HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-02-02, Page 18MEDAL RECIPIENT—Chief John Cairns of the Seaforth Police- Department displays the Queen's Jubilee Medal he received on Friday January 13. According to-a release that cable with it, the medal is given as an expression of appreciation of worthy and devoted service rendered by the recipients ,in, their various walks of life and of the esteem in which they are held by their associates. (Expositor Photo; Enioy pot luck At Hensall The congregational meeting of the Hensall United Church was held on Wednesday evening commencing with a delicious pot luck supper. Afterwards Mrs Grawe -.Drummond - conducted a short program. She opened by reading a poem "The Ministers Dance" which was followed by several selections on the ukulele played by Mary Drysdale and Melonie Lovell. - A humorous skis entitled the ...',',„Census Taker" was acted out by Grace, Drummond and Mcina Alderdice. Rev. Don Beck-chaired the annual meeting and used 1st Corinthians Chapter 16 verses 5 - 14 for his devotional. Mrs. Donna St. John was elected secretary for the meeting. A few moments bf silence and prayer was held in ' memory of those who had passed away during the year. The annual reports were handed out and the chairman of each committee gave information or answered questions. It was announced by the worship and membership committee chairman Doug. Mock that the new organist will be Dr. Ralph Topp and choir director 'Mrs. Marianne McCaffrey of Exeter. Hans GerStenkorri, chairman of the stewardship ,committee ti presented the 1978 budget which was accepted by the congregation. Cecil Pepper presented the report of ' the nominating cOmmittee.• „ Hans Gerstenkorn thanked Re'V. and Mrs. Beck for 'a job. well done during the past year and presented them with a gift on behalf of the congregation. A slide presentation of activit ,ies during the year 1977 at both churches was presented by Ret'. and Mike Beck. Presentation Rev. Don Beck -conducted sevice in Hensall United Church on Sunday and the choir sang a trio of anthems with Mrs, Turkheim at the organ. Following the service the congregations of fiensall. and Chiselhurst assembled in the Fellowship Hall in honour of Mrs. J. Turkheim who has been. organist for the past 14 years. Doug Mock presented Mrs. Turkheim with a gift on behalf of the Hensall congregation and HAold Parsons presented the gift •on behalf of the Chiselhurst congregation. Mrs Turkheim replied thanking all and of ter which,a social hour followed and refreshments were served. HOW r about tomorrow? Make sure now that you'll have adequate income to enjoy your retirement years. The little you save now on a regular basis wilLmean a' lot when your pay day years are over:Tut your savings into a Victoria and 'Grey Registered Retirement Savings Plan. WCPORM,d • VG GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 ..... ••••,, ••••• ..... • • • • ANTIQUES KORIOSITY RNER Come in & see Our Tthasures WE BUY & SELL FURNITURE AND • ANTIQUES Main St., Seaforth .y---CAR CARE 41111‘, DATSUN SALES & SERVICE Service to All Makes ' Texaco Products Gerald's Datsun Seaiorth 527-1010 (— DECORATING m Groves 'Wallpaper . & Paint Featuring Moore,.,,,,, Canadian & Imported Wall Coverings 527-0550 Sea forth DECORATING —N Expert Interior & Exterior Decorators Kern Paints Wallcoverings Armstrong Carpets WindoW Shades • HILDEBRAND PAINT ANDPAPER Phone 527-1880 15 Main St., Seaforth — c--ELECTRIC CAMPBELL -ELECTRIC Electric Motor Repair ,RR 2 Dublin LOT 13 CON. 2 CALL 345-2476 /FARM/FARMSUPPLIES —N a United Service ' .,Flowers by wire_ '-527--0800 Seaforth .1' t ARNOLD -J. STINNISSEN LIFE 7, and Mortgage Insurance Plans Income Tax Deductable Registered Retirement Savings Plans'andAnnuipes. Income Averaping Anpuities Ask for our new Flexible Premium R.R.S.P. Te1.527-0410 — REPRESENTING — 117 GODERICH ST. EAST SEAFORTH ' Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada for 19 years- thisinegs Director 17 Sperling St., 527-1150 PIANO —Th WIRING INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL GULI3RANSEN GALANTS WURLITZER Simi in Organs and Pianos FREE Organ Lessons Low.COsit Rental Plan All this and more Of PULS1FER MU JC SEAFORTH 5274053 Voted INednesdceys FARM WIRING CALL/ GARY DILL 348-8383 OR 3472435 MITCHELL 1. THE HURON RXPOStTOR, FgORMARY „ • wiertLiist hOst scores • 4 •*•••••••444••••••••••••••••••55•0005•40•roodo•••••••••••••••••• A congregational potluck lunch was held following the morning service last Sunday. After , this time of fellowship together members gathered in the Church for the annual meeting of the congregation. Rev. E.S.Stephens was elected chairman and Mrs. David Cooper was elected Secretary for the meeting. Reports from the treasurer, Mrs. Lois Jones shOwed a most successful y ear financially with a good balance to begin this new year. The Mission and Service recorded givings amounting to $1710.85. . The U.C.W.' had contributed a good deal toward improvements. N ew front doors, new steps ,and a sidewalk were' felt to be a must for 1978. Reports from the Sunday 'School, Happy Hour and Adventurer have shown a very healthy program amongst the children and youth. The Clerk of Session, Emerson Kyle, expressed the thanks of all to those who have giyen leadership in the activities of the, church and especially to the people who have completed their' term of service on the Session and Committee of Stewards. He also expressed the thanks of 'the congregation to Rev. and Mrs. Stephens for their leadership and voiced the .good wishes of all as they approach retirement the end of June. The new minister, Rev. Robert McMullen, will take over July 1St. assist him:the following will be the •Sessien of St. Andrew's: David Turner, Robert Turner, David Cooper, Mrs. Ronald McGregor, John Sinclair, Edison. Mclean, John A, Cooper, William J.F.Bell. Egbert--Fabet, Ladies Ladies High Single Rose Bisback 286, Ladles High Triple Rose Bisback 687. Season's High Single St:. Deighton 354, Seasons High Triple Rose Bisback 732. Men/' High' Single Allan Dale 265, Bob Costello 2b5, Men's High Triple Allan Dale 693, Seasons High Single Gerard Meindinger 336, Seasons High Triple Roy Dalton 752. Standings Crystals 83, Diamonds 71, Canadians '63, Old V's 60, Red Caps 61 and Blues 49. ' St. James Bowling League Chipmunks 72, Turtles 70, Lions 64 1/2., Jaguars 631/2 , Cougars 59, Tigers 49. Ladies High Single Ruth Campbell 218. High Triple Bonnie Bedard 565. Men"s High Single Neil Beuerman 315, High Triple Ron Beuerman 781. Legion Standings High Single Jack Eisler 278, Marg Ungarian 251. High Triple Al Smale. 745, Ella Munro 615. Standings Chiefs-Kids 72, Black Velvets 67, Duffers .64, Ups and DoWais 57, Young Marshalls 55. High Pusseys 42. Y.B.C. Standings Munsters 581/2 , King Kongs 54, Mean Maehiti6 -50: Swats 47'/2 . High Ladies Jackie Nobel 237, 611. High Men Paul Stuart 258, Derek Ccioper 235, 639. Seaforth High School Spit Fires 69, Shagroys 64, Heavy Chevys 59, Mustangs 46. High Men Kevin Young 245, 695, High Ladle, r n Munro 272, '657. Town & 'Country Club Suckers 64, Jellyfish 60, Sharks 55, ° Dolphins 55, Crabs 52, Shrimps 50. High Ladies Marg Ungarian 256, 6511, • High Men Dennis McCallum 290, 704. `• Standings Rosebuds 80, Fruit Loops 78, Slow Stakers 65, Cheerios 64, Apple Jacks 57. Honeycombs 56. Weekly High-Ladies High Single-Betty Bennett 232, La4lies Hensall ladies home from Mrs. Lillian Beer and Mrs. Jack Simmons returned from a holiday in Hawaii. Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLaren, Jodi and Brooke visited over the weekend with Mrs. Lorne Chapman. and Mrs. Bertha MacGregor. My. and Mrs. George Parker and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mc- Bride spent a week holidaying at Huntsville. Triple Joantie Matthe6 627, Men's High Single- Bill Brown 318, Mens-Triple-Bill Brown 742. Season High Ladies Single...Betty Bennett 327, Ladies Triple-Betty' Bennett 709, Ladies Average Bettyenr ing- itsh191:. tvi Ron Beuerman 348, Mens Triple-John Coleman 870, Men's Average John Coleman 226. Alleys 1 &2 Apple Jacks and CheeriosAlieys3 sc 4 Honeycombs and Fruit Loops --- Alleys 5 &6 Rosebuds and Slow . Starters. Spares-Mary Little Jr..165., Helen StewUrt 110, Roy McGonigle 164, Mark Flanagan 169, Miles Little 159, Terry Young' 171, Linda Gridzak 175, Flora Anne !lister 189, Brucefield people in Florida . Correspondent • Mrs. Hugh Berry Mr... and Mrs. Loren ,Rocrald, nee Grace Elliott, Toronto .have had a daughter. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. M. Rodvald„N. Dakota, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott, London. Mrs. Edna Paterson, Mrs. Pearl Eyre , Mr. and Mrs. A. Cribbon left on Wednesday for a vacation in Florida owing to the severe storm they were unable to leave London until Sunday. The annual meeting, Brucetield, United Church will be held Feb. 5th following the ** morning service following a pot hid( lunch. • • • •, • • . • • • •' • • • • • • • • • • • Keith Miller of Seaforth was the unlucky winner of a hard luck .prize after his snowmobile struck a tree when he was participating in the' second annual Whipper Billy Watson Snowarama near Varna on 'Sunday. He was uninsured but the snowmobile was a write-off. About 342 snowmobiles participated in the event which raised over $'30,000. Ben Graham of Goderich who raised $2103 was. the,.top money raiser and as stiCh won an escape weekend trip for two to Toronto., Tom Consitt, reeve of Stanley Township won the warden's challenge trophy for the highest amount' pledged to a municipal leader which, was $527. Randy Collins, general maoager of Hully,-Gully, one of the starting points for the Snowarama, said they have heard that Reeve'Consitt is still getting pledges even though the event is over. Mark Lade, Jr. was the youngest entrant in the Snowarama, and he won a year of cheer and a trophy from FLORIST MacLEAN'S • FLOWERS , FUNERAL HOME Whitney -Ribey Funeral Home ROSS W. RIBEY, DIRECTOR, 87 Goderich St., Seaforth PHONE, 527-1300 CEMETERY MONUMENTS Sincere and courteous service INSURANCE IS YOUR INSURANCE UP TO DATE? See us about Our General Life Investment requirements Seaforth insurance Agency 527-1610 (—OPTOMETAIST —N JOHN.E. LONGSTAFF Seaforth Office 527-1240 Tues,,Thurs„FrI., 9:00 5:30 Wed„ Sat., 9;00 - 12:00 Clinton 482-7010 Monday 9:00 - 5:30 BY APPOINTMENT MacDonalds. " A dance is to be held Saturday night for the workers who were involved in the Snowarama and an award is to be given to the club that had tire best trail. Winners of the Air Canada Trip diaw will be announced in February. Attend;., Presbyterial Mrs. Russell Erratt, Mrs, N44 Britton, Mrs. Ian ,M0Aihster; '7"Mrs. Grace Drummond attended the annual meeting of Huron Perth Presbyterial United church Women on January 24th in .Mitchell. The guest speaker was Mrs, Jean Eaton, Missionary. Her theme being "How Firm a Foundation". Rev. Bougler spoke on "Indian concerns of To-Oar. Donald Smith from,, Alcoholic it;. noitYmous spoke on Youth concerns with Alcoholism and drugs and the prevention. • 0 • (--- SIDING • • ALUMINUM BEARSS O'' • • • • aFloSurmEiAnauFm0c. RosmiTdoiHniegt5.e2s70-111itni2te9a5nodf --1 • i.... • fascia, eavestrough,s doors, • windows, railings, awnings and • shutters. Specializing in custom • encasements. 0 • • • • T.V. r TV & APPLIANCE • • • REPAIR • • All Makes • • Speedy Service • • Jim Broadfoot • • • • • PIANO- • Piano Tuning and • • 0' Repates Bruce Pulsifer • • • .• 527-0053 • • or after six phone • • 482-9618 • • & STEREOTh : • • • I . • • • Complete Line • ZENITH • TELEVISION SALES • AND • STEREO SERVICE • • Seaforth • • Electronics • • • • • • / • • • • • • 0 0 0 0 • • I • 10 • • • • • 6 6 • • • Participants at Clinton checkpoint Snowarama raises $30,000 . Emerson Kyle. The members of the Committee of StewardS are:. Wm. Consitt, Lloyd Cooper, Lloyd ,Lostell, 0. Workman, Eldin Kerr, Grant Jenes, Hank Binnendyk. Keith Love,- Rdy Censitt, Robert. Kinsman, Robert Cooper, Tom Workman. The' President of the U.C.W. is Mrs. Mabel Kyle , the representative of the U.C.W. to The Boss Is Away We're GIVING PERMS AWAY at eliN LV /0 off Weill teach him to go south and leave us in the snow. " SO... call today BRIANS HAIRSTYLING Main....Streef Seaforfh St Andrew -Ps Kippen I has annual meeting • • • • the Official Board is Mrs. Susan gi • • • holiday in Hawaii t • • Faber. • The Congregational Treasurer is Mrs„Lois Anes and Mrs. Mary • Moffatt And Mrs. Barbara Cooper are the organists for 1978. • • Mrs. Tom Reid and Mrs. • Harold Jones attended the Presbyterial of United Church • Women on Tuesday. January 24 • • • • CARPENTRY • • • • Carpentry • •• Reg &Mary • • • • Construction • • All stages of house • • construction, cabinets, • renovating, masonry, • •• doors and windows, • • siding, pole barns, • • • FREE ESTIMATES • Call • REG HADLEY • 345-2564 • • HARV BERNARD • • • • • • • • • 527-1336 • • APPLIANCES • • 523-9441 • • • r---CAR CARE • Complete Line • • • • • CAR CARE PRODUC • • chies s,Sunoc TS 0 • Appliance & Refrigeration Service Autorized factory warranty Service and repairs to GE , FRIGIDAIRE ' & INGLIS APPLIANCES Service and repairs to all makes Don Horne Maintenance 527-0636 _.Seaforth <SUNOCO> 527-0g8l Seaforth Feed Seed, Fertilizer Farm Supplies, Petroleum Supplies Heating Oils, Seaforth Co-op • 527-0770 PHOTOGRAPHYm DAVE RO Professional Photography 8 Chalk $t., Seaforth 527-0064 W Sewing Sewi sery Depot Service to all makes. Free estimates . • Expe9rOiednacy tyewdasrirnaene1952 Sew and Save Centre Ltd. 149 Downie St. 2 doors soh 7o1f-H96u6dosonsl Stratford, Closed Mondays PLUMBING Bill's Plumbing.' & Heating Seaforth Complete Sewer Hook-Up Backhoe & Trucking FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL 527-0203 .... • . . • • • • • • • • ' • • ' , 0 • 4••••••••••••••••••••••••• •Fo••••••••••• 4