HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-01-26, Page 11WHERE TO NOW ? — A group of skiiers make their.
way ,..long the path marked by the Seaforth Optimists
Club who had across country skiing poker rally this
year ifor the first-time as one of their events for the
Winter Carnival. (Expositor Photo)
Mostly.One Of A•Kind
Regular To $139•50
t • j_f„
All suits have proper wide lapels, some with
vests, others are two-piece. Current style
pants. Just a-few odds and ends we want out
now. Regiulars and a few 'shorts and tails. A
darned good buy for a best or second suit. ,
While they last `'.-"
• $
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Our Big - 30% OFF
Continues - - - -
Tweeds, Velours, Scotch Imports worth $59.50 to
$139.50. '
Sizes 38 to 46 only.
To Clear At
$39.50 To $86."
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They're The Newest!
Carhartt's For Girls
A brand new concept In Jean styles that feature a much
trimmer waist, with more hip and thigh room; - See
these now jeans in pra.washilehitna or navy or brown
corduroy,- with tbedistinction foxy "loge' on the hip —
Sizes 26 to 31 only
Priced at just
9($2 11-6 95
"A good mixture, vets -like Phil
Esposito, Walt Tkaczuk,' Don
Awrey and Carol VAdnais. And
:'Yciung guys like Murdoch and
not do what we were expected to
do. But that's in the past I think."
real god team now," •he adds.
. "Wave the makings of a
cnol)P I Pth -Tr 4
'12 NOON . 10 P.M. FRIDAY
3 - 3
7 • 5
6 - 5
6 - 6
7 - 5
7 - 5
5 - 3
5 - 4
Curling Club Thii .Week
Sunday .lan. 29 - Colts in Listowel
Sunday, Feb. 5 - Junior Fun Day
Wednesday, Feb, 8 -• Farmer's Mixed
Saturday, Feb. 1,1 = Special event -
Ned Boswell Night - Open House 7 - 9
Dance 9 - 1
Longstaff over Linglebach 8-7
Cornish, over Brown 5-2
Beattie over Roberton 6 - 2
Patterson over Cunningham 11 - 3 •
Wilson overdtowcliffe 104
Campbell over Patterson 8 - 1
Lovett over Forbes „ • le2
Results At The
Coleman over Fotheringliam
Lobb over Potbes
Sitith ovet McGavin
over Mintage
Sponsored by Wright-Taylor Ltd
Forbes over Cunningham 11 - 3
M,,akins •over Lobb • 8
,--"F.Smith over Wilson 8 '3
6 - 5-
8 - 6
6 - 4
5 - 4
7 -3
5 - 2
Ste Marie over Poet'
Rowell& over Motto
Patterson over Canipbell
N. Smith over Fleming
Van Viiet tied D. Underwood
' M. Underwood over Ruston
Robinson over Ribey
Ptimeau tied Ste Marie
Robert on over Boswell
BtoWn over Eastntan
Beattie over PatterSon
Hioggartir over Hilderly
Tremeer Over Cunningham
10 our Lounge, starting
Friday & Saturday, Feb. 3 & 4
February 10 &
- February 17 & 18
''Southern Comfort".
Febniary 24 & 25.
The Sandpiper Inn...ft4 the finest in
teivoit Nitihfly,
ROINombee our ( .-,
. : NittiNDAY.,t'itiiiitokt,iiliiii A,M,.160.0.6t. .
' • . •
NOON LUNCHEON 13U00,E1L—:--- .' '
w. IF • tiirrlg"
Novelty, races 'and drag races start at
. 12 ,noon.
Dance At. Night
Music by
Lincoln Green
Draw at 12 p.m. at dance
25 draws
one prize per-draw
Tickets from Chamber of Commerce members
Poker -rally starts at
-1 -
didn't agree. I needed to S.at urday, second prize was :won
••gro43 up. Heck, I'M still a kid, by .Gerald and Nancy :Smith
really, Twenty one isn'(t exactly .. curling :with Keith • Williamson
over the hill. I would.say.,:' and Irma Pryce.
The Maple Leaf's King Clancy • Three Seaforth rinks entered
thinks Maloney is just the , Men's Spiel in Vanastra on
approaching, his prime and that Saterday.. On the 9;00 draw and
the Rangers will be so much the taking • third „,p.rize were Bill
better. for it. In fact, he is one Of -Campbell., John Patterson, Doug
many execntives of oppositolf Rowcliffe and Gordon Pryce. Also.
• .
Family" ditY of sturtrMobilIng for everyode. About 25
miles of mashed trail. Si speed isvolted. Cash prizes
and, trophies. Door prlie draws throughout the day,
• §rantisop.h:
. •
es n
BorTspiel planned for b. 2
A '
. 16,A.:41
, u
I ,,e
.... "* o 4 .
ti°.'....* ' , 1 ' -....11-1E if1JRN XP0StrOF1;'ANI,A 20197#),,:,
„ , i
At VanaStrcr . . ., '
• 'e•
c . •,• • ••• ,
I. ,
In a story headed "Bright Hickey and. Du gua y and the
New Star on Ranger. Horizon" of hers."
• Hockey Pictorial in a recent issue" . "We used to take a ,I.ess.,badly,
'reviews the career" ' of'- Dore get way down on ourSelya, stay
Maloney of Dublin. The writer 'ah, We really aren't that good, so
predicts an outstanding eareer for it's, OK to he losing like, this.'
the young player who is so well Now we say-Iets show them what
known in the Dublin Seaforth we can do, thiit .we're able to
,area. ' bounce back. We 'don't sit and ,
! , Several months ago., as he ' wait for things to'go ,wrong, we
was entering the 1977-78' hockey have, a 4stern to•rely on." • ,
. season, New ' York Rangers "It took time to leanly, but we
defenseman Dave Maloney was are learning as a • team and
justifiably' categorized. as growing as a. team."
"unproven". After all, Malo.ney,„---'''And Maloney is'growing as an
had appeared in only 91 National individual. Ferguson calls the 21
° Hockey' „League games in three year old rearguard "A key to how
seasons: and all he had to show this team will perform."
for himself was a grand Weal of 27 "Dave is one of our leaders;
points and a reputation for being even the older guys look up to him
brittle and injury prone. ' .because he isn't afraid to say
. Yet,for a n1.411 $9 what's on his mind," says Fergy..
unaccomplished, Maloney who is trying to:build a team in
received an unusual amount of his image ;always aggressive,
praise. His admirers include unafraid of contact :and smart.
everybody from Rangers general "He even Speaks up to the
• manager John Ferguson and veterans, and they take it
coach Jean Guy Talbot, which is because they know how badly he
understandable, to 'the Toronto wants to win.
• Maple Leafs' vice president King "If Vad makes what Dave
Clancy and the nonpareil Bobby thinks is a mistake, Dave will tell
Orr. It. is Orr's comments on him. But he also will ask for.
Maloney that are most telling advice from a gUy like.Va dnais."
r about • tie • yourig7defertsemrt.-. - - ---"The"speci41 thing about Dave
'' The Rangers are lucky t have is his leadership qualities,"
someone like Dave on def nse," Fergy adds, not mentioning that
says Orr, who had Maloney as a leadership was one. of his own
pupil-'at his summer hockey camp strongest points when he
several years ago. "he could have terrorized the NHL while with
' - gotten by in the NHL when hp Montreal. , "He'sa• the kind Of
was 17." player who never minds being put
'' The Rangers certainly. seemed on the spot. He had .the
to agree with Orr when they confidence that he'll 'be able to
drafted Dave° as an underage' handle tight situations,"
player in 1974 on the first round, ' Maloney is •begittnififto instill
the 14th pick overall...At the tiMe, that. same type of confidence in
• Maloney, wasn't- able to vote, his ' fellow toddlers• on the
drink, or do 'many other things an Rangers blue line. Dave Farrish
18 year old in New, York can. But (21), Ron ' Greschner (23) and
•••••- he sure could play 'defense. Mike M,cEwen (21) combined
• Despite 'Orr'S observations , with Maloney and Vadnais, to for
however, Maloney was no t ready the defense unit for New York
—••• for, the NHL, at least not at such last season. In what was.„a-fdsb of
a tender age. In fact, „Maloney on the job training, the youtig
feels it wasn't until' the start'(of defensemen made mistakeS but
this year thathe found himself matured rapidly and "got their
adjusted to'hockey, NHL style. feet wet" in the NHL.
"I went through almost 70 Although the , Rangers
games last year without really surrendered the most goals in the
knowing what to do, where td league last year, the experiment
' be," he says. "I didu'l. always would have to be classified a
know who to check, of- where, or success. For one, it was shaky
whether to go after the puck in • goaltending and lack of checking
•the corner. I wasn't sure of what 'by the forwards-most notably the
my joh was." , verteran r,astykreen, with the
."iktpyv:.14ave an utiderstandhig,L4 eepeptiini,:$ ofl Gilbert-that
of our. system and confidenet in accounted for much of the 4;0,0
my play and in the. system. We goals against statistics. And,
would just run around -last year,. secondly, New York would appear
hockey made by their kiddie
has as its. sponsors the local company and. Len Archambault
acknowledge the fact, teams a6iR.fmt e league who Ms;steakmesisatankdeh tewnice;er makes the c.ountry as the boys setting up the. salesmen for the major corn seed for Stewatt Seeds Ltd., . ...;
A d
my pick 'of*Rangers "He isn't greedy about scoring
--, Cornspiel at Vanastra found out. Companies including William The Cornspielw is filled but
Response by the sponsors and Coleman, firuee...,,Roy And . Jack two more rinks '.are needed to fill "The change in .3)ave's game covets Daye.
over the past couple of keasons
has, been, sentaykable,-"l- says defenseman, Maloney is the guy I either. When we say tai him to .
curlers to the idea- has been ,so Mayhew for the pioneer ,.,Seed the• second draw on Feb 25th. ' '' .-
Greschner. He is smarter; he ...,„w
ottUreake," Clancy says. "I'd ' stay back; there, is, no -p roblein the good that two days curling have Corn Company,--poug';t hirray, Should be two good days for
been arranged. ;,......-"'"' ., . Jack, McGregor, , Ken. Carnochan curlingenthusiasts at • the
hardly every makes .a Mistake. ,Ir''' pair him with Borje Salming and stays back. And he eou(d !)e a . The first spiel on February 256 for HyJand Seca Corn Company, . Vanastra Curling Club.
he does, he covers up for- it sp -.- they d , be • the best set of good scorer if he rushed the, puck .
quickly it doesn't hurt thelteam,.. defenseman around. He could .and tried for goals,--but7he-knoWs ill he sponsored by the-Huron -Milford *Durst for P.A.G., and If you want to get involved as a
County Elevators. These include • Cargill Seed. Company, Ken *sponstir or curler, •contact Mery ,...,
He's learned to handle the puat • become an Alt Star." ', he is of more help staying back." Fleming4 . Feed •Mill, W.G. • Geinmell .' for Trojan Seed' Falconer 482-9858 or Fred Gibson • .
well. And he's, juq.gotting . into -.0 :' "-An Ail Starr,' says Maloney. „,!...,'My game is more stable, I
his'.own:" • !'"I don't need to think about that. -guess that would be the, ,best . ThwnP5" and., S its, Hensall' Company. Charles Brandon for "482-3467 or 482-3260.
District Co-O-e,„ ,B. Alien, • Pride ' Seed ., •Compiny,.. Verne . We expect this to be • annual • • •
Injuries ,have held _Maloney I'll just think .about out description," Maloney Says. "It': .... , Howson & How on, ' Cooks Alderdice for'. pd.kalb., Arnold event and are already talking"bf .. ,,,,,
back more than anylaekof skill on deVelopmet as a team. I'd rather all comes with experience. The , Division ,. of Gerbro. -Toptieteh....-Taylor for , United Seed.: Corn- .4naking-it' bigger ref next year. . , .
ice. At various times since joining concentrate. on the Rangers whole defense is getting that one Feed Mills, Ken Campbell and ' • •7,
the Ranger organization, , Dave getting into the 'playoffs." ,' developing confidence. We're M.J. Smith,' i.
has suffered "Two broken ankles, And how long will that take? • changing for the better because „.•, The Corn on March 22nd
a busted up shoulder, and a bad „ "This coming April,',' he says we, want to play and learn."
cut on the arm. I think," he says, emphatically. 'We think we can, • Just where can Maloney be St
" that I've had my Share of play Witli most teams in the expected to lead the 'Rangers? If
injuries." . leagee',We• know our systenr is his• early-season play is any ,..-• •--- R 0 "But I don't think I've let it one that will get us ahead. indication, Dave might well Make` man win
"I may not be what you call . '''' I
to skate and move the puck to be .1 a spi.e1 rushing defenseman, but I have
on the early draw-but out of the
prizes were Don. Tremeer, Bob ,
"Wilson, Bill Fleming and Bill
- Lobb. Curling on the 11:00 draw
and winning !two of their three
games were Bob' Fotheringhanh,
Murray Forbes, Erie McIntosh
and Ross Lovett. ;,- ,
• ' Seaforth has entered a team in
the Colts competition to be held in
Listowel on Sunday, January 29.
Representing Seaforth will be
Bob Ste. Marie, Neil Doltnage,
Gordon Pryce and Rick-
The Junior Club is pla ing a' .
Fun Day on Sunday, Fe wary 5.
There is a notice on the bulletin
beard for the juniors to sign if
' hey wish to- participate in,th 'at
1 understand the Bonspiel
Committee has several openings
for the Fariner's Mixed Spiel• on
hel here -
..- -
right away if, yob can help them
fill th's event. The Men'S Spiel
spons red by Rowcliffe Motors on
Febru ry 18 is almost full. ,
The Special Events Committee
has planned an Open House and
Dance on .February 11 to honour
Ned Boswell on' the occasion of
his 90th birthday. Ned has been
an active curler for over 45 years.
Friends, acquaintances, past and
tt present mernb rs of the club are
all' invited o share in the
celebration and wish "Ned many
more years of good health. Open
house will be held from 7 p.m. to
9 p.m. with a dance to follow. We
look forward to seeing you at the
Club, - • . .
Hurot County is tail corn
• - Fora free estimate and a look at
• 4 our newest samples of materials
effect' my play. You can't think "'.Once we make the playoffs, the All Sfar team before the .,
about injuries When you get on , it will be like Fergy said:-"We'll Rangers become bona fide con- K of'.0 dra . •
the ice," he adds, offering the. gain experience the first year and tenders for the Stanley. Cup. But • v v
reminder that playing scared isn't be legitimate contenders the the teariftliouldn't be far behind. ' The regular monthly sharett4-
,any better than not -Playing at all , next`Our kids will get better, 111 • New yerk does, indeed, have a wealth draw, sponsored by the
"injuries are a part of the game, get better, and, then people will good mixture of youth and Father Stephen Eckert Council
an unfortunate part. But you have have to saY: Oh-oh, we play the veterans. But, unlike a young, of the Knights of Columbus of
to work to overcome them and you Rangers now„" \', building team like, say - , the Seaforth and District, was held
still haye to try your best, hurt or Talbot, 'Ong ' a defensive Islanders were several years ago, last Thursday in the Council
healthy."defenseman with Montreal, has the Rangers must rely on their Rooms following the . general (--"-• at his best is a non no q ualms concerning Maloney. youth to lead the way. meeting.- Mr. A. E. Miller,
. defenseman who is 'He definitely can be an All -If we have to go over a cliff, I'll' Stratford was the winner of $388.
satisfied-with teanr-giOrY•rdther - St4r and One: of-the-best defense. be the-first guy over," IvIaloney Proceed§ 01 dieSe draws 'gOes
than personal honor. . in erk i n tiocicy,,, says...lee Rangers says. "I don.'t like to follow if I -towards charitable projects and
"W game is to advance the coach, "He doesn't make many can be in front.' .„Norks undertaken by the Council.
puck to the blue line and to work ,
it to the forwards," he says.. . . ,•-•""
' ' U rier s win local draws - ' w should I worry about C 'hy
the scorers we have here, ith
- scoring?"
A special vote, of thank's goes to
all the men who helped with the
• ebruary 8, Please let them know week.
catering for the Ladies' Spiel last
. together. That may not seem so and Laura Anstett; and Grace . nks to
• Maloney disagrees-with Riley. • ' .••• corps. .
Maloney is the central figure-in' anybody who says he was ready Two ladies' rinks travelled to
for a regular position with 'the Goderich on' Saturday to play in the kiddie corps, . and his NHL team coming out of juniors. the Dominion Road Spiel. On the teammates are the first to
• •
"Remember, I was only .17 9:00 draw, and winning first prize
when the Rangers drafted'. me," were. Marlene Roberton, Marjory
he .says.' "That put a lot of Papple, GWen Patterson and '
pressure' on• me. If they would Ellen Murphy. They also .
draft me, a kid 17 years old, on captured the ' Dominion Road .' Ph. 523.4272 R. Cook, Prop,
the first round, they must have Trophy for top score of the day. , Itelcisoyr 0phoistering
in our Hands', - , Myth, Ont.- ,
thought of me ,, as a super Playing on the 11:30 draW,• but -
prospect.:' out of the prizes were Marg. WE HAVE. FREE PICK-UP AND; DELIVERY 'SERVICE
Most scouts thought my last Fleming, • Wendy Tremeer., ' • year in juniors was a waste of Sharon Wilson and Anne
sliiiie7fliat I was too, good fol. Cunningham.
juniors and , ready for:th-e- pros. At Mixed Spiel in Belmore on
gueSS, the Flyers icad curling in ithat4Piel,were Seaforth
when they won the Cup. We're curlers Marg Makins „vi/th
to have a solid foundation for its buddies, we go out to eat Roxanne Brown, Kay Campbell
the rapid adjustment to pro • important on the surface, bet it Campbell with Wendy Tremeer, • „ • Anne • Cunningham and Gloria
effective. Our syslem lets me do it
• [by Gwen Patterson( without worrying about offense.
As promised, here are the -"I used to get caught standing
still, which I am more conscious results from the Ladies Spiel held
(last. Wednesday.,: On the 9:00 to stop now. Jean Guy has been a
draw, first prize went to Wilma helpingettingme to keep
Rathwelf s rink from ,Listowel. m moving, thinking not be caught
Second prize was won by the flat footed.'!
"I've always Said I prefer to be Exeter rink skipped by Doris
a leader than 'a follower, Hackney. Third was won by:, the
notes. ""Ever since I was a .kid, I Seatirth rink skipped by Flo
• was i that. ,'m gladerg . akio , mit withCarolnnes, Loretta
' the guys think of me as a leader7s'ate, dolmage and Marjorie Coleman.
"We have different leaders , On the • 11:30 draw, the
here for different purposes. Rod Vanastra rink skipped by Kay
and Phil lead the veterans. Sharp won first prize and also the
"Maybe I and somebody else trophy for highest score4overall
might lead the younger guys, Mid for the day. Second prize, was won
it all ties. in. D Id
,'One of the biggest differences rink. and third "prize went, to; the
on this ,teanyislhOw to:ether e Seaforth., rink skipped ..by,','IVarg
' r„; ' .gekaawit,64 ha •LlsotA •'•••-•,1 •
• 1.1's '1'',4illYtTibbift'ae *It I a4', '„i A isq