HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1897-09-24, Page 4CORKS,
And all - seasonable
d h lowest
'111E WING-11AM 'l"IMES SEPTEMBER `24. 1897.
sa>itr;. wzrtozzanr,
4th friends in Woodstoel. Sr>r1> ul a, - xa a uttoss, on September
Mr. Lee 11a'octax hits severed his Wingham, September 10th, 1887. ,.....„.?„E.„, • ate. immense stock of
lip the wife of Louts Sterner of l► son,
connection with etc cheese factory
lip Winl;tiam, an Septeui-' Corrected by P.
7.00 Lbs,eans,• Produce
1 5Dealer.t3 =0
land h, r, W. Shortreed; li ball Reheat old,.,,.. 0 70 to 040 SCHOOL SUPPLIES
�s returned to his Koine in boar ;7th, the wife of lei W 0 78 to 0 8 3 °
Iiilibttrn, �CoNut» ^In �Vin(ham, on Soptem fall Wheat, new.. 0 78 to 0 8i1
r Wheat , . 0 31 to 0 23 MMM . le+'1,'4i'lu'lu'b"b'+i in'b'4r 4'+'l+'N+I,'w'q+'W 4nt,+yplWW'W'k'iJ'W4
The tial staff is busily engaged at Constable Oatsng ,.
i)eC 1t�tlil,ttl6 wife Oi Mrs. �vm,�' A.'
present 1u lifting flax, ?nal
►t/ ,, Berle ., ..... 0 a2 to 0 su Byre. SCRIBBLER FOR�. e.,
Barley, 0 42 to 0 43
Miss Daisy Moss has returned to ]terse -Tia tvinghAm on Sept 2nd' Peas ,. 0 13 to 0 13 DRAWING BOOKS ,
Hattori.,,, , ,,,. „ ., ••
liar home la Baryta, atter a two and `ouughterl ea. White of twins sou Eggs per dozen 0 12 to 0 12 )CERCT►S + BOOKS,
weeks' visit " with •fCietld;° In this Mals,. F.n wood per cord..., , • , .. • .. 1 00 to 1 2v ., � r y ,
`locality, �// Ra or ton, , , , . , , ... • 5 00 to 5 50' BOO
XS, Gatrlr. Stows, of Goderieh, ] V*ngh(JN STEIN. - At the Manse, X11to, p�,,�g}C!, SLATES
�Wingham, on September 14th, by the Potatoes, per bushel, new,.., 0 403 to 0 43 3J 1JF1SLze�
Tallow, per lb 0 PENCILS, PENS, vi 'ting tier liana, 'Mrs. Sta>vef. Rev, D. I'errie, lair. James Pardon, of Dried Apples, per ib 0 2 to 0 2 i
wool lU to 21 RUBBERS, U�a tnr'7,, ETC.
goods ` t .the
.e owes l West ai awanosh, to bliss Barbara Stein,
Ve regret \'L'1'y nxueh to annOuneer
price at S the death, of :1'lr. John 1' ti row, Blue• . vfrEast Wawanosh.r/
;a? , , 'vale which sad ?vent took. place out MoANvaaty-bnoac At the residence
id.h b .d ' lather Stratford on Sept.
t t home contracts a i Louise , •
of t o rt a s s , . 1 s '�".�'
1 ,r last. air Deceased; n2,,i d, by the Rev. 1I. x. panaoek, air, COURT OF RE 'ISIOH, --
Saturcltiy lxicx•niu,.
°� had attended the Toronto 1''ur and 'r. B. McAndrew, of Wingham, to Miss
Druggist, ion his return d. ]3eatrtco daughter of Mr. Geo.
lto•, 'Shore. will be held, pursuant to the xre
nd be sure nd buy them. befog? 9 !severe cold which spicily dei°eloped !Shore.
Notice is hereby given that a Conrt
Adana - Io zona. - At tho rest '""
dance of the bride's sister, in Virden, List Act, by lits Honor, th udge of
p. m. for we close at that time every into acute pneuttOnitti; ting i.n. spite of , ,, the Count Court of th/ ounty of --`- �p
the best of ease aucl. medical skid 1anitoba, on August 25th, M1.i. Ernest Huron, at yedos' 1 all,
night elccepting Saturday. 4th day of Ootob 18 at oalr ,t. �. z
passed away after six days. illness. irarner, of Whitewood, Manitoba, torn
Mb L calx Miss Jessie Mt:Vicar; oC'1'oeswuter, m„ to hear and mine a several __
"Se ,temt>er luta, 1tiJ7, atListowel, y complaints of as and : , fissions !n rho a i� �, 9
l , x-• • Voters' List of tato N • iaipa sic of East
rave, a
DTr.F'arrow was ora in lac 1 `�;II.I.Is-UIt15a 1,-UniTedned,.
TO ADV ERR ISE71S• shire •England in 1831. He firtt l
-0t a ..-- ., - l�, Y Sept Wm, Cooper, Geo. Russell teniae,
once of change t be left at this settled in Clarke Township, Comity >
not later than Saturday of Durham, where ho married Hiss : of the Township of liow1ei, to Miss Ida
office n Gibson, of the same place.
noun. The. copy fur .changes: Francis Jones of that place ; Mrs,
Gibson, o the
same the reeidenre
mast beleftnot laterthan'rues• `Farrew died in 1889, Mr. narrow liIBIthe iiri.de's father, on Wednesday,
day evetiln Casual advertise -
+came to Turnberry in 1535. wherette September 15th, by Rev, .Tabu Boss, B.
S g farmed for some years. Having �,A., Mr. John A. Brown, of Morrie, to Miss
disposed of his farm be moved into Kato McArter, eldest daughter of lair.
the village where be resided. until MAoVICAr-MAJames MoArter, of0Brussels, V
LeAr'-At the resi-
-- ahs death.During the past few yearshe donne of the bride's parents,.the Manso,
to e worKea in the grist mill in 'which he i Blyth, on September 22nd, by Rev. ID.
t �}�, �� bad & half interest. Ile . filled elle MacVA.
Mac -Vicar, ., of Victoria. Presbyter• ian Montreal, brother of the groom,
office of School truster and' at one assisted by Rev.' A. MacLean, father of
the bride, Rev; A. MacVicar, B. A., of
x e bCl` Of t ntsville, to Mary Me second, daughter
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1897. lei ly ?cuneate of Rsv and Mrs.A. MacLean.
meats accepted up to noon
Thursday of each week.
j ' was a member of the rinarn-
e was a member
Wingham-Lodge A. F 4 A M:, also
"- ` of L. 0. L., 739, Blaevale, , and a
HURON COUNTY LIBERALS. charter member of ,Court Douglas, C. ,tattow.—In Bluevale,'on September
A great political demonstration'in 0. F.,- Bluevale Tae leaves twp bro. 18th. John Farrow, aged' OG years, 4
„t nabs and 21dlty�llj/
the: s, Thomas, • a.Nera p,: cif ;] est' tont n and
21 n 7nnrnl>erry.on ,Segtem
the interests of the Ontario Govern Huron, no�q'l'oSt1>�aatel at 131 r�ssi ls+ i bar 22nd, Alexander Robertson, aged GO
'°anent will be held in Brussels, on .and Asher' Colletfoi of 0ustomS at'Svears and 7 rnontiasol9 n S
Thursd•,y October 7th. Among Goderie , •
those who will address the meeting H _,Messrs. "Hardy, Ross and
Wawanosh for 18 _". All persons having GROCER,o .
business at the Court aro requested to —�
s _
attend at the said time and place.
Township Clerk. I
Datdd this 21st day of Sept., 7897.
h one : sister, 14Irs. 1'711i: 't b rL22nc1, U orgeurnber nus!; 1.11 t�nt
t' Smith of Godereh, and one daughter, n
son of bar. and Mrs. William Stlipieton,
Mrs. Robert Mosgrove, ' Bluevale. ,aged months and 24 W Ilia i .
are an_ ass Mr. Farrow was an excellent eitiZen f Bowaas.-Io Clinton, on September
Davis;' Let every one.velho can,make a kind 'and obliging neighl;or, ' aixd 15th, f.Charles
late EdmundGeore Bcw ar ;s;a;,od 29c
one who was honest and upright in sono e
Ytra pa'lnt to be present at this meet- years and 71 monthe..
in�:,7 �A3tttieulars as to hour of every way, in fact he will • be much MaLr:AN.-Zn Uoderich, on Sunday,
meetingwill be given.. next week. missed by his many . friends and, September Hilo, 1897, Florence Q.,
neighbors. 'The funeral took place daughter of the late Neil is kLean, a.,,
from his late residence on Monday 27 years an
Wanted, a teacher, (male or fon ale,)•
for S. S. No. 5, Township of Turuberry,
Applications will be received by the
undersigned up to Saturday, ()atelier
2nd, giving experience, testimonials and
what grade of certificate, together with
the amount of salary expected. Duties
to commence first of January, 1895.
9-10A Wingham, Ont.
em THE UTORER ?.,co
is selling all kindscf
d 71 months. . - at the- _
EDI.ORIAL NOTES last and the very large number
Hoe. W S. FiELDrxo leaves for present testified the esteem and re -
England in a few days to float a gard in which he was held. The
. , .• market. services at the house were conducted
.LJV�Lf lAi .5, loan --_- - -
After alae reputation Canada achiivetl
Has just received a nice line of FALL GOODS,
in newest designs, including
tan A THXNQ NOBBY AND UP T'0-D.1i,T.�,r. •
See my stuck before mirchasing elsewhere.---- .- . ,
W. "T°_ St�,Z,I - --t WINGFIA>S1.
Opposite Bank -of Hamilton.
.,i �,,i�'�i�a�..��i�-�,"s=t�J;��,�i�"L�i`�✓M�"�,i�i�w'T��L�.+
'I MISS MCP H E - � •
wishes to announce to the ladies of
E, Wingham and vicinity -that on
and da3�s fo owl; she will be
prepared to all the
Se t `=8 and 29.
fortunate in securing {{�
trimmer •for the coming season. '
Wingham I) •
Belgrave.. ,.....,••. Sep t 23 and 24
t I delivered and orders taken i
Uy the Rev. 141x... Rogers, . of the i B;yah oat. 5 an1;.0.
Methodist church.. The funeral was Palmerston.... Sept 27 and 28.
in charge of the. C. 0. F. and the 13otrriaton.... .. , • • ..Sept 23 and -80
members, together with members
;frons neighboring courts made 'a
procession of inspiring appearance..
High Treasurer Neelands, and l3ro.
R. Shaw conducted the very iw.pres-
sive service of tlutt Order and all the
members dr�'t ped !n the evergreens,
emblematic of the order.
at the Jubilee,and with the enormous
Atea•lth of the Klondike so widley ltd-
''ertised this cannot fail but he a •
favorable time for floating a loan.
to attenion of our Conservative
cont.i mpin'aries is drawn to another
ease of nepotime. A son of Thomas
Pallantyne and a daughter of Mr.
George R. Pattullo wet married the
other day. From this it is easy to
Trove that Mr. Thomas Beliantyne,
while a:member of the Ontario Legis-
laturegot his -sons future father-in-law
appointed Registrar of Oxford.
vnatitia'tlard•y a. d the Minister of
Education addressed a 'urge gather-
ing Friday at .Erin, in the county of
Wellington. Mr; Hardy in a strong
address, justified the policy and ad-
nlinstratihn of his Government. Mr.
Ross produced incontrovertible proof
of the existence of nen alliance b.
tween Mr, Whitney and Sir Charles
eepper to fight the election in Ont-
ario in the interest of theConservative
p .ray of the Dominion as at w -bole:
The Minister resented the interference
of a man from Nova Scotia with the
domestic affairs of Ontario, and dep.
lored the intiodu.ction of a species f
bossims hither unknown in the po'-
itiesof the Province.
Our local baker 1 as raised the
price of bread.
Court of Revision will be held cn
Wednesday next.
• Miss Annie Sanderson is on a visit
to- friends in Harriston. -
Mr. Ed. Hazelwood, of Toronto,
spent his holidays at his home in
Mr. Robt. Rae, of Petrolia, was
shaking bands with old friends tri:
town during the week.
'Rev. Mr. Kennedy, spent a few
days in London during, the past
week. .
'rhe Sacrament of "the Lord's
Supper was dispensed in the Presby- 1
terian church on Sunday last: ' general feeling was steady and firm
@Mrs. 3. W. Sanderson and two for good ones at $6.75 07.25. per
children, of Toronto, were visiting cwt. Hogs -Receipts, 8 cars; mark -
relatives in this place. et ruled active and firmer for tell
Tan football match advertised to kinds, with the Yorkers 71,,e 10e
to take place on -Saturday last be- higer•'good to choice Yorkers ,$'.4.05;
tween Wingham and Brussels, dict
not come off,.
B •usseis.. . ........Sept 30 an ct
Ulinton.. ..Sept 28 and 21)
Lacknow Sept 30 sled Oct 11
Garxie. • . O 2.
Dnngannou Sept: 27 and 28.
Attwood......... Oct. 5 and 0.
run sold at 346® at 31c. Buffalo
stockers sell at 2 C3 24c per 3b.,
and some better qualie panty at 30. . Sheep
and Lambs -Export sheep were dull
03.35 ® $8.50 per cwt. Bucks bring
2le 0 8e per ib. Butchers' sheep
dull at 02.75 @ 03.50 each. Lambs
steady at $3.90 @ $4 per ewt.
Calves steady et $2 -@ $3_ each.
Mitch cows and- springers steady,
w!th light offerings were heavy, •but
the demand was good and the mark -
it was firin at $5 75 perewt, for
bacon hogs and sometimes IOc more
is paid. Thick fat steady, 05.25;
light, $5 is $5.50; sows $3.50
and.stags., a2 C $2.25.
Last Buffalo, N. Y. Sept. 21-Cat-
tlo-Receipts, only one eats, but about
�six loads held oyer froth-. receipts
which , were - peddled out at barely
steady prices. Veals were in light
supply, and but little was doing; the
Miss Tina Sanderson, of Toronto, ; lvb >stao Marketsis isiting her father in town.
• While go4ng over the bridge`'one
ht last week on his wheel, Mr.
IfeEwen calve .in contact with a
gy. As a result he is unabl - to
without the aid ofa cane,
V i returned from T r xio
y, of Wingham, spent
ft town,
nft wheeled to London o11
returning op Sunday.
annual illfrvestl,owe in can-.
with the ;tar t.ilediaf, chu"x:11, •
test Mond•ty evening.
vs MS i'rved in the basement
(F6, etor wt+tell it program
I beenisiating of spceeh
rI ,l..1nto, Ont., September 2i att
To, onto cattle market todayreceipts
were tis cars including 35 casves 1,-771 gleep kneel. Iambs and 1,900 hogs.
Export c.tttle were quiet, a few of
poorer e+ittii were left unsold at the
close.. Calves werestadiay. The rea
soil of t h 51ow sale of cattle livid is
r,' ata lot of cattle are bein; shipped
direct franc • t, nitob:t and' Ontario
polets t t el'>it.ri it tyh:e't are taiking►to oil hieaiet• t:paee, Priees were
1 (l; 4r, p'r fah. ]3tttehers' Cattle, --Go.xi':st;, k v :t3 in demand, and eamne ,t tart rn +elievn slow, I>i•iees rated
from :i e (? is liar Ib , t>>n , medium
-e) 3.1 i. Rough Ws at 2'1e'..
y 1:1at-CMrir, 11r1.,s i t I g1n:mean Receipts were
,hilstre:i rill ss h1 ld .'n 111 !vi:l ui ieoafreiltrly nt 20 c
et►urel• 1'0 ,tfu- f ,:• ,4.nek In+r11+ > Cti, '� 4 herr.
•>a;�iiilicry ,sal,ek. Ottekare s:rrd
mauve Ld Yee•. here i'>emr rtflitIr' riaaite'o fa test's
tf as j,:t,rk 'I4.0.4Zht 4s ,ver i'1 ,
f She ht vin beenMISS MoJ ENNY IS her
CHATHAili, O14 T.
Still leads in securing choice positions fur sturien's
116 of our students placed during the past II
eno„t?e• The following have recently Latin placed:
—Fiore Puce. steno., Montreal "Herald; D. Stevens,
bookkeeper, Erie ;tilts, St, lhomae; Eva
t` ted
]tent Mills Chath un,; Ernest Long, Woo.,
Gas Company; ambers Hawthorn, with a tt i,mtpeg
'sholesale donne ; Jessie Heatheriugstnn.:Ird steno..
Suthorla„d & Dines on„ Chatham, ar+. Won),
manager of business department, Tarow•t f usinces
College, wash. •
The above shows results obt.ined from a course
with nes.
For Catalogue, address,
D. BhcLACIiLA Chraw,u, 'note
G� For
Fanners who buy theirI
pLOUGW�-' ------ 1
••ta REPAIRS Pili
light Yorkers 01165 0 04,70; • mixed Ir, - Ar TIIE-- j'
pltekeis rages ' 1:55 @ SIM; mesd t J . s trf,,..„
,a,,.� rinm w.etrht,. 04 30 0 ,$4.35; heavy 1( yiy ' ti
U� /O,j%
ar lady friends would do well to see our novelties before placing
Et their fall orders for Millinery.
lt-`' MISS o EB
I have returned to Wingham and o
whole time and attention to the Tai
rooms lately vacated by M Bar -
secure the patronage of
customers. After an exr
largest establishment, in Ontario, I feel confident that I can
4 ,",; " -I s' '_1 give every satisfaction, both in Style, Fit and Workmanship,
ore devoting my:
ng business, - in the:
id. where I shall hope to
.7, . d friends as well as many new
ience of some length in ane of the
(C. 0403LAPA,
A Snap
ling?, $1.55 ® $4.65; rough 03,70 to
+L1J0. Sheep and lambs --Receipts,
seven ear of. Canadas and two or
three t*pads of native stock, while
eight cars held overfronayesterday:
the market was fairly active and firm
to full strong for : good native, with
sheep searce and firm, therebeingfairly good demand for botlh kindle.The tate sates of Cancda lambs yes.
terday were at 150 to 25c lower
brier+ than tat the elose of the 1"erviaus
week, or froth $5B0 to $5.5+0, with
choice top ewe and weather lots <at
?5.G0, Lambs -yearlings, choice to
prime, $4.50 to $4.75;. fair to good,
?13,r5 to $4.40 culls to common year.
1higs$3, to $8,ra01 nativeliunbs, choiebto extra cholee.e$5:G0 to -.S5703 fair to
good 15.255 t t i.50; csuffs 'and colts 1. >14 , ,S"h e 0hoie m to�ied western; $'4,4& o ,$14.60; fair
cholate alt acs, $4.25' to 84.40; culls
a,od eouiritni '2 to •;'eapotts $8.75:
ei�*t's F
' �
�� WeHave -a large quantity .of ,i
`s� .!'low Slinres for the leadin >
t,] ploughs. which
i h we are
rPsellin at f
I, 30 30 cents r
ix Steel Land Sides at correapoiai- rj
ingly low prices.
1, Our shops continue to to- n 5
l out Iron and l31•ass rr
q1.�.. , ... O ^�.ST ! :4 t.:,-(,!,•.,
gt and repair work for Mit 1-. r`'
.T langines and General Repair C
et,. ;
Work, which surprises and i
�pleases fine numerous etl8tt 11 i
I WM. DENALI at os.
'Found ry---f.ornc►r of Victoria x
'Canal *meta,
If you want to buy anythil
le line of
PLOWS„ S. TC., E j -ICI'" ---mm_.._.7