HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-02-16, Page 4Do it yourself
Mr. Lane says
- V. J. Lane
Up until 2:30 today, Tuesday. I
had decided I would skip my
column for this week. But
thinking it over I thought some of
my readers would be thinking
had gone to Florida, or was sick,
or perhaps, forgetful.
None of the reasons are exactly
true, While 1 would like to be in
Florida.. some days, and while I'm
not , seriously sick, I can still
remember the days I should write
this column, if it'is to be in this
week's Expositor. Perhaps the
reason or one of the reasons is
that ' my car • has been in the
garage for over a week now and al
have to depend on my good
neighbour's to go any place, and
unless you are out arid around
these days, there's not much local
or other news to write about.
Since I made the statement a
cquple of weeks ago, When we
had 'two new babies 'born in Our
district, that people would have te.
develope the slcigan "Do• it*
ourself" awe intend to make the
future of this country a better
place to live, (not say let George
do 4), I have, thought „ the
interpretatipn may be 'harmful if
applied in other ways. We know
(or should 'know) that the
condition of our country is such
that it will require the complete
co-operation of everyone to
'survive the critical conditions that
exist today and will continue ,as
such unless more unite and
co-operation can be attained
between people and nations. Yes,
even in honIS, and places of
busiriess.-We -read and some
times are forced to believe, we
enjoy good bu
with other
countries, but 'let's not forget
-Canada is the' most Sought after
country in the world today. The
young generation, I am alWays
• afraid, are not "enough. aware of
this. Anyone who has come
through two, world wars, cap
visualize it all hatipenitig again.
Let's hope not, and do something
about it before it's too late. Not
haVing unity and co-operation this
dog eat dog situation will sooner'
or later .bring this about.
_...,+ Personals
Mr. and Mrs. Zack) Ryan,
Seaforth, viited us Stinday eve.
Mr.Keti Lane, London, also
visited Siinday p.m.
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•• •• 4 THE vsion! gxposrro....FEBRUARY 1978 Pert ) B6ar
redy ing sta
The Perth minty Board of public School in Stratford.
Education has set up its staff Becasue enrolment declines
allocation' fearnework to handle have not occurred equally in all , projecte d , . secondary and gelfools in the, counfy 'a situation
elementary school enrolments for has occurred at Juliet and Romeo
September 1978. schooli that' had to be handled. ,
In light of declining enrolmetitspu.t$ide the franaewok just ,
and in concordanee. with"' .the 1 previously approved.
redundant teachers act, the' board To handle: an undesirable'
approved the Statistical reduction concerning class sizes
of .9 secondary . and 22.5 "and numbers at Romeo and' ulieT,
schools it Was recommended and
approved that a slight 'change in
the boundary lines between the
two -•could best eleviate the
problem.Asa r
stilt an additional class
and teacher will exist of Juliet
Public School ,this September..
Although it,,,,,apPears that the
most severe effects of ng
enrolments will be felt this fall in
the county the board ',mtpressed;
concern as to how it will handle
the long term problems resulting
from th. lessening numbers ;of
Mr.s• Dave, Capling,
Mississauga and Da,rlene
Templeman , London visited over
the weekend with' Mr. and Mrs.
John Templeman and famiy.
Patti Miller, Giielph spent the
weekend with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs.' Cliff Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Templeman
visited Sunday WITH Mr. and
Mrs. Chuck 'Ebel, Stratford.
Board P
wants briefs
province ,,not belonging to
Precious Blood School in Exeter
will'have a kindergarten class for
the first time in September; 1978.,
The board now buys kindergarten
time for their students at Usborne
Central. School. There ate only 'six
prospective students for the new
(lags but the boaril holies the
number will increase.
All non-teachini employees of
the board will be covered by the
tyntario ' Municipal Eniployees
Retirement System (OMERS),,
following approval of a by-law at
the meeting..Oti investigating the
stem HPRCSS dis6oVered they,
h only schoOrbeaiLinthe Ontario s school bus laws.
Education Week for the board's
schools will be kicked' off April 17
at -St. Michael's School in
Stratford. The board supported a
resolution from the Dufferin-Peel
:Separate School Board, calling for
adverting and promotion of
In your heart you know it's right
Mrs. Lavern Wolfe
St. Peter's Lutheran Church,
Brodha.gen, was beautified
Sunday morning with two potted
plants of white mums in the
flower stands in lOcring memory of
e late•John L: Bennewies who
'assed away in 1960. They Were
laced there by his family. ;
At the same church were three
askets of flowers and a beautiful
otted plant of Azaleas from the
f neral service of the. late Edgar
El igsen held on Thursday.
Mrs. Ralph Fischer, Lori," and
Mark enjoyed babysitting and
choring at the home of little Keri
and Stephen Bachart of Brussels
while their parentS Mr. 'anti Mrs.
Day Bachert were holidaying in
sunny Florida;
Visiting with Mrs. Katie
Quenguesser was her son-in-law
and daughter. Rev. and Mrs.
John Arbuckle from Linwood .on
supday, They also attended St. ,
Peter's -Lutheran It Sunday
morning. .
Mrs. Lavern • Wolfe
accompanied her ,on, Mr.
Wolfe,- of Clinton, and were
guests .of .Mr. and Mrs. Mervin
Eenerman on WednesdaY. ,
4-H •
The first meeting--of. the
Brodhageri 4-H Club was held on
February 6 at the Brodpagen
Community Centre.. The club
project , is called "FOcus • oti
Living".,It is an in depth study of
the 4-H pledge and creed, among
other topics.
Officers were elected. Presi-
dent-Sarah Schuessler;
Secretary-Sherri Bennewies;
Treasurer-Lisa Willson; Press
Reporter--Marilyn Ahrens. There
were 14 members in the club. The
girls meef
discusisimirwas onthe 4-I-1 four leaf Hospital in Stratford, The funeral
clover' and developing good • mass was • held at St. Brigid's .
Sincere sympathy is e.x,tc,p.'
4ed RKoentitnaincett.Catbolic Church in mental habits.'
from.Bredhagen and COMMithity. M. s• John Vock has another
to Mrs. Gordon Muegge, •gr' granddaughter who was
grandchildren and brothers in the. ' rn" Se'hforth Community
loss of father, the late Gordon HOspital in Seaforth on, February
Muegge, formerly of Brodhagen., 5, a, sister, for Mark. The proud •
Friends of Mr.. Lorne Seimon parents arc Mr. and.Mrs. Murray
Will be pleased to know that ',he Kraemer, Stratford, R. R. ,i/S.
has returned to his_. home last two car loads. o.f the Luther.
week from the Seaforth League 'Hockey fans enjoyed the
Community. Hospital, ,where he hockey game in Toronto,
Was a patient'. February 5 when Toronto beat the
StnadaY Visitors with and,, St. Lais Blues 5 to,,4.
Mrs., Ronald Hinz, ROdneY and Those attending the funeral. of
Sandra, on Sunday were the • the late Rev, Vincent Eckert who
latter's mother, Mrs. Joe Smithof pasSed away. in , Gary, Indiana,
.Seaforth, sister and :btother-in- were Mr. '.and: Mrs.' Albert
law, Mr. and: Mrs. Irvin Schwint Seimon, ' Mrs.- 'Ron Beuerman,
. of Milyettpn: arift.cousinS, Mrs. Murray Dawson of
Joyce 'MeClaren and daughter, Exeter 'whb all accompanied Mr,
Elaine from Alberta who Met- for Bill Seimon to the „funeral ,mass
the' first time. - which was held from St. Basil's
Friends and relatives of Mr. Church in Toronto _Friday,
-Lorne Wolfe willhe sorry tehear Fehruary'10. Rev. Vincent Eckert
he • is a patient, in the General 'was a beloved brother of Mrs.
Hospital in Stratford, • • • Albert Sermon..
Mr. arid. Mrs. Cor Groot and • A number from here attended
Ken have moved and are 'now the- presentation' to the Baier
residing in Mitchell on Ontario•St. sisters in Mitchell, Friday
Guests . with Mrs. Edgar. evening.
Elligsen. on Sunday were her
.sister and brother-in-law, 'Mr. and
Mrs. -Harvey Hubner from
God-erich, son --John Mg-WM ••IFitness Sebringville and . Miss. Joanne •
Ross of Kitcltenei and all
attended St. Peter's Luthern
Church Sunday 'morning.
Neighbours and friends of Mrs.
Wm.,(Dora). Brown are happy to
know that she had the east
removed from her leg and is now
recuperating 'at her home.
Sincere sympathy from the •
community to the relatives and
friends of the late Tim Connolly
who passed away in the General
elementary teachers from this •
years , , staff.
Superintendent of Instruction
Gordon Stewart said the staff
redpction will make the pupil-
teacher ratio .in secondary school
classes about 17.8 to 1 and in
elementary classes about 23 to 1.
Stewart said-, "We tackled this
'the same. Us we have for the past
four years, we allocate teachers to
'schools for certain purposes on
the basis of 'the pumbers of
students in7the schools".
He continued, "With' more
'than 600 fearlr• elementary pupils
this year than Planned for last
• y4 e, r- that means a reduction in 1 .,
. ff of about 22 teaclers."
Although this is the larger'
reduction ever approved by the
board Stewart,said there won't be,
as many to go in years to come.
He said the projection for the
79-80 . school year would be
approximately half of this y ears
_.,.projeCted reduction, and the next
year' WOulciliehalf7of that again.
While this basic framework was
set up by the beard, in the. next
item of business the board agreed
to obtain the , ,services of an
additional teacher for Juliet
Mrs. John Templeman
345-2346 et. . Janice and Andrew Vivian are
staying with, their grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. Carter Kerslake,
Sandra and Steven Vivian are
staying with Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Gardiner and family, while their
parents, M r. and Mrs. George
Vivian enjoy a vacation in Hawaii.
Private or public groups t '''hit
may sponosr- such events as
dances' or concerts where the
main purpose is to make a profit
to 'directly benefit them or their
members fall into group "C".
They'll be expected to pay both
rentalandcaretaking fees;
Businesses or those wishing to
use the school for professional
READY TO MARCH - The Seafor h 'District High School Girls' Band lead the . •
Huron delegates into the OPP,- ztrinual 'm'eetiitg,on Tuesday. The.Band, no stranger
to plowing. matches, drew: a lot of a tention at the Royal Yor.k Hotel.
' (Expositor Photo)
Briefs 'to the Huron it ertli
Roman Catholic Separate Setio0;
board's committee on deelitfint.
enrolment must be received by
Monday, February 207 the
HPRCSS board decided Monday
night. Last week, the' board held
meetings to explain the
enrolment problem to parents iii
n schoo Dublin and St. Coltimbal.
use of board facilities. scho ilities closer to the rent this method would be closer to toe
fr . Under the classification of of halls, or other uildings in the people in the community who will.
Group "A" are activities or community." ' be requesting use of the school."
programs sponsored by non-prtifit
community organizations whose -•
purposes have a• general appeal,
support, and enhance existing
educational and community'
health services.
1'4 these groups are not
charging admission to , the
function they -Will be exempt from
all fees.
Community r activities
sponsored by municipal,
provincial or' the federal
governrhent, other school boards,
or organizations raising fundS for
-charity are classified under Group
"B". Group "IV 'ers will be
expected to pay caretaking fees
but are exempt from building
Enter our 8th Anniversary
a OPEN 1-6
AREA MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT — Bob McKinley M.P. Jor Huron, , Jack .
Ridden, M.PN3. for HurorWiddlesex and Murray Gaunt M.P.P. for Huron'-Bruce
were in attendance at the O.P.A. annual: meeting to give local delegates their
support, (Expositor Photo) d
ci e ,schoo-1 use;--po icy
the ^Perth County Board of The 7 member commiteee practices or, trade are classified - ,he also said, , "Principal
Edubation's Ad Hoe committee studied, discussed; and rewrote. under Group "D". They shall be degcretion will be used to decide
st-ti4,ing7vornrriurtity----use----of,•' -the- - -rules'"---affd.-----teglitstionsitiatiired • to renTarfees t-tqUestTalliinto." -
schools filed its final report for •ctincerning the public's use of any other service fee prescribed . Trustee R.F. Boyce said he
boar'd's approval at the boa§ school facilities, in the county. ' " by the board. - • - . ' didn't feel it should be left up to ,
February meeting. The report - Although many alterations According ' to committee the , individual- principals . to
contained a major revamping Of were made to the rules the major chairman Betty, McMillan Group classify the groups. '
the board's old policy concerning change in the policy , was a D was a totally new:additon to the,Q Mrc, 'McMillan, said, the'
issue'. reclassification "of those. public old communityusepolicy,"so-we committee had' discussed this this ,
' bodies or individuals requesting could et the rental fates of aspect of the policy and"Welfelt
OPEN 1-6