HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-01-26, Page 6, - garoltOPOP • vach;`tnadeItli Amp* on the The light hoih A the telephone, iota the world and each was Wated.WOM4i Ift took PoOPfelg'Allvent hias.aIrodtietiOn, tut gradually pot e,-10t Pf,ReOple okit` ' yOrk, and took sway much' of t • uniquenesS of the protipets, It took people to.,, design computers:: that: are sioWlY replacing people, it is enderstood that eomputefi-dO not, make mistakes; only people do. Of course, it also took peOple to love and to hate and to experience the einsequencei. It took people to feel jealousy and greed, discrimination and ...a,gger; it took .people to make w,ar. It took people• to devise tactics to fool their enemies. It took people to manufacture guns and -auks -.that killed more, reliably and to build planes taht dropped hoMbi more precisely. "z It took people. to invent the H-bomb-and the•atom bomb, and the latest invention of • people may be the last-one - 'the neutron bomb: It doesn't damage property or destroy. buildings; it just kills People. People have always been important in this world, and it looki as tbongb...it4trAy take people to destroy the world and themselves with it. am. imme AIM Mak . NININ , NNW INEM MIN ' ' NMI NINEM = Weston's Cinnamon BUTTERHORNS PKGS OF 6 ends by,Elain.:eyownsholnd. eopie are imriortarit .r „ • - create sky scrapers. of steel, glass and concrete. , ' - :'It took people to find drug formulae and other methode. of treatment for combatting • disease, • • It took pebple•to express their thoughts- in words and to preserve thep_ty 11-iting them on paper, Some were told, as stories; others had Thyme, and became poetry; same were ipturpreted in song. . It took peoPle to record the happenings history and to ensu6t• that future ge rations would'always,be aware of their heri age. - , • It took people td dream and to turn their tantasiesintqcalities. • It took people to,,tame 'wild animals and to control them to stilt their own purpose: It • took people to harness Nature's power and ' 'to ..male it their slave. It took people to perfect technology and tb invent machines that made their lives easier. The horseless carriage was a tranipbrta, don breakthrotigh; but people did'not rest on their laurels; they. Made. if faster, more powerfql and, more luxuri,ous.,, itailroad tracks link cations from one boundary to another, while jets traversed • the World; • ships conquered unexplored seaways:" and. rockets invaded space. : People have always been important in this world. It took peopleto venture to str nge new lands and to carve homes', f rins and businesses out. of 'the wildertie s. It took people to Conquer frontier after ontier; it took people to. walk onnhe moo 'It took people. to sions modest lo ins_ , and to fashion m. rick. It took peophmto design floor upon,'flOor of apartments to accommodate an L ever- 'increasing population and it took peaple to • • a MON MON MIN MIN MN mrM IMO 1.0111E_THESE ,..,. • ... :-... Er: f. A4Y r. Price'effective till closing iiiiiiiIiiiiiiiiillifiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiililliliMilMiniiiiiMifiniliiiiiine — — = Tues. Jan:31/78 ' min ' r Imol am vim AIM • ` PRODUCE MNS MIN MA NONI MON imp ..,11mIl NINIO NNW NM NM MIN. -Imo MINN 401, .•-seor = MIN MOO . • !NMI ION... SNOW G.Iden ellow. Chiquitc3 Robin = BA ANAS 80 •.%% 1 Lb'. a n 4%1 ,carnatio mowilr = Hood,, • • ' • = 41/14-- - - Ont GroWn No 1 COOKING *1=-46` QUICK Lb. = Ai& COFFEE 3/s1 = M E ONIONS Au. WHAT SHALL' WE 'MAKE? Students at the =AIL NI r"--- OEM ,in •Seaforth Public School practiced making their snow — Joh ma- MA-1" _J1111& aim • =No UM AO. • sOfh. OATS = Prod USA Can No 1' sculptures last week for the Seafortti Optimists = • E GRAPEFRUIT pink or White NMI JO 2.25 --Kt Winter Carnival held, last weekend., Grade 7 and 8 = $ I 7-- fitnitilititok classes are shown 'on the schdol (SPS Photo) *ate. S ,16 Oz. "ow • Mow Fresh from Florida ' MN. 69 - -•‘. a TANGERINES Doz., = * a tek • • 11 MIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111g 810111/ Trustees ,question value of ski rips!. 14,111i1111111.10ililifilliflialiffill111111111111111110111111111111111111114 Diettichs'100% Whole Wheat 2/890:1 0,00 24 Oz .0•101.11e BREAD mom Nam .4.11011011 = . \ Glad, = Weston's Brown & Serve - a ROLLS • 2/890 a A two day skiing •trip, planned by members of the South. Huron- District High School ski _club has cuno educational, value whatsoever according to 'Colborne township school board trustee Shirley Hazlitt. Hazlitt told the board at its Wednesday meeting that the' 80 students from Grades 9 to 13 shoald ,have -planned their trip to the: Collingwood Blue Mountain Ski Resort-•for school holidays rather than take ,time off • the school calendar. - The issue was raisedby'll'azlitt ,when the board was asked to approve the excursion for, the • Alpine Ski Club of S.H.D.S. The --teaeher:sponsoringthetiip said -it- was to "introduce .studentS' to • participation in a recreational activity 'Which is, ideal for, lifetime. leisure ;time ., :pursuit": The students are paybig. for the tirp themselves, and, asked the board for 'no money. ' Mrs. Hazlitt told the board that she complemented the students f 'showing enough interest lathe' sport,to.organize the trip but -she "failed' to see the educational advantage of taking students from Grade 9 ,to,,13 out of school tor three days.' The Colborne trustee said she. had heard teachers say they would love to have the opportuni- lass- full vof students for an entire day to just teach, She said that''. possibility is remote because ottleld trips, interviews "Mth the School, health nurse and leaving ..cfasS have year book Pict tires taken. MEI "We are a board have to stop approving these gland holidays," E 4171844„ she said. Robin ,Hood • ZGARBAG ' Pk6.0F ' ° = 12 • Jim. Coulter; superintendent of = eduCation, ,approved the trip and = aft. told Hazlitt that the reason the • = INSTANT MON MIN JIM& students had chosen that tiMe of' = AIM • yearWas.to reduce the cost.of the = JO' • venture. He Said had the students = 0 S 6941a. • :,BAGS • = = = gone during holidays they • = wouldn't have been able to afford = the-costs. He. a•dded that the trip appears to be a three day effort =I' op AT A = $0;0'0' 99 . a RUIZ 10. 12 Oz.(' 7° 9 = $4, „.,.re •_ - ER:2'61d South Mos 2K g MIS • MOO a 1411iifint.t ORANGE JUICE to► se_‘. because the departure day is "Mn 1440111004‘.04 NM "- NM NENO MoN1 F uary 8 and the' date of return = the time of departure - on _ IMO • " " • • Peas & C a trots = Golden Maple'. Kernel Corn,' Mixed Veg. s • ebruary 10. He explained that = • • 59 =VEGETABLES OW imummiliminithimmitioutaimmitomominia 4.... Green, MIN INNIO FehruarY 8 is 3:30 p.M..--aT ter """ the school day is ccimplete, and. = that ,loth February 9 and = / - .•0001",,' • 40ii1/44, Schneiders .Nionw" -004, , 1 —z SIDE February 10 are professional 14\ activity days at South HurOn. = "The students won't be = missing any class time at all,' .i.k111111111111111$1111111111111fillM14111111111111H1111111111111111111111111E said Mil. Coulter, but two = Giant "1.111.arauwillor = Schneiders Ihuringer a 1 Lb. $1 19 Pkg. • • teachers will have to be excused = Niblets from the act4vity days." mos atii7ZO. John Henderson, trustee frorir Seaforth, suggesfed that'perhaps = KERNEL a MINI SIZZLERS K . = Schneiders Broken • • the board was remiss . in E. _jai, permitting the teachers to be = —Ali excused from activity days. ......"'" 0.1. CORN- ....... ..... .... . .... ..... =-11 HAM SLICES "How many activity days, are = moo the teachers missing during the .... liglo NM VIVio. mor getting any benefit from the = 0, ,. --- • • / $ 1 12 oz. '.,.. .... ....., ., -year?" be asked. "Are they ' = • /111, # eee it ' — — .. - NZ-- — --- EL_Sch_rtejd ers_L Ready...to_Eat k.‘.' 1 DINNER -HAMS a 4 2. '410iiik 0A ... NM F.., Schneiders SAUSAGE Whole or by the piece-4 •,, . MS INNI.m= . mom ,. .. olim Ma • = JO. • BACON • . . ....... ....i... .....— IIMS MINN NM NM mli $ 1 09 gailini.:' mil IIIM Oz. Pkg, IBM ma IMO 1%. • SINI. IMO ' . SIM 1'9 sill 9-1 Lb. - - Pkg._ ._- e • E, tAi Fasss ° Ittt activity days scheduled?" The board voted to approve• the v.* trip %vitt', Mrs. Hazlitt, Mr. = 11,,Ptitre0ori and Clinton trustee = Dorlith4vwilliains opposed. NMI NNIN INNE NINIe 'NM NMI : 40,114,4 • Mrs.'. Wi !bee , • N VOIlltge* . • .= Monarch Cake & Pastry Kilharchon Notes sm. . elime 2.99 'Atit = At Schneiders = itakik 20 lb. immiele a FLOUR Gr marksburthday = = a 4111N, ,=, • Aft. aft RING n•rml miNS = tairs‘ -.NummIllowr 4.r = aft Evaporate d = aUh 041 r Y Detergent • Correspondent Aikens, a resident here. • *NNW N.N.1 WINN Mabel Turnbull Mrs. Mitinie Vock, Bornholm = IMININ • Box SOOLOGNA 6 b.. vft. MILK TIDE ANIL NMI Birthday Greetings! to Mrs, Edna and Mrs. Carl Eisler, Mitchell = Wilbee, Walton who celebrated. visiting Mrs. Lena BenpeiVies. pigs "IMF MID UMW mow IININ January 15. Mrs. and Mrs. Ken We were pleased to ee 'Miss = 000 Nes.. • t. *1 19 a . :..._ lb. N.. =• . .... . . .%... ;i:Iti;11 itikk • — — tIORE Ho it$ — . - — — —• — .. — .... — — brodght a lovely birthday cake. been convalescing it,fier home°= Se" • 16 Oz.- • Tin Ns,. Wilbee, Walton, visited, her and Gladys Thompson, again. She haS = $0‘. 3 7 MIII1111,111011111111M111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111a ROTHS. F "happy birthday"... „While they she Visited the Heine, The staff also made one as is the right across djakOm hqie. usual custom. They bring the for a few `weeks, but ilabkto = `blow out the candle§ which has a . cheer to OS, 1Ve 1444111100 special meaning, If they blow wisb her well and hope that she = them all out they get tit wish: will be able,to visit us tegularly cake to the 'eelebrant singing about again. Before , et' =, Lb. *Man., Tues., Wed., Sat, 9.45,, Thurs., and Fri. 9-9 WE RESE0tVE THE RIGHT ' TO LIMIT OUANYITIER AVERAGE RAWLY REQUIREMENTS. Seaforth Ont. ViSitors: Mrs. „ITS. Peptiee,f1 again. Egmondville, wit ..,14.4t-St Jotir.4, till kltiaigort, Goderichewittra- r.p • Pethick, Winthrope.W„ td, niost i•ecent lirti;. A ttliets14141iTilili'g altitt .1