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HURON,wpsITOR, 4ANUARY 20, 1978
°owl TWITHE mi
OKf4V Frati's f since we've Los;n3 —5*
14 E RE's 'TOE Pia9pst.-Well 6104;4-tifi
minute in +he. s a :tit ,thin Harr qe.
3 seed is 21 sec.%so we coaro 'won 8-
Action Sunda,y's Blues Nis Hawks IHL ganie
Bob Shenk Seafertk open cA.Isl Ray Riley,
planed-list is the 340-.stoa and .3fyr Yamaha, S affa; 2nd Floyd
in the 440 stuck while Len Larisink Upshat •AC t, ,Staffat3rd Len
took 1st in 34Q-Mod, Class at the Lansink, Polaris,--Seaforth, .
Sivavtinohile races SUnclat at 346,., Laqsink
Bully Gully. , Polaris, Seaforth;And Chris
The races were part a a fulLday Holmes , Ski DoGrUndon:
-on by the special events 440 Mod-1 st Upshall, Cat,'
committee of the Hully Gully Staffa; 2nd Chris Mimes, Ski
Sndwmobile Club. Other events Doo, London; 3rd John Munny;
* were "cross county and novelty Yamaha, Hensall.
race §. 44o Stock-Ray Riley, Cat, Staffa;
T1 day was very much enjoyed 2nd Upshall, !Cat, Staffa;
by all members and their families 3rdSob Schenk, PolaX; SEaforth •
"'as well as friends. New members Cress Country Run 340-1st David
welcomed. Don't forget Consitt, cat;.2nd Bill .Chartern,
Snowarama for Timmy this -Cat; 3rd Bob Schenk, •Polaris.
-Sunday 29. All proceeds to Open Stock Cross Country-1st
CrippledChildren. Help Support Chuck, -Collins,• Cat; 2nd John
them. Sponsoraa rider. Munny, Yamaha; , 3rd Glenn
Complete Race results are: Malcolm, Cat.
Stock-1st BOh Schenk, Polaris, Much ,appreciation to the
Se'aforth; 2nd Chuck Collins, Cat, younger members of the club who
Varna; 3rd Ray Riley, Yamaha, worked hard to make the day a
Staffa, real success:.
- •
goal. been shattered. A total of 945
Doug Philips scored the hat points have been tallied so far
trick for the Red team. Doug thus beating the old mark of 870
O'Reilly netted .,two goals with scored during the 1975-76 season.
Brian Dale-and Ray Devereaux Someone should score the 1,000th
chipping in single tallies. point next 'Week. 'The Blues lead
Flyers 7 Stars 1 'the league in scoring points with
The Flyers came off .a tought 181 so far. Steve Southgate has,
2-1 loss to the Blues in fine virtually clinched the scoring
fashion by bombing the Stirs 7-1 crown. The Kings'Iorvvard has 43
during last Sunday's late game. points so far'-6 ahead of his
And would you believe•the Stars nearest rival. He becomes only
FownerS succeeded in- breaking haven't won in eight weeks?-/ ..the second player in league
and establishing records that may Their last victory was a 6-5 win history to score both 20 goals and
amid for decades. over the Kings way back on 20 assists in one season. Dave
Quite simply, what goes, up can November 20. After getting off to BrOome was the other. He did it
;asily come crashing down and , such a promising start, the green last• year. Doug Philips scored 3
should you build a house on sand team now finds themselves goals last week to, bring his total_
he tides will , surely wash it away. fighting to stay out of the cellar. to 26 so far this season. That
The six member clubs in the Sid Wocks and Murray breaks the old record of 25 set two f•
.H.L. thiS season have taken the Henderson paced the Flyers to years ago by Dave Broome.
ecord book' by' the throat and victory by each scoring two goals. Games next week January 29,
save thoroughly wrung its neck. Jack Price, John Devereaux and 1978
vlost of the old standards have Ralph Wood all chipped in single Kings vs. Flyers 7:40
alien and many more are in markers. The Kings can score their. The
;3opardy. ,
There are a number of'cracks
appearing in the leagues founda-
- fin and the waves have pounded
at the base in this year's watered
down version of the Industrial
Heckey League,
The talent is as thin as silk and.*
the scores have soared higher
than our inflation rate. ••
The league isn:t nearly as
strong as it was even two years
ago. Ten skaters per squad just
doesn't make for good hockey and
in the case of the Hawks and
:Stars, five per match gets you,
. absolutely nowhere. • • •
The only thing the Hawks hive
them is-time: They-know-
the season is over in-a couple of
weeks and there are only 5 playoff
matches left. So there is 'the
satisfaction • that -these 11-4
thumpings can only last for seven-
more weeks. •
For the Blues it was their
eighth straight game' without a
The dark shirts played it even
• for the first 20 minutes then the
roof caved in.
. A five goal outburst in eight
minutes gave the Blue Shirts a 5-1
halftime lead:
'" Six more scores in the final
period put •the match away.
Bill Price, Dave Broome, Ron
Hildebrand and • Ken Devereaux
all,-scared a pair of goals for the
Blues. Larry Broome, Glen
Nicholson and Ron Plumsteel
scored single markers.
Jim McLeod led the Hawks by
scoring two goals. Jerry Feenery
and Clive Buist netted the others.
Kings 8 Wings 7 o.
The way they did it left the
Wings wondering just • what
Last Sunday night, the Red
earn had what appeared to be a,
comfortable 7-5 lead over the
-- Kings with exactly one minute
left in the game. Theft guess who
went to work? Yet, Steve
Southgate, Cary Finigan and
Harry .P707, again performed
another minor tniraele by
,combining for three 'goals in 27
seconds to lift the Royal team to
,an 8-7 shocker Over the wide-eyed
Arts scored all three goals' with
Southgate and Finigan doing the
leg work, •
When you speak of tecords
these three instantly come to
mind, The Kings trio has led the
inajot aastoilt oti' the record .books
this season.
In addition td :Arts' 3 scores,
tliol 'total :team got it pair of
scores each from Southgate and"
Steve Eckert added a single
by Dave Broome
The priests blew the trumpets,
Joshua's people shouted loud and
the walls of Jericho came
tumbling down.
In 1971 the Boston Bruins took
the N.H.L. record book and with
One incredible wave of the hand
turned the cherished journal into
the weekend funnies.
With a couple of fellows named
Orr and EspoSito the Bean
Tony Arts scored the lone Stars Flyers prevent them. The Royal
goal. squad will' find things tougher
I.H.L. NOTES this time around so look for them
The hat trick that Harry Arts to lose by a couple.
scored last Sunday was the 34th Hawks vs. Stars 8:30
recorded this season. That ties This is the toughie. Both clubs ,
the record set two years ago. are woefull to say the least. Both
There have been 414 goals scored teams have five victories between
so far this term. The old record them. Give the Stars an edge on
was' 402 and there are still- six the basis of goaltending.
games left. The old, record of 468 >Aloes vs. Wings 10100
assisti has also fallen by the The Wings have scored 30
wayside. A total of 477 have been goals in their last .3 matches het
recorded so far this season and a have allowed 17. The Blues
500 season is a strong possibility defense has tightened so look for
with those half dozen contests _'the Blue boys to stretch their
left. Of course with those new unbeaten streak to 9 games•r by 'A
totals the. old-point standard has COUPLE.