HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-02-02, Page 4• • I , 4*-THE HURC41 EXpOsiTo ORVARy 2, 1978 Oyment •. ere t Moron Otar hel ed Eckmiers prOVincral or municipal programs will not be eligible for the tax credit subsidy. The subsidy wil' not be given if the workers are related to the employer • 'tir, a person in senior management, or if they have `',worked for -lhe employer ,in the •previous eight weeks. — No agreement will be approved if the hourly wage rate is less than the amount of ,the tax credit'for thd area involved..• — Tax credits may be used .to offset federal income talc owing or held 'for up to five years against future federal income _tax liabilities. Employer's Four Steps to a Tax Credit '1. An employer who decides to hire , people under the Employment Tait Credit Program • will first adivse the nearest Canada Employment Centre of the proposed employment • plan. (It must involve an addition to the normarwor_k_force that, would not have been made. without the The Employment 'lax Credit Program Introduced by the government in Ottawa to assist.in creating a More buoyant economy in Canada . essed all stages in the House of Commons last, Thursday, January 26, The program which assists employers through tax credits to create 'additional - jobs is explained in detail in a release from Huron - Middlesex M.P. Robert McKinley. The main points set out by Mr. McKinely are,: — Two year program estimated to cost $100 million a year in tax revenue. — Program to begin by March 1, 1978, provided 'enabling legislation has ,been passed. — Target of up to 50,000 new jobs in the first year, — Eligible employment must involve an addition to the normal work force that would not haVe been made without the incentive of the tax credit. — Tax credit will be $2 per incentive ,Of the tax credit): 2. The Canada , Employment Centre will refer persons to She ; employer, selecting 'those who have been out of work for-eight weeks or more. Each will be given a special referral paper.' • - 3. The employer will advise the Employillent Centre of the names of the persons engaged mid retain their referral papers..Then the employer will sign an agreinent form, supplied by the Employment Centre and sent it, along vvith ' referral papers, to' the regional ' office of the Canada' , EMployment linmigtatien, CommiSsion. ' 4. The agreement is returned to the employer with, a special tax scheduld on which the empfiVer will make a tax credit claim at the appropriate Every week more and mare pepple discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Huron Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527.0240 employment hour in the four Atlantic Provinces and the Gaspe region of Quebec; $1,75 an hour in designated areas of Quebec, Saskatchewan,• Manitoba,, Ontario,, Alberta and British Columbia, and $1.50 an hour in all other -areas. Employers will enter into an agreement attesting that their employment proposals Meet' the program criteria. Agreement must be signed before March 31, 1980. — Jobs mist be full-time and last for 'at least three months to be eligible for up •te ,nine months of assistance, — Employers must hire new staff from among, persons referred to them by Canada Employment CentreS — Persons referred will be selected from those who have been out of work eight weeks or"' more. - -.Employment that-- is already receiving assistance tied to job creation ' from other federal. conference and yas viewed favourably. N.F.B. reported that it was shown about 50 times to a total audience of 3,000 people. The Eckmiers were one orthe' founding members of C.L.A. and the van was taken to at least one conference demonstrate library' seiwice , in rural areas. ' Mrs. Eckmier left Huron County in 1961 to go to Scarborough Town- ship Library. In the following 6 years, the couple moved to Sault Ste Marie to organize and establish the library at Algema College were they belh continued to. work until Mr. Eckmier's retirement in 1911, Their colourful 'career brings back memories of a previous less formal society. Mrs. Eckmier presented a brief to Premier Roberts and it was influencial when the Ministry decided to revise the library grants. Angus Mowat, indicated that male 'patrons could select books at the library in. Walton while having • their hair cut. The continued support of Mr. Mowat, director of Provincial Library Service, Department of Education, furthered the growth of the library and indicated Strong fellowship between the Eck'miers and this colourful government employee, His early correspon- dence with the ,Eckmiers has drawings of gardening and other hijinks. Under his careful persuasion the couple ventured into film making business. The film called "The Books Drive On" today looks very quaint. It is narrated by Tom. Rafferty and produced by Bob Henry. Anyone presently living in Huron Cqunty would be surprised to see the number of treed roads. The film was presented at C.L.A. by Wm. Partridge Chief Librarian The sudden death of R. Glenn Eckmier drew my attention to the pioneering spirit of the Eckmiers, .The Eckmier family are long times Ontario pioneers, settling in Fullerton Township in 1846. Mrs. Jean Eckmier (former Jean Barr) received her education at U,B.C. (3 year Arts) and worked at Vancouver Public library before combleting her library course at. McGill. She received a Library Administration Certificate in' 1930. soon after she returned to Ontario to begin work at Ethel. In 1941 Heron County Library Association, was formed consisting of 14 tidal communi- ties. Each community library received a unit of 16 books. In 1945, Mrs. Eckmier took on the responsibility of the Huron:,_ County Library Co-operative" which was run from their own house on Newgate Street. By 1946, there were , 31 deposit libraries and at that time tl received a grant front Hurah County Council of $2;000. 1947 marked a new era 'as the library purohaserlAits first van, appropri- ately, named "Miss Huron". It carried about 1,000 books' and was decorated.with gold coloured letters. 'Eckmier acted as driver- -,kir the 'van. Each deposit received $40‘• from Council ; $25. of this was used as an annual fee for the Hem County Libary Association. -Other activities of 1947 included a banquet for the County staff. It is hard to imagipe what life was like in those days. Correspondence with Mr. -Localmurses upset :by :chaoge , _ viiiiimmuiiiimiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiIIIIIIIMMIMMIrniimil.MMIIIiiimmiiiiiiiiimimmimoimiiiiiiiiiiimiliumiwiiiiiifinwiliiiiIMIE = - - - FOOD STORES .111r4r7,, DAlgt).TEIRI , --- MOO MMIO = MOS = =WO= NOM M.N Min i FOOD VALPESL . - - - MINN 1111t 1001.1 in• registration rft:- • by Debbie Ranney . and last worked in 1974 but she r.:.1 amW Once upon a time, there was a may want to go back to work some shortage of nurses in Ontario. da so the proposal will definitely = Prices effective ti 'closing MEM W1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111e Now there's' an overflow and the colleges keep churning them out. But that,, unfortunately, is not where the fairytale ends. Recently, the Ontario College of Nursing announced a proposal whereby certificates of competence would be denied to RN's and RNA's who had failed work at least 50 days, in any one hay some effect on her. Mrs. Bromley said "Basically what they'-re trying to say is that patient care 'could be upgraded and basically I understand what they're trying to say but I'd fell better if the -College, of Nursing were putting to the hospitals, the idea that if somebody that hasn't .„. be-en working for awhile .,is Tues Feb. 7/78 • 001/ ".0 MEN IMMO a PRODUCE OMR MEM MOM 1▪ 1011 Una. Schneiders ...0'41111.11F .441. Golden Yellow Chiquita ..4".11111A11111ellir anamil MEM 18! 111•1111, NM= BANANAS MIS 41111•111111 Schneiders MM.. ilk aft Coming 'back to• work, then the hospital should offer Workshops':* SOFT -ie."' = of the previous five years after Ont Grown No 1 COOKING • ... E — jimir dllik Cello --L"-- .111 11"w ... = 3 Lb. $ -- --- ..,p-•. 1980. -0,‘Prr NINO The nurses are upset. They "That benefits the nurse and it • ONIONS NURSE (Nurses United for The College of Nursing has MARGARINE Prod USA Can. No 1 have formed a group Called benefits the hospital,:' she said. Bag — AN% • — WNW ,,,,, ,,, A• , t ,, , Min. , 1111 MEM • , .11111•• OM" ..sse MOM • Registration Security ' and suggested that refresher courses = 40100 • Employment) to fight against the. .will be offered but no reference ••nn •• 411110',. 'proposal which they feel is unfair has been made to where these "'"" j13•170, Gayle King of Blyth. is one of be offered of : their duration . e. k ' those people who are. upset. Not for herself, but'for the younger nurses who have just graduated and may be looking for jobs. If Unable to find a nu ing job for awhile, they may 'have:a hard, 'ti e meeting the conditions of the present proposal of 50 days of work , one' of the five years. Gayle, who was an RNA in London, for seven years, is no longer working in that field but had a special reason for expressing her concern. "I don't think the rural women in the area understand the policy. They issued out a policy with registration forms in November. If you didn't read it carefully, you wouldn't have gotten out of it that • by the end of 1985'you would have had to work 50 days," Mrs. King said. courses will be offered , when they ,.. ,' Mrs. King wanted to know if ..... . Tub 0, 04: STEAKETTES El GRAPEFRUIT Pink or. White 9/99 2/$1 •••• 1 Lb., 79 0 1 Lb. courses • wiilild be offered . in = Winghatn, StratfOrd, and Exeter ....,, or whether the nurses would have to go someplace like -London to .son take 'there.' . .Small Hospitals, ^ = She community lioSpitals could open' ' ,..,. . ' WI. ' . seggestecl . that smaller = up Weekend. . seniinars and = cost and inconvenience , of = 0 .r_0•1101r refresher cOurses. because of the ''''' . . 0010' ' travelling to larger ones. . She said she. felt sorry for those a .4.,. . BeeHive girls who because of lack of jobs' 1.0 1 . , had been forced to find mirk in = 401%*; . c 0 0, N drygood and Clothing'stores Iyho = aiii. are now going to have to keep = am IN'. looking for jobs and who will have = ' asia. • to. spend more money taking re = J.11.. training courses if they can't find = $11111' them. . ,, - OMNI = to their profession. • = Fresh from Florida = , TANGERINES 69! klusimmumminummilimmimmimmimmiummilina / • = - Royale — — MOM IMMO Min 111111MI MOM MOM NM= FACIAL TISSUE wips ua E a a) •=111 = Aunt Jemirna Schneiders 11111n 111 1 19 "MOM IMO NNW ANIL .4.4111.1111111M111,11pme- = OMNI NEM — itatior. PANCAKE SYRUP 32oz. Bucket Fried . -Num, = .74.6=CHICKEN , • "*"11111111111111.paer ANL ama, NNW • MN= • 0111111.-. = Westdn s SYRUP CINNAMON BUNS 1" 69 MEM ...... Wibbina Bylsma took.RNA lifro• training at the Huron Hospital .e▪ .e. School (which no longer exists) in = 2 Lb. $ 2. • 2 Lb. 111414,111 11itiP'. Tin kN.k‘b 89 Kraft • '0•\\ 'Rural Areas Mrs. King was concerned that • Kraft Strawberry JAM - 24 Ofir 59 • IMO OWN MIN MIN because some people living in the Exeter thinks there should be re = rural areas don't get the bigger training programs for everybody.' '.E 'daily, newspapers, 'nurses in' the She suggested one night a = area. Might 'be' unaware of the. week refresher tour ses- and = situation_that__faeecL them._ !ulnas__ aft ss--ita ye But Gayle 'King isn't the only' had so Many lectures, -Terse in the area questioning the "Really, 1 think it would be a . new proposal. Wibbina Bylsma, good idea, if they had courses all '1 Carol Lawrie and Mrs. Bill 'the time," she said. Bromley also have, --strong opinioris on the subject. Wibbina Bylsma of RR 1 Blyth who works in Dr. R.W. Street's office as an RNA thinks the whole situation is "rotten". She thinks.that first of all they should forget the . two year program and get back to three years. "They put out too many nurses too fast," Wibbina said. She doesn't agree with the 50 day work stipulation and said, "If they start that, they're going to have all the nurses applying for part time work," Carol Lawrie of Blyth who is a registered nurse and works at Huronview about four or five days in the summer and two or three days ,in. the winter doesn't agree with the propoSal either. Young Children She said it was hardly fair for those who had young children to loOk after or for those who had to quit for health reasons. • "Refresher. courses I can see. I can't see why they can take your registration away from you." she said. As for the nurses having to take a refresher course, Mrs. Lavirie said she thought a lot depended on 'the person. "You've got to work and be watched and it's ,up. to your place Of employment to know if you • need 6 refresher eoerse,"., she said. She thought. kl a' nurse wanted 'to learn a net techhititie that mast people would only be too , glad to take a refreSher, courses.' _- Mrs. Bill Bromley of tondesboro isanother' RNA who has some sti,torig opinions on the 50 day piopoSat She got her training at the London Training Centre in Byron IWO MUM 41111 004 MIRACLE WHIP 79 F. ,1•1111.1 • - - •RIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.11 Enminummiummimmmimiummimilimmii minim o Schneiders 8 varieties Bick:s •41.11111r.VS1114. Catch Up Min MEMO Carol Lawrie, thought it ,, = wouldn't take too long for nurses a to catch up on their training they = brought the refresher courses to the high schools in the , towns nail around the area. Mrs. Bromley said she would = be quite willing to take-a-hespital workshop.- If, it was offered at a = cost, she saieShe would, pay for it. Mrs. Brornley has made her = feelings known to the College of = Nursing. She said that she wrote ,...1.1101.61111r 4%14 Crunchie ANL • 4°ft DILL Mae MOM MIME MEM .11•1011 411604 -qwlenlia-4"4 EI MINI DELIS 880--:. 4.. Kra ft • Oz. Pkg. ''"4111111111111."" a 4114, MACARONI OMB IMMIN AIM 11111111plor -,-•••Schneiders = ••• Eno & CHEESE Tij OS' PICKLES z CHIPPED BEEF ar.' DINNERS . = NMI OMNI OMR NMI UMW NOM N MI MOM ego 64 Oz pig000, Jar 1 .2 ,ot $10. =, Schneiders Sliced .144.r. • 1111•11 GEM 89 0 :4 71 /4 ..4/99 IMO . • Ntaa 16 Oz. e Pkg. to them and asked them *what = OMB BOLOGN A they were offering in replacement NEM IMMO = MOM MEM OMB • MOM = Schneiders of the registration fee. NOM ism on= NMI MNIM to It She said that they may weed u.s. the nurses out, but by forcing = people like herself to go hack to = work to keep up their registration = young people. just coming out of' 1 Lb. 9 MEN INNS NMI 11111= SKILLET STRIPS Pkg, OEM own OEM NINO , 01111 NM. . • a ‘1111/* -r.„•••• Malin • Mill01"." — a Schneiders Vac pak Smoked $ training would not be able to find a = COTTAGE ROLLS Lb. .99 =. Gerbers '10.11.6001.` EE jobs. "If you do something you're not qualified to do it can be'taken before the Health Disciplines' Act = MOM MOP !NM = Att. Strained through there they watch you, the = took Ro y ale 4N111.111111.1111111.1111111111Mill• = Schneiders ma. report you, that's when you can amiek v • 14016 •Fruit or Veg ."111.mimmr.- IIIIMINIMM Raft Nall10 ``Vounimirmr = lose your registration aed = Alet. Bathroom -411manirw = Coutitry Reg or Garlic giminimmimmimiummiumumummilmiiimomied FOO D —14morm.'" = ,rightfully so," • -iimapeme nim• Mrs. Bromely said. 1 Lb. 19.,a• rat BABY "14P-11"' TISSUE SAUSAGE Pkg. • Imm. "MI6 MEM MOO .14.' OWN MEM 11111,.. NMI Ms. • = , = 4.0i Roll Pkg, , . . ‘, ROTHS FOOD Ni; ' sTOREHou.:. , . .... . 1400 ii littSA‘ = VVE RESERVE THE 4RIGHT ' MARKET . TO LIMIT QUANTITIES-TO .... .... .... ..... AIIII11111111111111111ffilliffillill111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIMOMM11111111111111iiiIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII110111111111111111111 1111111ffillffill1111111111111111011111111111111111111MIIIIII ' i... a . SEAFORTH JEWELLERS for DIAMONDS WATCH FS JEWELLERY, HNF: CHINA GIFTS FOR EVERY OCCASION Mon., Tues., Wed., Seatorth Ont. - Mutt., and Fri. 9-9 eSat, 9-6 OMB In= ,1110111111 AVERAGE FAMII.V REQUIREMENTS. All 'I) pus of Repair, Phone 527,0270