SHOWER e OZ. B0 P If TALC. MAIN CORNER, CLINTON OPEN MOOday% Sat 9 tuaii.e COMPLETE INSULATION SERVICE RIGID URETHANE - find ROCK WOOL INSULATION Sprayed in place - Urethane Insulation for all types Of farm buildings, new and older homes; warehouses, , cottages, retail Stores, ett.. *TREE ESTIMATES • CALL US TODAY ty. N. VANMOORSEL INSOLATION RR 5 Mitchell _ Phone 348-9376 WOODB I NG DOWNDRAFT SPACE HEATERS Weight Height Width Depth Flue pipe size L d open I n g Finish" Firebox 5 YEAR WARRANTY The above unit has an 11" cast iron lid and comes equipped with a lid handle and ash shovel. Shown with optional dectorator panel. REGULAR_PRICE $289°° Special $ 27900 CARMOR DOWNDRAFT Model' 1175 Rated 55,000 B.T.U.'s per hour 200 lbs. 95 kg 28". 71 cm 28" 71 cm 18" 48 cm 6" 15 cm 11" 28 cm Matte blank Refractory Lined We like to know Our customers by name! SEAFORTH FARMERS- 527-0770 20 Other Vehicles on Display WRIGHT-TAYLOR LTD, Ontario Clinton Community CREDIT UNION 70 Ontario St. 430 Main St. CLINTON EXETER '482-3467 235-0640 BUYERS MARKET ,We 'have 5 USED PICK-UPS FullOteeondltioned and Ready For Work, INSPECT THEM TO-DAY 197.5 dodge 4 door V8 automatic Radio. Good reliable inexpensive transportation. Lien. „ 3” 765 SPECIAL PRICE y 1971 VolkswagopnRIBCuEg $999. Lien. DFX 722." SALE tt •