HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-02-09, Page 20:'r"'"'"r""ir7r!"'r''r'.,'''•"7''"rr''"r7"!r;;'" tol Illy'Wilma Oke1 About 100 nurses frOm across Huron County and Stratford met Seaforth Thursday night , to express . their- concern for the fut u re of nursin g and voice their objections to a proposal by the College of Nurses that, would cost many nurses in Ontario their certificates Igompetence. Gayle Mc nZie,. spokesman for the ,nurses, said the proposal re q uired , registered nurses and nursin g, assistants to work no less than 50 days in one year within the-P4st five years in Ontario to q ualify . for a certificate of competence. Failin g this, a nurse Would have to take a re-e ntry program to regain her certificate. Mrs. McKenzie criticized the College_ of Nurses for this proposal because as professionals "we're not against short courses or.u p ' dating our skills but the vagueness of the program req te0 for re-training." She asked where it will-be giVen. its length) its cost: "What is this program? Why was it net set up before the proposal was made? Why has the college not notified the members who elect them? W e do not know Win▪ thr p .. Marsgza7reit8 1456uiley Mr'S. Wm. Dolinage attended a • eting at First Presbyterian rch, Seaforth to help plan the program, for. therWorld Day of Prayer to' be held March 3 at the same church.. • ' Bob HulleyJr., Lindsay, spent the weekend at hone and also visited with ‘-stis grancnother, Mrs. Ella Hulley; Brucefield also Mr. and, Mrs. George Cameron. McKillop Lovier Interest Rates SA'F.EWAY INVESTMENTS & CONSULTANTS LTD• Head Office: 56 Weber Street East, Kitchener [5191744-6535 Beinch Offices': 705 Goderich Street, Port Elgin[519]832-2044 ' 1 504 Tenth Street,Hanover 15191364-3121 EveningS call: David 'Beynon 45191 794-3277 "WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH" NOW AVAILABLE ON 1st and 2nd Mortgages aqwhere in Ontario on RESIDENTIAL— INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL and FARM PROPERTIES ' Interim financing on new construction or land developteeet REPR.ESENTA:f IVES-1N YOU-it AREA PHONE lion, 2, They will be struck from the General Re gister of the College of Nurses of Ontario and be unable to seek employment as R.N.s or R,N.A.s. 3. No further practice •as an or R.N.A. will be possible for them, until an unspecified :re-qualification process has been ' completed. .,.4. The Health Disciplines Act already contains legislation and regulations for the effective protection of the public by controlling 'problems related to 'Professional misconduct, incompetence\and physical and mental Incapacitation". '`(See sections 84 and 8,5 Health Disciplines 'Act Nursin g dyad Regulations -Parts 20 and 21,) We cannot see justification for nurses to 'bethe occupation tax savings to help you get your own home! GREY VG • TRYST COMPANY .SINCE 1889, . On Sat., Feb. llth & 18th the Retirement Savings Department: will be open from 9 a.m. - 12. .TMoirnoinskteo7f Health, Queens P . 4.• The M.P.-P.. for the riding in which you live, Qu eens Park, With our Registered Home Ownership Saving Plan yOu .tan obtain tax benefits in saving for your own, home and, receive an a4tractive yield on your money with guaranteed growth. •• Register your plan today' at Yictoria and Grey: .R1A and ark, selected to be disenfranchised their 'college' in 'the absence of evidence of "professional ' misconduct dr incompetence" as stated' in the Act, We regird this proposal as the most discriminatory and • undemocratic ,regulation to be used against any profession or occupation hi the province of ,Toronto; • 5Jhe tieadersolOpposition for the riding in which you live, Queens Park, Toronto. , welcomes all new 'Members, 14embership fee-- $2,.00. Make your cheque payable I. - to N.U.R.S4 and mail to: lkirs.• Atidrey„..-S)uith, Northcrest' R: R.-#2, London Ontario. • Ontario. If you a gree with our position, se please write immediately ,to the 1,. College of Nurses,. 600 Eglinton A venial, East, Toronto; Z. The Hon. Wm., Davis, Premier of Ontario, Queen's Park, Toronto; • • ,,3. The •Hon. Dennis Timbrell, rouge ROYAL BANK servi):g Ontario 0 'et • •d • LISTENING CAReNIIIY-Lleafbrth ;ea, nurses tailed out eri.mass to hear about proposed changes in their registrations.' (Photo by Oke) B of Evotes6.5 cent "It doesn't cost 21 cents if mile to drive a car." he said. . "It dep'ends on what ki d of.car you drive," countered Mr. 1 '03 t. the • beard ' had given its own Colborne TownShip Truste employees and, increase recently Shirley Hazlitt said she didn t 'bringing their per mile rate to 19 dispute an increase for, board kents_ He said the , triistees _haft! - -employees—but • 'felt that The .denied themselves, for thetrustee rate was too much. She Mr. Elliott, said board needed 21 cent g per mile adding pa'st • {Our years. ' ' ' ' said she failed to see why trustees employees or people using. their ,that it.was, considerably more - own 'Vehicle for board 'business '. than, the rate paid 'to county received 19. cents per mile as a councillors. . 'result of the increase -passed by ..„.. "I would) dispilte that we are. the board recerttlY:-•'He said the.. paid more - than county proposed rate of 21..7 cents per , 'councillors," said, Mr. Elliott. "If _ Mile would be given trustees, ''we (trustees)• were paid on 'a :per board employees• and authorized,' meeting rate as they are rather members of the public using their than a straight monthly rate 1 cars on board business.., • 'don't feel we're bettor off than Mr. Elliott ,said the executive them." , ' • . • committee felt that since costs for "That might, be a point ' of • operating a .,. Vehicle were up. ,,contention," argued.Mrs. Hazlitt. - considerably and' the new rate . Mr. Henderson asked why the was being used by other county . board committee, ' if, it was officers (coupty councillors and ,, ..concerned about •Sieplicity by officials) the increase was reason- ' makin g the rate the' sa m e for employees and trustees, made the new mileage rate 21.7 cents per mile. • • . "Why not make it an even 22 cents for easy figuring?" he' asked. •Mr. 'Elliott said by using the higher figure the board may come under some undue criticism. • rite what this whole pro,gram is-we gerit in bits and pieces," 'she charged, :,MCKenzie urged the nurses very,, very carefully' any material thecollege sends .0'ut,..jo • make sure the contents are 'understood. ., She said the college asked for a response to thepreposal before March-" 15 ante d ,she nice the tr -urged the response positive..gt nurses to. e theM good counter proposals; Mis.'cKe zie asked first that the nurses' s d in their letters td the Colle ge; then write individual letters.td the premier of Ontario,• William Davis; the 'nister of Health, Dennis Timbrell; of the oppositiOn; and "your own members of the-provincial le st ature in which you liye". She said a thousand individual letters are .better than one letter of .petition signed by a thousand, persons.. , Wendy Earhard, ,London, one of three representatives from ' Region .1 on the 32-ineMber cOUneil of 'College of Nurses, attended the meeting on invita- tion from the local grotip. She represents the ,Counties, of Huron, Perth, Oxford, Middlesex t Elgin, Lambton, Essex and Kent, She Tad to 'explain the Prop and answer questions but "the discussidif betame quite heated., She was unable to assure 'the nurses of what Will be required for a nurse to regain a certificate ' of competence. • , "The college could not prepare those criteria,'.' she said. "You are going to 'hive to trust ,the college to make a decision onithe proposal. baSedTen the responses we get, including; your own." She said the proposal was made by the college. in the first place because ."the philosophy is ,that there is some obsolescence and then you are. not 'on a standard with those graduates who are now 'entering practice." . Because of the misunder- standings arisin g. from the proposal, a report is in the in is "FoCus On Living". Members dedided on a name. Freedom Finders. Elected as officers were: President--Shirley McClure; Vice President--Doris McClure; Secretary--Lynne Dodds; Press Reporter--Valerie Millson. 20 'THE 11 RON Ei POSITOR, FEBRUARY 9 1978 'I' ' mi increaseeage,• .• ,, . . . T he Huron County Board of , present rate was 15 cents per mile Education voted itself a. 6.5 cent 'and he alw.ays felt it was designed per Mile mileage rate increase., to cover .costs„ trustees had to % • Monday ' giving trusteeC mileage drive . somewhere • ou board rate ,parity With board employees busines: and officials. Board Chairman, R. J. Elliott. also chairMan of. the executive committee, told the trustees that able and justified. He added that the new rate Was the same for both trustees and employees which was not the case under the old system. John Henderson, atrustee from Seaforth, asked Mr. Elliott why the new rate represented such a . • large increase. He said the . The 'first meeting pf the McKillop #2 4-H Club was held on January 31 at Carolyn Thom pson, the leader's home. The theme for the spring project. , from the college clarifyin terms, she' said. "We'thought 'the proposal was clear, obviously we blew it," she said. She said her 'perspnal feelings were that• these courses would, have to be provided by the Ministry Of gducAtion. "(don't want to have these cost added to my OHIP fees." 'Dee Be n erman of Exeter said, "Boards' of Education are screaming- now ther e is not enough money. Where the hell do •you thin k.they can get the money for us for these courses?" Bet ty ,Cardno of Seafertb,.• Hu ron County Director of Home CAre program, who was late arriving because-of attendance at another meeting said, "The main issue is the removal of the Certificate of competence. We ea' hat certificate. Certainly rses ha an obli gation to show he public e are competent, bill this co d be pbtained by the co eg ensuring that the miniiry of colleges' and universities will be obliged to provide courses . in upgrading, that meet the standards of the college." The meeting. closed 'shortly before 11 p.m. with MrS. McKenzie' urging ttk nurses,. "Yon. Must' write, you )Rest do sOrnething, IT we don't, then this' proposal will go through govern- ment as it is and T' will have ,restrictions.:' ° .U.R.S.E. "Nur: s United for Registra- and Security and Employ-, ment", takes the following stand on the proposed policies related' to issuance:. of certificates of __co mpetence as set out by the Colle ge of Nurses-of Ontario. The pro posal is totally unacceptable to • , nurses and must not receive . approval by. either the Minister of Health, or the Cabinet of the, Government of Ontario. We take this position 'because: 'I. In. 1980; and every year thereafter, thousantis of Ontario R.N.s aptl R.N.A.s will be refused renewal Of their current registra- •••-\„.-1 We're holding an Open house to celebrate the opening 'of our new branch. You're invited to drop in for refresliments and a look around our new premises , But if-you-tan-q--m-alre-i-t-to--the-Open-Houseldrop-in -anytime-r offer :convenient hours of business, friend'y staff, plus a complete range of helpful banking• 'services, including, Agricultural Services. 'So why not plan to come in and visit and you'll soon find out why a ,lot of people like the Royal Bank. A` re You Shovelling Too c -Money -into Art Old-C HOURS.OF BUS „NESS Mon. to Thurs. 10:00-4:30 Fri. - 10:00 - 6:00 164 Turnberry St., ' G. J. DILLOW MGR. ' J. T. 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Cut Costs NoIN With One Of Our /)LOW COST USE CARS A OPENING Thursday, '- Feb. 1 6 10.am - 4:30 pm. 527-1676 • SEAFORTH