HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-02-02, Page 5876 1978 102 ANNUAL - MEETING " Century of -Service" McKILL0-13 MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Established 1876 NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Policyholders of the Company will be held at the TOWN HALL SEAFORTH , ONTARIO Friday, February 10 1978 `1:30 p.m. -To receive and dispose of the Financial and Auditor's Reports, 0-Tor elect Directors, -To appoint Auditors, -To consider and enact a proposed amendment to Company By-law No. 33 re Remuneration, -To transact any other business that may properly come before the meeting. The retleing Directors are Fibbed Archibald, WM. R. Pepper and Kenneth 0. Carnochan. Kenneth Carnochan is eligible for re'-election. MRS. MARGARET SHARP, Secretaryl*reasurer 1 Cable T.V. News 'Fehr service or hookup call your operator ail askfor Zenith 82110 leaving you'r name, address and telephone number. • Mitchell 7 Seaforth -C;able I.V. GIVE IT YOUR BEST SHOT, MEN—These men who work for Robert Bell Industries, go to, work pulliing a truck out of the snow. The vehicle was the_/ last one they moved out of their parking lot on Thursday afternoon during the snow Storm: (Expositor Photo) V.Vedding.,:g00on,.....cipspite storm -Lucky Winners; Dublin .,and District, Mifehell and District Lions T.V. Flonne Bingo Channel 12 cable last Wednesday night lists the following winners: June McConnell,. Mitchell $20,00; Marlene Britton, Seaforth $20.00; June McConnell, Mitchell $35.00; Dublin and District Leos held a well attended toboggan party last Saturday on Staffa mountain. 24 young people were in attenilaTice. Leo Club Director .Jaines Paratchek reported that there was a toboggan to fit him. CNR train and snow plow from Stratford had difficulty moving the snow west of D Sunday afternoon with e snowplow leaving the rails It was 'ut, back on, repaired an• ally ade hrough to Goderich. High school stude r is are invited to participate i upervised , sports every Wee -, esday night 7:30-9:3Q , p.m. at St. Patrick's Community School. Due to'lack of interest,' the adult sports night usually held every other Thursday evening has .been cancelled. Just a reminder that Moms and Tots afternoon program continues 9n Wednesday Fjebruary 8, 110-3:00 p.m. at St. /Patrick's Community School. Remember, 'you do not have to be a Mom to participate. If you have any questions about the above, please contact Mary Litwjller -community co-ordinator 34S-2033. Don MacRae finally sold a winner on the Knights of Columbus ' monthly share - the- wealth draw. Prize of $318.00 to, Mr. Alex Miller, Brunswick St. Stratford. , in ditch tipping his machine at ' .an awkward angle into the , now filled east ditch. It was 4:30 a,m. , when the mishap occurred -about a half mile south of Seaffa..------- Fortunately Mr. Siemon was not injured nor was the big machine damaged. However it was out-of commissioirfor over 10 hours before a wrecker was able to pull it, back• onto the road. Hank Kramers,Dublin $20.00; Bill. Austin, Seaforth $20.00; . Peter Van Nynatten, Mitchell jack ra, er pot winner $140:00. by Wilma Oke The end of the big blizzard did not ;mean the end of trouble, especially for Perth County snow -plow operator, Ivan Siemon of Mitchell. Opening up. Perth Connty road No. 10 between Cromarty and Staffa early Saturdak_morning„- Mr. Siemon and his grader-snow- plow slid off the ice-coated road COMPLETE INSULATION SERVICE ISOFOAM mem URETHANE and ROCK WOOL INSULATION ' ' Sprayed, in 'place - Urethane Insulation, for all types of farm buildings, new and older homes, warehouses, cottages, retail stores', etc. • FREE ESTIMATES • CALL US TODAY • ALL WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED II. VAN MORSEL INSULATION RR 5 Mitchell— Phone. 348-9376 • DUE TO THE STORM OUR MID 'WINTER n SALE. CONTINUES Phone 262-202 3 onthrois onthrois ofjlensall THE PRICE IS RIGHT Lhase away those mid winter blues by corning to Bonthron's Mid Vgint-e-r- Home Furni.shing Sole. Light u p your klie and your home with our beautiful home kurnishings. Belay,/ ore just•a few o f the many bargains assailable Ahroughout tile store. BOAOOM.SligS LIVING ROOM oS w 5 at o° ' Sala. Chair and Consistin"gI 8 Chair , s I 9900 0 oan. anIV 11,0 A Pieces t you as.. I nest IV( , UpSCM`f VT u soPt. aliAl,11.,to 6 P.M• WOO .9 P CLOSED IsPIACIPIS 9S.E. PLL. SALES Cp.SH ALL t/stosSuisator p sore aloa DEI,NER .1 NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE CEDAR CHESTS 20% .ott Retail Price ECliON,AL -93" sOA S and one ar?il LoveSeat • Rust velvet $79900 only tie: to 40% -prt 3 COESTE 799,00 FIELD/SUYIES Values dP. lo • Reduced. clear Only to 41,7 7n 5,°°' 120 King St. CgitiqtOon.soft,T' unn :sform in the future, we will have to develop the slogan, '.''Do' it yourself". Mr, Jack Malone who has bbeir automotive equipment• Manager with • Bell Canada for the past' Inane years in Toronto, has been transferred •to London and appointed Automotive Equipment Manager for Ontario West. No visitors in and, atbund St'. Columbari on., the Weekend, anyone that was lucky enough to be home, stayed there. Lutherant League enjoy singers Correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Brodhagen, Kitchener who was 41 years of • Debbie, Roger,. and Dorothy, Mr. age. Her mother, Mrs. Eugene and Mrs. Roy Kfstener, Kenneth Hurlick was the former Margaret adn Brian all of Monkton, Mr. Buddenhagen. Sincere sympathy and. Mrs. Lloyd Brodhagen, is extended to the Buddenhagen David and Robert of Walton and family. Mr.Aml _Mrs......Kenneth-Kistener--- Mrs.-- Lavern Wolfe of Stratford. accompanied Mr. Lorne Wolfe to .Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joe visit with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Jones Morrison over, the weekend was 'in •Monkton through the week. Mr. and Mrs. Don Foster from • The sympathy of the communityt Utica, Michigan. „ is extended to Mr. :and Mrs. Friends and relatives. cif' Mrs. Charles Simmons in the death of Donald B.ach will be.glad to hear, the, latter's sister, Mrs. Kathleen that she is at the home of Mr. and Holden. The funeral was held at Mrs. Edwin Back where she is. St. Mary's on „Wednesday. Welcome home to.. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Siemon who enjoyed over a Week with their daughter Sheila and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Benny Peluso in Toronto. Come to the Winter Carnival join the excitement and pleasure at the Brodhagen Community Center Saturday and Sunday. Congratulations are extended to. Greg and Debbie Fischer of Chatsfield, Manitoba, on the arrival of their son John Calvin. A little brother for Courtney. Grandson for'Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fischer and Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNairn of Chatsfield, Manitoba. Great grandparents are Mr. Rudolph Fischer of Ritz- Villa, Mitchell, and Mrs. Martin Diegel of ShakespearR. PLOW DERAikED AT DUBLIN—A CNR crew from Stratford was busy in Dublin SUnday morning, repairing a Cif Snow plOw.which got off the rails a bit in about 10' of snovvjpiLw_e_stofftie_villagels-rnain street. T0e,plow, pushed by two locomotives and mannedby engineer Bob Mclnnes'of Stratfordliad left that city for Goderich at 8 a.m.`and got stack about noon. M. McInnes said snow on the track was ."heavy all the way',' but not nearly as •bad as-In 1971. (Expositor Photo) 'Mrs. Marg Hulley .Rev. Reuber officiating on Friday Correspondent evening Jan. 27. Mrs. Dorothy Butt served a In Spite 'of severe weather roast beef dinner at the conditions the wedding of Mr. Commercial Hotel for the, 35 and Mrs. Jim Miller nee Dianne • guests who were able to brave the McNichol daughter of Mr.- and winter storm. Mrs. Ralph McNichol (Jim's After the, dinner they returned parents are Mr. and Mrs.L.,,to McNichols• for a game of cards Raymond Miller) took place at , and a social hour. - Northside United Church with 'Due to the extreme weather Mrs. Lavern Wolfe • 345-2757 The Luther League of. St. Peter's Lutheran Chitral enjoyed the' entertainment by .the Resurrecto Ambassador group from- eamrose-;--AlbeTta,- at The Lutheran Church in Mitchell •on Saturday and Sunday evening. Brodhagen was saddened by the death of Mts. Louisa Hoppefirith in the R.E.C.U. and General Hospital in Stratford Saturday evening. She was one of th older members of St. Peter's L heran Church and would have be 93 in April. Friends of Mr. Fred jung will be sorry to hear he had the misfortune to have' his finger injured when he was blown from the manure loader last week during the storm. He is a patient in the Listowel Hospital where he had surgery and have part of his finger 'removed. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. "-Boyd Driscolllast day was the latter's sister, Mrs. John Vock of BOrnholm and was.. also among those from the community who attended the funeral servicV of her'nephew Wayne Driscoll at St'. Peter's Lutheran Church last week. . ' Miss Laving Mueller has been moved from the .R.E.C.U. ,., Hospital, Stratford, to the Smith finitinbome in IvIitcheli. Sympathy is extended fromthe community in the sudden death of Mr. Norman Bode in the SEaforth community Hospital. Especially tb his faiirdly Mr. and Mrs. Milt-On , Bode, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bode and Marian, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph kirkey and families. 'Also his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. ' and Mrs. Henry Bode and sister s Tina, Mrs. • John Kahle. Rev. to Vid Beutel conducted the memot:ial service at the,funerat in the First tuthetati Church Logan. *1..,.,i 6 There Were some folks sterna stayed just a few billet from theii homes lett in Brodhagen during the storm. Guests„ with Mr. 'and Mrs., Nelson- Brodhagen recently were Correspondent V. J. Lane ' Certainly, a lot of things have happened since my last week's column--(weather wise). We are very .fortunate locally that the snow . .storm was " moderate compared to our neighbours to .the south, and last year's,. blockade highways and township -rolds ,shich created a lot of hardships for farmers and people that depended on transportation that was almost nil ,for several .days. Highway 8 through this hamlet was only blocked for about 10 hours• due to visibility compared to last year when it was impassable for three days because of-snow and then it was only a. one• way in places for several more. To sum it all up, it could have been a lot worse. As you might'say (if it's all over yet) those who believe in the. ground- hog February 2, will say wait and see. In spite of it all, our population has increased by two which I think 1 would be safe in saying is a record for our population. Cengrat a David O'Rourke la son) and Mr. r 'and' Mrs. Bill Murphy la daughter), If we intend to if e this cenintry a better place to Winthrop busy spite of storrn Corre,spondent Mar. Hulley 527-1856 Part of beinig Canadian is the ability to roll with the punches of old man winter. The past week's storm proved how true that is. Winthrop area, • though stranded and isolated for almost ,three days, still proved a beehive of activity with snowmobiles and . tractors be ng the only means of trans-Kt61ton, People still rrianaged to do chore on second properties. There was a •lot of borrowing-baking • powder and milk from neighbours, and receiving stranded motorists • from stalled cars.- Though the hydro didn't fail there was some difficulty with propane. regulators caused by the extremely low harometric piessure which was, „r tiMIlfhe way, recorded at lower than ever previously. 1 wonder if the teachers on . Monday morning were as happy as the parents who bundled their children back to school 'again? conditions the' 200 invited guests were advised that the reception was• postponed until this Friday evening at Tailitlily Paradise. Miss Kathy Dalton had a Doe party in honour, of Dianne Miller ' the former Dianne McNichol at her home when: about 18 girl frielfd8 of Dianne's attended. Dianne was presented with many lovely gifts. . • convalescing. Her little ' son Jeremy is at the same home. Wishing her good health in the future. guests with Mr., and Mrs. Milton Bode over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Audrey"; Seahaver from Gravenhurst; Mr. Gordon and Stanley Seahaver of Arthur; Mr. and Mrs. James Pehelsky,- Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ahrens, Jason and Jon of kanata; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bode and Mr: and Mrs. Henry Bode, all of Listowel. They all attended the funeral service of Mr. Norman Bode. last Monday. Miss Lavina Buddenhagen, Roy and Ronnie . Buddenhagen attended the funeral service of their niece, Mrs. Ray heart in McKillop • 4n . Correspondent Mrs. Ed. Regele Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCallum, Mr. and Mrs. Bruno 13reacher, Mr, and Mrs. Glen McNichol, Mr. and 'Mrs. Don Dennis and Mr, and Mrs..,Clifford Hoegy of Walton who were vacationing in Bahamas have returned to their 'homes. 'Mrs. May Thornton is still -a patient in minunity 'Hospital, Seaforth. , ) . Mr., and Mrs. • STanley Feszcator and Miss Brenda Glanville of Crediton visited on Sunday with Mr. and . Mrs.' Edward Regele. Sympathy is• extended to Mrs. Marie Muegge and family in the loss of a husband and father. Congratulations to Mr., and Mrs. Robt. Harris who are the proud• grandparents of a second grandson born to Mr. and Mrs. • Ron Harris, Seaforth. - N.