HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-10-01, Page 3e ;,fide—L` 7 1600 --•0 6, .:..I: WING IIA •M TIMES, ()0110BFFJi 1 r 3 Orchard and. Garden. .A. Fatherly Assuraneo Young orchards often need ad- ditional fertility. Be onthe look out for the leaf- ` eating eaterpiller. 1 In pruning, cut out all weak and crowded branches. i 0 BIT! p 0 �� an '1u'ilereserps rtise littletmclangoranuring. of injuring uto All pruning cuts made at this time should be covered with oil or wax. Keep a. good look nut for Eent cat- -_ orpillers during the summer. Weeds and k should 1 ee s suckers s top be kept x ,111701 1 01 I dowelberweon therows of raspberf�1 t5 ties tend bittekberries. 11 ir 94.1 t You can erowd fruit trees and • 1 plants, only at. the risk of getting re - 1 he secret of growing extra fine strawberries, is to cut of the runners Yallter as fast as they appear. need to bo looked after to see that the stock does not make shoots. With a young orchard at this time it will be a good plan to stop 'cultivation and much carefully, leaving the soil in good tilth.—St. Louis Republic. CURE YOURSELF No Guess Work—No Exper;ment- ing---nio Big Omer Bills--- Eaoy Remedy Inas Plain fireorions So There Can be no Mis- take. A SEPARATE CURE FOR EACH DISEASE ---AT ALL BBBG- GISTS-25 CENTS A BOTTLE Mr. G. McKay Sutton West, Ontario, Clarinda, says : "I hie been using Man yon's Cure fur nervousness .somo time, and have experienced splendid results. 1 bad beau studying very hard for some time and was in tin exceeding ly nervous conuitiou as a eonsequenee. This con- stant strain was toliwg on rue severley but oneeenail vial of Muoyoa's Nerve Cure gave relief and I have no hesitan- cy in recommending this remedy. Mu tiyoti '6 Rhouinatisrn Cure seldom fails to relieve in one to threehoursand cures in a few days. Price 25e. Muneou'a Dyspepsia Cure positively cures all forms of indigestion lied stom- ach trouble. Price :toe. M unyou's Cold Cure prevents pneu- monia and breaks up n cold in to few hours. Price, 25c. Muuyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, night sweats, allayssoreoess, and speedi• ly heals the lungs. Price, 25e. 1\lunyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures. pains in the back, loins or groins and all forms of kidney ,disease. Price 25e. .vlunyon's I3oadache Cure stops head• eche in three minutes. Price 250. 1duuyon's Pile Ointment p sitively cures all forms of piles. Price, 25o. Mutlyon's Biuod Cure eradicates all impur:ties of tne otuuJ. Price, 25c. H3unyon':t Female Remedies are a boon to all woolen. Munyon'13 Asthma Remedies relieve in 3 tniuutec= end eure permanently. Price, wi. ?dunyon's Catarrh Remedies never fail. The Catarrh Cure -price 25o.— s. erase eates the disease from the system, and the Catarrh 'Tablets -price cleanse and heal the parts. ' IcAunyoe's Nerve Cu re is a wonderful nerve tonic. Price, 25e. Munyon's Vitalizer restores est vigor ?rice 81. A separate cure for each disease. At all druggists, mostly 25c. a sial. Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, it Albert .St., Toronto, answered with free medical advice for any disease. CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. I3ewaro of imitators who ere copying our advertieeurents, approl.riatrug our methods, and following the plan adopted by ue when we introduced our remedies to the people of Ontario a your ago. You can easily distinguish between the original and the imitation. Prof. Mun• yon. founder of the nae, salh,ol of Honi- caepathy, dogs not desire that the public should he imposed on. 24 cheese, or 1,800 Is of cheese were made at Silver Corners factory Grey township on AIonday of lase Week, Ilmv is that for September 2+71,11 ? This factory has already made as n1u011 cheese as in the Whole seasan last year. asy to Take asy to Operate .Are features peculiar to Hood's Pills. Small ftp f ezO, tasteless, otlleient, thorough. As one man said: "You never know You have taken a pill till it is all Over." :.1e. C.I. Hoot & Co., Proprietors, Lowell, Blass. 'the only 11:11s to take tvitic II 1od's :wrsanarilla Fruit trees that have been grafted h. Banker's Exporienoe. ,, I tried a bottle of Dr. Chase's Liuseed and Turpentine for a very affection of the throat, writes manager Thomas Devon of the Standard Bank, now of 14 Melbourne avenue, Toronto. It proved effective. I regard the remedy as simple cheap and exceedingly good. I has hitherto yeen my hebbit to consult a physician in tronble of this kind. Here- after however, I intend to he my own family'doctor. .telondtke 1t?ornrng Times. Mr. Fred Uendley, of the firm of Keleher & Heridley, Guelph, has received the fi:'st number of what is alleged to be the Ielotldike Morning Tinges. published 1n Dawson City, July 17, 1897, It is a weekly paper and the price is $18 a year. The size of the sheet is 12x9 inches, four pages. By the Times it appears that you can get a shave for $1.50, a hair cut for $3.25, and polar bear hair oil a dollar a throw. The markets are quoted as follows; Flour 65c an ounce, corn meal 2 Ihs tor $5, whiskey $16 a quart, 50e a drink, half drink 35e. llieat market steady, beef ruling a trifle higher than hist week, but pork is still on the hog; no sales less than $1.37 a pound. Cariboo stake 85c ; mule outlet $1.10; dog tender loin $2.40; dried apples 65e a grab, beans 2e each; coal oil ile a smell; lemons $2 each, 3 fur $5; salt one cent per pinch. Prompt, Pleasant, Perfect. Norway Pine Syrup is a pleasant. prompt and perfect cure for. coughs, eukle, asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness sore throat, pain it, the chest., croup, whoop- ing; cough, quinsy, rntluenzia, and all throat and lung troubles, 23e and 50c tit all drug stores. - The Presbyterian church,Goderich which has been undergoing repairs for the past f lur months,was re open. ed Sunday week. It has been great- ly enlarged and is now one of the finest churches in Western Ontario. Mr. Andrew Mitchell, one of the early pioneers of Wallace, died on Monday morning at the homestead lot 61, can. 1, near Molesworth, on which he has lived since 1852. De. leased was in his 89th year and was one of tele first elders of Molesworth Presbyterian church. auiprrsed HIs Doctor. A little over a year ago I was''laid up with bronchitis, says Stanley C. Bright, clerk of Kingston. My doctor''s bill came to 813, and altogether, my illness cost 8123. This fall I had another attack. 1 came across an advertisement In the newspaper for Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin• seed and'Turpon„ine, for throat troubles I thought I would risk a quarter and try it. it curod :ne, After this I intend to treat my own ilas. A company is being formed to bore !til at Hepworth, "alkertoti'ti Ulf rate will be 23 Mille on the dollar Palmerst(l people are agitating for a now skating rink. A meeting of the Teachers' Asso- ciation of' West Bruce was held in Paisley on Thursday and Friday last. I)r. McNeng°Ilton, of Brussels, shot 1 a fish hawk at the Maitland fiver I last Friday, that measured 5 feet 7 inetes from tip to tip. Mrs. Isaac Small of Minto, h the 1 owner of a. rosebush of which she is very prose(, It is now in bloom for the fourth time this year, and Cntits 1 a delicate perfnnle which prevadcs the atmosphere for it considerable' distance. Mr. Cuinrox's son was studying Iris Latin lesson. There was the tre mulo of discouragement in his voice as he remarked: 'I don't seem to get along with this lessen very well, father.' Can't you say any of it?' 'Yes; I can say 'amu; auras, am'.it'; and then I always forget what comes next. 'What does these words mean, Johnny?' asked Mr. (:umtox, who deserves credit for being always ready to add to a somewhat deficient early education: 'They mean 'I love, thou lovest, he loves.' ' 'It does seem too bad to see you smarting in so soon,' the old gentle- man mused, 'with the difficulties that has alwayssurrounded that verb, but slyou may as well commence young to learn that them words in one way or another cause two- thirds of the botheration that occurs in this life. Please, can't I quit school then? No; it wouldn't be any use. You couldn't dogge 'em, and you might as well go right along and get at, famil- iar with them as possible You'h find that learnin' 'em ain't half the worry that handlin, 'em is after ye know 'em. Cheer up, Johnny, and remember that most of your trouble is ahead.if you.—Washington. Por Over Fifty Years. AN (!LD AND WELL -TRIED REMEDY - Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been utled for over fifty years by mil- lions of mothers fcr their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens. the guns, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best leredy for diarrhoea. Is pleabant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is invaluable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothin4 Syrup, and take -no other kind Some persons were talking with i Mr. Robert Coats, of Clinton, as to the distance a person travelled in a year, going to and from his residence when lie remarked : "That old Mare of mine must have travelled a good distance, for I have driven her back and forth for 14 years," Just for the amusement of the thing they started figuring. to see what wotiiti bo the result, and it shows that Mr. Coats and mare have travelled a considerable distal ce during the le years. His house is a mile from town ; he drives up in the .morning ' two miles at dinner time, and a mile at six, making four miles a day; be does this on an average of 35.) days in the year, making 1400 m?les a year, or nearly 20,000 miles for the 14 years, One would hardly think the distance so great at the first glance. HAMILTON HINTS. "I have been a great sufferer from nervous debility and its effects for a number of years. I coo:d not sleep and would lie awake for hours and brood over matters of'very little consequence. I becams vary despondent, at times not sarin r Arliether I lived or died. My ate po11jb I as poor, and very slight exertion would cause shortness of breath, that 1 could hardly stove, Latterly the con- dition c,f my heart caused me much un- easiness. Sometimes I had a sharp pain through it, so that I was afraid to take a long breath, fearing it would be m • last. I was very weak and had no c<t - orgy. In fact I was perfectly wretehe,t. I oommmencod taking Miihurn's Heat and Nerve Pill:,, which I got at J.:!. Barr's Dreg Store, corner James and Merrick Streets, and es a result •hat', been getting better very fast. I now Leel as cheerful ez a cricket. My appetite has rat.,:'::..1, and my 'nerves have not been so strong in years. My heart is quite restored to iLs normal condition ; I cannot notice anything wrong with it to -day. These pills have certainly /roe. ed a grand remedy in my ease, and i heartily recommence them to anym'.e suffering from similiar trouble, which believe to be vary common. Signed, Mrs. haylort 1.11)1'v'1t>inam, street, Hamilton. I'at Gaynor, of the 1st con. of Kia. loss, is one of the most succes,f t:; horse breeder;; in this part of On - tario, he has every reason to lt; proud of his effort in that line, '1'e.1 years ago Mr. Gaynor started with two good draught brood snares, and hats still two mitres 1'tft yet. .A figs yeni•ti he sold six for $150 each, yeti last week disposed of a five year old colt f'o $180, to kite Groff. Brussels Electric Light Company have purchased all the poles, wires, insulators, &4. , belenging to W. M. Sinclair, and will use there 111 ( 11- neetiun with their new plant. t.trasa*,sca.'44:u .c% -g, ....,,: toff:•v..,1.141k++tt.'AYRaCc..1 Brills, pimples, ernptitms, scrotula. vett 111 CUM. and all oas, in Malone . a impure bloo:l, cared by 1Tood'e leareep 1 CUBED AT TI -1.14 :,Ii a A moss' norm,usH OWLS nr ar• r,.trr,Y BEING CURIA BY • HAL' 5 REdsIsnY. ;ctrl' (ME; i t:USi'1'It A.•I .. curd: I? d Luelte, of sealb,t.•. eloo in tres ni ed f >t CaEP of 1(1(1►:rt 11,rPr,rie• nt , pernanet 1 r al t tic lie ,-- the ti .r • N `io,' > ltr n nnti st ears foot 1.,,: rb,- con►plea's e.. d." tinwut if 'it t.,ret';.f•+ 0 • gone lil•Un•,' .i:; ,•,,:;rc.4:,, cure Nil l'1t1', ae-.' e:1�•• 1-' fel herr . i•, 1 . .t••>•r,.. Ohist,••:tt r leg's•>::+1 , o(isrrE , •13VuI, r.cl Mir - t•rl't' • .t e(i ' 110 kali 111•E, \wt •+ di j ,y. at Give until yea 1'.'! it. 1 ,•i - till feel m ire like licinlr rn is 1 he ' fore. You heist ler the hale,, cow'' Milk t' drink ever:. eel the ceerer- Very well if *tee -iiv ao doctor, belt I don't reallt how be is going to held it all Tim1 da'a werh wrinkles 1•. • f'gire :I face. hut adderh fresh (toles.: :t fast friend which neither heats, t, > sold nor rni•erie nor place 1►,,,' eeelinie can alter or diminish.—.I0h11 billy. Frienship, of itself is a hilly tie and is made lnol'e sacred by adversity— Dryden. After a Severe Cold • ere said "Hood's Sarsepariile banc;ur..d ui• of scrofula. I was weak atld dcrhiilatc.t.i and Hood's Srrsap.'rilla built me up and made tyre strone and well. iter a severe cold I had catarrhal fever. i again re- sorted to Hood's Sarsapari;la,, t.hiu) accomplished a complete eurc.. SARAH, E. DAVAY, Auna1,o11, N. S. Hood's Pills are the favorite family .athartic, easy to to take, easy t(1 oper- ate. The Stratford Beacon says ,lodge Woods, of Perth county, has net yet sent in his resignation, t,lthoneh he may do so owing to ill health. That part of our noble friend that we love is not that part we embrace, but that insensible peer which oar arms cannot embrace. What is a friend? One who sup- ports you and cares for you while others do not. Friendship is the .cor- dial drop to make the nauseous drift of life go dt>.in. A Sunday-sehnt>l interra ;ewe — Cler;;ylnen—St. }'tul ono crew ley dear children. Juvenile—Did it let in tt rear? What did your father leave you when he died, I'at? Ile left ale all orphan. Feta the In Back. 11 r. '.1. P. 1I:Jpin, Btoekvtl're, Ont., makes the following stoletue:a : -Fpr twoyoare lstiffened from Lidos. ,ti4ease eau Aloe a io>vere pala acrn-is m•• baek, dlzzine.;a. hn-ula- ha. sleeple.su ya, et.;., I hal often to lean on the counter when serving a eustumer, s,> intense wit; elle pain in my hack. On takit g Duan's Kidney 1',ile I itu;,ra"wl from thvery first, anl now aftor tq!tin. throe boxes - am all retch!, ; all al: oniee an 1 aches WHY SUFE.EIi. P Dr. Chases Oiartn.at tt't1 Cu -o 'Its7.111 al a Cost of hut 60 t Piles, scrofula., eezematil erupt:ons, scald ht>ad, salt rltauru and all other annoying and paiu'ul skin dlse :- e t can oe easily cured by Dr. Chase's 0::atnent. " I had 1lrotru;a::g pile.; for telt .years," writes II. 11. Sutam:la:I, com- mercial travt'1her, of Truro, N.i.; "tried many remedies, and had doctors oper- ate. It was no use. Was comp:etely laid up at times. Chase's (Vtlttneut was recommended to me by ide. Brennan, of the i tunmersrtle, P.L.I., Journal. I tried it, and. use box colnl,letel cured 11e." 'i.. Matta., the e:litor of the Streets - 11', (1st., Review, g.ve.i thi-, ersoleited tr;ti•lisei'tl teeter ilAte of Nov. 0, "link ti box of i)r.('11.,:te's Ointin...et cared my daughter of err' -ma. That w.t-; six month.: ago, and tii're has sine been nn re., npearanee 01 the ei a oo," T. 1'ia!Iace, bitlrl:snlitl>, or rro•luoia, Out., was troubled with blind itching LT0,3+ 20 1119. " I tried every rr•; -:1. that ewe:, out itt vain," he c it, , ' until 1 triad Dr. Chase's ()int - rent, It ,v -us a ;o(1$eI1c1. 011e bos tt d'.,1Is sail i dmaustnl, Bute; & Co., m,nu c:n • s T01o11to. Price 001, Lint:, ; Il and un:Q.:aim; are every mo- ther's l au., halo remedy for coughs, ca:dgl> thrc,r.t r.I1.1 int.:' affection:. Dr. (that.* has di rtuis:: i the t_utte au1 made the remedy tate:dart to take.. Large bottle only 23o. vafiA. oars rJ u111n11iteN„1,111,111111111111111tltle@1111,1tl11,rii 1u,,... AVvec tablePrep arati 3 simiiating theToo ;- ring the Stomachs er::. Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- i nessandRest.Contains neither Opiuoi,Morphine norP iinczi1. i :' Nal, NAM C OTIC. l+tw is w't3 • .1TafptafOld SrS,W4 : ;';12...'2 BMA; Sea- elleSeet ,r Rodat1e Sal Sc:1:8 .Hyper mt - t+i Carsonae'Ja9z Man/ eed - rr . itczxyi+rua /•'ic;zn • Aperfect Remedy for •^on:lip. tion, Sour Stomach,I:iarrnoea, Worms,Cenvulsions;Feverish- mess andLOss OF SLEEP. ]Pec Signature cf SEW YOLK. 1 H Ct'.storta isit ut ep in ono -size bottles only, it c fs not sold in balk. Don't allow anyone to sell you anything else on the else or promise that it 0 is jest as geed" cad "will answer every pur- tosa!> a Fee that yougot 0 -A -S -T -0 -B -I -A. Tchis iilo0- sixl signature, at 13 r.T>is THE `a,r-GITideILE SIGNATURE IS ON 'MEI �'.AP R 01' EATERY t Orr . S , E o EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. ONE GIVES RELIEF. Spend }Pollan for Medicine until you have tried You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. This sort to put up elioaply to Gratify t:,o universal proecnt dom:u,d for a Iow price. If you don't find this sort of trace 4i-P4,1;ysOAt� 00064 pans Ta e Drug Send Five Cents to Tim RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY, No. IO Spruce St., New York, and they will be sent to you by mail; or in cartons will he mailed for 49 cents. The chances are tea to one that Ripens Tabules are the very medicine you nen!. 0 rintaa. + . rR,r.o.s5q ea "mt� n 1 73 �.p� Y 4 We are in a pontion''ttoo pjturn out • e • a • • . r • tp LETTER I iia. . w, NOT: HEAR, STATEM'E,N T �.;, E" 'O. Kee, eefes. At e low, r Price than tvet. before _ We t'i'e have tl'e best stork of l'nveloles in fawn, and we can print and supply them as cheap as the ehearest. A..JL;.II? Printed on the shortest notice tuid the price in kecpirg with the tinges. (•lige us a cal when yon are in reel of anything is the Printlne line xltd Ile will use yon rig est. THE; T1s ia:, W irigha « • o.