HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-02-09, Page 19SEAFORTH
Cold Meat ..,
Available r all All Occasions
.9 till 7:30 p.m.
are of course not strangers
at Moffatt & Powell as , • •
both have been there since
the opening day 4 1/2 years
ago. Charlie is assistant
Manager of the Mitchell.
outlet while Isabel looks
after the bookkeeping
'end. Both lend solid ex-
perience to a well
established company.
Lately Eve beep remembering some of
my birthdays, 1 don't. recall what brought
the subject to Iry naindr-The last: one
happened a tong time ago, and the next
one won't roll around for quite awhile.
I've reached the age where a birthday
isn't very exciting anymore, but of course,
I mention the date to the right people at the,
right time, just in case they want to
continue the gift-giving habit. Otherwise, 1
keep it quiet. It IS not the traditions of a
birthday I object to; it's the number of
birthdays I've had that bothers me. Some
folks say that's a sign of old age.
Most kids look.forward to their'birthdays
with excitement and so did I, but for a few
years, I had some reservations. The
coming of my hirthday seemed to herald
some unhappy events.
For example, on my welrth ay, my
mother broke her rm. "Just a coinci-
dence," I told mys If.
The thirteenth birthday is a special elle
for all young people, but instead of
dreaming about being a teenager, I was
-dreading a trip to the hospitaL And five,
days after my thirteenth birthday, Dad's
barn burned.
I have never been superstitious, but by
then I was beComing edgy. "What's gonna
happen next year?" I asked myself.
Fortunately nothing happened, and for
the next few years, my birthday passed
uneventfully. I had almost forgotten my
silly premonitions when frost killed most of
Mom's flowers on the eve of my
birthday.That is not supposed to happen in
the summertime. "Is it an omen of worse
to come?' I wondered. It wasn't and 1
breathed easier again.
Odds n' ends
by Elain'e To*nshend
Then came, the excitement of my 21st
birthday and the anticipation of all the
privileges and responSibilities that 'magic
age, would bring. But Pierre took a lot of
the furi out of it for. us 2tI year olds by
giving the same privileges to all the 18, 19
and 20 year olds too.
Of course, many birthdays stand out in
my mind for their happiness. My family
had a double celebration complete with
champagne to mark my 20th birthday and
my brother-in-law's acceptance into med.
A few weeks before my 21st birthday, I
was a -bridesmaid at my girl friend's
wedding and I made if up the aisle without
falling on my face.
At the reception, the waitress asked if I
was 21. I replied, "Almost," and got
gingerale instead of wine. Penalized for
telling the truth! The worst part was the
fellow sitting beside me, who was a little
younger than I, got away with the line:
"I'm twnety-one today!" Oh well, at least
he let me sip his wine.
- My sister's three kids were all ' born
within a few weeks of my birthday. ,Most
times, they bring great joy to my life. (At
other times; they almost drive me
Each year I'm touched by old friends
who remember my birthday. Some of them
have much better memo`ries' than I 'do. A
surprise birthday party caught me
completely off-guard one year. ,
In the past few years, my birthdays have
passed uneventfully, and that's 'fine with
me. The only change I've notice-isthat they
seem to come faster each year. "Another
sign of old age," I've been told.
All. contributions from Boom 5,
The Students' Council has been
seeking a "title" for'-.monthly
news items submitted to the
Huron Expositor': Suggestions
. were collected over a -period of
time. The • Students' Council
publicized the event in the form of
a contest. ,A long time, former
staff member, , Miss M. ',F.
Turnbull, agreed to, act as a
judge..The winning selection was
"School Days" as, submitted, by
Donnie • Hickson, a grade. six
student. Honourable _mention
should be made of the following
selections:' "Bits and Pieces ••
Sandra Wilson; "S.P.S. News
Flash", Denise Morey; "S.P.S.,
Chatterbox", Barb Dupee;
"S.P.S. Sum-It-Up", Lynne
• Dodds; "A Week in S.P.S.", Jim
Saldivar; and "S.P.S. Reports a
News` Flash", Anette Siemon.
• . Film Night
In response . to a survey of
parents. the first 'family film
night'. was held in the gym
January 18. The film wa.s
Disney version of ,'Treasare
.Island,' Because* it was a first
attempt, it was anyone's guess to
determine .how'' many people ‘,
would Si115:W up. everyone's
surprise, the'attendance was 302!
_The gym was full to capacity. For
this tiiouth's film, a few changes
will bemade. A large size screen. is
being constructed and, the sound
,-track will be piped through the,
sch6o1 PA system. Anyone
interested in details about the
February r'15 showing should
contact .one .of the students.
Grade 7 and 8 will write a set of
formal examinations at the end of
February. These will..be 90
minute tests in each of the basic'
subjects. There will also be, tests
of a shorter length in Music,
French, Home Economics end
Industrial Arts, The teachers. are
encosbraeing their students to set
up definite review schedules at
home. ,fr
The Grade 8 students of S.P.S;
are preparing to ,go to High
School next year. We started off
with a visit from Mr. James
from. Seaforth, and Mr. Smith
from Clinton. hey explained in
detail; the courses and the set=up
of the credit system. Alter our
talk' we received the handbooks
and the necessary fOrm to fill out.
On Tuesday',. January 2,4,
students and parents had an
opportunity to ' visit Seaforth
District High (68.1iool. They were
briefed on the,,courses and the
school in general. Later they were
welcomed to brewse, around the
school Q11, their.
Now our only task is to'fill out
our forms.of applications. And, of
course, the work we do at S,P.S. ,
between now and Jane is the real
decision maker.
Jane Ellis, Lynne Dodds,
Tammy Vella
Ne'w heading for school ne
HEY IT'S FUN UP HERE.—That's what' Sara Teall
of Seaforth (on seat) .and Holly Ree'ves of Seaforth
seemed to be saying as they, got a good look in the
Seaforth .fire truck when they toured the Seaforth
Fire Department last Thursday.
Public speeches coming
Each year at our, school in the
month of February we have to
make a speech on the subject of
our choice. This year it is being
held. on February 17 , in our
gymnasium after best
boy and girl from each classroom
will -go to-the gym to compete.
We compete in different groups
which are. grade 4,'S, 6 7, 8.
The best two from each group get
to go the Legion to compete with
kids from other schools. This is
being held on March I. It is good
practice because when you are •
older you might have to say, .a
speech in front of a crowd. It
takes a while to get used to, but it
is worth it.
Bert Reinink, Ron Godkin
Dennis Loughnane
Snow Sculpturing Contest'
When the snow comes in
January, the grade 7 and 8
students take one morning off to
do snow sculpturing. To do this, a
group must be formed that will
work together.. Your. ' .next.
procedure was to collect the •
material that is needed_le_make....
your creature. When the pupils
were finished sculpturing what
they wanted, water was necessary
to freeze their .articles so they
would not fall apart. Among these
creatures were a crayfish, a swan,
a dog, a whale with two teeth, two
love 'turtles, an Oscar in the
garbage . can, ,a Pooh Bear,
Snoopy and last, but not last, a
;Dinosaur. Anyone who wanted to
enter in the park contest did.
Dale Smith, Peter Underwood,
Marty Flannig4
, Such varieties of harmful
. cigarettes as du Maurier, Cameo,
Players, Number Seven,
Rothmans, etc. can leave you in
the dust! To show that, the •
.Huron-Perth Lung Association
cared, they held a "No Smoking"
poster contest.. In S.P:S. the
grade 6's took honour in . this
contest. They drew very sensible
PoSters .in their art time. Hope-
fully this contest will sink into
adults' heads and be treated
seriously. There have been many
Commercials saying, "Don't
, Smoke!" and warning and
showing them what can. halipen
and likely will happen to their
lungs. How do pareets., expect us
nofteSnioke when they o? Think
it over. Is it really worth it? dad
lungs or good lungs is your
P.S.-,Quit while you're ahead.
Tony Neilsen, John Huether
Clendon Coombs
Rip and Run
There has .been a Serious
problem arising on the Seaforth
Public Sichool grourida. Many
4ray dogs have been funning
around tipping little kids! pant's,
taking and eating their lunches
and scaring the primary pupils.
These' dogs have been found to
Piave no tags and the school
'annot locate their owners. These
dogs have been following
neighbourhodd children to school.
We urge you to please try, and
keep your dog off- the school
`grounds. We do not like to have
the dogs removed by the police
department, but it has been
necessary for the safety of the
Rob Sinith, Jeff Henderson,
Brad Gowan
Snowflakes falling without a
Tumbling down with a bound,
They form a blanket on the
ground, • •
Dashing, floating all around. '
Children playing in the snow,
Toboganning, there they go,
With their eyes all aglow,
Little do they know...
The wind gets high, it starts to
They go to school,, they, lock the
door, '
Home from school, Ohl. What a
u I iett e
And the next day if it snows some
more. ,
Jennifer Stryker, Kaien Laverty,
and Jackie Schenck
Nutrition Week '
The girls in grade seven and eei ht 'at, Seaforth P4.4„biic School
ave been 'Preparing nutritious,
snacks for nutrition week. On
Monday, January 23, the girls of
8A sold granola barS and s&atne
snaps. On Ttiesday the 24th, the
girls of 7C made fresh orange and
apple. juice and - on Wednesday
the 25th, the girIS of 8B made hot
On ThursdaY. January 26, the
girls of 7D were to make soup bu4
the school Was closed' on
Thursday and Friday, so the girls
will sell their soup later.
Barb Dupee, Angielindemann,
on Liz Scott and Sandra Campbell
• •
„games played against Clinton and
The girls won I of the '3 games
played, .
C.H.S.S: Band
On Tuesday January 31, the
band from Central Huron,
Secondary School visited Mullett.
They played different songs. A
group of 8 boys,. calling.-
themselves the "Two by Fours".
sang some familiar tunes. The
whole school enjoyed their visit.
Visitor from High School
On Monday, January 30th, Mr.
Smith, from Clinton High School
came to the school to talk to the
grade 8 students who • will be
attending Central Huron . next
year. He explained about the
credits and the. Subjects they
could take. It was a great help for
the students.
There has been some personnel changes in the
last while and we wouldilike to introduce them to you!!
Fred Ramsay
Is originally from the city of Strathroy. Fred has been with the Moffatt &
Powell organization for 41/2 years also having previous experience in the
building field, with training through Moffatt Powell. Fred has found
dealing with people in the Mitchell area a' pleasant experience and plans
to relocate in the area as soon-as possible 'with his wife Kathy and two
children Shelly and Krissy. Come in and meet-the new MANAGER OF MOF-
' FATT & POWELL today..
has one year ex-
perience with Mof-
fatt & Powell in the
lumber storage
section and now
will be serving you
in the store display
area: Doug, coming
front the
Brodhagen area,' is
well known and
10ks forward, to
helping you with
yoiur building pur-
PHONE .148-4i 8437
A couple of,..weeks before
Christmas the grade .7 and 8
students wrote editorials to the
London Free. Press. Mr. Talbot
chose a few editorials and sent
them in. Three of these editorials
were printed in the Free Press.
The students were Monica
Hebert from Grade 7 writing
about Seatbelt ' Safety, 'Bruce
Hunking, from grade 8 whose
t(2pie was the R.C,M.P. and Sally
' Pollard who, wrote about
separation of families in Canada.
Sally is' in grade 8. '
Once again this year theHullett
Central volleyball teams will be
playing teams from the different„..
schools. Their first games were
played on Wednesday, February
st:' The boys won 2 of the 3
ditorials Drop in today
new Members
along with the
Members you already
know on the Staff at .
'hl V(ad Bake! •
years' experience. with the company, star-
ang with the company in their 'first year of
'operation in Mitchell., See John for expert
help. When building yoUr Barn Renovations,
Poult Ty -Barns-,--Hog-Barns.-Macitinery-Sheds-,—
Feed Ws & Dairy Barns. •