HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-09-24, Page 5}
i.P .g
OCTOBER 1st is the date of ourt..-_,
sestsion raM,'ests!r4,'4'esessedeah'hi'hM''!te ed4 ssedta sseeeee •,.
We extend a cordial invitation to you to be present and see wbi,t are
to be the styles for this season. Special display on the evening of October
1st. Store will be closed from G to 7 p. m. on this date to complete display.
It is not necessary to say anything about it. Every person is coming.
Wbile in Blyth at the Fair make this store your headquarters. We will
take care of your wraps, parcels, etc.
o non
The Fall. Fair of the East Wawa -
nosh Agrieultural Society is being
held to -day, (Friday). Tho prize
list will appear in our next issue.
The following are the . officers
recently elected by the Epworth
League of the Methodist church of
this place: Prcak lent, Mrs. Oatonm;
1st Vice -President, Miss Ella. Owens;
Seeretary, Miss ifinnic Lawrence;
Treasurer, bliss E. Vaneunp.
Mrs. W. A. Oule, of Pierson, Mani-
toba, who pent the past four months
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs
A Tunuey, returned home on Tues-
The Epworth League of the Brick
Methodist Church, will hold Anniver-
sary services on Sunday next. Tho
pastor will deliver a pedal sermon
to Epworth Leaguers in the morning,
and Mr. V. H. Kerr, of Brussels,
will deliver an address in the even.
ing. On Monday evening a free
bread and butter soeieil will be held
and an interesting programme ren-
dered. Collection at each in interest
of the League.
Huron County Assizes.
Goderieh, Ont., Sept. 20th.—The
Fall Assizes for the County of Huron,
opened here this afternoon. Hon,
Sir William rieredith presided. After
His Lordship had charged the Grand
Jury, the following cases wore dis-
a posed of:—Gordon vs. Wright, action
for seduction, verdict for plaintiff,
$250. McNeil vis. Russell, action for
seduction, verdict by consent for
plaintiff for $250. McKinnon vs.
Mckinnon, et al., action for construe -
tion of will and other matters, ver -
'diet for plaintiti in terms of minutes
1 filed. I:lgie �; s. Butt, action on
promissory note. No defence. Ver-
! diet for plaintiff. The Grand. Jury
returned a true bill against Russel
for rape.
Kidney Trouble Cured,
From the Standard Cornwall.
The march of the world's progress
is forced, protracted and continuous
the competition for supremacy is
keen. The man of business must
keep rank if he secures anycovetable
measure of success. The wetehfal
ness, vigilance and thought involved
in.modern superintendency produces
a severe strain on the physical and
mental powers of modern business
men, and exposes them to the attacks
of certain diseases, Considering that
much depends on health.in this strug-
gle, it behooves those who would be
victorious, to guard against• the first
approaeh of decease Neglect of ear-
ly adjustment of digestive and kidney
disorders is often fraught with dire
results, added to this is the unpar-
donable trifling with health by ex-
perimenting with all manner of
worthlessdecoettons.It is simply inval-
uable to make the acquaintance of a
a safe and effective remedy such as
Dr. •Williams' Pink Pills. , James
Macpherson, hotel keeper in the '11 --
age of Lancaster, Glengarry nty,
has done business for a. • mber of
years in Lancaster and aving sue-
cessfally catered ort patnondg0 o the motet,. which hed
the travlling pu therefore is fav- severe lnitli:aes to his head. He had
Drably known only at home but apparently iecoYered from this, when
also aboard, In convention with a PP
newspaper reporter he enumerated he attended .a threshing in the neigh -
some of his ailments and how he way borl�oocl find contracted a severe
cared. About two years ago he s'Lid,
"my whole digestive apparatus seem
ed to become diserded. Some days
I could move around, then again I
would be obliged to go to bed. I
tried several things bat with instiller
ent success. Occasionally I felt
relieved,' bat in a day or two the old
symptoms would return with a more
depressing effect. This kind of thing
went onluntlt I. became troubled with
my kieneys, which wars a very an-
noying addition to my sufferings.
membership I was restless with a sensation of
sickness of the stomach. with inter-
mittent pain in the'small of my back
I was miserable enough when I con-
sulted the doctor who probadly did
1 taffy,. Robert Curry; Cor.•Secretary, me some good, because I felt relived.
;Miss plegg; Treasurer, Mrs. Baine; The doctors medicine was taken and
Orgeeist, 11is' C!egg.. Meetings his directions obeyed, but I did not
will 'be held each Friday evening atimprove.I had heard. of the fame
7 0 o'clock.
;Wednesday evening of last week
re • ome of James McArter, Brussels,
was seene. of one of those pleasing
events always of ii,terest to a locality
viZ., a wedding. The cont:aetin;'
parties were John A. klrown, a well
known young gentleman of Morrie,
arid. Miss Kate, the eetiniabie and
r •nhter of the hest and host-
esS. Rev. John Ross, B. A , tied the
a !a nuptial bow. gi' , t'>
' s eteinef-Elbe-•Lrine.,nestae .the,ele tiles
: bleat delivered to any part of the town
Give us a eall.4
D. E. 19I,e ®NA.1D, :n-eftsait,Iti‘e most useful and v .lu
Shaw's Old Stand. Butcher. 1 After ail elegant) ;__ -•- prepared
style, and an
large comps
MISS BOYD will be pleas
of those days, and extends t•
her stock of
We carry
many old patrons on any
invitation to all to inspect if
n extra fine stock of Mantle Goods.
nr specialty. Goods at the lowest price.
dly give us a
Mason Block, Wingham.
All kinds of rough and caressed
--LATH, .
kept constantly on hand and deliver-
ed on shortest notice.
Call and get prices as we are
determined not to be undersold.
tle making
Down Goes
the Price of
An Epworth League was organ-
ized in Sunshine Methodist church
• on Friday evening week. with • a
of about 135. The
officers elected were as follows: --
President, Miss Hood; Vice -President,
Win. Hunter, Mrs. J. Clegg, Mrs.
'John Clegg. Mrs. L. Wheeler; Sesre-
Threshing has become quite gener-
al in this seetion of the country.
Mr. and Mrs James Wylie are in
Goderieh this week attending the
1liss Maggio Witlitjvho was ,hurt
last week by a fall, is almost well
again. t
Mr. Peter Fraser, student at the
roderich Model, was home last Sat-
Mr, David Langley of Wingbam that impure blood which la contra-
.ally feeding the nerves upon ranee
Junction is engaged with Mr. John I instead of the elementsot strength and
McBurney. vigor. In such condition opiate and
Teople often woader why their uorvea 9s
so w�eelt; why they get tired so sa$fl l
why they start #1r .every slight but
Budden sound; why they do wet ftp
naturally; rby they have 4requerlt
1seadachea, indigestion and nervous
Dyspe ` 1a
$e es isitafdoa is simple. It is foaud iqr
Rumor has it that there is to be a
wedding in this neighborhood befpre
the end of next month,
,bliss Moss and Mr. and Miss Maud,
Jenkins were the gueet>i of bliss Jes•
sic Higgins last week,
We are sorry to report that Miss
Rinds Sanburn and her brother aro
very ill with whooping Goth. l
Mr. G. E. Wilson took first place i
at the Walkerton bicycle race on'
Thursday last wearing a silver cup.
Mr. James L•:nglev who recently
gad an attack c•f typhoid fever was
visiting at •Mr. Wm, i1IeKersie's lest
week. • Putlancl's Ball, Bluevale, on Satur-
i`Sr. Gavin Davidson of the junc• day,. October 1 Gth, X897, at 10 o'clock
tion has purchased a thoroughbred a m.
Yorkshire boar, frorn Me, W, D. Mc- l JURE BURGESS, Clerk...
Lellan of Harriston. Mr. Davidson
believes in hat ing the best of every GOIfRIE,
thing, Alfred Williams WAS arrested in
k/GVe'are called upon this week to Stratford on Friday last by Acting
record the death of Alexander Rob- Chief of Pulice O'Donnel on a eharge
ertson, of the Bluevale Road, which , of stealing a note for $300 and $6g
sad event took place on Wednesday in cash, from the C. P. R. Station of
evening of this week, in the sixty -this place. The theft was co nnitt-
seventh year of his age. Deceased ed some days ago, and the police of,
met with a severe accident last sum- the neighborhood were notified. .A
f mer, by his team running away with man who answered the description
from tv 1e sustained sent out turned up in Stratford and
was arrested on a telegram from
Constable McGrath of this place.
The prisoner pleaded Trot gaiety at, .
the Pulice Court on Ssiturday ,ire "i"
cold, which developed nto paralysis, ing, and was remanded to jail. Con
which ended fatally %Deceased bad stable McGrath went to Stratford net
been a resident of this township for Saturday and brought .the prisoner
nrany years and was held in high back to this place.
esteem by eveyrone. Ile was a
faithful member of the Wingham
Baptist church. Much sympathy is
expressed for his 'bereaved widow
and family. The funeral will take
place this (Friday) afternoon, at 2 30
o'clook for the \Vingham Cemetery.
Minutes of Council meeting held in
Putiand's hail, Bluevale, on Monday
September 20th, 1897. Members of
Council alI present except Mr. Gem -
The minutes of last meeting were
react, approved and signed.
'Communications were lead from
sawyer -Massey Co:, re road machine
—Filed, and from the Clerk of the
a t . Peace, re Drang'lt of Juries for 1898,
26 grand jurymen., and 114etit-
of Dr. Williams Pink Pills. My P
•wife believed in thein and urged me l j w'yrnen are required from this main
to try them. I tem glad I did so for c' iaettortes—The Reeve reported that
after taking one box I felt better, and I P
I "continued taking the pills until I heshad got Jarnes Sanderson to re.
was completely cured. This summer I pair 15th side road, cost $1; also let
I had an attack of the same coin- ! a join of gravelling at end of 13 line
plaints and I found Dr. Williams' bridge to David Pocock, cost $1; also
ink Pills effective as before. I had examined the job of covering 13 andline
Pi a bridge, let to Duff Stewart this advantage, my knowledge and 1
belief in the pills saved me from cost•' found the work completed, in a very
1•v and tedious experimenting such satisfactory manneria fnland
ec Deputy -
as I. had undergone previously. I cd pay
rktrid; I�ath.laclicas..tabtt�raaa3' - may further° add that both myself Reeve reported that he had let
eclirin`o§tntirof-wdittc-S>tvi�s=na.tks Mrs. Macpherson have derived much job of cleaning out Gilmour d
cot —1 elitii;>cyf-• Iearaxia., " benefit from the nee of Dr. Wilhams" to Wm, Carruthers at $5.50,. job
gio •G e finisaed and recommended pay(tle nt.
• g.roomsnl'ariT T.14- veela is ifts.were l Pink Pktls, and I can cord}ally .re- I \Ir. Con land repot tori that Ile had
le sufferend them to those who are lot j -b f graveiling 7d5 rods more or
suffering similarly, pills cure by 1 less on 10th concession .line at 30
Dr. Williams Pink
norm to the coot of the disease, ;cents per rod, township to pay for
serve, oompounds simply deaden and
do not cure. Hood's ;Sarsaparilla fees
the nerves pure, rich, red blood; gives
natural sleep, perfect digestion, is t'
true remedy for all peevo s trouhI
iv the One True Blood. Pnrlfler. $1 per bottle.
Prepared only by 0.1. Hood & Co:, Losvell, Mass.
s x , cure Liter Ills; easy .to
a nOOd 3 Pin-
. take, easyto operate. flae. -.
Wishes to inform the}
General Public that he is
supplying all kinds of
MEATS at the
eldest daub
Mr. Emigh of the Commereizll,Sun
dayed in Lucknow.
The harvest thanksgiving.:ofPer-
tory in Trinity Church was over'
On Sunday evening next Trinity •
Church will be lighted by electricity
for the first time.
The fall fair will be held `here
Tuesday and Wednesday October
5t and 6th, and everything indicates
that the show will . be better and
larger Ulan ever.
A number of oar citizens are at-
tending the assizes in Goderieh this
week as witnessess in the Jessop
The Goderieh Amateur Co, is to
give a concert in Industry hall on
the second evening of the Bletix• • fall • s---:�
Mr. T. Pelton of Cleveland' 'Ohio,
has disposed of his property in town
to Mrs. Jarnes Proctor. '
Me. Matthew' Floody, is 'enlarging
his residence on Dinsley street which
he purchased'a short time ago: • '
'Mrs. George P.,well is indisposed
On 1busday evening on .the up
train four of the passengers dropped
off • at Londesboro, thinking they
were at Blyth station` and. had:to hire
a. rig to land thein lit their . sestina --
.T. A. Mills bias just opened out a...
tuU J...inei
�ga.nt per,
Mrs. Mc's ' hest
••evenipg, the
sPaled for their
respect: 101005 wiili -. nx xgooel-
tes'lretriii; °h t iY •ua1.ci,ga 0114,. M r.
and llrs. Brown have tacke•n up their
residence on the groon1's farm in
irr 1 fall trade mark Dr
The bicycle stoeleef G. F. Fes �•::on,
has been seized by the sheriL.
They renew and build ap the blood ' gravel.
C k b nk seconded The Misses Ilillyer, ofGe toric ,
and strengthen the nerves, thus driv-
ing disease front- the system Avoid
imitations by insisting ' that every
box prrchased is enclosed in a wrti.p•
Moe(' by rule s a ,
leer*. Couplet -id, that James �riehol be aro about to l�ope c o *milliner
1. . -
granted four rods cf four inch tile to 'lishmert in
etirry drain across concession line to l by Geo. Ell1c'reon.
government drain, • provided Mr.i Miss Cla.a I1. Mon' t1e, clone
tionist, while preparing for an enter-
taiuinent, fall and fractured her
ankles. She had tit the time of the
aee'ideilt a lighted' lam in }ler hand,
which was fortunately extinguished,
41x1 tis:.. per bearing the a •ra ,does
Williams' Pink. Pills fur pale people. Nt"1ClefIthe work. ---Carried.
One loaf of bread may be John Brittain, telegraph op •
t>t the T H. and I3 station, 1 I hisportion of the drain
The. WAS instructed to notify
operator 1 Mr T'hatnas Giltemtir at Gienanrian,
Brant_ 11'. 0•, that the Council
will not grout
fora, has been arrested, and con...till fpr p r ' .
Sir. Arthur McGee asked to have or the con eclti^Acca might have been .
still ittere serrates •
A Most dietl;e`e'ng ltt'.eideil° ' tnnis -
reel, en e Sitiinley, af'tet'113:1, At the:
home of ne, Wl l'et-Coates,' Victoria
light, sweet and digestible.
• .5: zil s:,, _F ti d%xrr..---.:tMie" w�. `4'aY.ec'i '.,r)y�'"8
You •nay use the same ma- fessed to the robbery of $58G from
a tlon struck off roll, that ' had aged
terials for another and have it the office safe a few weeks ago. oat -
or since Court of Revision. The Conn -
and soggy.The passed one of the stolen bills on oat- j
1 thenofficers traced. Fell explained to him that the town-
■ a Cl 1�N a� � BLACK Ca
Diieet from Europe, which he is offering
...to his Customers at...
'lease call- ill' aril examine for 'Yourself, and. be Convi#
No trot.110rv4 t1 ' .1,goo j.s,
aleavy, urila,y night, axle o leers c -&hip has it by -kitty that no dons can
knack is in pti't311g.the 111 it baste ter' l+irYi. lee straek off roll that has hot been street, by w?: ele, a bight litt:e boy
• �redieflts together just right. The p'tt•nirese of both railways still steads.' off o.t Court of llevisiott;a of two year:'lost, his girt`. The
CiYilrt'' .
• t> (l 1, d `1 heti f'ti � 'ill of
t.0 . 3.3
y- .l h 4
W ,l tinito to :flow lar,e're Increases. therefore h13 re(llt�3t ''coal J1oG le! i•iLit IY1Jo Te'c� i:l > 1� ti �£,•`:,t' t ,'.
salastittite r•.. is�w ' In tot
1 of the WC11: ending September l th graritetl, boiling water en the flour f.,; 1 few
Sic.7:1 may V�%l` alio C. P. IL, earning amounted to The followingaccounts were:pass- m%uutea, aricl:tch n" her lt:t. l was
er , ! ''° So"000, against ;31:13,000 for the
ed mid orders on the Treasurer turner the liter+ feil6w, E�ha was.. .
rc.�.l ,,1 y 1 oravel 2 playing around. rlttt • l•f,otli, stumbled
sa�ue period last year, the increase
' .c• " john Casetnorc 5 n
" " ,k d nl t-
��ehem „5..,.
r eG b$i lttxtoi 'car 1Y ons *Ile
.,1,^: •, Oi)0.. The increase on the
,Iosepli' I.reccb, gravel, $?.50;,. David into the pail bee war , see, r.g i
II is'ing's gavel and damages, t n; self fmin its knees ,to its 1t(rek. ,:twill
.' r ,e dig. •The's
�: II I3 ,Elliott, printing, ;d 75, s, 1 . cal aid was hurriedly tl'F
.1�" ::s rw
E i e� �f the unfortunate
the b
:knows • iQW to put f �e-parts
amounts to 3t ,215.
, h.Nt4IJN • tgrrrcn Victoria,lib
• r � . ttrl',o .0 d niahtand tuid:ao
ale8tiiotmiWk�1�T h' hd reat1351 pitttirdb.. r;,l
teals .
' ( 'ftv r- I r t7 ° . .e:tn� qn r u„rlersad hinur aeby cR" 11ev Sraiesty.
` ��,, • � ,' , ' nm6Nnnxid•Fiiatiorv, ae hit^ rtrnanttiaUtMrctjtrwi and ton
,� .��$ ir',dtLg'%1Fw flet . ax•cauaf<nt the Ihn�irKl Jubilea. oisltLCi.ttl«on +ter
est way, Iraisit
h,e, y est t'i e4 Veda*, Write' lint n t!
t tiuril, �FiuY t paid,
xr . arx. end $I:M. 1yPl MIIctOW i�17i►AlF2, bar t.
sit SCOTT & DOWNS. Itelravttlb, o ! r MIS , moot*.
. • , ,, ,'W. F. • il'. I summoned and
Si�,lth,'•hurying dog, 50c,' 7Juif M everything pos-ibis done to ,?le'viate
Sto.wart, lttmbcr and covering 13 line the sufferings y .e unf
bridge, $40,70;. Wtn..Carruthers, !nillld, but on Sunday wonting be
t numbed
Ci.l>xionr dria:k'�, 45;50; .iainea Sat>'der• tobir ronrtt�•laiotl+s.incl soon su
P 'e filar*, ilxalvoraael
non, Work on road., $1; David I aeoul�, to his tent* j ,�•
gravelling,Si. • .ir<i,In thr is '.zl'Or itf., $lirl
The Council. adjourned so beet in °o rtes in tir"ir ft oo
iii_. 1,,rd kovatlfiKA, rrVi'JItij
A /tl\st)
.�.. _