HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-01-19, Page 7THE: HURON EXPOSITOR, JANUARY 1941970 r
( By Wilma Olte),
"It was a great feeling to be
part •of that great parade", Was
the way 'Peter Malcolm ,,,Summed
• up his feelings as he.:4narched
with the Massed Legion Pipe
Bands from -Ontario in the, 89th
Annual Tournament of Roses in
Pasadena,Xalifornia on January
"The weather was ectol, a dull
day, a perfect claY to march," he
Hundred' Pipers, Scotland the B
The .Maleelms - Peter, Anne
and 12-year old Charlie ere by
bus 'to the Toronto airport for
their trip to California aloes _with
40 others from Clinton. The bus,
proke.down in Mitchell 'causing
some delay 'but they joined the
other six bands at the airport,
arriving in Los Angeles, shortly
after noon on New-Years Day..
Band was presented with a key of
, the city of Buena Park. . • .
MondaY some . of the band,
• members anktheir families flew
home, others -remained for a
logger holiday,
The Malcolms discovered they
had arrived back into Ontario
where a, snow storm was' in •
Their son, Glenn 'whe drove to
Toronto to meet them, had taken
well-balanced meals can .be
created in minutes by using such
Schools have a responsihilit
not 'only to teach nutritionbutt to
offer opportunities for students. to-.
practise good nutrition "at.'
cafeterias • and school vending
During Nutiriton Week January
23 - 28, 1978, many .schools in,
Huron. County will turn their
attention to nutrition education:-
All schools`tn Huron County will
be supplied with' 'a "Nutrition
.Happenings Handbook of Ideas
and Resources" prepared by the '
Ontario Ministry ,of Health. 'Ng-
res.ource book gives excellent
information and guidelines on •
how to :teach- nutrition to .the
school-age child. ,
Every week more and more
people' discover what mighty jobs
are accomplished -by low cost
1-luron Expositor Want Ads. Dial
• • 4
‘i):10g\1111 1
S e n 14‘C ‘‘.%
P No\ Or
At Invoice Prices
1977 Cougar XR7
Two door hardtop in two
tone white and green,
features include a 400
V8,Autoinatic, Power
Steering and Brakes, HR78
x 15 white wall radial tires,
electric rear,defroster, auto
airconditioning, AM-FM
radio, ',decor group,o light
group, tinted glass, heavy
duty suspension,' power
side windows.
977 Ford LTD r)
4 door pillared hardtop, in
dark green Jade Metallic,.
features include a •400 ,y8 .
engine, Automatic, power
steering and brakes, radial
tires, body side mouldings,
drip mouldings, —poyer
ventilation system, soud
insulation, deluxe
bumpers, electric rear de-
froster, convenience group,
auto-air conditioning,
tinted glass, color. keyed
wheel covers, heavy duty
suspension. • .
976 Ford ,Custom
2 door pillared hardtop in
sliver blue Metallle4
features include a V8
engine, automatic, power
steering and brakes, radio,
body side mouldings, color ,
keyed• wheel 'covers,
electric rear defroster,
white wall tires,
convenience group, deluxe
1977 Ford LTD 1
.2 door pillared hardtop in
gold metallic featuring V8
engine, automatic, power
steering and brakes, body
side mouldings, electric
rear defroster, power
windows, convenience
group, color keyed wheel
covers; body N side
mouldings, radial' 'tires,
radio, heavy duty suspen-
sion. •
Motors ltd.
for the school age
Bay, field.
• • Mr-s-.' Menenary' Was a twin
Sister of,the late Mrs. W. Elliott,
chid Can be goo Utrition' if the
Choices are made, from foods
within the many ''no-preparation,,„
ceded" foods of the four food
Chairciian: Robt. Regele
Sec.-Treas:.Carol Ann Campbell
Balance on Hand,. Jan. 1/77 $1,627.65
1976 Walk-a-thon Proceeds 966.07
Dance Proceeds . , 314.00
Park Rental -.676.88
Bank Interest 35.88
Township of McKillop Grant 327.60 • •
Ontario Hy
Umpire Fees
Park M aintenance
Registration —Tournament lUees
Bank Charge's
Misc. Expenses
4 .05'
s I •
Balance . , ....
The Winthrop Community Centre
open meeting January 24, 1978
(VicKillop Municipal Office, Winthr
•• • 5,,
....... '$1,832.23
will be holding an
at 8 p.m. at the
5., Any unlikely event 'which could
maxinium confusion will occur. .
6 • Nothing,is impossible fox the member
•who doesn't have' to do it herself or
.himself. . •.
7. It always cots more than the budget. .
8. A light fee increase usually ,
with a bill. 91.•••$1.9.(//,6Y'Sti•.":but • a major 'cost
cutting reduction means
' 9. When You're.,on tiine at the end of 'a ,
perfect agenda,. the .nreetiag pro41114n't Tyr. ,
Oer. yet. ., —
10. If you leave the nietkind before it
adjourns, You'll eventually .learn . you're
chairTiTart Of a' sub-committee. .• ' •
11. If two Members are appointed to .
help.' they probably live' out of town.
• 12..Wh•atever yonwant.to do,•yott'll have. , to do'something elsefirst..
•.13. If you explain something so clearly
that no one could possible misunderstand,.
someone will. •
sorsvof •
from Ontario. There were seven
bands from Clinton, Collingwood,
Hanover, Kincardine, Listowel,
Midland and' Orilfia. They wore
the traditional Scottish dress.
They were the fourth band in
the parade with former president
Gerald Ford in the lead car and
played almost continuously along
the route for the k million and a
half., spectators, such Scottish
:favourites as Bonnie Dundee, A
,-said of,the thiee-hour.walk along While waiting for their rooms four hours to get' there-They got growing years are greater than
the six-mile longjoarade route. ' io be readied at the Holiday Inn ', back as far-as Mitchell where the thoSe of adults': Nutrition Canada
The theme oflhe tournament Buena.Park they were given A bus Ontario Provincial Police
was "On the Road to Happiness" tour -"f Beverley Hills • and informed thein,,, ' conducted in the early 70's)
(a ,cross-the
all traffic Va
,-country ' survey
and every float -„represented Hollywood. .0. halted and they were sent to the ..
. „ Mr.Maleolm- ,said they saw Mitchell town hall as all the hotels showed that the major nutrition
happiness, - , ,
There '._.were 173 /pipers, htindreds..on Sunday afternoon were full. The President of, the problems
of children and
churn:niers and cOlor bearers in with sleeping bags and such Mitchell. 'Kinsman Club directed adolescents are widespread iron deficiency,,Inadequate intakes 'of
the Massed Legion pipe bands preParing to camp out for the' them to the home of Darrell
night to be ready for a good view Rolph where they remained !Intl] calcium and "`• vitamin D and vitamin A. '
of the parade the next morning: Tuesday night.
At 3 a.m. Monday moaning the Glenn Malcolm made it.baeluo
Food needs are so great during
these active . years ...that it is
band members were bussed to Seaforth Tuesday morning ,,by.,.„,,
' Pasadena where the parathk was snowmobile. He and a friend especially difficult to make up the
to start. They had a half 'hous walk , . •
lost if breakfast is .skipped.
' '
' Breakfast food haters can now
to the start from where their bus Btucefield ,
he tempted witljraditonal non
was parked. Separate buses took
the families to their re,Served.
breakfast foods It e hamburger or
.. soup, cheese and crackers or-
seats in the grandstand along th
Mr. Malcolm said the paDade Mrs. H. Berry. .
'''spent flie weekend with her aunt
, Miss Margo Griffith, Stratford, ' yogurt and peanuts. .For those on
the run, a glass_ofbreakfast,(egi; route. • . , ; .
' milk, ,orange juice put in the
organizers were well prepared to
handle the -.huge number of
Sympathy is extended to Mr. blend can be downed while
participants in the parade.
and -' Mrs. T. A .Dutton, ' Miss dres -muffins, cheese arid
Kathleen Elliott. l-Irsile.Gloot•clOtt
4 Following he end of the parade
n be taken to eat on
e Bowl
Sc ools will teach nutri
(by Bea MeClenaghan
Home Economist, Huron County
Nutritional needs in the
• •
' r4
0 G‘
• ton
HOME -FROM THE ROSE BOWL — Seaforth piper
Peter _Malcolm and hiS -son Char'lie admire a
moment° frem the California Rosewl parade. Mr. 7
Malcolm, with fellow members of th Clinton Legion.
Pipe Band, formed part"of a masse pipe band from
Ontario which marched in the parade. (Photo by OW.
Odds n' nds •
by Elciine Townshend
• If you belong to.- any kind of an"
..organization, you're bound to find yourself
on,.a cOmmittee. sooner or later.
A. committee is. a group of persons
appointed for a special function by a larger '
group of persons. • „
Belonging to a contmittee means
attending extra meetings besides the
regular one's. It Often • entails doing
research, compiling tatistics or Comparing •
prices. Sometimes it, includes dOing a
specific ,chore, withiy a certain length .of
time.ln short, it 'aritSns doing the g-Work • f•-• fOr the parent organization.
Trouble. can brew w•ithiti aEonnittee, •
expecially if theptirpose of•thegroup is to
submit several ideas for a Troject or .
Soltifionsi61 problem and, then to ChboSe ..
the best one. Reaching a unanimous
,'decision • is often impossible . when more
than one person is' involVed.
Blending the best ideas into one,possibler •
solution is likewise 'difficult.
. As one committee-member. quips. ••'!,A
""COrnmittee was appointed to. design the
horse: What did they 'come up with?, The,
camel!" •
A cloud that always 'hangs over the
heads of the committee members is 't•he
knowledge. they must gain the aprtrov,al of ' •
the restof the organization, who gave them,
theJlonour of serving on the committee in
the, first place. , • • . ••
.For all' you 'Seasoned comniittee
members .as well as you newly-ajipointed'
ones, I am closing with "Murphy's •
Immutable Committee Laws." . •
I. Nothing is as easy as it appeared at '
the meeting. .
2. Everything takes longer than you
. 'think!
........ 3.• If, anything can go wrong, it will.
4. Once a project is fouled Up, anything
. . done to convect it makes it' worse.
but their mountings do grow old and
become., oqt-moded in this' fithion- . niinded world. Bring your diamonds
up-to-dife at Anstett Jewellers . . .
with a contemporary mounting that
will bring out their timeless beauty.
4 •
Using a 4-wheel dr > t hicle
returned for his fami they
arrived home in. Sea' at 0
"We were glad to be home"
IVIE,,Maleelrn said.
Update he r
at 11! 30 a. . the band Members their aunt Mt's, Ida Menenary, :s
were given a tuna and bussed to
a big veteran's hospital where
they:played on the grounds for
about an hour.
'Tuesday •the band members
played at, PisneYland. Here 12.
year old Charlie had a chance to
dresg and play his snare drum in
the Clinton band of which he is
theyoungest member. He was too
young to play in the Tournament
of Roses where the age limit is 15..
Unfortunately 'the .,Disneyland
event was marred by heavy rains
bUt;in spite of this the Ontarians
enjoyed their vlSit.
. Wednesday they went
shopping in Anaheim where the °
streets were flooded by the rains
that day. • Friday the , massed bands.
played in Tijuana(Mexico, where
they.tharched through:the streets
They were guelts_Qt the,Me/d94
children vAte'given a holiday-to
watch the event. For a change-the •
daylwas sunny .and warm.
The visitors' were givena lunch
and entertained by Mexian
dancer's. The, Mayor of Tijuana.
piresented them serolls, crests
And, other mementos and the
guest presented theiriin•return.
Sunday,: night a special dinner
was held with the pipe' majors',
.drum majors and executive of
each band and all the' parade
officials. :Each pipe , major,
iticluding Seaforth ..Ripe Major
Peter Malcolm .of the Clinton
ack food
s. •
rldtio; oton 100 mg PER TABLET 100 TABLETS
The transformation will be amazing - the cost moderate. It'
will not only add to their vatuev-but to your enjoyment, to'.
Come in and talk It over with us while you 'view our wide
range of styles and settings.
Plus, we have all the professfonal knowledge and equip-
ment to remount, examine, tighten,--or expertly appraise
your gem,
„.,14. It's easier to get into something than
it is to get out of It. •
' 15. it's a fundainental committee law
'that nothing ever quite . worki out.
16.. Left to themselves things 'will. go
from bad to worSe: . •
17. :If you -try to please everyone, '
. somebody isn't going to like it.
18. •11 everything appears, to be going
•'-'—we.11,, you've overlooked Something.
19, Ifyou wolf around with anything long .,
-endue, it will iticylta'bly-bferak:
4 'Iv