HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-01-26, Page 5im•• St. Columban writer 'The forZloWing Sunday Chen He drove 1.9).-4with • his horse and buggy, she was waiting for him with "where were . you last Sunday?" "Were wit , mad at me?''. came the reply. "Yes!" He took-a book and pencil from his pocket eve a stroke with the, pencil and said, "That's another one off the list!" For Some reason or another they never did get married. So I may 'soon'" • be another off the list as far as correspondents unless .' shape up. Personals • *M rs. Ben Flanagan, Joanne and Jay, Kitchener, visited, with us recently. , 4 Mr. Ken Ducharme, visited his, mother. Mrs. Mary Ducharrne. ' Mrs. Mary Melady is presently • spending a 'holiday in Edmonton with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Betters Sand family. COMPLETE INSULATIONIERVICE ISOFOMARIOID URETHANE —and ROCK WOOL INSULATION Sprayed in p1aue Urethane Insulation for all types of farm buildings, new and older honies, warehouses, &Oases, retail stores, etc. . • FREE ESTIMATES • CALL UR TODAY r ALL WORKMANSHIP Gt1ARAN'IR ED. 4 Hs VAN MO(ORSEIL INStULAflON RR 5 Mitchell' Phone 348-9376 * • fighting off flu • CorreSpondent V. J. Lane ' As 1 Stag to write my • colyne for this week under clear, sun shiny . skies, there are perfect driving cOnditions, no snow on the highway and not all that much • traffic, I somehow get the urge to go places. On ,the other hand, it seems dif4cult for melt) even do a bit of writing today per.pap'S I'm getting -the And that's about all I need-right now. con,eled with all , niy other problems. . Which • teminds .me 'of what I mentioned in -one of my columns about famous sayings . by famous people. ' :Several years ago a bachelor gentleman also noted for his •"wit mid humour" living-.T h in this community was keeping conipany with one particular . jady for several years. It so happened they had a date for a Siptlay night.and he failed to show up. f•--• l• •• :t• bingo weekend with Mrs. Rita Gooding " and Mrs. Catherine' McRae in London. • Ditblit .and District. Lions will organize allaper..dfive.later -this. .month. Please save your papers until further notice.' Used glasges are still needed. • and there • is no change for kennel have been changed to February 1 licenses for plirebred dogs which and February 13 at 1 pan. Several _ `continued' at $25:00, - coencillors, plan to .attend some The more de4s Logan residents , Logan Council set the license fee AssocaitiOn: Since delegates are have the more 11'18-going to cost for• a sec ltd deg at $12.00 and attending,. the R.O.M.A, them..' $25.00 for the third and additional' Convention, F,eb. 5.-- 8 and Good At the meetit‘ last week dogs. The fee fOr the first dog, Roads COvnention Feb, 20 - 22, male or female, remains at $4.00 the council meetings in February mo an wns h • ip in Log Council decided''td send membership fees to the following municipal. organizations: Assoeiation of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers, Rural Ontario Municipal Association, Ontario Farm Drainage Association, Association of Municipalities of ,Ontario , and Ontario Good Roads tt• • sessions of 'the Farm Drainage Association Conference in 'London, January 25 - 27, weather permitting. Approval was given for the Don MacRae preparation of the proper by-laws to .re-zone the Orval Parrott property at Brodhagen to create a residential building lot. • Dublin Lions Club T.V. Home Bingo, Channel 12 for last week January 18. were Mrs. Nornian Ms. Eileen Spellman, Mitchell. Winners. on • Mitchell and, , $35.00; Mr. Ferg Campbell, • ..Jownsend, Mitchell $10.00; Mrs, Correspondent Shirley Kramers. Dublin $20.00: Win at Lions • • • the. Board's January meeting that it has been virtually impossible for individualized pregrarnming and • attention to be provided. In his report to the Board Superintendent of . Instruttion ' Gordon' Stewart said that in classes Of su • large numbers that the children being deprived of attention, espec Ily 'those youngsters requiring a lit o extra help. .TrusteeBEd Dearing questioned why in " a year of dedining enrolments and teache layoffs does the Board need Ro • Brodhagen, Walten, Seaforth • and Monkton area. Plans were to .. go by bits from Mitchell. ' Ipstead 30 of the group made it to the train on their own power.. But there were another 30 from the rural areas. Jim' Alexander from Seaforth who.. had, brought some of the travellers to Monk ton .3 - lead the Way along highway 2 . ahead of Jack Smith's bus into Stratford. 'Along the Way he also Used his four wheel tractor to pull a-stallertruck: to the side of the road.! They had a long'wait in Stratford on the train that was to leave at 8:55. When it did arrive it got bogged down just' outside,.1.#1c station and it was I a.m. bef4re Mrs, Lai/ern Wolfe charge of Pastor Arthdr Horst • Correspondent who lead the Bible 'Study. Then 345-2757 the ladies were divided into three Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bauer are groups, each grclup having among thig,60.• travellers enjoying reporter who interviewed the Caribbean cruise and a week in others'who were-to represent the ,Barbados. They phoned to the Bauer home from Antigua lsiand wise .meti about. their experiences on _their travel. Mrs.' to repoit they,a_rriVed safely and rold igsen -was appolnieed7 are all happy -and 'full of in charge of the ;literature excitement over - their sunny -.holiday in -The. of .the bad Mrs. Philip Rock whO is, an weather and,‘„,all 'their problems ...,,honourary member is iresiding at with' most, of the roads , remembered,•blocked the RitZ Villa was rem embered with the snow and storm before with a greeting card for her 92nd they left. The travellers hail from birthday, Cengratulaticies • 'ate' in time. Mrs. Lois Loyva and Andka Monkton-Office Open . Monday flint Stituietay • Iliont$1414241 • An additional half time teacher /will be hired to aid instruction of kindergarten at Anne Hathaway school in Stratford. Effective January 30, the extra half-time teacher will join Mrs. , . Kathy Jeffrey at. Anne Hathaway. • When ' school ' opened.... • in September 51, .5 'year olds were enrolled for kindergarten, 6 of iyhonf were Identified aS' children -- requiring extra instructional attention.. n lthough kindergarte -classes are' only a half day long the 25 morning children and . the 26.in the afternoon were just too • big of a responsibility. -Administration• told the Perth - Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnston • got a pleaSant Surprise when.their friends and neighbours of the 8th and 9th .of McK illop atgathered , their home Tuesday, Jan. 17 . to help them celebrate their 25th Wedding Anniversary. • Progressive euchre was played with 1116 winners being High Lady-Ruth Taylor; Low Lady- 'Olive Little; Most Lone Hands- , Laurette Regele; High Man- . • 'Martin Murray; Low Maui-Harold Pryce;, Most Lone Hands-Harold Bolton:'; ''Lucky Cup prize-Marie Bolton, • ' The esteemed couple, were presented with a bridge set and 'smoking stand. Marion Bolton.' read the following address to Harry. and Marie. "The Story and the Optimist" I hear these two folks merawhile • Mitchell, $20,00; ITLF. MOMann, Mitchell $20.00; Mrs. P. Kraal, Mitchell $35,00, • „ anon (0.13 ,S T.A.) and the Walt, Mitchell $10.00; Allan • Don MacRae spent . • of. Brodhagen $8,504.02. Neighbours -honour . off. It goes to show where there is it generated enough power (Slake • a will, there is -a,way. They -justt Hcirry, Mar ie Johnston made it to Toronto fortheir flight—A"' from Toronto are keeping • the home .fires burning in the Bauer' . home and Lois is also in charge of the Batter Travel Service he , Monkton , in the absence of her narent s.-... . Mrs. Herman Hinz and Mr. Rodney Hinz have returned to their home after spending a -week with Mrs. Gary Hinz and Nicole at Bobeaygeon and, saicr they had lovely weather there. There were two baskets of - flowers in St. Peter's Lutheran, Church, Brodhagen on Sunday morning from the funeral of Wayne 'Driscoll which was held .on Wednesday with Pastor Arthur Horst conducting the memorial - service. N eighboursandrelathss of little Jeffrey Badley arc pleased to hear he lias returned'to his home from St, Joseph's Hospital, London after he had the misfortune to be in an accident here. He is the sour of Reg and Dianne Badley of Brodhagen. The family of Mr.' Martin Metz • gathered at Fain' y Paradise with t their . good w hes with a delightful surprise in honor of his ' birthday on Jan. 7th. Wishing him many happy returns, of the day. • L.C.W. Broalfiagen ' '', Thirteen ladies were present at the L.C.W. meeting at St. Peter's • Lutheran Church in -Brodhagen. . In charge of opening &yodel's ' wereo Harold Elligsen who also is. Mrs..i. Lloyd Prueter and Mrs. closed the meeting 'with some' p . The topic of Epiphany was in Ronnenberg Insurance Agency INCOME TAX PREPARE D Ferniers — •Businessmen — individuals — At Reasonable Rates 'File early to avoid the Ffittlitl and delay in refunds 124 feats Experience] 9 1/2 ,„ Annually Public School Trustees' Associ- According , to Director. of Education, K.er.Self,.although a lot of money. to spend in a time of restraint, the memberships are "Well worth it". He continued, "The advantage of belonging to the 0.P.S.I.-A and , O.S.T.C. is that the. Board of EduCation and' trustees have a 'voice with the Ministry' of Education.'' • The Association iation and: , Council are the foremin ‘yhichsesolutions_ coming 'forward from individual boards are consicleretratid then if adopted by the 'organizations are passed on to the proper-author- hies. According Self the • resolutions lye more punch this- ' • __Nyay than if individual boards sent theni directly to the -Ministry. By belonging to these trustee ;Organizations the Perth Board has access , to • centralized services • such as .assistance in data concerning negotiations or gener-Winformation • needed to carry out flic • Board's admini- 'stration. •••• • •••• • • The, membership fee is based. • • on the nitipbcrof teachers a board employs. The.* Perth Boaiii, having 671 teachers on staff pays a:little more tan $8,500 or $12.67, per teacher. Mr. Self' said 'this is not intreas ,nable for by. comparison the te• clier-federations ask more than 100 of each teacher for annual membership. • He said, "Taking that into. aceount one can then realize that the revenue •. available tat;,„ federations is far in excess t() generated for trustee An-gal-07a- . • • .• • 0.0.S.T.A.'s•budget alone is in • excess of $300,000. That money •is• used 'for general administration, office space. and materials as well as staff .salaries. • • Mr. S,elf said "One obviously • can't expect to have data worth anything it' one doesn't have analysts and computer .people who can store. , antilizO and reproduce significant ,information for use by boards'," - Also as part of .• the, Perth' .Board's renewal as a member of Trustee Ed Dearing of Staffa was returned for a second term as the Board's represen- tative director on the Association. hire a half time teacher. • Assistant Superintendent Bob Boyce expl ained that sonic of the children attending kindergarten at Anne Hathaway are actually children who were transferred front the Shakespeare school which is under construction, He Said "It might have been possible to juggle the Comity's, teaching stag to eleyiate the hiring but at Ahis point in the: s'eli9o1 year .it • 'would'disrupt things draStically." The new .half time teacher will Start at the end of the' month when the morning and afternoon classes were .' Scheduled to ,fiip anyway: Tbe.elasses will be reorganized at that tittle so that there will be one group . of .approximately 20 atielanOtheL of .3E" , The present- teacher would, have the small group. alone and the two teacherS would work . together with .thelarger. group. The report said, "by judicious .grouping the 6 yetingsterS who require considerable help would e plased in the large group where by' subdividing into ty,‘:o small sections, more -iridividuat attention would be more readily. And this is the way it was, so '[lie 'saying goes. Marie told a 'story With a-eute little twist, And Harry said "sure it will • work-I'm 'an "Optimist''. SO they took their vows oh the 17th of January,. Neither ere knew the other was very. wary. Now the two of them w-6re ready and, radii' And along eanie.a girl-the eldest Sharon. Sandra and Janie were added to the clan, ' As was a son Tommy and their youngest Joanne. The kids thought , it great to live on the 9th of McKillop,.. As the walk to the school was just a short trot. ' They 'used to milk :some cows which was a' lot of fun, , To be sure'things got hectic when the sap began to run. They've got, good crops with a real good yield, But how? do we get them there beans off the field? Marie (also an optimist) ,said, "DOn't fret: next year is 1478", "We'll get by,' everything will be great. And n@w they've married 1/4 of a Century. And everyone will surely agree, Better neighbours there just can't . be. . Than the Johnstons- Harry.' and Marie,. With all best wishes for the years to come from your friends and' neighbours. N . extended to her from the group. -Mrs. Robert Prench invited the group to her home for the' next meeting, Friends Ana 'relatives of Mrs. aid Bach•Will be sorry to hear she is a patient in the General Hospital'S tratford. Wishing, her a speedy. recovery, • _ Aincere sympathy is extended to the relatives of Wayne Driscoll who passed away suddenly in the , Seaforth Community Hospital on Sunday. Especially-to his parents Mr. and 'Mrs. Boyd' Driscoll and 6 • L_,.1 • : • pXPOSITQli t iA.Nt*R, “.20, 1070 r 1 he for i7 The 'January meeting of the Mrs, " 345-2346 joorrhonSp.TOetirnt7;t - • in.mt •••• -' There will be another afternoon of Meeting closed with a hymn and praYer. -9'he remaining of the. afternoon was spent quilting. quilting on January 24. Marion Ritchie Evening Auxiliary was held on Weclnesd4 after- Six tables were in, play 'at. the noon January 17 at the borne -Of progressive euchre party , Wednesday evening sponsored MTrit Lporrenseidtin l i t°, 'Mrs. Duncan by the Staffa W.1,' Prizes were SOU, presided and opened with a. . During business, members were reminded of the Presbytery hymn. Devotions, on the New Year were taken by Mrs. Carter .annual meeting In Stratfordi Mrs. Jahn Templeman Was added to Kerslake' with scriptures read-- the . va rds committee. The trent the Psalms..Ten answered awarded to: Ladies-Mrs. the roll call with a Resolution and Elliott, Mrs. John Miller; Gents- the payment of fees. John Templemak, Pob Laing; Travelling Lone'-11-lands-Mrs. Mrs. John TeMpleman had the Lloyd Miller; Most Lone Hands- topic reading a New Years poem Mrs. Carter• Kerslake; Nearest "My Hope for 1978" followed by Birthday-John Miller. a recipe for the New Year. brother Eric. Driscoll, Chatham also attended sorry to hear•Mrs. Mary Thornton Relatives and friends -will be ,Wednesday. and spent the rest of his brother Wayne's funeral on is confined to the • Seaforth the week with his parents Mr. and Community Hospital. Mrs. Boyd Driscoll. Mr. Lome Seimon and Mr. Carl Mrs. Ervin Leonhardt enj9yed Priestap are patrients in the same a couple of weeks with her son in hospital where the later is law and daughter: Ronald and Donna Thonfpson and little -undergoing-surgery. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Boyd grandson Curtis Trent in London has returned to her home list " Driscoll and• Eric where Gerald and Karen 'Rapier from Lucan, week, Glen and Carleen -polmage on Mf, Donald , Wolfe; Lendon e Stinday•and attended St. Peter's visited with his mother Mrs. { Lutheran Church with, them on Lavern Wolfe and Dale on \.,/' Sunday morning'. Mr. Eric Sunday. • • eic Two. tone carved - loop 100% .Nylon hardwe ring delightful for any me n traffic area high' quality ru ter backing eliminates the cost of underpadding ONLY Exclusive Line AMTICO VISTA 2 rolls regularly, $10.95 per square ..r,, • ' NOW PAYING Board spends., • • • • The Perth County Board of Education recently renewed its •„, , 5 9PI •-.•• A 'tio• Half .time teacher menibership with the Ontario Ontario School Trustees' l ,(O.S.T.C.) to the tune ' of hited i'n spite • Counci Brussels Office Open Thesdayd & Phone 801.666i ' '100% Nylon Saxony construction providing a luxurious visual tat makes Alt -nli ideal catpet for the better roe ms of the home...ONLY • smaller enrolment People have adventureous trip to airport mst rang 0 en trtong HOLIDAY FAIR. . JAMAICA HILLS . 'Exclusive Excliisive Lirie Popular low profile saxony 100% IN)loti beautiful multi colorations high quality rubber backing eliminates the cost of underpadding obert L. Pkunsted Interiors FINE FURNITURE • CARPETS 6 PAINTS • WALLCOVERINGS • ORAFkklitt- 9 MAIN STREET SOUTH SEAPORTH, Phone -Bushiess r5193 527.0902 lLome [$191'527.00* 4 ••• "&.! • •