HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-02-02, Page 7(
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The` booklet, "Worth Watching"
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Toronto, Ontario, M56 1X6
• • ,,..---, • • •
Doe, Williatn P.
R.R. 6 Walton,
Ont. Dec. 1-0-9-8-7
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expires the first of
December 1977. The digit
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Judith Elaine,Graver, daughter; of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Graver,
of Mitchell and Norman J. M. Sim, son of Mr. •and Mrs. David
Sim, R.R.3, Kippen, were married -by Rev. B . Scott in St. John's
United Church, Stratford on September 17, 1977. Sister of the
bride, MrS. Linda Hill was matron of honour, groomsman was
' Cameton Holland of Seaforth. Following the ceremony a
reception was held at Canadian Legion Hall, Mitchell,
Dianne Elizabeth McNichol, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
McNichol of R.R.4, Walton and James .Raymorid Miller, son, of
Q Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Miller of R.R.1, Mitchell were married
at Ca,van United Church in Winthrop on Friday, January 27.
REv. M. E. Reuber officiated at the double-ring cetriony:' Maid
of honor was Debbie Shaw 'of Stratford. Bridegniaidt' were
Margaret Lamoni of SeaforthKathy Dalton of Lotidesboro 'and
Barb Cotten of Kitchener. Groomsman was Larry Pridham of
• R.R.1, Fullarton. Ushers were Brian Walkon of R.R.1, Fullarton
Ken Harris, R.R. 1; Dublin, Jim McNichol, R.R.4, Walton.
Marjorie Papple was the organist and GraeineCraig the soloist.
The couple will reside at 147 Waterloo )St., Mitchell.
(Photo by Phillips).
Patricia • Anne McDonald,
daughter .of • Don ', and Marilyn
McDonald,117R7/12, Brussels and
Mary Margaret Kelly, daughter of James and Marie Kelly of
46 George St., Seaforth and 'John Mark Nash, son of JameS and
Ginette Nash of R.R.5, Soarer h were married at St. James'
Roman Catholic Church on Fr' ay, January 7. Rev. H. .Laragh -
officiated at the ceremony. id. of honor was Lorraine Staples of
Seaforth, Bridesmaids were se Marie Pickering of Stratford,
Wilma Jansen of Seaforth' and Audrey Nash of , Seaforlh.
Groomsman Was Garry Nash of R.R.5, Seafnith.'Ushers were
Jim- and Dan Nash of Seaforth and John Van Dooren
Seaforth. Marg. SillSi'•;ras organist and Rose and Piet Loomans
•sang. ..A reception followed at Brodhagen Conumntriy Ccau:e_
-Following a wedding trip the Bahamas the couple arc living at
Seaforth. (Photo by Robb)
Barry Gerald' Brenincr. son of Bill
and Frances Bremner. Brussels
exchanged wedding ,vows. in a
double ring ceremony held in
Duff's...United Church'Walton on
.Ivtuary 6.at 7 o'clock. Rev. Baker
officiating. ,
The Maid of honour„iss 'Jane
Lceming. Toronto, Guy S•troop.
• Listowel. was t he • beSt man
Pat 'and Barry .Bremner arc
residing at 36 Cooper 'Street.
Stratford, where Barry is
employed at Blacloltone Industrial
in our homes,we rehlize the role of James Axtman, Walton;
Jesus in-dur daily livesg • then we
R.11,1. • Varna;
Vice President, Mrs. World Uutrieagh, Mrs. Michael
at doeS the offer really promise?
• s the advertising actually informative?
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o I realty need the article? C .
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at a lower price locally?
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The theme "How Firm a
Foundation" formed, the setting .
for the 1 I th annual' meeting of
Huron Perth Presbyterial United
Church Women held in Main . St.
'United Church, Mitchell on -jan.
'Nearly 400 members attended
the Annual who were welcomed
by the president, Mrs. L. Strong,
Egniondville and greetings from
Mrs; Ruth .Beard, Mitchell after
an opening: worshop by
Thamesview U.C.W. with an
informative kit... ' • '
Mrs• Marion Anderson, 2nd.
vi;:e President of London
Conference U.C.W. brought
greetings retnarking that if there
is a need in the Conn the
U.C.W. is there helping whether
a sad or happy occasion. Witness__
and fellowship unite women 'Of
the 'Congregation to unite in,
Jesus Christ to "Serve in
Fa it h.",
A Book . Commercials' . was
presented by Mrs. M. Pridham.
L, Canec UnitecL'Clitirch
Publishing House, Toronto had
an excellent 'Supply of bookS
related to programmes and
worship to be purchased.'.Also_the
Reseuree Centre, Mitchell ; gave.
their ass istance.
--- Mrs.. M. 'Wilkins, tucknow,
used to have a 11 ouse built of
ilannelgraph as each report was
11.'4 of the' past year's work of.)
Stewardship. Christian Develop- ••
Leadership Development. -
Church • in ' SoeWty, World,
Outreach.. Communications and
_In-Church Services. They
reported many activities front
Bible and Mission study,
Worship, Dedication and Service
to others. Sharing of Talents,
Social ditties in the Church and
,Cominunit'y, •
Duriiig• the October Regional
Rallies, workshops were 11 cid and
much 'enthusiasm was expressed
in receiving. a Spiritual renewal
ton;'also knowledge, of the revised
Guidelines. . • ...• • Yciulh Concerns were
prose wed by , Don Smythe of
London, It ;is a vital Christian
concern to; ;km+ about , Alcohol
and ch, gs that present problems
to Youtl . FlestreSsed prevention
by s dying the problems. 'Toe
Alp la • held one of its most
•suceeSsful years: motto . for
co.e-icep.ers to gel' ,along but •
dkm .t go along..
Rev. M. •Boulger,, Monkton,
'had question and answer period
on "Intiian concerns of Today".
The discussion was intensely
interesting with .up-to4atie-
knowledge of latest developments
in the Northern Regions and their
changing 'lifestyles and problems
due to modern advancements in
restructuring in certain areas with
Hydro and Gas lines. •
Flow Firm a FoUndatiOn, was
he theme used by the oftcrnoon
speaker.. Mrs: Jean Eaton, Staffa.
Sh.e• and her ht.shand• had b eon
a mission in 'India • and
Bangladesh and spoke of many.
incidents While there. It' we teach
about Jesus,,read the Bible daily
also have Christ 41s- the foundation "
of each of our ;fives, she said. ..
They found people in other
countries to be very courteous: No'
than, no. church is exclusive of
God, she said.
We here in' Canada should be ..,ft'
joyful- as we. are surrounded with
all types of
conveniences,' Mrs,
Eaton stressed. In other countries
they do• not have so many
conveniences but, seem to be
-A solo "God hat h not
Promised" 'was. sung, by Mrs.
Luella Nash of• St. Marys.
Gratitude was "expressed by
President, Mrs. Strong for the,,
excellent work' of her .execu ive
,..and all the Unite•I'Clitn;ch Women • -
during the, past two years. •
closing coniments„ Were made
by Mrs. Doris Zurbrigg,
President for 1978 who gave this
thought "God thinks of you each
as a pearl of great price". •
Mrs. Roy • °G a 1 yv a y
gave the noniinating. report. •. •
Officers for 1978 are: Past ,
President, Mrs. Leonard' Strong,
.Egmondville; President, Mrs.
Franklin Zurbrigg, Listowel; first
Vice Pr esident Elmer
Bdulger, Monkton; Archives,
Mrs. Robert Waiters,,
Huron Regional Presidents;
-North, Mrs. Edgar Gedecke,
Fordwich; West, Mrs. Charles
Wilkins, R.R.3, Luckriow;' East,
Mrs. Ruby
me named. Elkucefield;
Perth Regional- presidents :
North, Mrs. Mary Raycraft,
R.R.2, Milverton; NOrth Reg.
Vice president, Mrs. G.M.McKay.
Linwood; West, not named; East,
not named;' South, Mrs. Lorne
Hern, R.R.1, VVoodharn.
\ Mail order gimmicks to guard
along with a checklist to help
you avoid prciblerns when ordering
goods, are spelled out in a new'
Information Bulletin from your
Ontario Ministry 'of Consume;. and
Commercial Relations. The bulletin .
tells you where and how to check a
company's reputation and outlines
your rights under the Ontario
Business Practices Act.
For further assistance, or a free copy
of the Iriforrnation Bulletin "The
Mail Order BusinesS: Protecting Your
-Dollars ."— write to:
Consumer Information Centre
Ministry of Consumer est
Commercial Relatiolirs
555 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2H6 .
Also available is a new Information
Bulletin on PhOny Charities:
"Avoiding Phony Charities: How To
Be A Cautious Donor":
Larry Grossman,
Minister of Consumer
• and Commercial Relations ,
William Davis, Premier
Province of Ontario
This is what
Ontariois doing
to help you
get a fair d
Today you can order almost anything
by mail—seeds, books, department
store merchandise, body-building
exercises and even "diplamas".
Most mail order organizations are
honest, but a srepll percentage are not
---,and give the entire industry a bad
name.' So before you deal with a mail
order business, ask yourself;
from mail
WalterS, R .R:3, ,Kippen; corres-
ponding secretary • - Mrs.
Ca mpbtll Wey, R,R.4,
Recording secretary.
MelRYn Narges, ''R.R.1; • GoWans-
town; Treasurer, Mrs. Kernick
Goderic , (Nominations, Mrs,
'Leonard - Strong, Egmondville;
Communications CoAordinator,
Mrs. Myrtle Johnstone, Goder-
ich, 'Leader , Develop-
ment,,Mrs. Howat J Pym, R.R.1,
Centralia; Church in society, Mrs.
William Coultes, R.R.5, Brussels;
Christian. Development, Mrs.
rder fraud.