HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-02-16, Page 164
near Montego Bay, recently.
They had lovely warm weather'
They 'took one tour to Dunn's
River Falls where the seener was
very -beautiful. There were
several couples from this area
holidaying there.
,Bill and Helen Taylor have
returned from, a vacation in
southern Texas. They visited
many of the well-known centres,
San Antonio, Laredo, Corpus
,Christi, Brownsville, South Padre,-
island ; etc. •
Geroge, Whittaker -had a very
painful accident on Sunday,. when
he broke his leg while skating. It
will be in a cast for several weeks.
Bev' and Shirley Hill spent a
pleasant two •weeks camping,
mostly in Brownsville-, • Texas, •
-with trips to South Padre Island.
Mexico, etc., and with stopovers
at Nashville and Windsor on the
way home, Mr, and Mrs. Gerald
Horton visited with them for a few -
days in Brownsville.
Paul Consitt completed the
ten. kilometre course in tbe, Ski-
athen for the Mentally Retarded
on Sunday. He had .pledges
totalling $123.00. tell done,
auditor for Brucefjeld Chttrchi,
has retired, Mr, Cornish was;
presented with a gift Erom the
congregation at the ' 'meeting elf;
the occasion of Mr. and Mrs, Cliff
',Hendergon's 30th anniversarm.,,
Good wishes from the auclienq'
were extended to them and a,
surprise gift. Cliff thanked,
everyone Jor their good wishes,'
Mr. and Mrs. David Tribneirl
C axe, moved recently to their new'
Eme in 13rucefrelci: Friends and,
ne ighbours 'gathered from;
Kippen to wish them well. Dave•
and Ruby were presented with; a -
fire place. equipment and other
Mr, Gordon •Thomson and Mr. ,
E. Johnston left last week for a''
few weeks in Arizona.' We'wish"
Gordon, improved health.
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' HURON XPOSITOR, Fgefiy RY 16, 19h,
y $rucpfteld ctvi*S.
Bertha MacGregor 262-2025
ail tender
rices "shocker"
After-considerable discussion, area town hall by February - . architects for the hall who
Vvi has soccessf1.11 e Chre speak very highly of the
attended the meeting said ''t it was decided to leave, the 28-
proposed fee structure -intact. -.Decided to send a delegation 3 resolution from the county of to Huronview to talk to Mrs.
rue ur- littlehit1- b Gre that called for a rest t Grace Peck about her possible
. .
• be located behind the present fire restructuring of local boards
hall, is expected le start would lower costs.
new fire hall. Councillor Bevan .Kenneth Ferguson for the advertising that the village.,,,was
into the contract.
'The Sfaidey Recreation
•• Commission had a successful
• Valentine Skating Party,a,gainJihis
year., with skaters of all ages
participating. Prize winners were:
yotingest . girl skater, 'Brenda
Consitt; youngest. boy; David
Draper; Lad4Skater 'Wearing the
most red, Mrs. Donna McBeath;
• - oldest man skating, Wat'
Webster; couple with.anniversary
closest to Valentine's Day,Daye
arid Bonnie • Roy; girl with
birthday closest Valentine's
-.Day, Shelley Hayter; Bdy with
, birthday .closest to Valentine's.
Day, Steven Taylor; family with
, the' most members skating,
Harold Dalrymple,:s family.. •-•
The hockey trophy in the
Mothers vs. 'Daughters . game
- went to the Mothers this year in a s.
close ,contest. The prograMme
mind up with a broomball game
between two men's teams. •
There were twelve, tables of
euchre at the L.0".-L. card party on
Friday night at the township hall.
. Prize winners were: Ladies' high,
: •• Mrs. Annie Finkbeiner; low, Mrs.
John .Ostrom; Men's high, Bill
Pepper; low,LBobdStirline,.. Draw
'-'•----"tifiieS:TVere won by. Mrs. Harvey
Taylor, Charles Reid-, Mrs. Fred
Telford and, Mrs. Wat Webster.
Dave and Kathy Mustard spent
two marvellous weeks' in Jamaica,
Valentine skating
The 1-lensall Women's Institute
h el d 4114Th u-cees sful
progressive euchre in the Legion
Hall on Wednesday evening with
nine tables , playing. The
President, Mrs. Joyce Pepper.
directed ' the games. Prize
winners were as follows: Ladies'
"It was a little bit of a ministry of '. economics and. will cost $45 and a swimming pOol
intergovernmental affairs 1978 shocker", were the terms used by $25. Building alterations will en c t
Reeve Harold Knight to describe $10 for the first thousand plus an involvement in municipal`''
the range of prices as the,tenders additional $2 thereafter. A fiat. administration program. Both
roi Hensall's new fire hall Were ' rate of ..$15 will be charged. for council and clerk-treasurer, Betty
opened Monday evening, at the roofing or shingling and a Oke, felt that the village could •use ,
regular monthly council Meeting. demolition permit will cost $5 per a' student this year, with 'the
Although council made no. WOO feet. amount oftbackground. work that • '
' deci4ions, the bid of Van Boxmeer Reeve Knight asked if an upper g per would be done if-the Village goes
E WINNER —iflene Boogemans from Hensall won the log splitting race at the .... Construction, Lucan, for $87, 846, limit should not be placed on the ahead with it's plans to annex
Jamestown Winter Carnival on Saturday. Contestants had to split four stumps of which was the lowest bid was value of a building permit part of Hay Township.
wood in four pieces.and Rene. completed his splitting in 57 s conds. received favourably by council, consideringthat,the time spent on In other business, council:
Learned that Agripress
(LangloisPhoto) • Jerry Dejager of David --C• inspection has little to do with the " Canada will be vacating the stage • ' Stevens - and- -Associat-a:- th-c- siZe -of the- builditig.-- —
penalty clause should be inserted
prizes'at tan ley square foot structure which is to couldn't see where a
• During the discussion about the • notice 'i-n the local newspapers altAeri
rnitei3nsRt Council decided to place a eerd hefrorhoruespeairandanda sometime iri the spring. "" building permit was issued to
contractor (Van Boxmeer) /.',
High Prize Mrs.Webster, Exeter; box of groceries : was 'won by -They re a s o _ ut they Y
'job.-"- --,-ing-of-eountr board s--of-cdtrcation—d"atkm of-a---colottr-print that ----
-Bertha MacGregor and- a box of do -4 -finO -- depicts Hensall's. main street, Ladies'-ConsolationMrs. Alice Tenders for the hall ranged' to make then{ more •receptisjo chocolates was won , by Bill Building Inspector Herman Fei•g; Gent' s High - Robert Etgic, , from a low of the price that was public concerns was filed -by
Van Wieran will attend a serniPar Exeter; Gent's Consolation - A
1. Fairburn.
'was announced the Ktppen tendered by Van Boxmeer to a - council with Harry. Klungel at Fakshawe College presented Clarence Volland; Lone Hands - East Women's Insiiiute are high of $127,645i28 that was remarking "I'm not much in favor by theMarch of Dimes on the
w4s—holding a Euchre party in the submitted , by • J.P.Ducharnie of present system but how do Mrs. Elizabeth Riley: A draw° you come up with better afterna- inspection of facilities that are made during the social hour:. a Legion Hall, February 23rd. Homes. •
9 , designed for the use '.of the
Building permits were issued to
Constructioti on the 3520 tives? Paul Neilands said he
arty Bonthron asked if some type of planning to participate in the construction of a new home.
Mary Chessell
Dejager replied that in his
experience penalty clauses were
of little value unless there was a
preSSing need Tor the facility. In
business,' a penalty clause would .
make sense if revenues were
being last by the tenant. He
added that if penalty clauses were
to be considered, a bonus clause
for completion ahead of tiMe
should also be considered.
'Yin revieW of thedraft building
bylaw, fees for. the construction '3
and renovation of structures were
discussed new construction - $25
for the first thousand and $2 per
tho'usand thereafatei. A garage
WE VE -GOT A '1,9-1.10 SHARE 9
These employees now, have the added bene-
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Mrs. Hugh Berry
KiPpett',;* United 'Church
Meraber's were invited to Bruce-
field United Church Hall for a,pp,
luck dinner on Friday night,
evening of Fellowship and Fun.
February 10 and for a social
A few hours were spent in
playing cards wheel the following
were winfiers: High--Mrs.
Elsie Henderson; Ladies Low--
Mrs. Mabel, Kyle; Men's High--
Emmerson Kyle; Men's Low--Jim
McNaughton'; Ladies Lone
Hands--Mrs, Hazel McNaughton;
Men's Lone Hands--Greg
Mr. John PKer.sConoairnsish who was
, A biv18ioN be THE ONTARIO HOSPItAt." ASSOOlktiON
Phil deBarros
227 Queens Avenue. London, Ontario N6A 1J8
(519) 439-4431 •