HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-02-02, Page 7( Keeping a watchful eye on yOur meter can help you save electricity around your home—and we have a free booklet to help you do it. A. It lists many wise ideas for saving„ electricity in lighting, heating, and appliances. In - addition it shows you hoW to •read yOUr meter and keep a record of the progress you're making in energy conservation.. The` booklet, "Worth Watching" is yours for the asking from your local, Hydro. Or write to Ontario Hydro, Dept. W 700 University Avenue Toronto, Ontario, M56 1X6 4:31 •-• • • ,,..---, • • • HERE'S, HOW'. EXAMPLE Doe, Williatn P. R.R. 6 Walton, Ont. Dec. 1-0-9-8-7 Mi. Doe's subscription expires the first of December 1977. The digit to the rightindicates the year of expiry. e•—•...7—.w•-•••••• Please. Check Your SUBSCRIPTIQN. . Exp!ry Dote: -- Please watch the date on your - label and renew before your subscriptiO expires ran .. .... •i SIM RAVER Judith Elaine,Graver, daughter; of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Graver, of Mitchell and Norman J. M. Sim, son of Mr. •and Mrs. David Sim, R.R.3, Kippen, were married -by Rev. B . Scott in St. John's United Church, Stratford on September 17, 1977. Sister of the bride, MrS. Linda Hill was matron of honour, groomsman was ' Cameton Holland of Seaforth. Following the ceremony a reception was held at Canadian Legion Hall, Mitchell, MILLER-- McNICHOL Dianne Elizabeth McNichol, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McNichol of R.R.4, Walton and James .Raymorid Miller, son, of Q Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Miller of R.R.1, Mitchell were married at Ca,van United Church in Winthrop on Friday, January 27. REv. M. E. Reuber officiated at the double-ring cetriony:' Maid of honor was Debbie Shaw 'of Stratford. Bridegniaidt' were Margaret Lamoni of SeaforthKathy Dalton of Lotidesboro 'and Barb Cotten of Kitchener. Groomsman was Larry Pridham of • R.R.1, Fullarton. Ushers were Brian Walkon of R.R.1, Fullarton Ken Harris, R.R. 1; Dublin, Jim McNichol, R.R.4, Walton. Marjorie Papple was the organist and GraeineCraig the soloist. The couple will reside at 147 Waterloo )St., Mitchell. (Photo by Phillips). • Patricia • Anne McDonald, daughter .of • Don ', and Marilyn McDonald,117R7/12, Brussels and Mary Margaret Kelly, daughter of James and Marie Kelly of 46 George St., Seaforth and 'John Mark Nash, son of JameS and Ginette Nash of R.R.5, Soarer h were married at St. James' Roman Catholic Church on Fr' ay, January 7. Rev. H. .Laragh - officiated at the ceremony. id. of honor was Lorraine Staples of Seaforth, Bridesmaids were se Marie Pickering of Stratford, Wilma Jansen of Seaforth' and Audrey Nash of , Seaforlh. Groomsman Was Garry Nash of R.R.5, Seafnith.'Ushers were Jim- and Dan Nash of Seaforth and John Van Dooren Seaforth. Marg. SillSi'•;ras organist and Rose and Piet Loomans •sang. ..A reception followed at Brodhagen Conumntriy Ccau:e_ -Following a wedding trip the Bahamas the couple arc living at Seaforth. (Photo by Robb) BREMNER-McDONALD •)‘ NAsti — KELLY Barry Gerald' Brenincr. son of Bill and Frances Bremner. Brussels exchanged wedding ,vows. in a double ring ceremony held in Duff's...United Church'Walton on .Ivtuary 6.at 7 o'clock. Rev. Baker officiating. , The Maid of honour„iss 'Jane Lceming. Toronto, Guy S•troop. • Listowel. was t he • beSt man Pat 'and Barry .Bremner arc residing at 36 Cooper 'Street. Stratford, where Barry is employed at Blacloltone Industrial Products. in our homes,we rehlize the role of James Axtman, Walton; Jesus in-dur daily livesg • then we R.11,1. • Varna; Vice President, Mrs. World Uutrieagh, Mrs. Michael at doeS the offer really promise? • s the advertising actually informative? • o I know this company's reputation? o I realty need the article? C . • Could I purchase the same article . at a lower price locally? • Can I pay c.cs d. ? (cash on delivery) • 'Is there a mohey.back.guatantee? The theme "How Firm a Foundation" formed, the setting . for the 1 I th annual' meeting of Huron Perth Presbyterial United Church Women held in Main . St. 'United Church, Mitchell on -jan. 24, 'Nearly 400 members attended the Annual who were welcomed by the president, Mrs. L. Strong, Egniondville and greetings from Mrs; Ruth .Beard, Mitchell after an opening: worshop by Thamesview U.C.W. with an informative kit... ' • ' Mrs• Marion Anderson, 2nd. vi;:e President of London Conference U.C.W. brought greetings retnarking that if there is a need in the Conn the U.C.W. is there helping whether a sad or happy occasion. Witness__ and fellowship unite women 'Of the 'Congregation to unite in, Jesus Christ to "Serve in Fa it h.", A Book . Commercials' . was presented by Mrs. M. Pridham. L, Canec UnitecL'Clitirch Publishing House, Toronto had an excellent 'Supply of bookS related to programmes and worship to be purchased.'.Also_the Reseuree Centre, Mitchell ; gave. their ass istance. --- Mrs.. M. 'Wilkins, tucknow, used to have a 11 ouse built of ilannelgraph as each report was 11.'4 of the' past year's work of.) Stewardship. Christian Develop- •• Leadership Development. - Church • in ' SoeWty, World, Outreach.. Communications and _In-Church Services. They reported many activities front Bible and Mission study, Worship, Dedication and Service to others. Sharing of Talents, Social ditties in the Church and ,Cominunit'y, • Duriiig• the October Regional Rallies, workshops were 11 cid and much 'enthusiasm was expressed in receiving. a Spiritual renewal ton;'also knowledge, of the revised Guidelines. . • ...• • Yciulh Concerns were prose wed by , Don Smythe of London, It ;is a vital Christian concern to; ;km+ about , Alcohol and ch, gs that present problems to Youtl . FlestreSsed prevention by s dying the problems. 'Toe Alp la • held one of its most •suceeSsful years: motto . for co.e-icep.ers to gel' ,along but • dkm .t go along.. Rev. M. •Boulger,, Monkton, 'had question and answer period on "Intiian concerns of Today". The discussion was intensely interesting with .up-to4atie- knowledge of latest developments in the Northern Regions and their changing 'lifestyles and problems due to modern advancements in restructuring in certain areas with Hydro and Gas lines. • Flow Firm a FoUndatiOn, was he theme used by the oftcrnoon speaker.. Mrs: Jean Eaton, Staffa. Sh.e• and her ht.shand• had b eon a mission in 'India • and Bangladesh and spoke of many. incidents While there. It' we teach about Jesus,,read the Bible daily also have Christ 41s- the foundation " of each of our ;fives, she said. .. They found people in other countries to be very courteous: No' than, no. church is exclusive of God, she said. We here in' Canada should be ..,ft' joyful- as we. are surrounded with all types of . conveniences,' Mrs, Eaton stressed. In other countries they do• not have so many conveniences but, seem to be happy. -A solo "God hat h not Promised" 'was. sung, by Mrs. Luella Nash of• St. Marys. Gratitude was "expressed by President, Mrs. Strong for the,, excellent work' of her .execu ive ,..and all the Unite•I'Clitn;ch Women • - during the, past two years. • closing coniments„ Were made by Mrs. Doris Zurbrigg, President for 1978 who gave this thought "God thinks of you each as a pearl of great price". • Mrs. Roy • °G a 1 yv a y gave the noniinating. report. •. • Officers for 1978 are: Past , President, Mrs. Leonard' Strong, .Egmondville; President, Mrs. Franklin Zurbrigg, Listowel; first Vice Pr esident Elmer Bdulger, Monkton; Archives, Mrs. Robert Waiters,, Kippen. Huron Regional Presidents; -North, Mrs. Edgar Gedecke, Fordwich; West, Mrs. Charles Wilkins, R.R.3, Luckriow;' East, Mrs. Ruby not me named. Elkucefield; Perth Regional- presidents : North, Mrs. Mary Raycraft, R.R.2, Milverton; NOrth Reg. Vice president, Mrs. G.M.McKay. Linwood; West, not named; East, not named;' South, Mrs. Lorne Hern, R.R.1, VVoodharn. \ Mail order gimmicks to guard along with a checklist to help you avoid prciblerns when ordering goods, are spelled out in a new' Information Bulletin from your Ontario Ministry 'of Consume;. and Commercial Relations. The bulletin . tells you where and how to check a company's reputation and outlines your rights under the Ontario Business Practices Act. For further assistance, or a free copy of the Iriforrnation Bulletin "The Mail Order BusinesS: Protecting Your -Dollars ."— write to: Consumer Information Centre Ministry of Consumer est Commercial Relatiolirs 555 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario M7A 2H6 . Also available is a new Information Bulletin on PhOny Charities: "Avoiding Phony Charities: How To Be A Cautious Donor": Larry Grossman, Minister of Consumer • and Commercial Relations , William Davis, Premier Province of Ontario This is what Ontariois doing to help you get a fair d Today you can order almost anything by mail—seeds, books, department store merchandise, body-building exercises and even "diplamas". Most mail order organizations are honest, but a srepll percentage are not ---,and give the entire industry a bad name.' So before you deal with a mail order business, ask yourself; Protect from mail second Robert WalterS, R .R:3, ,Kippen; corres- ponding secretary • - Mrs. Ca mpbtll Wey, R,R.4, Recording secretary. MelRYn Narges, ''R.R.1; • GoWans- town; Treasurer, Mrs. Kernick Goderic , (Nominations, Mrs, 'Leonard - Strong, Egmondville; Communications CoAordinator, Mrs. Myrtle Johnstone, Goder- ich, 'Leader , Develop- ment,,Mrs. Howat J Pym, R.R.1, Centralia; Church in society, Mrs. William Coultes, R.R.5, Brussels; Christian. Development, Mrs. ourself rder fraud.