HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-01-26, Page 18• r. • REVIEW'REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REV IEW REVIEW REVI-EWL-REVIEW REVIEW W REV,I EVIEVV• IEW REVIEW REVIEW. REVIEW. REVIEW REV.] EW REVI IEW ,REVIEW REVI Sides Front Hinds 93(nb. 76 1.1b Whole Loins $ 1 .29'b- r • Established 1876 '" McK1LLOP MUTUAL. fiRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE: 10- MAIN ST.; SEAFORTH, ONT Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Sec. Treas., Ph. 527-0400., ULL COVERAGE Form and Urban Properties Fire, Windstorm, Liability, Theft Various Floater Coverages - 'Homeowner's,, Tenant's .Package,ComposIte DWolling • HO/Ile tlf ihr fill/IOUs vmisnigizsaunsa.,,,s I 2 Mile south of ntISIPA intersection BEEF App. 45 lb. PORK Sides 87 4 'b. Whole 85"b. • ( t ‘,11)111.,1111's(, RI 11)11111) ‘) ‘5 I 1)\,1 ',I) VI I oi picl. op ••,..iN it I: Call 2r 111.1. 11.iii srt. Ihrow.11 brut, it river vi. paper. t i41. ‘.;11kLitiklit wi31.o.ittued. FOR THE BEST IN * Perts * Service * Accessories * Rentali • . ••... ••• L UL 4 SPORTS tt, RECREATION WAITED VA-RNA 262-5809 irs Rn DOWNDRAFT SPACE HEATERS INTRODUCING... tANYWY‘407vVIA-VVVY) * A new addition to our fireplace boutique A new concept in wood burning space heaters using the downdraft principle. THE DOWNDRAFT PRINCIPLE The Comer space heaters combine air tight con- struction and downdraft principle to produce ex.. tremely efficient heaters. Warm air is delivered from above the heater through the downdraft - tubes to produce a "blow torch" effect in the firebox. Two draft.tube covers-Its-WM. 'air 'ti...o, , tering the draft tubes. Rising combustible gases are' mixed with fresh oxy'geri' to 'provide ex- -5, cellent combustion and minimal accumulation of ash. The fire burns from the top 'down and thus eliminates the need for a grate. • COMPLETE 5 YEAR WARRANTY , ON ALL CARMOR SPACE HEATERS • • 4. WOODBURNING ' 41111.1111111111WMINIIMI Are Your fuel Bins too High? Then Check these WOOD-BURNING STOVES for UNSURPASSED EFFICIENCY The Shenandoah Basic Wood Heater EH-Metal Thermostat, Firebrick , Lining, Heats 1400-2000 sq. feet. All of our wood and coal heaters are designed to make the most out the • least. That's cause we designed them with a footp thermostat that automatically a lusts the heat output to whatever temperature you want. And a ' completely airtight' intake system that not only controls the room temprOts4outint also makes sure that every Git'isit of fuel goes to heat. In. stead of 'up the chimney. IN STOCK .• • 95. ' . w master AUTOMATIC WOOD HEATER • Automatic temperature control, BI-Metal Thermostat, 6 room heating capacity. Needs to be refueled only once In 12 hours. firebrick lining.' ::$3490 95 • See these and other Wood-Burning g Stoves on display at the Store with More.... WISEWAY Home &Building Cenite • FRED J. HUDIE LIMITED • HOME &BUILDING cENTPT 230 FiClyffeldi Pali.. Clinton OPEN: MONDAY. FRIDAY 8 ahm,•643.m.) SATURDAY 8 a 3301 1.11:1 m 'THE WISEST CHOICE IN TOW INP W. REV EV1EW REVIEW .REVIEW REV ty* 0/0 OFF All Men's Ladies' Childrens JACKETS—MITTS HATS, '—:-SN.OVVMaBILE SUITS— .1300TS-1INERS. lel IDI N .OFF Our Special Rack Of Lad19$ TORS-19ktsIT SUITS ,ICJ SLACKS" • •• • • • • • r . • .4• • • • • •,/ 8-i•TO,gtipRON EXPOSITO4, JANUARY 26, 1978 , .1 .. __ • , NEW EXECUTIVE — The Seaforth Horticultural SoCiety named its new. execulhie , last week. They are from (left) First Vice. President, Mrs. R. J. Doig-; Treasurer, • Lloyd H.oggarth; President Florence Elford; and Secretary...Effie Stephenson.', . . ,.. Lions hear history-. of fire* . caller is also asked what kind of fire it is. Getting the necessary, informa- tion isn' always easy, Mr. Phillips Sal , ecause the caller is usually upset of • frightenS. Firemen sometimes have to make their way to fires with only the sketchiest directions, though , person on the switchboard tries 'hard to calm the caller down, and ds- get the fa the fireman need, The siren behipd the. townhall is activated from the hospital 'switchboard. The first fireman to reach the fire hall takes details about. the, fire, from the' hospital switchboard operrator.-an.d writes it down. The man who takes the call goes on the pumper tb• lead the others to the fire. Fora rural' fire, eight men, and one officer go on one pumper •and the tanker. Fora town fire all the men go and both pumpers. Theyesponse time fora fire call is usually Jess-Wan two minutes Mr. Phillips said. First step when' the.; trucks arrive at the scene is to appraise the situation' as quickly as possible. The officer in. charge has to gauge the situation, his firSt concern being, the' safeguarding of lives:. Other things ' to. be determined are building construction, hazards• (Photo by. Oke) Officers of,, the Horticultural Honorary President Dr. Rodger Whitman, Spoasctieptrye idenat r-eM:rs. Wm. Scott; President - Miss Florence Effort!, 1st Vice Prei, - Mrs. R.J.Doig: 2nd. Vice Pres, - Mrs. John Broadfoot, Secretary-Mrs. Effie Stephenson, Treasurer-Lloyd Hoggarth. . Program _-Committee-Mrs, Ruth Beuttenmiller and Mrs. Marjorie Phillips. "from fuel tanks, sources of-water to ,fight 'the blaze, and the. equipment that should be used. The three things a fire needs are heat to. isustain combustion, oxygen, and asOurce tif fuel. Removing any One of ibe three puts the fire out,' and the usual Way is to reduce the temperature by, puttiog water On the flames. Firemen can • choose from a number of nozzles that will send out water in a fine spray like fog. in a solid stream, or in a number of other,forms. Mr. Phillips•said. - Ventilating the fire, prMiding a means by which smoke and heat can 'escape front a burning building. is an important part of. fighting 'a fire, Mt. Phillips said, because it 'aids lifesaving and. rescue, makes it easier far firemen to. extinguish fla.tne8. 'and reduces • the possibility explosions from .ib. ility of heat. and. pressure. • Once a fire is out, an' effort is Names officers Students -.write Gertru alph for lovelorn Broadfoot. advice from streams or ponds. As well as town calls, the Seaforth department responds to . calls in art 'of Hibbert, fittllett McKillop and Tuckermith 'townships, the total. coverage. area being. sonic 200 _squar=e miles.' Costs of :operating . the department are 4hared by, the • townships and are administered under the Fire Area Board, which consists of representatives from the -tow,ti 'and each of the . , townships. • Other area fire departments can also be called in to help ,for 'large fires, or as backup should a 'second fire start while, the Seatort It brigade is out op a call. • All calls for the Seaford, .fire department' are handled through the switchboard, at Seaforth Community Hospital, Mr. Phillips told the group. -Phones :are. answered 24 hours a day, seven days a week. WhenAtilie receiver on the fire call phone is, lifted, a • talk .rechrcle'r starts automatically. The, person on ,the -switchboard 'ark's' who is'calfirsg, where the fire is, and seeks specific directions to the fire, The -Directors and Adjusters Robt.ArchThidd,R,R.4.Sestforth KeriCanmochan; Seaforth lawns Godittaf R.11-.41.Wsihon 11***Leonbard‘R.R.1,BOMISolos 3s1usidetwilik,11.113,Blyds • Stanley Mcliwalo,z Ooderich Bossi.143101tercisp‘ri'11.31.10 Dublin Wm. Pepper. Bt i.N.Trewsirifitt+Boxffdi Clinton .' MUNI'S hose* KeYis,R.11.10 Seifedb Wm. Lelpors R.111.1ASMIMMOM Sttt'• ir C ALL AN AGENT OR THE OFFICE made to determine its eau se. 'Tins is done through-'a -Search of the fire scene-, and titrough question- ing those, who witnessed the blaze. Often the common sense rules that fire travels horizontally a source of oxygen, and in ,any direction following flammable materials. are useful tools in investigating a blaze. Mr. Phillips said, :All Volunteer firemen are trained to know how to use the ec.luipment available to them to _the best advantage. and iii 111;6 fighting techniques. They must also have a knoWledge of rescue techniques. and concentrate on protecting themselves from hazards as they fight the fires. .Collapsing walls. poles that fall -when support"-wire's snap. and even the chance of falling off a speeding' truck are all 'hazards that firemen have to. contend with, Mr. Phillip's said. , Wh ile fighting fires is a serious business ,there alsn 'can be a humorous side Mr. Phillips told the gathering as he recourad incidents which had involved brigade members as ' they "''art' Wered are* 410 (Continued from Page)) Bill McLaughlin, who' heads the Valentine, Parice committee, urged members to .complete the sale of tickets. Proceeds go to Lions sponsored Leader Dog School where dogs are trained to serve as guides for blind persons. In an interesting and inforrna tive talk. Seaforth area deputy fire chief Tom, Phillips told members of. thq, work •of the., brigade and , indicated, the detailed study and involved equiprrient necessary to provide area protection. He was introduced by Tom Young and 'appreciation was expressed by Jud Walker. There are currently 20 active 'members of the department, Mr. Phillips said, with four auxilliary members . also available. Equipment consists of two pumpers; one with a capacity of 850 gaiter's per minute, and the second capable'of pumping 500 gallons of water per minute. In addition, a tanker carrying 1.500 gallons is despatched to most fires, and a portable tank 'that will hold 1000 gallons is available,for use if water must be pumped Dear' Gertrude, My life, is in a wreck. I brake up with my boyfriend a week ago and since then I don't know what to do. Now when a boy asks, me out I always say no: .I feel that if I go • out with another boy.,,, my 'ex-boy-, friend will find out and I' will never see him again, What should I do. , ' Signed Loveless Dear Loveless, ' 'My first question is "Why did you break up with him in the first place if you wanted to continue seeing him?" You should accept dates from others rather than waiting for, a finished ..t•Zitlionship to reilair itself. Perhaps then you would find someone who you would like:just as well or even better than your ", ex-boyfriend, • If your boyfriend finds out, then he should realize that you have a perfect right to go out with " others. If he isn'tpature enough to accept that, then he's not worth bothering about in the first place. Gertrude Dear Ralph, We are having difficulties with a young,' Chauvenistic male student who is always flaunting what he doesn't have. ..Our problem begins in gym • class. We can be doing very WO at volleyball but when you make one fumble I am called very severe, childish, mean, unreason- able names. How we deal with this pressing problem? Signed, r Deat. Deprived Deprived BackBaek ni Line e FFuummbbi el er Hey don't sweat it! Obviously this person ' is very childish himself. If he gets his ,thriP§ calling people names, guess I'd let him go onl Nothing like keeping him happx,eh? As for you, ignore it. It hurts the other guy more if ,you -grin and bare it than if you get angry and 'fight back! Ralph pear Gertrude, There's 'this, girl in my gym class who is really attractive and I can't keep my eyes off her, Maybe, !hat's- why she ,fumbles - the ball so much. I try to get her attention but the only chance I get' to break 'her concentration is 'when she furnbles.the ball and I insult her, She didn't 'mind it at • first but how ate, doesn't appreciate tny affection. Please give pie a' new plan of attack. Signed, All Eyes Chief Dea' All Eyes Chief, The only advice I can think of is stop insulting her. I'm sure, that what you say is true! She doesn't appreciate it! What you can do though, is ask her out. Take her to a movie or dance or something like that. GL41-rude r [Water Weill DRILLING W.D.d Hopper an Sons 1 4 MODERN ROTARY I. RIGS -I-PHONE Neil 527-1737 Purl 527-0828 I ' Jim. 527-9715 , ,L.-- 521.1317 52/4545 521.1877 3434234 523.9390 5244031 327.107 4824534 461.7593 5214461 523-4257 345.2112 Come out and enjoy the SEAFORTH.:. BROOMBALL :TOURNAMENT Men's and Ladies Feb.3,4,5, at Seafprth.Arena Commencing Fri. 7:30 p.m. - 11' :30 'p.m. Sat. 7 9.111: - 10 p.m. Sun. 8 a.m. '- 3:30 p. m. Championship games at 3;30 and 4:30 Teams from Seaforth, Blyth, St. Clements, .Mt. Forest, Teeswater, Elora, Mildmay. Admisiion $100 per day. Food and refreshments served. The Hottictlitgral Society will again buy trees and shrubs for planting in Seaforth and area properties, buttliis year to secure a specimen you must 'be a member of the. Society: Seventygfive trees have been ordered. cutleaf weeping birch, scarlet 'thorn, liburuma, pink and ,red crabapples and double flowering plum. Meetings of ,the Horticultural Society will be held this year in the Masonic Hall on Main Street at the' usual time the second Wednesday of each month. The 'election of officers was held following the presentation of the slate of officers by the chairman of the nominating committee-Mrs. Wilmer