HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-02-02, Page 9,
';Hg 1-11)R0N ixpos6pn; FOilivARY 2, 10 8
litin !couple
WE DID After4 lot of pushing ''teind shoving those\three Pauline Gulutzen,
• Ruth Thamer and Jo Ann McDonald get their snowmobile started and were ready:qo
ride in the Legion poker rally.pver 100 people entered., - (Photo by Langlois),
dessert enjoyed by 50
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0 IN Tik 1:1110
The Boundary and 17th unit
U.C*Wr'-,,,helci their January
meeting with 7 members.present
at •the home of Mrs. Helen
Mrs, Hugh Johnson and Mrs. ,
Helen Williamson were in charge
of devotions. Mrs. Williamson
opened with. a thought- for the
afternoon, followed by singing
hymn, 'For Thy mercy andhy ),,
grace". The scripture reading as
taken.from the 18 Chapter DU, t.
Luke ? verses 20 - 43.
' Mrs. H. Johnson gave the
topic., "Why did this happen to
me". Prayer was offered b,y Mrs-
Williamson followed by Mrs.
Johnson giving a reading entitled
"A, New .Year". Also '• a short
paragraph from the . Observer,
. •. •
"When our children sir4:9way from church, " Hymn "Standing
at the portal" was sting after
which Mrs. Williamson read- an.
Nartew'icley,ea 'r'Lo.,,1ecing ahead in the .
iMrs, Graerne Craig presided
over the. business. Minute s were '
read by Mrs, H. Williamson and
roll call was answered by a "New
Year's Resolution", Thank' Yen
cards were read from Mrs, Maud
Leeming and Miss Patti
McDonald. .
Mrs, Karen Hogey gave the
treasurer's report. Mrs. H.
Johnston gave the report of the
Emergency Fund.' We. are to save
stamps by cutting 1/4" around
stamp and placing them in an
envelope. March 3rd is set for the
W9rtcl Pay Of Ora J
fees for 1978 were
colfected and the yearly programs
were made out:
Next meeting to be held at the
orne of._ Mrs. Martin Baan.
Devotions by Mrs. Harold
-McCallum and Mrs. Paul
.McCallum. c••
`Mrs. Johnston -closed the
meeting with prayer. A social half
hotir was enjoyed during lunch,
John Van viiet,,,Pia RobinsOii
and Bob Wilson arrivesi beam on
the weekend from a 3 week motor
trip to California. They • were
-stranded for a few days in the
storm that hit through'the States
last week..
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bewley
have received word from their
sop-in-law and daughter, WOO '
and Mary Baker in Darwiao
Australia after In returned'
home from.their recent visit, in the
area, In' the telephony
conver lsation they were quite /
concerned about hearing that the._
storm had reached up into
Ontario; froM the States,' they
_usually only get reports of the
weather, in the Statesz_
O'AC says snowmobiles
damage ;crops, and lOnd
popular recreational vehicles, but
for Ontario 'farmers they hfve
become a nuisance, says R. W.
Snowmobiles may have become of the farmer. But few %people
know that snowmobiles affect the
life of the crop. For example, if
alfalfa is smothered in the first
winter after planting,.the yield is Irwin of the School of Engineer-
ing, Ontario Agricultural College, decreased on that field as long as
the stand remainds years ). Guelph.
Because their tracks-reduce 'in some—cases,. - snowmobiles -
the yield and quality of crops, crossing fields fracture and break
snowmobiles should not be frozen leaves of hay, ' pasture
operateff`on -drop land. plants, and fall wheatppening the
Professor Irwin says that vast Possibility of disease invasion:
open fields of snow, invite Snowmobile tracks also compact
the snow, increasing the density invasion of private property,
frequently without the permission of the packed snow and
destroying its insulating value. • ReportOle , A depth 'of 'snow prevents the
deep penetration .of fnist, says
Professor Irwin. The increased
depsity and increase in realtive
water content encourages frost
by a sing song of old 'familiar sponsored by Kent County Fothergill, Tom Pollard and
The chidlren retired to the • the meeting of the Ontario Farm . was held.
Helen Lawson reported that the cancelled the January program March 5th as Rev. McDonald is personal injury .or damage to
. U.C.W. had sponsored Gail Lear's will be followed. • on holidays -. Contact key. John, $400 they must report the
property apparently .. exceeding
Music recital', Florence The W.I. card party cancelled ., Oestreck'er, 'Clinton, if in need ot
Cartwright •to .Westminister on Friday will be held this Friday, the `police. minister. . ' '
weekend, Marjorie Duizer' and ' February 3rd at 8;30 p.m. with
JoanWhyte to Alma College and a the same commitee in charge.
foster child. The UC W had made Mr. Jim Jameison is a. patient'
donations to Elaine' Townshend in University Hospital, London.
and medical student in Nepal, •
Burns U.C.W.W to Arc Industries
. and Camp Menes ,tun6 , U,-C-VV. - • Stewards •••••-. J. .The.. 978 U.C.W. executive is:
Allen Bosman reported: for PresideitC- Helen Lawson, 1st.
Stewards that new eavestrough- ' -9--P-fesident - Edythe Beacom;
• ing was, installed on church. He 2nd-• Vice President - 'Gail •leaf;
' thanked vollunteer help on Secretary - Nona Pipe; Treasurer
painting of church and caretakers , Margaret Good. Program
Lena Nesbitt and family. Convener - Margaret Anderson.
' '' Trudy Pollard for the treasurer Ass. Secretary .- Joan Whyte;'
. expressed her thanks to last Nominating__ comtnitt_ee _Addie--
---• year's treasurer—H-arry--Learjor---Friiiiki ni , Betty Moon 7
his help. Mrs.. Margaret Whyte Communications co-ordiantor for the session thanked the choir Dora Shobbrook..
leader, . organist, Junior choir steward:ship • and finance -
leaders, pianist, greeters and Margaret' Good and Edyth
ushers. Beacom. Leadership development
The church has a membership Addie Flunking. Gail Lear Church
of ' 459 , and in 1,977, saw 14 and , society Dora Shobbrook,
baptisms, 20 marriages and 13 supply and welfare -Laura Lyon,
An excellent attendance of . On January 24 Norman - have read upper lip ,norleg,
•more than 50 enjoyed a pot luck . °Alexander • attended , the . United Church
deSsert, at the annual congrega- ' "Municipal Drain Management Greeters to the United Church ' .'
tional meeting January 23rd. and Water Quality Seminar" at • on Sunday morning id were Clara accent.
' Rev. McDonald welconied • all Ridgetovvn College of Riley and Nelson McClure.. .
and asked the blesSing followed, ' Agricultural Technology, . Ushers wer greg Andrews, Kevin now $400
auditorium' where films were. Drainage Association -in 1,briden. The church anthem was
,shown with Way,pc Hulley , at - . ."Beautifid Road"' with Louise ,
tirojector.. • • .. .• Mr. and. Mrs. John, Radford McGregor organist and' Ruth'
Hattie Wood, was recording returned home .on Saturday night , aliaddick, ehoir leader. Rev.
secretary and' Rev. McDonald ' 'from a 10 day vacation in the • D ,.. McDonald installed .U.C.W.
• conducted 'the .business of. the' ,parvawaos•
meeting,' a. pang, discussion on '. Mr. and. Mrs. Robert HOmuth , • e
,,,Thechildren's story was "Why
reports of past year. , . Clinton, spent last week with Frank was punished": Junior and
Gary Jewitt reported for ' grandsons, Robbie, Michael and Kindergartenteachers were Irene
Sunday School. 98 registered with , Brent Ratiferd4while their parents . Bromley, Ruthann Perfound,
a good average attendance.. Two • ., were on holidaYsi„'----- Marguerite
-...,,d___ • Gross and Barbara
family crokinole parties wereheld W.I. Meeting will be Tie i'' ;Knox. • The MesSage•was "The
and a special pagegtiC and carol ,FebruatYlifiNt..§V.m.fili. ha L •.: 4,-,,w- :---,- :cfeason for hope • in 'Today's
Christmas service. ' As the January meeting 'was World." The next service will be
• - hymns ,L with- ' ANC McGre or at
the piano. ,On January 20 and 27 he was, at
• • to worhship a gospel hymn Sing
Federation of Agriculture EdWard Riley. Following the pall• The Ministry of Transportation
and Communications reminds
motorists that the amount of
property damage in a reportable
ntetor vehicle accident has been
• raised from ,55200 • to $400,
effective Jan 1978.
This amount reflects 'more
realistically the continually
increasing coststfor parts and
labour to' repair motor, vehicles
involved in accidents. •
Motorsits are further reminded
that if the.y„are iirivipg a motor
moped r and involved in-.•
an accident• Which results in
accident to
burials. t
' Board
Gordon Shobbrook'reportcad
Official Board are planning Pon
installing a telephone.
The Messengers have 28
members, Explorers 18. Cubs 27
Scotits 12 andare badly in need
of Volunteer Adult leaders. The
C.G.I.T. is a small group.
• Nomianted were:
' Session 5 years: Bert Lynn,
Nelson McClure, Gordon
Shobbrook and Jack Tamblyn.
Youth 2 year, Ken Pollard,
David Lear, Stewards 3 years. Bill
Bromley, Melvyn Knox, Robert
Trick, Glenn McGregor.
Church trustee 5 year term,
Lloyd Pipe. Manse Trustee - 4
- yeal term Raymond Kennedy.
Auditors ° - Mts. Norman
Alexander, •Jim Jameison.
Representatives to
Presbytery,, Laura Forbes,
-Neiman Alexander,„ Alternate
" Edythe ' Beacom. Manse
Committee - Helen Lee, Elwood
Mitchell, Fern McClure, Mrs..
Jim Scott Jr.
Congregational Life and work.
Bev Riley, Laura Scott. Bible
Society, Emerson Hesk, Jean
Leiper, Laura Lyon, Clara Riley,
Helen Alexander. ,
Anniversary comitiittee - HarrS,
Lear, Margaret Whyte, Dennis
Penfound, 1.11C.W. President ,
Organist and choir leader.
Nick Whyte, on behalf of the 1
1 congre' ation, moved a vote of 4 MODERN ROTARY
thanks t'Rev. McDonald for his
dedida" leadership' and his I PHONE Neil 527-1737
untiring work 'lit the community. l' Durl 527.6828
^ A standing Ovation was given by I . JIM 52/-0775 eveiiione.
Mary Longman and %, Mary • Peel.
Community friendship -visiting
Dora ShPbbrook, Elsie Shaddick;
Christian Development - Program
Convenor - Margaret Anderson;
World Outreach - Marion
Pianist bail Lear, Assistant
Genevieve Allen, represe ntative
to Manse- Committee, Laura
Lyon. representative to 'Board of
Stewards, Helen Lee, In church
'service funeral lunch - Mary
Longman, Norma Gloushor,
Addie , Flunking, Kay
Saundercock and Vi burns.
Buying committee - Dora
Shobbrook, Elsie Shaddick, Social
Committee - Brenda Radford,
Audr-ey Thompson, Mary- Peel
and Marion. Snell. Unit•Leaders
Berean - Hattie Wood, Aimwoll -
Audrey Thompson.
Mr. " -and Mrs. —Tieirhan
Westerhout returned from
enjoying a 2 week vacation to
Acapulco, Mexico. Last week's
report on Edwin Woods should
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