HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-02-16, Page 7-Ned Boswell: Sli d I, RON EXPOSITOR, PEPR at (*.Debbie Rannt7l • "I have to come downtown every, day",'" jokes Ned Boswell; have to open the place up." 'That's a small , example of the sense of humour of Seaforth's best known 90 year old, who was honoured at a birthday open house sponsored by• the Curling Club, on Satuiday night. A good crowd came to honour ' Mr. Boswell, and theletired bank manager, who's out on the ice every week, had four or five dances before he headed home ' about' 11' p.m. Born in Cobourg.., east of Toronto, he moved to Seaforth some 45 years ago; He worked in several branches of the Doildnion Bank er what is now the Toronto- Dominion bank, in various parts of Ontario before coming as bank.. manager to Seaforth. Every week more and more people. 4iscover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Huron ExfpoSitor Want Ads. Dial 527.0240. 4 ,* retired from the bank here in 1950 but he .is' still an, active member. in the Legion, the Lions. and the Masons. He was associated with the T.B. associ- ation for quite a few years and he is still associated with. the C,N.1,13. He was local C.N.1.B. chairman till three or four years ago but he decided to turn the title over to somebody else beca.use of his Age, The Lions and the -Legion both called attention to Mr. Bosvvell's birthday at recent ,meetings. The last week he had a call from Huroh-Middlesex M..P.P.* Jack "He offered to send me a _plaque but I said the heck with that," Mr. Boswell says, "there's enough stuff hanging around the walls here now." Soon to be hanging on the walls in a place of honour is a fathily ,crst .'in needle point. 4,._90th • birthd-Wygiff from Ned's daughter Mary. Sam Walter, who lives in Dundas, attended Saturday night's party: Besides his activity in these associations, Mr. Boswell also keeps busy, with, his hobbies- curling and painting. He's been painting for about 25 years and has been Curling for about 45 years. He also enjoys fishing., Mr. Boswell says he enjoys curling and, painting .,:beeause they're a rdaxatiim. It's_ ktst relaxing that's all. It's the same with fishing. I don't care, if I catch anything. I like to,. but it's just a relaxation," Mr. Boswell said.;,,,,, • Ned 'is the, son of John and Gertrude Boswell. His father was a manufacturer's agent in Toronto. His family moved to Sherbrooke Quebec, when he Ives eight year, old and that is where he got his high school education. When Mr. Boswell was In, his • family moved to Toronto and he started 'his banking career. He had worked at various banking 'positions across Ontario and was a bank manaeer in Baden before,„ holding down the same position in Seaforth. - • \ , Mr. Boswell had-three brothers7 whom 'are tin 'longer living-- Ernest, the 'eldest brothel' -w died in the war in 1915; Walter and Henry. All four brothers were in the service. Ned and ihis brother Walter served in •the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve _and his youngest brOther served as a squadron leader in:the air force. He was first married down in Kingsfon and his wife died about five years later. He later married again to woman who everybody in Seaforth retnewbers as "Bid" although her real name -3.VaV*Mary, She taught kinder garten and Was beloved by many Of the town's small children. Nit, 'Boswell has two children Walter and. Mary-, who are married and nine grandchildren. Walter has seven and Mary has two. • Mr. Boswell first sot into 011.- painting when hEs son gave him some Oils for Christmas. Mr. BosWeil said if somebody wants to buy his paintings he would sell. them, but he doesn't ,make a - business a it. He also does some work in; water colours which he says are • really much more difficult: He says 'he probably haS 40 or SO oil paintings of various sizes down by his basement. nty Mr. Boswell says etirlipg is one of his' dirrsion "I like people and like t. t them and talk with them,.. -g `re4s not many seople th s life that • are unlikeable", he said. And what, about that age' old ' question on age? "What's the secret, of long and successful ,life?" "The chief thing is to keep breathing in and breathing out," Ned Boswell said. •, " "I think to have a sense ef,', humour is one of the chief things. I think that is what carries me along," he added. • _ • •-•%1 0 f.'t CURLING AT 90 — 90'- year-old Ned Boswell curls once ameek. His curling form is as good os his oll i paitnings another of his hobbies. , (:Expositor Phofb) • • ZEHRSAEG. $1.53 32 oz. JAR CARNATION STRAIGHT CUT FRENCH FRIES KRAFT SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE WHIP 4 lb. BO SCHNEIDERS SLICED REGULAR OR APLE , • - MAPLE LEAF - 4 VARIETIES SIDE,BACON 1113._PKG '1 68 SLICED BOLOGNA 1 lb, PKG. ZEHRS REG. 6,1.29 - PLAIN OR SALTED SODA CRACKERS McCRACKERS 14.1 oz 6 VARIETIES— LANCIA PASTA_ =. LAUNDRY DETERGENT SUNLIGHT 24 k g $211 BREAD Jk BUTTER. BABY DILL DR SWEET MIXED -ROSE PICKLES 24 oz. 89c CARNAtIGN MIX, WITH MARSHMALLOW - ROT CHOCOLAT.E • .12 °z' X1.39 BRAVO PLAIN - - SAUCE_ 28 oz, _ 79c BRAVO - WITH MEAT OR MUSHROOMS SPAGHETTI SAUCE_.28 oz. , 99c FRENCH CREMES CINNAMON DANISH DR ALMOND CRISP' DARES COOKIES 13 or 16 oz TIN TIE STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY WITH PECTIN ST. WILLIAMS 4AMS 24 °z $1.09 POTATO TESS %ROMPERS' __89c ORANGE FLAVOURED TANrG CRYSTALS 14°2 1.09 GILLETTE TRAC H CARTRIDGES PKG 5 $1.09 24 i)z "CONDENSED TOMATO • OR VEGETABLE ULMER., SOUPS 14 oz. TINS SEAFORTH MEAT MARKET • Cott:Woof , Platters Available for cilf All Occcisions • milmial••••••••••.moolo•.4:*•••"•••••••mari ' FRIDAY STORE HOURS till 7:30 p.m. • • • Finnigan is.. sprnmeraistant . BY JOANNE WALTERS in the Goderich Signal Star Jeanette Finnigan of Seaforth has been hired as the graduate-' assistant and program superviser, .for the student summer employ- ment and activities program at the Goderich office of the ,Canadh. Manpower Centre. It sounds like quite a mouthful but what her job will really boilsdown, to is helping highschoolanduniversity students find summer jobs.. Ms. Finnigan started her job in Manpower's , summer student placement Offithis month. It lc will last Seve months 'and an assistant will be fired for her in May. The Manpower offivprefers to, hire someone different'Yor the position every year in order to get new ideas and contacts,each year. Ms:' Finnigan's husband is a teacher at Seaforth highschool. Ms. Finnigan herself, is ,an unemployed, highschOol English teacher. She graduated ' frofn Althouse in 1976 and has since spent some .of her time supply" 'teaching. But she wanted more steady work and felt she Would. enjoy working with students through the Manpower program. She can certainly sympathize with their unemployment , situations, she feels; She''knows first hand how discouraging it can be. Ms. 'Finnigan is" just .now learning .what her,- job involves .and 'how to pu't a ' prcigratn together: SI* plans to contact numerous employers with her niain task being to persuade them to hirestiidents. She also plans to visit the highschool 'and talk with the students about • summer jobs. " •From talking to Others, she has learned that the 'Majority *-• of summer jobs come from home' owners ,who: want leaves raked, lawns mowed, houses cleaned; etc..' Post 'secondary students, because their summer holidays start earlier, can often get jobs before highschool- students. Ms. Finnigan heiself has had, summer jobs working at the Seaforth Lions Club park, the Stratfoid Festival snack 'bar and in 'a factory. • She says 'she will be glad when the training part of het, job is over. She is looking forward to meeting the. employers and students. She has had 'quite a bit of contact with students through her to ching jobs and sayg' she ,Expositor' Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried ' one? Dial 527-0240. . 11•111111.1111. filizehrs fine markets...of fine foods The ' Royal Conservatory Pianoforte held examinations in January in Stratford and there v-were ,-,:47 'successful Candidates: I 9 'Th''folloWing are the pupil's of Mrs.eWinona Martin Of Brussels. First Class Honours--Carol Wheeler 80% highest in a class of 8; Honours--Michelle McCutcheon 78% second in a class Of 8. Both will receive their Grade 7 Piano Certificates as they passed Grade -2 Rudiments Theory in December with 87% • and 85%. Grade 5--Honours-- Anne Kernaghan, 76% first in class of ' 7; Honours--Vickie Machan, 74% second (tied). Horticultural Society meets The regular Meeting of the „Sea foithfrorticaill turar- 'Society was held February 8, at the Masonic Hall, with, a good attendance. Trees and shrubs for planting will be available to members in the, spring. A trip to the flower show at the CNE grounds is planned for March. Dr. Rodgeti^ Whitman expressed thanks tirge Hugill for putting up a screen in the lodge rooms for shotving slides. Dr. Whitman gave: an, interesting travelogUe and showed slides of his trip to Europe. , He was thanked by Ruth Beuttenniiller. An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tided -one? Dial S27'0240. enjoys talking to them. While the employment picture• does look a bit ,bleak, Ms.. . Finnigan is hoping she will be • able to help q *to a fe udents. One helpful bin she would give the students is that, once they register. at- the: Manpower office, they should come into the office as frequently' as possible. The more pergistent the student, the more apt 'he is for get a job. Also those at the Manpower office can then get to know thee student better for assessing. him. Win piano honours ',SCHNEIREFIS_PAIENFGETABLE ' • CRISPYFLAKE SHORTENING_ 21=0 AN.EDIBLE OIL PRODUCT REDDI, WHIP- TOPPING: 7 o;. 59 LIME. OhANGE.liASPBERRY OR RAINBOW • • NEILSONS SHERBET LITRE 99, WITTICHS DELICIOUS . PINEAPPLE' SWIRL BUNS: PKG. OF 8 - 69c WESTON MESH,' APPLE TURNOVERS,:_``. REGULAR. CHEESE OR LIVER DOG FOOD KEN-L-RATION BURGER _219-_$2A9 WHITE OR PINK DOippLEVDE„ maB.A.TTII:BAll SOAP 89c 2's EARTH BORN SHAMPOO_ _4102,11_ _ 61 AS REGULAR. SUPER:I/RI OR UNSCENTED-SPRAY son & DRIDEODORANT__1c2_$1A9,„ 'ZEHRS- . 'TANGY. OLD 1199: OLUEWATER.FRO4EN, FRESH BY THE PIECE OR' SLICED PORK, LIVER MILD CHEDDAR__ _1 39 ZEHRS MELLOW CHEDDAR MEDIUM CHEESE X1.89 OCEAN SNACKS„., $2.59 RICHS FROZEN COFFEEILIGHTENER COFFEE RICH PORK BUTT CHOPS ZEHRS CANADIAN CHEESE FROM^ONTARIO PORK EXTRA,MEATY ‘.' FRESH! FROM ONTARIO lb. 1.6 oz. 3 FOR$1 $1 SCHNEIDERS'SQUARE SLICED REG. R MAPLE SCHNEIDERS TANGY —.•••••••••. :COOKED NAM 6 °z PKG $1.29 SAUERKRAUT ?At POLY BAG PRODUCE-• TOM C $CHNE1DERB NEWROAN,H# coyvtits 'ITALIAN° ; „F SAUSAGE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. SCHNEIDERS ALL BEEF OR RED HOT WIENERS'°__,I,,,G_ 89c ONTARIO NO. 1 FROST SWEETENED'? RUTABAGAS .TURNIPS ONTARIO GROWN NO. 1 WASHED CELLO CARRoTti"",i1 c PRODUCE OF FLORIDA-U.S.A. "TOPLESS" RADISHES 16-oz PKGS 3 PRODUCE OF U.S.A:6LIFORN,IA TENDER CELERY STALKS___ 2a• 5 MAPLE LEAF ENGLISH STYLE QUARTER BDR RS_"_:c;_s1.19 SLICED BACK BACON :K°Gz 1.3 §CHNEIDEFIS BEEF. ONION. CHEESE, MUSHROOM OR BARBECUE PINEAPPLE PRODUCE OF MEXICO LARGE SWEET LARGE FLORIDA TEMPLE ORANGES NEW! YOUNG TEXAS, GREEN CABBAGE •Pon F9 uD Us CAE LARGE HEADS SAVE 40 IL lb. FOES-II PICNIC SHOULDER ROAST - FROM ONTARIO PORK YOUNG TENDER SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT FROM WED. 9 A.M. TILL CLOSING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21. 1978, SIZE .125 DOZ. 89 SIZE 10'S', PRIDE OF CANADA MIMEO FULLY COOKED DINNER HAM BONELESS lb s2.29 -,th-st49 BREAKFAST SAUSAGE lb 14c. 19 Ci SC C H Our manager is: Dale McDonald Or We will be pleased to serve you in: W Y . 10111 .16.. 8 OPEN WED.- THURS FRI -EVENINGS GODERICH-HURON or) YORK VEGETABLES 10 oz. BROCCOLI SPEARS 12 oz, BABY LIMA,EANS 10.0z. BRUSSELS SPROUTS MONARCH SOFT-STYLE- 1 k TUBS , IMPERIAL . - MARGARINE • AYLMER CHOICE VEGETABLES PEAS; CREAM CORN, CUT GREEN BEANS CUT WAX BEANS • 10 oz. TiNS FOR • II