HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-02-02, Page 15Litters are appreciated by Bob Trotter. Eldale Rd Eirtlief bai 430.2C7 - WATCH FOR OUR 4arlet 1118.N Dairy Systems Ltd. 'Sales; Service and Installation of UNIVERSAL pipelines and Villiting Products: R.R. 4 Walton Brussels 887-6063 pm Iwo 1 BANK RATE FINANCING (;)n.all. models - new an-d used Come to Brussels Motors .See Our. Selection Annual Meeting of the Fluron,Countypheat Producers will be held in the Agricultural Board Room, Clinton at 1:30. Tuesday, Feb. 14 Irving Kleiman, Chairman of the Board will be guest speaker. Marketing and Administrative Expenses are in Excess of 40c per Bushel. 7-.7777' 1 0 VARY ,'1976" 0 For some reason I' haVe been aske,d to speak at a num- ber of annual' meetings of agricultural organizations in the pag _year. It is always an 'interesting experience and it keeps me in touch with what is going on at the gtain roots. Now and again, my wife accompanies me into the farm lands of the province, The last time, she made a few com- ments that were precious to me. She' said something to the effect that farmers . were pretty wonderflit, people, that there was no play-acting or face-saVing, nothing 'phoney about those people. I happily agreed because I think country people are more honest than most.-city folk in that they are. unlikely to be putting on the dog or putting on an act or getting into their own melodrama to impress somebody else. ,, They have no reason to appear to be something they are not. They do not pretend, I sometimes think farm women are too honest to dye their hair but I think I am ritiStaken there. guess they are almost as vain as their city counterparts k • in that respect. This h9nesty, this lack of subterfuge. is apparent within a few minutes usually. At a recent meeting during the • dinner, i learned that' the president of the organization had been a prison guard and a part-lime farmer before becom- ing nfull-time dairyman. I was told that his teen-age sons. two of them, had left a city school to move to the boon- docks and one of them had a tough time adjusting but soon became a better farmer than the other. The'informationcarne so easily. so straightforwardly, that I almost felt I was in another time and,another place . • a time years ago when neighbor trusted neighbor and strangers were accepted for what Alley said they were. Un- til they proved themselves otherwise of course., Because farmers are just as shrewd, juSt'as canny, just as eager to make a living as anybody else. They can drive just. as hard a bargain as the toughest agent on Bay\ Street 'and chuckle all the way to the bank, too. But I suggest to Rural honesty °war. for aro: Transportation , and , Comniuni. tations Minister James Snow has.... announced the, . award of • contract for Highways 23 and 8. The 'contract -is for resurfacing on Highway 23-.f from Whalen Corners northerly to Mitchell for ••15,9 miles; and updating of guide rails on Highway 8 from 5.1 miles west of Mitchell easterly to. Stratford west limits 'at various locations, Work on the project is scheduled to begin in May, 1978 with coMpletion set „Am.. Pli07. summer, 4978, The contract is awarded to' Yundt . Brothers ConStruction Limited of Stratford, at a cost of $452,274, Constance. • • . e • cii, , , I hy Jack Riddell MPP] , :'' Meetings ' of• the . Select , ommittce , 'on . Ontario Hydro h Ave begun .and will, no doubt, 1 ontinue for at least a year. During this period of minority -.• , 1,,, kckiy, ewn-me4ft .. .. . -'t h (4, • ll'ee6mthendationg of the i: Committee will, almost certainly, lt.-be ,Ciiiite far reaching. . ., _Ontario' Hydro has ,becOme. a '.,..gra.nt .enterprise, employing tricrusands of people, 'making AeiTi4ii-ds ' on capital " •funding ,.. Ln -.:i , • " .., preeedente,d in the • • . ' • ' tistory of . 'the province, and Influencing the lives . of. every. 4,iiitiien in Ontario. either directly .)Or indirectly. ' • 'a Originally, • it was envisaged 'pat the Select. Committee's work would,' 'after a.. brief 'orientation / gefitid7-for ., . neW, . members unfamiliar .with sonic of the. :•.background, proCeed to study the • problems of cost over runs •••-ineurred.•"bytutnmus--COrpOratinn.. . at the Bruce Healy Water Plants. — --These--over= se--over----runs••-Were—initially— brought to. the attention of the people of Ontario by the-Leader of the Official Opposition, Dr. Stuart .I.Smith-,....early last Fall. At th'at hime, investigations revealed that " ,, • he costs had exceeded. estimates ri by"' about $140 million as Of ' August. Questions : need. to 'be ilatiswered with respect to waste /Ion the ' job, the attitude, of the . Lummus Corporation to the open l • ended contract, the terms of the . . t, , contract,:. and so. forth. I) ' Second Phase in this connection. Mane . important considerations must he taken into :account. There is the question of•spent. fuel waste, and its possible. re processing a possibiltt ,viewed„. some fi0.1000010410.4a$ many of the most learned•Miefem- expeets in'. the world at this time. 'Technocrats ' Another matter ' • 'for considerati.on is the contingency Of a great deal' of political power in the hands of ' fete' highly' , trained technocrats. ;Mere arc also health and.. .safetY- risks • attached • to the provessing of nuclear,fuel before it is utilized in the reactors and the safety of the. reactors themselves must betaken into account. If seems -Thal nuclear power will have tc'meet sonic of our energy needs, at least in the early part of the tWentY 'first •century, P.owetref.; tt should not 'be 'permittbd ' to become Ontttrio-'-s-snl e-ene rgy-source•;-and- there are a number of other .dahle alternatives' which must be developed. A great deal of very useful information has been gathered • by the'R'oyal Commission on electric power planning under the Chairmanship. of Arthur Porter and this will also be considered by the • Select Committee. While these Matters will,,, certainly' be disciiss-ed by•-•'/Iie Select ComMittee, they have been placed in abeyance for the time being, because of the urgent need to consider the question of the longterm contracts signed by the Ontario Hydro' with Denison - Mines and 'Preston Mines for the upply of uranium fuel. Both contracts. arc subject to. Ontario Government approval. Denison. Mine approval must be -given by Order in Council by February you• that there are feWer crooks in the boondocks than on Bay Street. You are leas likely to gat-Wren-for d ride, when dealing with a farther than with almost any other sector of the ecworrty:'''' • This is not to say, mind you,' that eyery farmer oti every farm in Ontario is as honest and as trustworthy as the sun. Heavens, no! Some. of those guys would steal the pennies from a dead man's eyes and cuss him because they weren't . quaeter But I personally feel thde are fewer crooks on the farms than in the big cities. It is wonderfully refreshing for thiS jaded old skeptic to he in almost constant contact with a segment of the popula— tion that,is so easy to get along with. I often think every farmer in Canada should sit down and write a letter to the television stations which carry Funny Farm and Flee Haw.. These shows make the farmer a laughing stock. They do nothing but perpetuate the myth that farmers are stupid clods without enough brains to car: - ry them out of a manure heap. But I tell you it takes a smart,man Labe a'successful farmer these days. He has to be a jack-of-all-trades to make it. He has to be a &id mechanic. n blacksmith, a welder, a bookkeeper, a soil specialist, a market spectaliSt, a geneticist, a crop scientist. a sbothsayer, a•rhanager, a hirer and a firer plus a good husbA-nd and father. Then he has to get enough time to support his own Marketing board, federation, breed as- sociation. church and someare even service' club members. too. Yet those degrading television shows make the farmer seem too stupid to exist. From time to time something happens to bring me down to earth in my assessment .of farmers — such as a cheque ,that bounces to the moon — but most of 'em are clean, honest, hard-working people with whom I am proud to" be associated,, Bless 'em! and 28th. Preston Mines ' apprOval must be given by October 31 tit of • thiS • year. • Premier Davis has asked 'the Select. Committee to consider the contracts , and „"confirm" that they are in the I. public tittitttrev:4 •T'q4 Negotiate Ontar., Hydro began • negotiations with the too companies. 'in 1974. The 2(10 million pounds of uranium fuel involved is intended to feed 5 • eommitte d ;reactor complexes 'from 1980 to .2020, and the contracts, if fulfilled, will coyer the largest Uranium fuel purchiise in history. Based on 1978 prices. the purchase totals $6,5 'billion • dollars', representing a net profit before corporate taxes of about ..$2.5billion.stepending on xes.t.af_., production. Each ' contract contains escalator claiises which tie the price paid to the world price:IS:Web s ould....accordinw to present predictions, 'result 'in _an additonal profit of about $1 baton_ for each .$11 dollar rise in the • world price of uranium a further pOssible $3 billion. It 'is becoming increasingly evident that while the government has lOng known of: the need for' uranium fuel. no --o6tisideration, has been given to alternatives other than simple purchase. As an example, in 1973.. Task Force Hydro suggested that One means of securing adequate fuel supplies would be to acquire control -of a uranium mine-a suggestion consistent with free. enterprise since any corporation, will consider acquisition of a 190 per cent supplier. That was five years ago, when minig stock ss as ..ebeaper. This present contract—. was negotiated right in thenfidst of a seller's market, the worst possible time to make a deal:? \„. 11 i . . , It . was anticipated that the Xecond.phase of discussion would' lentre around , the .Irecommendations made by the previous Select Committee to botli Hydro and the GoVeriinient 'regarding the maximising and ' ,)upgrading of Hydro's system. :Obviously, we need to know what HPlydro has done about •- those 'recommendations, how far it is prepared to go, whether or not- 'institutional barriers will have to .i`be removed in order 'to, acheive SuceeSs. in Implementing - the. • 'recommendations. If the - more (than forty recommendations Were. fully implemented, the efficiency ' of .Ontario's . electric power g-"n6rating systeni would be `proved, and consumer's would neflt by the resultant ' cost teak. • ' Obviously, there will have to be some discussion of the ,t'adviSability of large Centralised .,. ,..1,,,: ' ittetiet versus a more d TetitraliSed systetn, including t1 Whole question of power porttidots, Hopefully, the methods Hiof telecting and siting these , ;power corridors". will also be iauessed at some' length. ?l i Nuclear power in Ontario will, lalso have to be considered in. 't•scithe ' det'ail, and ;.rreCOntniendatitlis will be made to Aid government on fittlire policy r. ,,• / Jock s Jottings Hydro costs problems studie 1:11$1411411 Correspondent Mrs. Mary Merner Mr, and Mrs. Bill. Stevenson and Lisa of Beigrave were Sunday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stevenson, Da y Darren and Luanne. Mr. and Mrs. John ThompsoV':''' Sharon and Bob visited on Sunday. with Mr. ' and Mrs. Terence • Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. JiM Thompson and Leisa of Colborne Township, • - Mr. 'and Mrs., Tom Merner, Jason .and Jeff of London were Monday afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs Carl Merner,, Sandy. Julie. Michael and Shelley. • BRAND NEW TWINS — Michael Pullen, 7, and his brother David ', 10, hold two twin Suffolk lambs, born only hours before, the photo was taken last week. The boys • are the soils of Donald an,d Florence Pullen, 9.R.4, Clinton. The Pllens raise sheep , on their Highway ,8 farm. (Plidtb bY Oke) '77 Chev. Impala, 2 aoor, air conditioning '77 Pontiac 'Parisienne Brougham, 4 door. '77 Chevelle, classic 4 door., '76 Pontiac Le Mans , '75 Oldsmobile Cutlass; 2 door, H.T. '75 Monte Carlo 2 door H.T. •.• • 75 Ford Custoni 500 4 'door sedan 3.'75 Chev: Impala 4 door,- 2 with -air without, '75 Astra,. '74 Buick Century 2 door. '74 Catalina with A.C. '74 Ford Glaxie .500, 2 door, H'.T.A.C. 2-'74 'Ford Custom 500, 2 door H.T. '73' Pontiac 4 door H.T. '73 Chev._ Impala, 4 door H.T.• .71 Pontiac 2 door I-1.T. 75 Chev: ton pick up '74 Ford Louisville with 18' van chassis '73 Ford 1/4 ton pick up '73 Chev. C50 serie ither.....,yan or cab chassis. '73 Ford isVille with cab and chassis. '73 CY . 1 ton pick up Ford 1 ton cab and chassis Number, of '71 - '74 Chew_ Ford. _vans STATION WAGONS '73 'Gran Torino . '74 Chev. Wagon • Box 335 Brussels, Ontario AVINGS! Pull 4 watt output- Led channel readout Volume, Squelch, Mic-Gain, ANL, CB', PA controls $16995 9 NOW ONLY BOB & BETTY/ VARIETY REGULARLY 95 Moire 'Street, Seafotth 527-1680.4., eitimimeoluereammismorrememc. - „- - - , • • Vie like to know our customers by mime! .SEAFORiH _FARMERS CO-Op' 527-0770' Order Your SEED GRAIN. OATS- BARLEY-MIXED GRAIN While Our Stock is Good Be ReOdy. Fpr.