HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-02-16, Page 9••• THE HURON expo EBROARY 16, 1978 • Ondpsboro W li see • films • their parents were on holiday., Tom Pollard returned home on Wednesday from spending .10 days in Florida with Rev. McDonald. Mrs., Bert Shot:brook D r `Ne lson Lear,. 'Joe by Addle HdrikingOiaiiins and 5234250- ..Shaddick, Jim McEWing, Gladys Margaret Anderson, ,_Atnmstrong • atul Norman W. 1. Cird ItartY CartWkight. , • There were 11 tableiln play at Attending the training school W.I. card'party on Friday night, for the course ' in' aintoln, Winners were; Ladies High-- , 'Personalizing Your, ,Pettern” Delores Howatt; Lone Hands: ill bp Marjo* Anderson and: Pisie Shaddick; Low,Outh atnona Jamieson. A donation of Vincent; Men's HIgh--Tim $300.• to Recreation Committee Jamieson; Lone Hands-Wilfred for use;of hail was voted and fees Shortreed; I,ow.r-Harry Snell. i T.. 9f $70. sent to Waterloo There will be another in two C ferenee May 2 to 4: Weeks February 24. In charge will ominaffne -eon-nit-tee are , be_ilattle, Wood, Trudy Pollard Alice Buchanan and Jessie and Dorothy Tandilyn: Tebbutt. Sunshine 'sister. Personals committee Doreen Carter . and Wednesday visitors with Mr. ' Hattie Wood. Members maLcater. and Mrs. Bob Burns' were to the 30th wedding anniversary • grands'Ori, Jack Smith. grand- of Pete and Kay. Salverda on daughter Vicki and' Ken Dahner March 25. A Motto on "Friend- • and baby Kerrie of Kincardine. ship" was given by Beth Knox. A Mr, gob Thompson spent the The W.I.'s Cultural affairs meeting was held on Wednesday, February es-wlitifPrelident llora Sbobbrook welcoMed all with a, tholight "Freedoin is npt the right to do as you , pleases, but the, liberty to do as.you Open". Roll call wag answered by 22 Members telling "A musical instrument I enjoy the- most." Romana Jamieson explained the films shown.* Jim Jamieson. "The Life of Mozart and 'his music" and "A day' in the life of Bonnie Consolo" who was born without arms., He was thanked and presented with a gift by Alice Buchanan. As• there, was no January meeting, the December .inutes were read by secretary- received word on Friday that his brether, Jerry Achilles, had p,aised away itt Ithaba New York tate, Mr, and.MO. Ted Achilles of Hearst came this far Sunday and accompanied them and Mrs. Jim Sills, Seaforth where they will attend the funeral on-Monday. Misses Gladys and Ida .Leiper and:Kik:Leiner of Clinton visited with MY. and Mrs. Dave Watson on Wednesday afternoon. Tire Walton Public School children enjoyed "gkating at the Brussels Arena • on Friday afternoon. They included the Kindergarten class and Grades J, 2 and 3 along with their,teachers, Mrs. Roy Alcock, Mrs. Don't treasurer Marjorie Anderson.' gift in Kitchener, Audrey gift was presented to Nora Pipe in Plersch, Miss Mary Ellen Walsh.CorrespondMice included • thank ''appreciation of her work on, returned home with him after and Mrs. Aubrey Toll,, spending the paSt week with john „Leeming, of Elliott. Lake you for Christmas gifts frnin, Ed ,compiling the Hallett Township and Betty Salveraa, Alf and Dora History bdok. Lunch was served Robbie and Jennifer Lawrie while visited his, grandmelber, Mrs. Buchanan, Margaret Taylor, for Maud Leeming on the weekend her mother Mrs. Cudmore, Eileen on his return Rip to Europe. • Clarke for her father, Alec Dark, , Mr. and Mrs. Herb Traviss Jim Scott Sr., Pearl Hamilton; attended the funeral service for Edyth Beacom. Anne and Tri Jack McGavin in London on of ..the Mission Band Sunday, morning with 30 present. Hymn, "Jesus bids us shine" was sung with. John Hnether'-at-the piano. •,y Scripture 'was read by Donna Godkin followed by praYer - by Greg Haekw, ell. Treasurer's" report was given by Cathy MeGavin, who took up the offering which wad dedicatecCby John Huether. In the business the World Day of Prayer pamphlets were given out and the teachers mad preparations fOr the service the second 'Sunday in March.' Mrs. Neil McGavin told'a story about thp Caribbean. "I am so glad that our Father in Heaven" was •sung prior to going fe their classes. Teachers this month ,were Mrs. Merton, Rackwell, Mrs. Mack Sholdice, Mrs. Neil McGavin and Mis. Nelson Marks. Walton and Area Personals Leslie and Vince Colyer returned to their home in Winnipeg, Manitoba on Monday after over a week's stay with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.• Hugh Johnston also Visiting titeir mother, Mrs. Joyce Colyer, who .1s-a-patient in Victoria -Hospital; London. Mrs. Tdrrance Dundas spent a few days over the weekend' at the home of her daughter, Mrs. 'Olene Stutz in Waterloo. Graerne Craig - and W J., Leeming motored to Toronto on Sunday where they will attend the Plowmen's Association meeting for a couple of days the first of this week, , mcr. and Mrs. Rollie Aichilles "It is cliffiNittopray" were read. The -President,.! Mrs. Gramne • Craig \was in charge of business. MinuteS were read by Mrs. Helen Williamson. The World Day of Prayer is_ on ,March 3' and the, thankoffering service in April when Rev. and Mrs. Bolger will be guests.' Mrs. Barry Hoegy gave the treasurer's' report. It was decided to -gie a donation .to the March of Dimes. Members signed a card for Mr$. Joyce Colyer in hospital. - The next meeting is to he held- at the home of. Mrs. Cliff Ritchie, With Mrs. B. Hoegy • and Mrs. Ross Bennett in charge of devotions. A social . half hour followed when lunch was served by Mrs. C. Ritchie and the hostess. •4 ' 4-11 Meetings The first meeting of the 4-H Walton 7 was held-Wednesday evening February 8, at tlielitinie- of Margaret Shorreed. There were 11 girls and 3 mothers present along with theit, leaders, Margaret, Shcalreed and Lin Stager.. . • • Officers elected were: President--Julie Blake; Vice- President--Mary---Alice---- Ryan; • Secretary--Nanel Bennett:- Press Reporter--Jeanne• McDonald. The leaders explained the club called "Focus on Living" with the meeting 'foCusing on the individual girl. A club namdis to be choSen at the next meeting, February 12. Margaret Shortreed served lunch. - Mission Band • • The Call to Worship 'was given by John Huether at the meeting Mrs. Allan McCall* • 887=6617!: The 8 and 16th unit of the met Wednesday'after- noon, February 8, at the home of Mrs. Don McDonald. The devotions viTreppend with Mrs. Alvin IvieporiaId reading an article, "The BlesSing of Work" from the book, Please Give ., a Devotion. "Will your anchor'.' hold in the storms of fife?" was sung with Mrs. Jim Fritz as pianist.• Scripture reading was taken from Thessalonians. An interesting story "Immigration here and there was the tOpie and was' the story of 'a Jamaican, Winston Brown, who came to Canada in 1968 to study for the Ministry. Mrs. Rae Houston presided for the business- onening,Alitt,„,,,a thought, "Because , we are burnatt?!. Minutes were approved as read by Mrs. Don McDonald. The congregation pancake and ham breakfast was announced for March 5, The annual ham supper date was set for June 16. Boundary and 17th Unit Meet Mrs. Harold McCallum, wgs hostess for the unit meeting in her- home-on- WedneSday -after-- - --noon-February 8, with' 12 ladies present. The meeting was opened with 'a though • by Mrs. H. McCallum. The first two verses of "Come let us sing of a Wendetful Love" was sung. Scripture was . read from John 3:1-16 followed by prayer lyy Mrs.. "H. McCallum. Mrs. Cliff Ritchie spoke on "Day in Day out" „writtek by 'Dale Evans, a story of her home life. Poems, "How will you pray" and YOURWF GO DOWNHILL 4110 pamairOrnan) Lower. Intererst-Rates NOW AVAILABLE ON lit •and 2nd Mortgages Saturday: Mr. Me0avin was born vv and raised in this district and . alton couple attended the Walton Public Mr. and Mrs. Robert back from trip Humphries and-family-of•London- visited.the Humphries families in the village over ,the weekend. Mrs. K4 McDonald left for Montreal• on Sunday where she will stay with Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Warwick- and Michael. COngratulaticins to Karen and Rob on their new daughter last Friday. The Walton ladies are quilting again this week at the Bolger home. This is being done by-the Walton •Unit for a member. They• also did-a 'crib, quilt last week at the Mark's home. anywhere in Ontario on RESIDENTIAL --,INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL and FARM PROPERTIES Interitirfinancing on-mew constructioff --- or land development REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA PHONE m. SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS .& CONSULTANTS LTD. Head Office: 56 Weber Street East, Kitchener (5191744.6535 Branch Offices: 705504 Tenth. Gnde soe richStreetl,a PnoovrterEltg511n9[1531649)8.33122-12044 • Evenings call: David Beynon [519l 794-3277 • "WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH" • . •• • SchooL, Miss Judy Thamer Who was 'a patient, in Wingham Hospital where she underwent an appendixhomej opefation has returned Mr. and Mrs. Paid P-onomairenko have arrived home - from their vacation. in Florida wthhoeortehsthet y spent the past lew Mrs. Rose Va,wpbell retrains in Huronview folloWing a stroke. Her daughter, Mrs. Bill 'Thamer, reports she is holding her own and resting comfortable: Dr. David Whotham s pleased-to announce that his nil office in t'he Mitchell Dis rict Health Centre is now open. • T u°eFsF id aCy toHsOaUtardRSay For'appointment call 348-8808 • ; McKillop UCW meets • • • • • • •/••• • • • • • • • • • • • ** *** * • • • 0 ••0 • • 0 • • * , . , • • • • •• • , 0 • 0,.•••11, • • • usiness Director • . • • their membership fees. Mrs. 460. Rackwell gave. treas report'. • • • The MiKillop Unit of the U.C.W. held their Feb.' meeting at the home of Mrs. Mc Cutcheon with 11 members' and 2 visitors present. Mrs. N. Schade was in charge of devotionsTlie meeting opened with hymn ke my Life and Let it be", MrS. N. McGavin as pianist. Mrs. Schade read a poem, „ftqhe Tone of• Voice" The • was taken from Exechis 20 "The• Ten Commandments'"" followed with prayer given .by G. Love. k • '7" Mpg. N. Schade gave the meditation "The Commandment We All Overlooked"; Offering was taken by Mrs, M. Hackw I and dedicated by Mrs. N. Scha e. The topic ,a 'Bilbe Study from Jelin 41=30 was given by Mrs. N. Medavin. Thls part of meeting was closed by everyone repeating the Lord's Prayer. Mt's. M.flackwell pr sided for the -business' ' ottitti w,ith a 19,..entpirtybishes"/ 'Mutes of last meetifig were read by Mrs. G. McNichol. Roll call was answered by' everyone paying • • • • • • • • • • • • • . S. • • •„01. • • • • • • ••• • wfir • • • • • • 4 • • * • • ff. •, fe, • ft • •• .• • • — Egmondville • • • • • • • • —N., • • • • a • • •• • • • • S . • • •• • • • • • • • • to. • Correspondent • • • Carol,Geddes • Charlie and CArole Geddes and. • • . Doug and Paul visited with Bedford -and Lois Dungey and ••• Bonnie over the weekend and hard a real good time. They also dropped ip to see Carole's. parents, Mr. , and Mrs. James Catneron_Ard Pam Geddes. PHOTOGRAPHY m OR CARE DATSUN SALES- & SEJWICE , Service to All Makes Texaco Products Gerald'tsun Segorth 527-1010 , FLORIST MacLEAN'S FLQWERS' United Service • Flowers• by wire 0 ttol BEARSS 'ALUMINUM' . SEAFORTH 527-1295• For ;• a' complete line of - aluminum siding, ' soffit and I.,.. fascia, eavestrough, doors, windows,, railings, awnings and , shutters. Specializing ,in dustorn 'N encasements. • • • • • 527-0800 Seaforth * • • • • • • • • • • • • • DAVE' ROBB Professional' Photography .T.V. TVA APPLIANCE REPAIR • 'All Makes ° • Speedy Service Come in & see Our T-r-fabre! • „..„,, WE BUY & SELL FURNITURE • AND - ANTIQUES Main St., Seaforth 527-1336 ,'FUNERAI OME DECORATING Th 'Graves Wallpaper 8 'Paint Whitn ibey Frineral Home, ROSS W. 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Free estimates 90 day warranty Experienced since 1952 Sew and Save Centre Ltd. , ' 149 Downie St. 2 doors south of Hudson] Stratford, 271-9660 Closed Mondays PHONE, 527-1390 • • • DECORATING • • • • CEMETERY MONUMENTS Sincere and Courteous service Expert Interior & • Exterior Decorators Kern Paints Wallooverings Armstrong Carpets Window Shades WHEN IT COMES TO SAVING MONEY ON GOOD USED. CARS AND PICKUPS. • ' • • • • • • • HILDEBRAND PAINT AND PAPER' Phone 527-1880 16 Main St., Seaforth • • • 171,..„17711 . c INSURANCE —Th IS YO(CiR INSURANCE 'UP TO DATE? • PLUMBING Bill's Plumbilg Com plete Sewer ploe sSeaefworetrhHook. up Backhoe & Trucking FOR FREE ESTIMATES CAtl. 527-0203 • t---ELECTRIC Complete Line • 114 . " " CARPENTRY 1977 FORD F150 4 x Pick up in two tone gr • en and white, 351 V8 Automatic, Po es steering and brakesk Full, time wheel drive, ending teat whid 1973 GMC 3/4 TON PICKUP - in tan with 350 V8, Automatic, sliding rear window, step bumper. 1976 MERCURY MARQUIS 2 door haidtop in blue with white vinyl top,„,,,,406 V8, Automatic, • power wings, opera windows, speed control rear defroster,, radio, split comfort lounge, front seats, fender skirts, side moulding remote control mirror. LOW MILEAGE CAMPBELL ELECTR ZENITH TELEVISION AND STEREO'. SALES '''SERVICE ... • Carpe,n,try Reg & +Iary Construction • • a • ody she /moulding, rear step bumper, radio. 1974 FORD LTD, 2 door hardtop in green with white vinyl top; 351V8, Automatic power steering & brakes, radio, rear defroster, white wall tires, remote control mirror. Body side Mouldings. ,Seaforth Electronics 17 Spading St., 527-1150 . . See us abdut your General Lifo'Investment requirements Electric Motor Repair • • • • • • • • or • • • • • Seaforth Insurance Agency '. 5271 610 • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • c7"--CAR CARE • • • • • 0 • it • • •▪ 60066440••••••••*•• All stages of house constructioirt, cabinets, renovating, Masonry, doors and Winnows, siding, pole barns. • FREE ESTIMATES Call• REG HADLEY 345-2564 HARV BERNARD 523-944t ORGAN RR 2 Dublin • LOT 13 CON. 2 1974 C-HEV MALIBU 4 door sedan ineagle brown weith a 6 cylinder; automatic, power steering and brakes, radio, rear defroster, body side mouldings, wheel covers, white wall tires. LOW MILEAGE, .. • A, WIRING INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL • • and FARM WIRING 1976 FORD CUSTOM 500 in red With white vinyl half roof, 351 V8,. Automatic, power steering and brakes, radio, rear' defroster, white wall -tires, full wheel covers, body side moulding's. CALL , 345-2476' • • • • • a 6 • • • • • • • • • •*, • • OPTOMETRIST.--- JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Seaforth Office 527-1240 'Tues.,Thurs.,FrI., 9:00 - 5.30 Wed., Sat., 9:00: 12400 Clinton 482.1010 Monday 9:00 - 5:30 Y AppoN7018NT GULBRANSEN GALANTI WURLITZER - Most In ditarts'etrad Pianos FREE Ortnitt Lessons low-Cost Rantal Man aintl:ttOira bit LSIFER itANIFORTHS21, 59 trovidwiitinitior • See Us To-day .For a FORD LEASE PLAN 11111 1-''' FORD (—FARM SUPPLIES-' , Complete Line <SUNOCO> CAFtCARF PRODUCTS Archie's Sunoco 827.061. SealOfth L , CALL/ '.4 .4'. ,GARY DILL 348.8383 OR 34744135 IVIITCHEILL• Feed Seed, Fertilizer Farm Supplies, Petroleum Supplies Heating Oils, rAkt.L.09, MPTORS LIMITED,A SEAFOINTH Seaforth 527-0770 511.1140 \•••••11•64: ' • . • e•s•eiiira toite5060056•Iie's••••••45•44,444 •••5 •0 *•*•••••es,fe 55 •55555505555555 .55555555555 •