HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-02-02, Page 11.1
$12.00 a Year in Advance
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, FEBRUARY 2, 100 -r 20 PAGES
worked: •
'HEAVY SNOW * Last week't snowstorm' resulted
in many high snowbanks around the. Seaforth area.
Exadtly how high IS -demonstrated this 'phi tograph
A Well-known and long time
resident of Seaforth, Gordon h.
at 1:15 p•m. Thursday• as the
resutt of an accident. west of
Walton% He „was 61.-
Mt. Muegge's car became'.
stuck on Hurea County road 25
one arrd a 'half miles- west of-
Walton, during a blinding snow-
_storm As :he:returned to his .hortie ,
from Douglas Point where he-
.Constable Phillip Gingerich of
Gederich '0.P.P. ,M.erytn,
Smith, 45, Of Walton' had stopped
his truck to offer My. Muegge a
ide when the Stnith vehicle wa's.
of snow up terthe. tree 'branchesand a few feet abode
this car roof. -
(Expositor Photo)
(Continued on Page 20)
Whole No. 5734
snow--there was just a lot of snow
blowing across the roads.
The ac IF snowfall accumtt,
lated from the whole stain
system inis area was about:16.5
Centimetres of new, snow while
places like Windsor received 30
and 40 centimetres -of now.
Winds, in this area were running
'from 206'30 miles an hour all day
Weather conditions from this
Wednesday to Friday will • be
mainly sanny.with cloatclY periods
and with local flurries around the
Great Lakes, the forecaster said.
BeSides—the accident which
killed Gordon Muegge Of,Seaforth
in blinding snow 'Thursday
morning other accidents occurred
in the. Seaftirth area the same day.
' On Thursdaf,.a Topnotch truck
drivettbY.Bill Riley of Main St. S.,
in Seaforth became stuck' in a
snowdrift ,on'„Goderich St. near
Coleman' Street. .
Victoria O'Rourke 4O'f Ii., R. #4,
Seaforth was on her way horn,
when she collided with the rear of
the truck.. Total damage was
estimated at abont- $800. . . PE -- Ivan Slemon of Mitchell was.
Perth County snow plow on Saturday
ped off the icy road but he managed to
One storm related death
Muegge, of 66 Jam.es Street died':
..struck from- behind by another the- former Marie Rose Hoegy,- 'Judy, (Mrs. Douglas Dalrymple).
truck as Mr. Muegge 'was about they resided in Galt for several Exeter; Linda, (Mrs. Wm.
to enter it Oro
William Devereau
; 2
,...&:tother-in•law. Mrs. Annie Hoety • litApy) London; and., Patti, at
.111N/tying are wife Marie: Lendtar47-1'vonne Richard d i
Sing him under the years and then moved to Soldan) 'Flensall; Leonard,
• • Seaforth, London; Lois, (Mrs .„ Bill „Brown)
Pallbearers were: sons Donald,
otert, Richard, Leonard, son-in-,
Titiv -Tftiligirs DalrYmple ,
nephew Howard, Hoegy.
Honottrary ;Pallbearers were
Aubrey Toll, Elmer Koehler,
Arthur. Powell, Wilmer DalrymPle
Harold Cummings, • and Alf
Beuerrean. •
officiating., Temporary entomb-
Huron Pert h. boa rd Mausdleum, Seaforth, with
meat was at Pioneer Memorial
interment to follow at Maitland-. •
. • bank Cemetery. Seaforth in the. lens info eetin.gs ys
were 15 grandchildren. at:
Born -in . Brodhagen he was a The body rested at the Whitney.
son. Of. the late. -Mr. and Mrs. - Ribey Funeral ' Home • where
Muegge. Mr. Muegge,. was, born funeral and committal services
' • .
`,in' Briadhagen, on April 18, 1916, were held Monday at 2:00 p.m.
'FollowingliS,marriage in 1940. to ' with Rev.. • Mervyn Reuber
the scene. At the time of his death, there ., • ,
had some but that they weren't at •
this farm, they were at his other
farm down the wad. He did
however knoW a closer neighbblir
who lie thought might have some.
• Luckily the neighbour did. So
went on my way about a.quar ter
of a mile down the .road where
once again my car .eam,e to -a dead
I looked around and-tiOticed a
big gasoline truck---coming,my
way and the driver stopped -- but,
lie didn'thavea,ny booster ca .tiles
.. I've been thinking I should have
some to put in my truck'," he said.
• I know just how he felt.
He then drove off but-
fortunately -- a good Samaritan
was not far behind. As he stopped
I opened his car dgrir and asked
hopefully if he had any bboster,
He did have and. when I
explained the problem of my car
always stopping a little white
of ter it had been charged he
offered to drive behind me and
make sure I kept going till,we got
to Clinton, where I had decided' I
was gold to stay no Matter what
the cost. Good thing the man
stayed behind me. He had to
boost my car about, five times
before We got to' Cli nton. I don't
even know the man's name. I only
know • his lieenee plate said
"Friendly Manitoba"' :and
believe That sign • from now on
which is exactly What.-told
Hydro. was off on Thursday,
roads were closed, there were
jv many accidents and severreno
storms cut off normal a tivity n
Seaforth and. most areas in
Southern Ontario -on • Thursday,
'"''and Friday.
Genesco of Canada decided to
send its employees home early ,
after ,hydro had gone off at 8:00
a.m. "since it was not expecte4
back on for some time. It was al
good thing the' did too, because a
lot of.people made it home that
Wouldn't have otherwise.
"It was really a ,blessing in
disguise," said Betty Leonhardt,
office manager. ---
Abotif 145 people work at the
plant/. and there were only • a
couple of people not ,in Thursday
morning." '
Tony Chir, officer in charge at
the Sky Harbour 'Airport weather
station in Goderich said that the
storm began to intensify on the
evening, of Wednesday, January
25 • and from the intensity
developed .into pressure values
that have never'been seen before
in southern Ontario. The actual
station pressure went right below
'the scale on Thursday, Mr. Chir In 'a second accident, Randy
, said ' but he guessed that Alle , Wood of 25 Wilson Street, .
pressiire would have been abept • stopped behind an ,.unidentified,
27.70 inches of mer ry. vehicle blocked by snow drifts en
lit Cent Goderich St. at Coleman Street
d. Mr. Chir said we 'were when the BoX .ambulance driven
• 'fortunate e ugh to- be in the .. by Arthur McN'aughton of R. R.
centre• of t e whole pressure • #4, Seaforth was in collision with
system so we didn't •feel the full the rear of the Wood vehicle.
t of -th gale • te hurricane ,Total damage , is estimated at
that hit other areas -roughly $1600. There/ was a
[By Wilma Okel
Aii -Tncreasb ' in membership
fees of 5.35 per ce. _ will be'paid ,
.Catholic Separate Se toot board"
by Huron-Perth cou tY • Roman
this year to the three . education
. associations to which it' belongs.
'The fees<a.re-A follows: Ontario
Separate School i'rustees'
Association. $3,400.95; ..Canachae,
Catholic Trustees' Association.
$127,28; °Mario. School Trustees'
Council; $1,157.00 for a total of
$4,685.23. , .,
`Special Education handbooks
were distributed to the trustees so
that they would be informed
about the spetial education
program carried on. in the 19
separate schools in.. Huron and
Perth" .
Information meetings will be
-held' at three schools for
interested parents,' ratepayers
and teacherS• on leclining enrol-
ments. The meetings will he held
at St. Columban School on
February 6 at 8 p.m.; St. Patrick's.
S c,h,osg, .flykli ,Febriin ry Lat.8
p.m. and at St. Miehael's Schoph:
S r a t. fo . on Febru ry at 8 p. m
Meetings will be set up in ether
areas at 'a later date.'
All school boards in the . province are. urged not to otter
positions prior to April, 1 .4 978, to
potential graduates of training
schools"' in order :That their
programs will be substantially tooli
e storm - s completed and that-the evaluation WI
of teachers in"training be done.
The memorandum with this ,
request came-from the presidents
of the Ontario Association of
Education• Administrative
Officials and , the Ontario
Teachers'. Federation. (Editor's Note: Many travellers
In response to a public request N•ere stuck. en route during
from the -Perth County Board of Thursday and Friday's storm.
Education inviting/ written Here's a' story from one of them,
subMissions concerning the gdals. reporter Debbie Rattasy)
of religiOus and moral education Nobody is' likely to forget last
0' rams in the schools im Perth Thursday • and 'Friday's
the board, members were snowstorm. for .aWhite, especially
int rested in religious education Cml \tn tticilen. HI owiaesi. stormstayed at the
(Continued on Page 3)
I was down in Seaforth working ,
at the Huron Expositor when the .
storm started. The publisher and
his wife had offered me a place to
•stay but,it seemed to clear up
about four o'clock so I decided to
head back' for m'y apartment in
had stayed in
It really was clear when I left
leftand Seaforth,
unfortunately, wasn't. Before I/
to go. My car,
battery chargedI
-twice, iui d
have sensed that thiS • was an
omen of bad things to conic but
pig headed idiot that I . r
started-off.. anyway,
.1 was about halfway between
Seaforth and Cli Mon when My.
slow down,all the
looked around to see if there
. was any traffic coming my way.
There wasn't. So I ran to a farm
house anti asked if they had any
booster cables. They didn't.
They clidltoWever think another
fa et. up the road had some so'l
'ran up therel4his man said he
, [By Wilma Okel
Mike Eckert of Dublin won't be
forgetting the blizzard that roared
into the , area last Thursday
morning when wind gusts were
measured at nearly 80 miles an
Driv.ihg south on Perth County
Road 10, 'a mile out of Staffa, in a
school bus at-7:56::a.m.'Thursday,
•Mr. Eckert and his bus were
blown off the ice-coated road by
One of the Wind, gusts. At -the,
_time. -was_drivitig_down....the-
"Staffa' Mountain". as the hill is
'locally known. ,when the wind
caught h'im. and took ins bus off
the road and onto its side in the.
snow-filled ditch.
• Mr. Eckert, alone .in the,-bus,
When we got- to Clinton, I
thanked the kind stranger as he
was taking leave of• me and he 4
as . rfr- if my car 'would be i o
aln 07..1 sufed him it would but
as - • .• : ay I heard my car .,..9a4.N,
d ol'aveltt, k. death. 1 turned the
key, knowt g full.well it was a
futile effort. It was.
Glancing across, the road. I
noticed that I was parked_ right
across front a ' garage but I
thought the first thing I should do
was phone my mother whom I
knew would be worried about me,
and I knew she would be even
more Worried about me when she
found out where I was. -
'"This same mother had just told
me that very morning that I must
have had rocks in my head to
get out unharmed. The accident happ ed on Perth
County Road.1 0 between Staffa and Cromarty. •
(Photo byOke)
such as London and Windsor. Severe snowstorm. and visibility
"We'll probably never see was nil at the time of both the
pressure values fall that low accidents Scaforth police report,
again." he said and .added that , Glen Allan Dale, of 39 Sparling
for an inland storm it was- Street, got his vehicle stuck in 'a'
tremendously low pressure, The .aesnew bank at the same ' place
low pressure was the result of
cold air, meeting warm air causing'
explosive development.
Franci'S Hunt of Winthrop who
drOve from Clinton to Seaforth on
Thrirsday morning, said it was the
worst' he had ever seen.
'Mr. .Hunt, who finally Made it
home 'that• •afternoon saw three
` cars in the ditch between Seaforth
and Winthrop,
• Friday was generally snowy
and very blukery 'hut Mr. Chit.
- said we didn't receive that much
when i'fruck belonging' to Tree
Man Ltd., 'of Acton ran into the
' rear of the Dale vehicle causing .
about $400 damage to the Dale
vehicle. Visibility was nil and
snow was drifting at the time of
the 'accident, Seaforth police
Both the Queen's• Hotel and the
Commercial Hotel in Seaforth
report that• they were full during
the two day storm.
Greg O'Reilly, manager of the
(Continued on Page 3)
would have been higher after last Week's snowstorm
his 'For Sale' sign might have been covered all the
ayand sales. prospetts -might have gone down.
driving this
whenit slip
Gordon Muegge
pronounced Mr, Muegge dead at
for the past six years. We've got a
grek bunch of guys in the
department, he said.
Mr. Hak said he doesn't expect'
to have an Si changes made in the
department itself. ,
to, start with' fire
prevention pro&dins., 1 feel ----
Harry Hak of 188 Main Street very important part of the job as ,
North in Seaforth was appointed, chief is to prevent fires," he said:
new fire chief ,by Seaforth Alre•a 'For the time being he Will have
Fire Board at a meeting on. office facilities set up in his home
Monday night, • , so people can always reach
The meeting Was called, after, he said.
former Chief Don Hulley resigned Mr. Itak also 'worked for a fire
on Janti'Mn31_, citing , personal,, department in Holland for a
reasons and because he felt the couple of years He move
job involVed too- much time. Canada in 1953 but was unable
The 'varittts , levels , of join the fire'_department in
government and ' the Seaforth because he was living in
municipalities were making more the country. In 1972 he moved
demands on the fireehiefMid-Mr. into-ttlwn - and-was-asked to:be-a
Hulley felt that it .was becorang' •,volu Meer fireman.:
more _than .h.ecould handle MOO. Walter chief Don Hulley had ,
with his fuill-tme job according to been with the department since
Ernie VV ill i ams secretary 1970,. He becaine deputy fire chief
treasurer of the fire !board. . on January 1, 1973 and became
•, The board called the Meeting fire chief in July of that year.
Monday because they wanted to
keep continuity ,in the tire 'chief
position,. Mr. Williams said.
Harry Hak who works part time
as a custodian at. St. James Scheel
for the Huron Perth Roman
:Cad-Vie-Separate 'School Board •
has been a volunteer with the ,
SeafotthFire Department .for six
Mr. Hak who went on dtity as of
Feb. 1 says he is loolti.Ag forward;
to the challenge-at allifef.
"I have been interested all the
• -time I was with' the, department
ulaiin school us
K. McGregor ot, Wingham. p ,. e y , one • Cambriclac•;"Richard of Chatham; redeceas d 'b brother •
drive to, Seaforth from Blyth, , although) I couldn't see ariy--
#4, 5eaforth, was driving ilL m ax . ai)d children. Betty, (Mrs. Robert home. Also surviving are• two
Beuttenmiller). Se aforth; .Donald: brothers Clarenceof Stratford and truck. •
of Walkertom Robert of Martin of Mitchell. He was Huron Counts' Coroner. Dr. J.
own offthe roa
who escaped serious injury exaept„
for minor discomfort with his
right arm, scrambled out the rear
exit door as his front door was
blocked in the ditch. .
The bus was not damaged and
was righted and polled out of the
ditch Saturday afternoon by
owner Leslie Habkirk of Seaforth
and his crew. '
.Mr. Eckert; a Perth County
school bus driver for United Trails
had made his first school run at
743a .-m-.-- Thursday --and
transferred his load of Pupils at.
the Staffa Shed to another bus for
Northwestern Secondary Shoot in
StratfordA He had left the shed for
his second load of pupils.
(Continued on Page 3)
Repprtee 7g•otTOranded
Inside this week
ale Alan expositor
A has emergency P. 3
Finnish Beavers Game " P.11
Snowarama raised $30,000 P.18
Snow Storm Photos • 19