HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-09-24, Page 8THE W1N GTLA M TIMES i'PTEMBER 24-, 1897.
Joseph A.cnstrong, of Wingham, was in
the County Town this week--Godrich
Signal.Mr. and 'Mrs Albert Ctterell, cf Pot
FHuron, are visiting friends in Wingham
and vioiuiy.
1 i.lr-J@3d7 (y"'YOOD:lira. \V. C. Pairner anchildren,of
@ .J,t• # Sarnia vcre the gneata during the wek,
• Mers. 17 J Chpmn and John Mowat
re on a business trip to Albany, N. Y.,
and other points,
Miss Kirty Ross and her frind, Mies
Crai, spent a few days with Brussels
friends this week.
Miss Lna Sutherland, of Blyth, wathe guest of her sister, Mrs. A. H. Carr, a
few nays this week.
Mr. and Mrs. T H Ross returned home
on Su.day eening from a short visit to
friends in Seaforth.
Mr. Angus Sutherland, of St. Thomas,
spent a few days in town this week while
onhis way to Walkerton.
' Mr. George Scot is 6pendiug a day or
two in eaforth with leis grandmotner, be
fore leaving for his home in Toronto.%/
Mrs. Russell, who has been visiting her
nephew, Mr. George Russell, left for her
home near Kincardine on Wednesday.
Mies Mggie Cargill, of Duluth, was a;visitor to Winghm thenon Saturday,
whileon her way to visit relatives at Car-
Mrs. Stuart. who leas been visiting her
son, Mr. W. 0. Stuart, for some time, left
on Tuesday to visit her son near St.
Mr. John Fishr returned on Monday
from a driving trip. He visited Guelph,
Drayton, Preston and othr points while
he as away.
i isles Lizie and Kate Konoedy, of
Lower Wingharn, left on Wednesday
morning forMinneapcli, Minn, whretbwill rside.T. J. McLean, representing McCollBros, & Co, manufacturers of oils, etc.,
Toronto, is spending a few dys aitb
friends in Wingham.\'Mr. Andrew Brown, banker, Plyinouth,
Indiana, formerly a reident of ginghamvisited the Western Fair yeserday.—Fri-
day's London Advertiser.
Mr. P. Flannagan, of Hanover, a former
Winghamie, spent a few days in town this
week. air. Flnnagan says Wingham i.
!rut, ::3' Black C th Jack-
ets, Ladies' Co red Cloth
•ick .ats.
homespun Poplins,
,verts, Silk and Wool
fixtures, and a magnific-
ent array of Costume
Cloths in everynew shades
Many exclusive patterns
sh a a'n here for the first
Not a bit too early to
think of Furs. • Those
who buy now have the
choice of the stocks while
at their best. You'll be
surprised at the extent of
our preparations for this
P 0 to
Church to put down block crossing on
Centre street, sante to be pat down under
the supervision of the Pnblio Works Com •
tnittee. -- Carried.
The Couneil then adjourned.
The School or Dress Cuttiug is now
open in the Button Block upstairs,
where Dress Cutting ie all its branches
may be learned by a new tailor eystem,
the leading system cf the world, cuts all
styles of garments en the goods, no pat-
e new
rt and is
cl in many
own home
t any extra
ladies should
perfect them -
t branch of work.
he 20th of October.
terns no retitting, gives all
curves, costs no morn than a c
far ai.:ove any ether then
points, lessons given at yo
or place of business with
charge, Tho Wing no
not mics this chanc
selves in this impo
Open daily until
Free exhibition in drafting egarments
each evening. Girls frof the country
given especial attention.
Designer and Cutter of
Ladies' Garments.
Satray Bargain Da t
soots and Shoes, Ready
made Clothing, Dress Goods,
,baker Flannels, Grey Flan -
els, Gloves, Hosiery, Soft
d Stiff Hats and Ready
ade Mantles at
we shill be alai to h.we contributions to this
rm,e #rum any of our readers. If you have visi-
re or re els:me Coil_ onc.ty yourself, drop is and
us, or sdnd 04 a note to that effect.
Mr T. Hays of Seaforth is in town this
Lilly Nixon 'spent Sunday iu ees, r gray!.
Mr. Adelor Brisbois spent Sunday in
Mr..T. Collins and sister, Teresa, spent
Sunday in Blyth.
Mies Nellie 13radley is on a visit to
friends in Preston.
Mr. Thomas Nash, of Gorrie, was in
town on Thursday.
VISIrs. S. McGee is in Goderich this week
en a lisle, to fciends.'i/
Mr. Will Farquharson is on a visit to
fiieiide in Teeewater.
J. J. Elliott, V. S., of Clifford, was in
town during the week.
Miss H. Stuart is on a, visit to friends in
Luoknow and Goderich.
Mr. G. McIntyre spent a few days in
Mount Forest this week.
Mr. Arthur Knox was in Clinton a
couple of days this week.
Mies Snell is the guest of Mre. W Fos-
ter, of Clinton, this week.
Rev. Wm. Pocock, of Clinton, spent a
few days in town this week.
Mr. J. A. Halsted. of Mount Forest, was
in town a few days this week.
Mrs. D. Geddes, of Lucknow was visit-
ing Wingham friends this week.
Mr. Graham, of Scranton, Penn., is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Boss.
Mia; Bila Deans has gone on a two
wee1ne' visit to friends in Goderich.
Mise Boasin Parker has returned front a
visit to friends in Toronto and Sarnia.
Master Rose Lee, of Seaforth, is on a
v3*tt to friends iii Wingham this week.
Mr. George Scutt, of Toronto, is spend-
faig a few days with old friends in town.
Mrs Hafnlyn, of London, is visiting her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. Dallas, in town.
Mr. Prior, of Windsor, was the guest of
Mrs. R. Alkene during the week.
. iblitlttti of Altorta, Wig., fes
ot5d And other friexcia id
or Sale or to Rent,
Ji '`rat . ,'f`u :: 4 ' u"C :•" .e i:-'t_, iavA+1 ' : i+ "31i 'C "' c-rr t r. t^ t.: -- r}'i '
Closed for Repair.
he ?-rfl
"` 'f " " Sea (r ft tri lr
A farm acres, on Cot cion I,
Kinloss, 4 mi nest of 1. .cknow; 70
acres clear, Incest, • 'n so , good bouee ;
large bank barn ; ep creek ; 2 wells ;
good cistern ; 2 acr o ''chard.
Apply to A STE flT,
Tec nater,
r to Mss. A. ST ART,
L now.
F . H
Opposite Queeo'a Hotel, Wingham.
For an easy Shave and a First -Clare
Hair Cut, give him a trial.
Fiened. —
i uJ
UR SHOP is being en- `
larged and renovated
It will be closed for a L
few clays, will re -open I
next week,
1 r
ire t call special attention to ourL"-'
.s, . ... .. to
[r) This week we de s o a tt e
, Immense Stock of
Arcs You .-
If so it is your advantage to
call on Gordon & Co.'s Drug
Store, Wingham, They
are the agents for the
celebrated Wetmore ' 1
1. Because it is dangerous to be a
moment without ono.
2. It will ne,ver rust and is conse-
quently durable.
3. A person wearing a Wetmore does
not find it a bother.
4. We will guarantee to hold in
position any reducible rupture.
5. This truss cannot possibly move
To lay aside your soiled or faded 1h
after adjustment,
. Some of our townspeople can
testify to its merits. .
. Satisfaction guaranteed or money
snits or overcoats,. but take thein - refunded.
to the Wingharn Cleaning end Dy
ing Woi ks, and have there clean- 1 . i'O, 1.. r'IZ & CC).
ed, dyed and repaired to look like i
new. -
J. W. Sr`IEr . ..
without a doubt, the finest town in Western 1
Ontario. f
Mr. C. K. Willson, of Winnipeg, has Order your,,,,, -
been removed from the Bank of Hamilton
to the branch in this place. Mr. Willsou's
many Wingham frieuds will be pleased. to
have him bank to town again.
A special meeting of the Town Council
was held on Monday evening last, for the
purpose of considering petitions for public
improvements. Members present—Mayer
Morton, Reeve Gregory, Deputy -Reeve
Angus, and Councillors Hanson, Shaw,
Robinson, Robbins, Reading and McKinley.
A petition signed by A. II. Carr and
others was read, asking for concrete side.
walk on the east side of Minnie street,
from south side of Alfred street to a point
opposite aouthsrly limit of lot No. 31,
Mary Cornyn's survey.
Moved by Councillor McKinley, seconded
by Councillor Beading, that the petition of
A. H. Carr and others, for concrete walk,
be received, and Public Works Conmittee
be instructed to proceed with the work,
and that the Cleric's report be referred to
the Court of Revision.—Carried.
A petition signed by D. Campbell and
others was read., asking for a goner te side-
walk on the east side of Minnie street,
from a point opposite lot No. 31, Mary
Cornyn's survey, to the southerly limit of
John street.
Moved by Reeve Gregory, seconded by
Councillor Hanson, that the petition of D.
Campbell and others for concrete walk, be
received, and Public Works Committee be
instructed to proceed with the work, and
that the Clerk's report be referred to the
Court of Revision.—Carried.
A petition signed by John Hanna and
others, was mad, asking for a cenorete
siaewalk on the north side of John street,
from west side of Josephine street to a
point opposite westerly limit of lot No. 8,
John Manna's survey.
Moved by Councillor Robbins, seconded
by Councillor Ilanaon, that no action be
taken this year with the petition signed by
John Timms and others, for concrete walk.
A petition signed by S. J, Smith and
othere, was read, asking for concrete side-
walk on south side of Patrick street, from
west side of Josephine street to east lido oi;
Leopold street.
Moved by Councillor Robbins, ascended
by Councillor Shaw, that the petition of S.
J. Smith And others, for concrete walk, be
received, and 'ubiie Works Committee to
instresceewl to proceed with the work, And
that the C'lerk's report be referred to the
Court of Revision.-mCarried,
Mr. W. Holmes, on behalf of the Man-
ef the PeeeleyarriPs Church, asked
penolessica of Codsall to bsild a cedar
block slowstag on Clooir-e ion*, from the
QQitseteb peeped, to the Mame.
Moved by Colusc bots Bobbie*, gooks$
ChlweetlIkst Skew, eked we sgatat
—AN D—
—FROM Trig --
Before Purchasing Your.
'the Great Englis k Ete!laesST.
Sum Packages Guaranteed ..fo
promptly. and permanently
cure all forms of nervous
1VeaRnes; , Emissions, Sperm-
a:.orrirea, impotency and ail
_ effects of Abuse or Excesses,
v'' •
Mental Worry, eOccesive wee
ofTobaece, Opiueaor Sfimaa
Before and fLCi'. ,, ls, which soon teal to In-
firmity, Insanity, Consuonptioa and an early grave.
lies been prescribed over 55 years in thousands or
cases; is the only P,eniable and honest Medicine
known. Askdrnggistfor Wood's I'hosphodlne; if
he offers come worthless medicine In place of this,
Inclose price In letter, and wo will send by return
mail Price, one package, el; six, 65. One will
please, six will cure. Pamphlets free to any address,
The Wood Colopaiay,
Windsor, Ont., Canada.
Sold in Wingham and everywhere
ny responsible druggists.
---direct importation,— which for Quality,
Valrle and Styles are well worthy of the
careful inspection of every lady who in–
tends purchasing a properly made and
correct fitting garment.
We offer a very handsome 11IANTLE, latest style (no old
out of style Mantles to offer at any price)good material, nice
ht Velvet Collar, perfect fit fur
J Many people would consider that they had
secured a great prize if they got such a
1 garment, even in the great elides at $6.00.
111 We are ini a 'Position to Sell Goods Cheap and we are
l IDoing it Every Day.
Never in the history of this Long Established Business have we
IT sold anything like the quality of Boots and Shoes that we are selling
ril this season. The reason is that we sell the BEST as cheap as others
i sell Common stock for. .
F' Remember that we are Headquarters forte
Conte Early and get the Latest and Rest,
klar Good buiiding lot for .sale cheap and on easy terms.
I151'EDee 9
f11 I711i Wingham. Direct Importer.
}fir—_ir_Ir'_,". f- 9r 4'--,'.-W!'9• =rrllCi ir°-:.'t9r1- -"7 '7..
-_ 5 ,. : ,r_: ,c 7y c. ti._ ,..5 f . i ra-.,r i ti r 7' . n-7
They are certainly the newest ou
The latest designs from both
and have nJ equal in town.
Remember the place, next door to
the Brunswick Ilotel, Win ;ham.
Pri CIO g NIigt ea
a'diihr4A14.01,WJ&'10101091'N,'a,'l0404.'h,9un illell,'llhele4NJ'l,^i,1q,'nP4 .01011,'a,'dame liflitVe'nrV,V1,11.111 10,
We do not want to snake any vain boasts of what we have done or what we'are going to do. • The amount of trade we
have done since we started, speaks for itself. Our expenses are lower than any shop in town in our line, therefore, we can
give our customers the benefit of it, as we can sell at smaller profits. We have never had enongh profit on our goods to give
you an $8 article for $5, but we will sell at a very small profit. We have
EXTENSION TABLES from 1$2.75 up.
r lllf)EBOAUDS.
We can give you a Sideboard, with three drawers and 16 x 28 mirror
(cote the size of mirror, 16 x 28) for 86.25.
Our Chairs and Springl3eda are made up at the factory and we can Make
tale price right an tncni.
llltEIMOOK S16'I')f'il A.
Our st)ek of Bedroom Suites is as good as in town.. Ten different suites
to choose from.
Matresses, Lounges, Picture Framing, Certain Poles.
Our Matresses are all new and clean and of good stock, great value in
them for the money.
Our Lounges are up to date in style and our prices are right.
We do the trade in Picture Framing and repairing Stretchers, any size,
for 20c, its all they are worth, we've never charged any more for then-)
Our stock of Curtain Poles is as good as you can get in the town and the;.
price is right on them.
We have no old stock to get rid of. Everything new and up to date.
our stock of Undertaking is complete and pries reasonable. Remember the place—Opposite Macdonald Block.
Residence - Opposite Foundry.
1'. 8.—We don't want to monops
a rett,aor.able dingoes. Cask is 1Aao
•1'+ztrniturt Dealers end t tdertakerr.
v*I1A414nee *t rtod b>il stn delis
11111' ,3t3`, r C.
A w ;fist