HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-01-19, Page 15•
CATTLE BARN COLLAPSES — A large part of the'
roof-:.of a .cattle barn, in the farm of George Vivian,
R.R.2, Staffs, collapsed last Tuesdax, killing about a
dozen anirrrals-.-CaUse brihe collapse is still under:
investigation, but it-appears that-weak roof trusses
Head cattleman to
speak at IFederation
may have been the culprit, according to Mr. Vivian.
There were More than 400 cattle in the barn at the
time of the collapse. ..(Expositor Photo)
School board plans Match display
Farming Frontiers M-
ille years most outstanding farm
oriented film program -is
coming your way see the
latest in agricultural developments ,
and new John Deere Tractors and
equipment. These films were
made in many parts of the US
and Canada Be sure to come.
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Make sure now that
you'll have adequate_
income to; enjoy your
retifeinent years. The
little you save now on a
regular basis will mean
a lot when your pay day
years are over. Put your .
savings- into a Victoria
and Grey Registered '
Retirement Savings Plan.
Gun Control
in Canada.
of Canada
of Justice
Solicitor General
du Canada
, de la Justice
Solliciteur general
Gun Control.1
Working together to save lives.
Through Firearms Acquisition,
Certificates and the court's' prohibition
power's. The provincially administered
F.A.C. system will come into effect January
1, 1979. It is designed to prevent unfit and
incompetent persons from acquiring guns.
The new prohibition powerollows the
courts to take guns away from dangenzus
persons. -
*it •
E HURON, 00$11"Oft; r, 15
About a dozen cattle died under
tons of snow and debris last
Tuesday when the east half of the
roof of a modern barn on the farm
of George Vivian, R.It4,
collapsed. There were between
400 and 459 cattle:in the barn at
the time of the collapse, Mr.
Vivian says.
Investigation into the cause of
the collapse is continuing; though.
Mr. Vivian bays it -appears roof •
trusses which gave w ay, may
..;.have been faulty. "We're not just
too sure what happened' at this
point", Mr. Vivian said and he
addeththat it may be impossible
to determine the cause in the
tangle of rubble and snow that
plunged to the floor of the barn
when the roof gave way,.
The barn was insured for wind
d•m,age. but not for snow load
Mr Vivian says; He- estimated
that he snow load on the roof at
the ti e of the collapse 'Was only
about 25 percent; f the lead the
trusses were suppoied to carry,
Engipeers`from the Ministry of
Agriculture Were on the scene last
week, gathering information
which will be run through a ,
computer..at the University of
Guelph 'in .tal&ffort to uncover the
.cause, of the roof failure. '
Mr. Vivian 'h as also hired' a
private engineering firm to
investigate the incident, and says
the case may end up in court.
• The debris has net yet been
cleaned up, Mr. Vivian says, and
it may' be some time before the.
barn can be rebuilt.' In the
meantime h, is continuing to use
the space on,the west side of the
barn,- where Ode roof remains
intact; for cattle.
Plowmen Warr bus
to convention
, Men",o Parkas and Jackets
Ffical Clearance •
20 OA CiF .
Men's Clothing
and accessories
25% OFF
- The Ontario • Plowmen!s
Association Convention will be
held at the Royal York Hotel,
Toronto,, on' Feburary 13th and
A United Trails coach. will leave
from' the Seaforth and District
High School at 7:00 a.m. on
Tuesday, 'February 14tb: If
required, a second bus will leave
Wingham at the • same time.
Anyone with an interest in
travelling to the , O.P.A.
'Convention, to support the Huron
County ' delegation in ..their
presentation, should contact' Bob
Gibson in the North (335-3277),
Claire 'Deichert in the South
(236-4130), and the AGricultural
Office, Clinton in Central Huron
(482-3428 or Zenith 7-2800,'`_y
'February 3. •
Phone the Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food, Clinton,
you wish accommodation, at t
Royal York Hotel, for , Sunday or
Monday night. Pleaie call Prior to
February 3', the—Huron Plowing
Match committee says.
The prograM begins on
Monday, February 13th, with
The majority of Canadian gun Owners
have traditionally supported gun control in
Many of these people are sports
huntersi, target shooters or collectors, and
others use-their-guns to bunt ortraplirorder--• -
to-support their families. Generally,lhey are
Canada's responsible gun users.
. There is a small but growing group of
people in Canada r however, who make
criminal use of guns. For example, armed
robberieS increased 38% from 1974 to 1976. It
is this group.that the new gun control
legislation will deal with through longer,
mandatory prison sentences and prohibition
The misuse of guns is' increasing as
well. Last year approximately 300 people
were victims of homicidevvith a gun. Many in
an impulsive moment of violence among
family members or friends. Neliv,
court-ordered prohibitions, ponce search and
seizure poWers, and higher gun safety
standards will reduce the needless toll of
deaths and injuries. •
With the continued support of
Canadians for gun control, we will'reduce the'
criminal and irresponsible use of guns.
In short, we'll be working together to
save liVes.
"I own my own guns. FlOw does the new Gun
Control legislation affect me?"
If you own only hunting rifles and you
store them safely, it won't affect you at all.
However, certain other guns will be either
restricted or prohibited. Basi y, all
centre-fire semi-automatics wla barrel
length of less than 181/2 " arc now restricted
and must be registered. Handguhs 'have
been restricted since 1934. Sawed-off rifles
and shotguns, guns with silencers and fully
automatic weapons, are now prohibited,
except those fully automatics registered to
collectors before January 1, 19'78.
Perth. Federation of
Agriculture President, Ken Green
told the Japtidry meeting of the
federation in. Mitchell that the two
guests who will speak at this
years annual meeting "should
pro:We interesting." "
Chairman of, the Canadian
Chad& Gracy will speak to the
farmers on the advantages of an
Unregulated marketing system.
With somewhat of an opposing
opinion, Dr. George Collin,
Chairman of the Farm Products
Marketing Board with the
„ Ministry of Agriculture and Food
will' speak on, the service to the
producer of marketing boards.
According to Green the
speakers weren't invited to incite
a debate, "This will just give the
•'.farriters botlt _.,,sides of the
marketingthing.4 ' Green said the
Wiest .speakers• shOuld "draiv a
few questions" from the farmers
attending the annual meeting.
As well as the speakers the
annual meeting (Feb. 15) will
involve the election of new
executive and directors: O.F.A.
field representative Don
MacFarlane Said he hopes those
.. Perth County farmers who live in
the nort,h (Elma and Wallace,
Townships) will, come out and
sUPPort someone for provincial
dirlctorship. The north Perth
Urea has been without a
representative because no one
would stand for election.
Federation Day will be just part
of the Many activities scheduled
,(,for Agricultural week (Feb. 13-18)
, Each• day of the Week will
represenl one of the many Inns
of agriculture such as Pork,
Dairy, Soil and Crop tc, he Ag
Week activities will centre around
the coliseum—in Stratford.
Ontario Fedea.ration• of
Agriculture members should take
note that a major restructuring
has taken place with O.F.A. field
staff heads in the province„
O.F.A. field representative Don
MacFarlane told the January
meeting Of the Perth County
Federation that the shuffling of
field staff heads was done to
improve liaison among, the- staff
and to improve communications
in general. ;MacFarlane said the
restructuring. of the supervisory
staff should indirectly improve
services to the individual service
members and member
tinder the original system
Gerry Carey was supervisor of
field staff for the whole ,province.
The new system will see the
province divided into three ,
sections; Western, Central, and.
Carey will continue his role as
supervisor but his jurisdiction will .
involve the eastern counties-only,.
James Greensladill hold the
sane position for `"the central
region and area officer for Huron
County,. William Crawford, will be
apervisory consultant for Wester
Mr. Crawford • ' will be
responsible fOr the counties of
Eldon, ,Kent, Esse Middlesex,
Lampton, Huron, erth, Oxford,
• Brnce and Grey.. He Will serve as
adviso r to the field
representatives in the region and
Will aid in dealing with problen-is
common to farmerS in the
western' section.
registration at IA* p.m. FrOm
1;30, until 4:00„ there will be a
discussion-by Ed Starr, Director,'
O.P.A. about the cooperative
roles of the O.P.A. and the Local' '
Committee, _This will be 'very
timely information. • All-
Committee Chairmen should try
to be there.
There will , be an evening
banquet with entertainment
arranged by Miss Zena Cheevers.
The Huron County presentation
will be on Tuesday, February
14th, beginning shortly before
• noon. The Seaforth and District
'1 High School Girls' Band will be
leading the delegation in.Se veral
from the delegation will be
speaking, including Chairman
Howard Datars, Vice Chairman
RoyitattiSon, 0.P.A. Director and
Host Farmer Jim Armstrong,' as
well as the 1978 ,Huron County
arden Gerry Ginn.
Every week , more- and more
people discover what mighty jobs
are accomplished by low cost
Hurl:in Expositor Want Ads. Dial.
All. Toques,4Caps, Gloves,
Winter Underwear and
Turtle-Neck Sweaters
Sports Coats & Blazers
Polo Pe:lamas'
A Full Line Of
At Special Prices
ILL 0 1-SH m.,. Wear•
527-0995 Seaforth ,
"Why is Gun Control so imPortafit?"
Ultirnately, to make Canadians safer'
' from the rnisuse of firearms. Last yeatalone
. over l„400 people were killed' by guns.
Through tighter firearms control,
"safety edifelitiotralidifie encouragement of
responsible 'gun ownership and use, we will
be able toreduce the level of firearm
"I would like to learn more abOut the safe and
proper use of guns, and more detail on
restricted and prohibited weapons. Who
, should I see?"
Contact your local police departme'nt,
Chief Provir)cial Firearms Officer ; or write:
Gun Control in Canada,
340 Laurier Avenue.West,
Ottawa, Ontario,
The Huron County Board 'of
Edwation will be showing its
wares at the 1978 International
Plowing. Match being held in
Huron County. A plowing match ,
Committee recommended to 'the
liOard Wednesday that an
educational display be budgeted
for 'and set- up at the site 'of the
plowing match.
The committee suggested that
.,the board make the media centre
co-ordinator D. J. Biemaii
responsible forttlie ,:disPla.y. aid
that Mr. Rieman :be giVen me
to work, with.
Robert. Allan, Superintendent
of education and administrative
advisor-al the committee, told the
board that' a very rough estimate
of money needed for the display
would be $1,000. Allan said that
the committee was' thinking of
purchasing a mixer for slide
projectors, to be used in the
display adding that the machine
would get plenty of use in the
board---office after the plowing
"The thought was that if we
were going to have 'a public=
display it shOuld be decent," Mr.
Allan told the board. ,
ClasS'ified Ads pay dividends.
Farm NuipmOttltd.
on No 23 Highwoy-N, Mite I
RR 5. Tel. 347-2691 --
Pild0Vi 20 0 m
"I'm glad you'regetting tougher
with criminals using firearms..
What happens.to them?"
Anyone convicted of using a firearm
while committing.or attempting to commit a
criminal-offerisewitl-besent-toprison for-not----
less than one year and not mote than 14
years. This sentencecannot be suspended.
• As well, maximum prison. sentences for
other firearm offences have been doubled. '
"Is it true that, police officers have new,
extended search and seizure goners?"
Yes. Police officers can now seize
firearms without a search warrant if they
consider them hazardous to the immediate
safety of any individual. They will then have
to justify Abe grounds for the search to a
"I now own a prohibited weapon.
What do I do?"
It is against the law to be in possession
of a prohibited weapon. You should conta...:
,yotir local police as soon as possible in order
to turn the weapon over to them or to make
other arrangements for its disposal. Failure
to do so could result in your being
.;;; "What does safe handling and storage of wins.
have to do with Gun Control?".
Last year in Canada, there were over
120 accidental deaths due to the careless use
of firearms. Under the new legislation, gun
Owners are responsible for the safe storage
of their weapons. For example, if your gun
is used in a criminal action, you could be
charged with careless storage if such is
decided in court. •
•:"111/1y rifle is now ottire'restrieted list. .
How do I register it?"
• Contact yourlocal police immediately
and register the gun with them. Failure to do. ,
so is punishable by a prison sentence of up
to five years.
"How do you plan ott keeping guns
out of the hands of people who aren't able
to use them safely?"