The Wingham Times, 1897-09-24, Page 3t 'L it ar•'>, S>{i yf vE 24 111).1 . M.B N fl HAS '`86 G THS: V,a rT J U E AND COAFEtiEi13F ALL CANADA, N The Positive Evidence of Cure Too Conclusive to Per— mit of it Your Neighhors Tutify If You Are Sick. Ask Your Near- est Druggist for a 25 -Cent Vial of MUNYON'S REMEDIES and DOCTOR YOURSELF. Mrs.' 2. Maloney, No. 2 Gildersleeve, ave., Toronto, Canada, says: -"Both my self and my husband have used Munyons Grippe Cure with splended results, 'Mr. Maloney was suffering extreme pains from the disease, but after I,sing the re• xt not erience d Mun- e one six d the best very ban but. completely re- covered. 1Vb have mplu:it faith in Munyon's Remedies sod keep it cuustau- y tly in the house. Munyon's Rheutineism Curia seldom fails to relieve in one to threehoursrnc'l cures in a few days. Price 35c. Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively puree all forms or iadieestion nod stow - 03' eh trouble. Prier 255. alunyon's Cold (lure prevents pneu- monia and bieaka up a cold to a few• hours. Price 25c medy for only one night, awoke morning cmnpletely cured and h been troubled since. My ree was similiar. We have also u yon's Croup On re for oa • lit months old, and ae;,ain 1'e of results. The eteld 'a ,after this treatment i' Munyon's dough Cure stops cough:+, Qui Ma1e3 A Fortune.. COUN < " 1',:• t -.fi- Miss Jennie Wertlteinier,. pf Cineilai 11;+r, l fess! natl., has made ai fortune by Clint of l.i'I It r ,tato inventive talent. Three years :ago ,:a tie r. .. ,h • 'erielee on tee '1 euchere. .Cud , The tatter clay at pupil in nue oY the ,paella sebuuls tasked the fetieber tit (tu at little example in grammar, she hit open a scheme of conunertial i'!t'3'•tr'i1 a !':a Crag, eat to 111 and :Airco tuba what :seemed at fist paper which would effectually ex- mill- Iia' the dee ,l. to be a wimple p•ohleiu has bad the elude all possibility of raising almou•ntsserious eousideratfult of all the. pa'dn• on cheeks, foreleg nails$ or otherwisef l'i,c t rets „a ;w ,' ea iii trainee.; b;oeues in the r oannunity, turd it has aV lets real + del tampering with it3 faze vailltIO. a'l ;t e t t l-, ,� pansy days she spent, with ve ils Of Set',•atl. Chu night, to perfect the system. Neariv .ti• i'i'i&) NetrdI' ,f cheese She pateaetl a private check system with utiILIii rl fruan t'1" Lee evotet -,nation for the, benefit of bankers and a last week. plan of lomme{ai paper which will stake attempts at forgery futile,Robert Orr Ileaettl it„ 133 acre The principal feature of her invention tatr'10 UI t,t01(.11 r-,+v:•.hitt to 1- ,tit. lies in the forth and composition of Sell !lir eti,tl0U• the draft. From the top of the note The Clinton bekers leivt• raised to the name in favor of whom the the price et breed stunt 1.t). t.. ewe. :lament is made out the paper neater- per targe Inaf. . ial has the usual thickness. But from that point it becomes as thin and :l'he Palrllerstun mor,len mill was transparent as tis sena paper, At burned to the ground on Friday the saute time the paper preserves night of let week. its strength and durability. If the •rete U. 'P. fL, seat one hundred note has been tampered with in any and three loaded cars veetty:n'd raft way this will be shown by holding week. from Uodetich. the paper up to the light. Miss Wertheimer sent to thirty Smith Otos. al. Cu., of lsuderieh, paper manufacturers throughout the , have placed an aut'Iru,st•iu cash cal:- United al,United States before she could •get I rier system in their store. • one able to work out her ideas. She • The price of beef hal he'll raised has been offered the interest on 580, : frurn 10a, to 1-e. per lb in the 000 for the period. of years, and. 1,),„1. hettc het silly; of r iatu',vel. atrt the etpriation of that time the capital is to be turned over to her. The mayor of IIaar'ristun is urging the laying down of permanent side •Paul in the Back. "-allies under the frontage Calx Sys - Mr. M. 1'. Halpin, Brockville, Ont., tern makes a statement as follows: "For two � Afte Frank Tort of [Lino -or fell caused severe pain across my back, dead on Cha, -Lit i i i grounds dizziness, headache, sleeplessness, ete..while attending the fall show at I had often to lean on the counter when Walkerton, :'erving cus.o,nors, so intense was the , pain in any track. • On taking Doan's • The Trustees ustees of the hordwick Kidney pills I unproved from the very School barye re engaged ser, \V,I trers tirst, anal now, artei• using three boxes as trinsi ul, and Mrs. Little as a.asist- atm ell right; rill my pins, aches and ant teacher fist tee yttat' dizziness having disappeared, thanks to Doan's fills,"• -Auction Sale of fh3ase:'a.,ld F.arni- Brie - "Signs" Fc'r 'Blcyele Riders. tare, the property of Mr. Arthur Brie - }ears, 1 sutlered frim kidney trouble, a; 'I 'r'u[ mit _ u hues, on the lI'trket S lues ra, a•1 S.1tu r - To lend ,year wheel is a sign you da•y,S3 p,on1'Jer 23th, at 2 o'clock p. in. will quarrel with a friend. Pw't•ci. D;:.+Na, Aaotiunear. To read the advertisinents of new- alt. Thos. Din3l1t1e, of Kippen, is ly invented painless saddles is a sign one cif rile oldest threshers in this you will die poor and despised. county. I:Ie has fullowee that line To be chased by a yellow dog_ of business for the last thirty years. with at head like a eookstove and a mouth like a cellar, presages a bad trill. To punctum' a tire ten miles from ci:1ty of Atwood. err •'13soant of the Hoene, l3 a sign yon will have a spa ret, vin on your off hind hoof, The 13ec reports 'hat potatoes are aimost a cornplete.l'at?i'urc in the vi To see a red headed woman wear- night ear- Mr. • J. S. Found; C;: I'. It. agent at fight sweats allays soreness and s.eeedt. Cao' green bloomer is a sign roar heals the loris. Price, mos. rim. will split unless yotrsay 1 06o L a ;;gUJ note,• stolen on Saturday iva:eon's Kidney ii:Ire speedily cures• and throw- a bale of hay over " pains in the back loins or groins and all Week, - your left shoulder. To f:.i1 to pay the regular weekly The sneees3 of the, I+airtr,ers' Insti- instnliments is an ill• ornen, and it tete work ineOntario hits suggested means that you will meet a dark man to the Minister of. .1,riculttue of Mel will afford eon much trouble British Columbia, the advisability of an' ineoneal`fence,—Louisville Cour- inarodncin;; a similar` system in that iJ.tny_e's :.-a= Li' 3C'.Ii s are at ?,, ;*,;.a:;;al, i'.evince. An -"set of the Provincial boon ie t1l e: Alen. Legislature there was recently passed r/iuuyon's .\atlitua il.,tnedtes relieve ir; I — g I e :maticn'ly Price Pwraa` Plea -ant Perfect• looking, to the eseiblishmellt 0f such Gerrie, had Itis poe?zet•book, contain- s „ , • , �_ _ 1, , in in the neighborhood of .a63 arid ly forms ot kicluey dissaete Prise wa • r,:�`•- .1unyon's ileatlanh" Cure stops head ache iu three minutes. Price:::t. r1Iunyon's Pti.s Oiotme,et p ui1 '•!3 cures 'ill forms of pita. Price, Tee ASullyon's Ui., r1 :lure ora;lieeeei art im••'tr'r•ies of refs o,u.,,i. Price,' mina 1.L Care It-.._... - .�, t - $i. t' vru , • 13 z ','e teat, •tl •c' •tttf C1 Pretitler t�f '•.fuayon'S C:at.trrh Remedies eeeer fail. The Catarrh Cure - peiee `2.3e. - eratl elites the these)':;. From t:11t .:y'=11e a, ! Catarrh T I lets -meet tree. -• • -, `L s�•:• L11t ler , at• t., proutptaand PineSyrup euro for, cot'ghs, tilat P t'•incc has ni:t;le a reenest :o it `Turned Grey in the Night.' coda, asthma, hr000hltis, hoarSonaass sort', ;,til: Ontario department to send an throat, pato is the chest, croup, whoop-' c, h,;t•i 't c d and well eta lifieti [Haul heel, uintiiiiuuu`Sly algt'ee(l that mere 'teem rule in graLiunla.l' to novel' the point .raised. The youatgster's prupe• I,ltien was this: " ` Tt is two miles to- \Vuudfords.' Now, please write under that eeu teuee, ` `There are two taus 1u the above sentence.' " That is +east the boy said. Ilse did riotsubmit the prim tem in writing and when the teacher tried to fc Bow his injunction she fl.und out Clic reason wily. It dawned otr her that 1 there were no two twos, neither were there no toe, and how to ex press in writing what was easily enough to do verbally, she ascertained to he iinpossible. The boy responsible for the fore- going roust be' a near relative to the youth who asked his teaehet' how to spell paris green, and when she re- plied, pat 'see, parr, g•r•e•e-n, green ; retorted: 'Nu ; you're wrong, You ean't spell pal is, green, or blue, or any u.her cotur. You can't spell it any- thing bet paris,'—Portland Argus. Eczema Relieved in a Day. Dr. Agnew's Ointment will cure this disgusting skin disease without fail. It will else cure Barber's ltuh, Tetter, Salt Rheum, and fall skin eruptions. fu from three to six night, it will cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles. One upplt- 011110n brings comfort to the most irritut- ting vases. Bargain day.—'So I have. won the wager,' he slid joyfully, `and the ten kisses are mine. I will take them at once. 'George,' said the beautiful girl with a noble genorons light in her eye, 'I am not the one to drive a hard bar- gain with you. Let the call it nine - ninety nine,' At 10 o'clock the score was past the hundred mark. Eternal Vin lane e Is the price or perfect health. Watch carefully the iirstsymptorns of impure blood. Cure bells, pie -pies humor and scrofula by taking bond's Sarsaparilla. Drive away the pains and aches of rheu- matism, malaria and stomach troubles,. Steady your nerves apd o.ercotee that tired feeling by taking the same great medicine. Hood's Pills are the best family and cathartic tonic. Gentle, reliable, sure. Reporter—Here an account of the wedding of C3rey and the New York heiress. City. Edtior—An wasn't it'? 1Eer 01 trr—Yes . City Edtior—All right. I'll bead evening wedding and the i, - i,1;.! cough, 'aquinsy, tn{luenzll' anti a cleanse and heal the prts, thrlat and lung trou ties, 27C arc50e t to initiate the systeti. This •request • Munyon's Nerve Olra 13 a all drur stores. .S been g"tinenis ant, 111,1 1 . HAVE YOU CATARRII ? restores '�)3 �i"n' 7 . Pate1';..n, a gratlttlt1t .a,f the Guelph � . Munvon's Z italizrr setas Allington --flow old do you nerve tonic. Prtos, 2,o. Pri^o •-1, I Agr ieultura1 College mid at present 1 cut one Sure tleni3dy-Obtain It for 25 think a alfa oubht to be before he ( a fellow in biology there has bet::1 A sept„ 'e care far e: cit tlhacsc. • , Cents, Blower Included, and be cured. a} l druggists. mostly '25e. a yi:.i- old iCu. selected. Ile lista been granted leave Catarrh to a disagreeable and ot- Persr :pat retreats to Prof. if tinr•an, 11 Cllr. Benham --Forty at least, i ` it once fir Victoria 1411' Paterson felisive disease. It usually results from [Albert 3t., Toronto, answered r;:il• f coo medical ar;sice ter any diseose Crow Patti Oat A He.11li�'it. A pecaliar acel l...:et '}t tpp3t:e11 the other m-)t'ninr, i'a the en4in3 01 gai- t ` No. t •t` lI. 3 thur Jae Miss Allington—Oh, dear' Why i is a naiti.ve of Bruce' county. He has a cold nsid often sails in eonstu option would you have hint wait s0 long? I lead i thorough training* both in ,and death. Tee nue effective Chase 1 Mr. Benham—Because he is pretty a' g 4o far. discovered for it is Dr. Chase'. practical and seient! tic farlllino is ' CtLtarrll Cure. sure to know better by that t{tne. clotoumlll•y familiar with agricultural i Physician's failed to onto Geo. Iie1oad toll -Mato keeper, Holland' Landing road• 'The prisoner at the bar seems not orgapnizaition and will no doubt fully Chase's Catarrh Cure did it. 1' l the j'r'rtfy his selection by the depart- I One box cured William Itneeshaw and xud, . , t0 have the truth into 'elms said 1e .• two boxes James T. Stoddard, both of sengdr tarn , a , i inept 310(1 also do credit to the instt-' coon As the train wet; sp 3edinrr 'I fancy he lost it when he was bail- tutiou at which he was trained. I Division Court Clerk Joel Rogers, Itab err T. Hoover and Geo. Taylor, ailsof \Vest Gwillimbury. along through th3 darkness the en- ed oat, your honor,' said the proseeut- gineer and firein'1n wire statrtlo•l bt' ing attorney. ash int font *rn°1 then the the front, I e Becton, voltmteeely certify to the e Throat Trouble. Cured. :wee). of Chnse'e Catarrh Cure. t•I used lir, ()tease's Syrup of Linseed J. W. Jeweleon, oI Gilford, spent nearly a er t $800 ou doctors, but found no permanent headliett went out. They t11'utiitt Osie Source of Pain and Suffering and 'lurl3etine for severe throat trouble, I reties until he tried it. 25 -cent boy of at first that a stone had been ;hr•ttvn into it, but an investigati'tn ehaw.ed • that a big crow had flown straight into thelight shattering the glass. The light threatener) to eeplo':lo bat fin- ally burned out. The crow, which bad broken its neck, wits fulled out • Under Herman Cotntrol. . writes b re Hopkins, of tel Batlaurst :Chase's. . street Toronto. "It proved most effect- I IL:es Dwyer, of Alliston, got rid of 'ra The remedy known as South American ive. I regard it as ono of the best house- !cold tai the lead in 12 hours. Kidney Cure never fails to give relief in hold medecines there is. It is easy and 1 henry R. Ntcholie, 170 ''rectory street, six htytyrs in all clorangoments ot the ple;asaaut to take, and drives out the cold ; London, tree! it hot with excellent ef• kidney and bladder. Bright's disease, with surprising celerity," I fear, t hrtse a Catttrah Cure is for stile t1q diabetes ueflnmLnatiori or ulceration of _ am dealer, or by ].tmans rc e etc Heys, neuralgia ;t �on lutes e th t ' i e Craigia homoralto an al — - i Co , Toronto. Tisco A1; cents including catarrh of the kidneys, inflammation of i'ttnn nn—��'outatt, you 1tt10vvt can blower. in a badly singed condition, the btatlder, oto, It purtli©s and regut- r and was hanging up in the round- ates the urine, removes sediment in mile in the, face of the world when i Cotte;!:t+, bol•d1t And ltronchaal troubles scalding. her 1teart is breaking. rr ,o,•,- carafe by toe latest ditcouble house the other morning. urine and ld Canes tis te cc at for ri tr t.e Ol late _ i es one of the most path tea -t d 1 a thousand t r �, ''s Valuate; and rCur ,ent�nla. Pleas: troubles in the old, ranch its enlargement,' clic sighta in this life is that of a wo-ant and cavy to take. tis Ceuta. t inflammatfnn and ulceration of the lyres• being valiant and pleasant with 'trate gland. Idlllq I� Illf 111111111pI11111111111It1Ul III11111141l11111114epunn'. AVegetablePrcparationfor A - $h'nilating th,eTonil r"i -ilir^' it' tiny; ilteStarlachs arid 13; wcl;� E P w' SAT FAC—SIMILE SIGiNAT Promo1 sD ;cstion,Ceerful- tt1C5sr• ndRest,Gonlaitts neither nim,Morpitine nor Mineral. OT IA C °Tic. .1 tmt in S.r,l - 41.c.fanrn: • Erats!(a. de,- 4iiu Seed Ttfiaenniat - ,EkQzrroi IrJ:ds. • Piinr�Seed - (l Ma Jugar . iiiderjreao Flan): Aperlectilemedy f or Constipa- tion, Sour Stomacll,Diarrhoea, Worms,Convulsions,Feverish- racss nndLoss OF SLEEP. TacSirile Signature cf cfc•�•�i`Fi� u. NEW YORK. 74;1; t° -Coca t��'ri • xl IS ON T7 WRAPPER. OF EVERY B OTI'T.F; Or ( Gastoria is pat up in one -Else bottles only, It to not sou in bask, Don't a11oa anyone 4e sell Il, yon anything olso on the ilea or promise that it pis "just as rood" and "will answer every pee, ! pose.' • ice that you get 0 -A -Z -T-0 P I-. :ho fan - e ile ," 19 on signature +�jq ,r(i b .cry..: g �J .v of ''„ '. �.� wrapp�ti EXACT COPY Or WRAPPER. Inattl c < at, caller when the smell of a burnt ForTwq,ty-seven,'Years Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consul i Mrs. Simmons --^They say the sea: roast is oozing into the room front the lsirckitchen. patina, sour stomach, indigestion aro promptly ,son of mourning for a dead htisgtilld ottr®d by Noodle Pills. They do their wont 1 is only throe weeks in Persia. easily and thoroughly. �" Mrs. Proliclf{t—Dear me! Persian I Ap eats for "tZnecu Vtletorly ttu w' Oman Can't Ionic well in black. Itnign and rtiuuond ,lubliae, : ov„,flov: inS with 1a'ost and rieheat pictures. t bet• ' She• --I didn't expect t0 see you, , rains the endorsed biography of trey Majesty, Nath aunt ,snit tllstory of her remark sblo reigta, ..., full Somebody to S D tr , • �t, Cilli an ftiecident the Other day. lienee• kitori mrd if demand, ilii w ros% far agents, st after tenor pills. ofTro ro pier cont. ,edit r•hveif a p start, Ottttit ! 'k0,. o.yk�t ffp�ain. *r o Y�•t OqN% 95 cents. All druggists. 1 lee ---Gibs no; that was my brother, t tear y. t>v )0M1NT't)N '0117 ASiX Daps/, Prepared by a L hood �r feta„ LOW61I,14.41;r. sho.�...T'm so 'sor1'�'1 r• . i��,fl,; oa�rn�e;,`c,. lc� Vie ammiy' P01 th ta1. with �'' arptlrlf11i1+ '"* +yr .•s. i t told tree you had met with aeaatrnf, of the iartrpnd Jubilee tet rtes t DUNN'S ZINC ER tae‘;ailEtaltip . ONE, GIVES ES REI ER. ret Sei1 a Dollar for Medicine until you have tried You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. This .orb is put up cheaply to gratify the untrersal present demand for n low price. If you don't find this sort of iparis Tabuks At he :~, r g,iso 's Send Five Cents to THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY, Aro. 10 Spruce St., New York, aril they will be sent to you by mail; or 12 cartons will be nailed for 48 cents. The chances are to:t to ono that Ripans Tabules are the very medicine you need. -4 o u 'into erN 117"e '� rfx : l b , ' � t 2 il�a:7., .11,. fL We are in a position to turn out o • BILL HEADS, LETTER TER IlEADS, NOTE HEADS, S TATE1l'i. E1.1 IN TS, ETD), • • • • • • • . . At a lower price than ever before, We have the best st64 of Envelopes in town, and we da.11 print and supply then as cheap Its ti!:t*.oheapest. t.may •�+y- �y �:�..,,.-:.:.:. Printed on the shortest notiee and the *lets in lttaaw, with the times. r;S Wye the a call when you are in need of anything hi the 11.nd w'e will two you right.