HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-01-19, Page 20__FORTHE-BEST IN • - * Parts ,L * Service * Accessories *Rentals SPORTS SPORTS le RECREATION LIMITED VkRNA 262-5809 IT'S L L Ca Annual Meeilng . of Baird's Cemetery Board and, Plot Owners, will be held on • Wednesday January 25 in the 1.0.0.F. Hall '- 'Brumfield, Ontario • • ' The Huron County Board .of Education learned Wednesday that it may be,,,eh.eaper •for the county schools'' to use board r owned buses for field trips than it • . is to hire a bus contractor to do the driving. The board received a report on ' pilot project at • Goderich v District Collegiate. , -Institute. using a. board owned surPlus bus for field trips rather than' the services of a bus ' _contractor_ The project , was instituted when the board 'purchased new buses for use in the county. When the, new vehicles were purchased some board members felt that the board niay saes money by c.-„,„,,,,keeping the old buses for backup use rather than selling them. The board decided to keep one of the' vehicles- and leave it' 'at G,D.C.1. to be used by it and any other school wishing to use it The bus was to be driven by :cachet with proper diving permits and was to be maintained by the board. Lynn' Meyers, head of the . physical education deertmentat the Goderich sch,661, told the board in a letter that in the two month trial period $454 had been saved.: Meyers- said the bus had been driven 1,25§ntiles at a •coSt of $735.94: He • said the cost included. insurance premiums, metntenanee-and -safety- inspec- tions. The same trips by a bus 'contractor would have cost the board $1,189.30. Meyers said the bus had been an assest to the Students at G.D.C.I, and had' been used by Robertson Memorial Public . School in Goderich and Exeter • Public School, The board made no decision regarding future use of board owned. surplus buses. ••• There ire peOple living in 'the new Silver Creek subdivision.for the first times with the Ocoupatiori of two new homes on Sliver Creek Crestent. The 1.P,Plurhsteet family 'moved into Their new home ' -therm on the left Wit before the year end, while Den Deighton and his ferrilly Moved to their new home True--it's °nisi January but and it's not a 'TIOTTlerit too soon t'ti select a lot in Sliver Creek Subdivision and make plant foCyour new home so that yOu can begin ConstructiOn early in tt4t4 that appears in the centre of the picture last week. J.ariSink Construction Ltd. have begun conetruc- filfetanother home on the Crescent to the right of the Deighton reSidence. Meanwhile, construction is well advanced on a new residence for Dr. R. J. Podney_ at the west end of• ?klexander Street. spring can't be far behind Spring: Call your real eStete -agent. or write Silver Creekr.Subdivisia, Eiox 69, Seaforth, for particulart:' Fazio wo FARM EQUIPMENT, LTD, Reduce ikeed Costs! Farmhand 825 - 102 cu. ft. tank - 480 sq. in. screen area • 10 ft. 'discharge auger magnet, 2-screens - ladder, jack, tires PRICE $ 3,685 —6- GAIN 20% DEFFretiAtioN Less '1,105. 30% CAPITAL GRANT Ce‘iailable for feed Less 184 -T-40- 5% TAX CREDIT handling equipment) 1Vou can deduct 5% of purchase off your Federal Morrie Tax./ $2 Your, Net . Cost' 39 • plus 90 day Interest. Free Financing Farm Show Tractor Full tickets available Jan. 31 to Feb. -3 - —.These poal'ariiS apply to Other ite0h9 also ifi ,SEAFORTH 527-012-0 4 5' # • e›. R. K. PECK APPLIANCES "In the heart of downtown. Varna" VACUUM CLEANERS - sales and service of most makes. * CB RADIOS AND ACCESSORIES * SPEED QUEEN APPLIANCES! , * MOFFAT, APPLIANCES * SMOKE SENSORS _ * INSECT LIGHTS AND FLY KILLING UNITS va;:noiroBillIC.RAFTED GIFTS . 482-7103: CUSTOM KILLING . BUTCHER DAYS WEDNESDAY For pick up service call 237-3314. _Choice of clear see through or brown freezer page,. • " Fully processed. Satisfaction guaranteed, licine-of -the famous :71.SP Onslwood Scum:yet 231-.3314 ,1/2 mile south of DaShwood's main intersection 411•P' BEEF Sides 93' Fronts 76` gib. Hinds, • $1.14 lb. Whole Loins $1.2916. App. 45 lb. " PORK Sides •• 87"ib. Whole SUPER SPECIAL FOR .THE,LADIE$ • ' Shop goatofth Mows. Citildectilio,:Veens arid Ladies 60 Maln§treet • The, Huron County Board of EducatiOn adopted a wait and,see attitude Wednesday when Dr. Brian Lynch, medical officer, of health for Huron, suggested that the board install an electrical sewage pump in the sewage system' at Blyth Publit School to prevent sewage overflow. The boatel was asked by Lynch to adopt. the pump system and to send a letter of "assurance to the health unit saying, the board will comply and co-operate in the matter. The sewage problem was discovered several years ago when a stream of raw sewage flowed across the school play, ground because the school's sewage system was flooded. . • Ground elevatiOns combined with a high water table in the spring of ''the. year make it impossible for the system to carry the sewage' away -and it oyerflows onto the playground. The proposal by the health unit enables the school system, to 'be used if a pumping system is established so that when the water-table level comes within three feet of the sewage tile the pump can be shut off until • the water level recedes. Along with the pump the health unit requested that a responsible Ile, Huron County"toard ,of Education supported a'. resolution • that the governMent i of Ontario consider' Making‘;'• -boards of education eligible for Wintario grants: The Huron board agreed with ,the resolution at its regular meeting 'Wednesday. n. * The resolution, adopted by the Shupe' board of education 'in November of 1917, asked the, province to consider makiQg Wintarib funds available to boards to finaae needed general ' purpose rooms . and library resource centres. The Simcoe board noted in its A request for support that the - ministry of educatiOn, due to' financial limitations, is unable to fund capital projects for school boards other than_those projects which will i provide additional pupil placeS. Many school boards in the province ',are ;•unable to f E wants Wintario gr 'Seaforth Manor residents - 'enjoyed' a fine program last Thursday afternoon provided by p the Hicknell •Mrs, Marie • Hiekenll favoured with three readings and son John acted as 'M.C. and also gave a reading whle Teresa • and. Margaret delighted everyone with, their r songs With Teresa "ascoMpanyin g'• with her guitar. • (Many old favourites were in their program concluding with the lovely hymn "Thank You Lord," Residents expressed their appreciations. to'' Mrs. 'Hicknell • and family for their presentation. Personals ' Rev, and‘Mrs. B.errtvIcSparlden of Richmond Hill visited with ' are used" lvi 4.48,..:;:to and rt.-reational activit kes. 1, 4‘) C !borne trustee Shirley 14azlitt told the board that she agreed in principle with the resolution but felt that' construction of; the ciliVes should not be a pridrity. he said declining enEolment 'in thle province is reducing the need for construction programs, and -she 'Jett -the Wintario mop( shjtdd be used for equipment r John Cochrane, director of education for „ _Huron County, stuck, his neck out for acounty elementary school teacher who had • her vacation plans jeopardized by stormy weather in Huron early last week. Mr.. Cochrane granted the teacher a week's leave of absence so she could accompany her husband on a trip to Acapulco. The decision for the leave of absence, would normally be made by the board but stormy weather delayed the board 'meeting from January 9 to January 11. The leave of absence was requested for-January 12 to January- 20, a seven days leave. Board chairman -John Elliott . • -..' New of Hale t Central 010,att ary 9th"..10th and 11th, . . ..,- 'Hullett• Centratirriblie School was -.closed due, to..tilo major storm that swept - the area. Students are . working .9.1ra hard to catch up on -, ',...). the Nforit they..,.mi”erl. Starting , ,,Yanuary 4Ui, `fie ' '.; School . started. dismissitig 15,, . ' minutes earlier'. for, the winter months, School still starts at 'nine o'cloelt:'!,'"Ittif• noon 'is fifteen ,,, .. attilln3uateosisulloter tecir,pf)f. Dismissal is now . Once again the puplisStaullettZ,7 . • Use of anniversary date. , Visiting with Mrs. Ada Reid were MrS. Jean Elliott of Varna. Mrs. Frankie Ball, Mrs. Elsie Dinsmore, Mrs. Hilda Mentgue and Mrs. EVa McCartney all •of town. . _ — Bingq on Friday afternoonwas well attended and winners were: Full House-Mrs. Margeurite Shill, Mrs: Ada Reid, Miss Mary Neville and Mr. Barry Schwartz. 4 Corners-MT.Murtay Davis; Mr. Ltidger Sequin, Mrs.' Ada Reiu and Mr. Barry Schwartz. Straight Line-Mr. Lu.dger Sequin, Miss Doris Wills, Mrs. Ruby Anderson and Mrs. Ada Reid. Full House- Mrs. Ruby. Anderson, Miss ary „Neville, Mr. Barry Schwartz and Miss Kate Laverty. • Visiting with M. Wilber Keyes on TueSday afternoon was his daughter Mrs. Morris Carter of Woodstock. q 'generate financeS to take on these projects on their own and are thus unable to provide the general purpose rooms and library_ centres. Wintario funds are avilable• to communities for municiPl- prefetts, not supported by, -tax .Clollais. The money is available for public prOjects endorsed and, supported by municipalities but not tVaid for thrtitigh collected taxes or special 'purpose taxes. The •Wintario funds are, matched ,dollar. for „dollar against money collected • in the ,cornmunity through donations or fund raising projects., • The' Simcoe., board reasoned,. that the facilities it suggests be eligible for Wintario funds are available and used frequently. by the general. public. Many times' the facilities in the schools are the only ones in the Community and inspect the height of the water and record in a daily log the necessary information pertinent to the situation. Board chairman 1-John Elliott, the 13,Iyth trustee, said he had piked to members of e 'Blyth village council and iscovered that surveying was eing•done in the, village and tha construction of. a sewer syst' was being considered for 1979. John Cochrane, directer of education, said, the key factor in the board's decision will be the availability of sewer's in Blyth. said the board should investigate the, costs of the health unit proposal and stack those. against the proposed 'sjewerlconstruction date. He added that nothing can be done until spring because of frozen ground. , , The 'present pumping system being done at :the school to. prevent reoccurrence of the sewage ,overfloW coSts the board $5,000. a year and has 'been in .effect five years: Colliorne town- ship trustee Shirley Hazlitt said She felt the recommendation from the.health unit was a little late - coming arid that the board should check into the costs ' of the proposal and find out when sewers will 'be constructed before ' it makes any decisions. person be appointed to 'visually Mrs. Minnie Hawley and Mr. the ladles,. "I don't think there's •a public school system in the province that doesn't have extra elassroonis," said• Mrs Hazlitt. "The money could be used for equipment for those classrooms that mould. convert them to general purpose rooms 'or library centres." "JOhit,Henderson, the *forth trustee*•, reasoned, that a proVinciaTdecision to support the resolution may result in motley -"' Correspondent Mrs. Hugh Berry postponed meeting of the Tuckersmith Unit 1 grucefield ment. He added that the trip had been won from the teacher's husband's emnloyet and was rather unexpected. Another request for a 25 day leave of absence wsa turned do by the board. The teacher asked- ..-for a leave from January • to March 3 and the education•le•ave plan committee recommended that the board not grant it. • Goderich trustee Cayley. Hill „ said he was inclined to agree with the recommendation pointing out . that ,the teacher bas a contract with the „board. Year's resolution was read by each member. This part of the 'meeting closed with a daily thought for the year 1978. The president: Margorie, Broadfoot chaired -the buSiness and welcomed all and thanked Mrs': Allan andMrs. 'Stoll for a fineopening for the year of 1978. The Secretilry'S repOrt for the Christmas meeting in .De'cernbet was given by Doris Sillery and the treasurer's report by Mrs. Berry. Thank yoU notes; were ,read by Mrs. Stoll. The Penny contest will he in charge of Mts. Bert Walters-' and mrs. Edna Paterson. The annual . meting will be held on Feb. 5th beginning with a pot luck dinner. It was also decided that in future 44.50 will be charged for banqUets. • Officers for 1978 are as 'follows: - President - .Mrs. M ariorie nned in Dublin Audrey Bradshaw,'Mitchell, • $10.00; Mrs. Williams, Mitchell, $17,50; Joe ,ugh in, eaforth $17.50;, Mrs. Mac Chest y, Seaforth, $35.00. Mr, ''Peter Maloney Jr. has returned to his home on 'Ann St, from University Hospital, London. ..• Miss Pauline Goettler has arc" ed a position with.Canadian Impffial Wank. of. Commerce, • where Mr. Richard Ferguson is lioCy' manager. By John D, Bake Publicity Chairma Stag Euchre every Wednes • night through " the winter , months, come out and have.fun, and maybe even win a prize., You might go home empty handed but you will not go home with an empty stomach. There will be a lunch at the ,end of the eve,ning: be made on Sat., 11th flaw Feb. 'ky person will win the Hockey game in four tickets t Leaf Gardens „in• the le Toronte, plus a $50.00 dinner at the Hot Stove League, also $60.00 expense money. • --Tickets-aTe--avnilable -now at- Ow- Legion.:,or from a member of the . • , executive. Brotherhood Night will be held on Feb. 23rd at the Legion Hall, the Guest Speaker will be Rev. Lockhatt Royal. , Branch 156 will be holding their , annual Public Speaking Contest • on March 1st. Broadfoot; Vice President - Mrs. • Jean Henderson; Secretary - Mrs. Doris-' Sillery; Treasurer - Mrs, Vina, Berry: Pianist - Mrs. -Alice Scott; Cards - Mrs. Beatrice Stoll. • The meeting clo d with a poem by the President "God Bless You All in -The Coming, Year'? Mrs. Edna Paterson and Mrs.. Helen Pepper served a hot lunch. official. C4th ► nor Board undecide on sewage pump Sticks his neck out • "Based on previous 'board presedence,'" added Mr Cochrane quickly. • "I vote we turn it dowit," joked Wingham . trustee, Jack Alexander, Cochrane told the board that the teacher, who was referred to only as employee S.1.N. 444 638' 035; had 'a desirable record of attendance and that her principal had given his permission for the leave subject to board approval. He said the teacher had prepared - work for the students so that they can continue with a supply teacher with, minimum aclinst- • .. asked the board to grant the leave • adding that • the director' had eady given it and needed the rucefield 'boar g to make it appenings United Chur6h was -held on Monday afternoon With an attendance of/ thirteen - who answered the roll. call, „,with a "New Years Wish". Mrs. Muriel Allan and Mrs. Beatric'e Stall were in charge and Mrs. Allan opened the" meeting with a Christmas poem. • , Mrs. 'Stoll gave a reading "New 'Life" and Hymn ",Abide with -me. was :sung.. Owing 'illness Mrs. Alice Scott was unable to be present to: play the " piano. • A portion of scripture wa's read by both Mrs,. Allan and Mrs. Stoll from Re,v. 'chapter 29. The offering was received by Mrs. Stoll and .dedicated.. A New Chess games plc; are interested will have an opportunity to play-every Monday night at St. 'Patrick's. Comtininify School. The first games will take place next 'Monday at 8, p.m: Bring your own board. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney visited on Sunday with Mr.''and Mrs. Ray Maloney and family and Mrs. Marian Kelly and family of Sebringville. • Mr:and Mrs. Michael. MacRae , and :family. visited in Sarnia on Sunday with Jas, Clancy Connors, • Mr. Otto Foster and 'Mr. and Mrs. Holden and, family„.,,_ Mr. KenMacRae and Stephen_ of Silver Springs, Maryland visited with 'Don MacRae on Sunday. Jan. 11, 1978 Winners of the Dublikand Mitchell District Lions' Club TV Bingo were: Denise Wolfe, Mitchell, $26.00; Ernie Fleming,Dubli n, $20.00; Audrey • Forrest, Mitchell. $5.00; 'Beth 'Wilson, Mitchell, $20.00; Ferg Campbell, Mitchell, $10.00; spent on things school, boards really don't need. He said without guidance from boards money coal be spent on projects that may have very limited use by; „ schools and commnnities. Board chairman John Elliott said he saw merit in the resolution • bp!, added •that 'he "doublted very much' that the provincial government would act on it". Director grants leave , Zack McSpaddeq. , • • Mrs, Elizabeth . Sourbutts b 4 us urger! received a beautiful bo uet of carnations on her wedding Dublin area cheSs players who SEAFORTH JEWELLERS for DIAMONDS WATCHES • JEWELLERY. FINE CHINA RIFTS FOR EVERY OCCASION All Types of Repairs Phone 527-0270 - •• UAW names officers ..„ Watellt for thp anneuncernent Of • , have the privilege of .the. use of snowshoes. 'Euasceh tnhoeonsnhuowusrhuetwso. , the "Early Bird" Draw which will, grades.11W be coming up in the near future. The snowshoes were Purchased by last years student's council, PRICE Any, Dress In Stock Sizes 5 to 18 • Januory.19th to 2rst