HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-01-19, Page 4COMMATE 111$01LATIOM SERVICE
Sprayed in place.- Urethane-insulation for all types 'of -
farm buildings, new and older homes, warehouses;
cottages, retail stores, etc., - '
RR 5 Mitchell Mee 348-9376
53 PrOd USA Cah :No
will be closed
for holidays
from Jon; 31st
to Feb. 4th
t. •
Mrs. Calder Melcaig was prttee ,Scott. .Seven members
hostess for the January meeting answered the roll call with a
of ' Cromaity vy.M.S. 'She' also "Bible Promise'", Mrs. McKaig
:-presided opening with • a New gave the treaSurers,report and
Years poem.. The Scripture Douglas actedA secretary
lesson Som. 12: -1 - 8 was read in the absence of Mrs:. LaMond,
alternately, followed by Eleven cards and"thiee visits to
'meditation and prayer by Mrs. sick aricrshut-ins were reported.
McKaig. The offering was Mrs. Mervin Pow gave the
received and, dedicated by -Mrt. topic.' Turn a New Page - We
s and on the threshOld 'of a New zho Caribbean Cresgtat, Strand of
Year; and Mrs. .T.L,Sc6tt, PeatiS", — • introduced the stizdy, bo9V for was serverl'"bY Mrs.
1078 "Missions) of the Chnrch, ' Dougla:s. arid thellostesa. inau •
Cable TN. News
--for service or hookup call. your ,
operator and ask,for Zenith '82,110
leaving your name, address and
telephone number.
Seaforth Cable T V.
Vock, Mrs. Keith McLagan, Mrs.
Earl Oppenhanser,- Mrs. KJ,
Reaney and Mrs. Edwin Illman.
Salaries and fees for Council
members,-appointed offiCials and
'labour rates were reviewed ^and
rates were 'increased by
approximatly 6 per cent. The
Clerk, Mrs. Margaret Scherbarth
was named Secretary of Roads for
the Township and Edward C.
Scherbarth was appointed
„assistant secretary.
General accounts of $48,258.96
were approved for payment. This
, included $37,00.00 as' payments
to tile drain loan applicants and
$9,292.68 at repayments to the
-Treasurer of OntariO"for existing
tile drain loans.
County Safety COuncil,Joe Waits,
•Monkton Fire 'Area Board-Jbe
Vandenberk, MitChell Fire Area
Board-LaVertte Gardner, Mitchell
Agriculture Society -Carl Voelti
Monkton Community • Centre
Board-Edwittillmaii, Fred.jang,
Mrs. Maxinellinz and Charles
,Srpith, Mitchell Community
Centre Board-Ken Rolph, 2 years,
Joe Waite. 1 ye-ar,•Tim Nicholson
was appointed to the 'Committee
of Adjustment for 1978, The,,,
Logan Rciereation
appointoos- are: Warren
McDbugall, David Linton, Ken
Smith, John 'Van Herk, Edwin
Illman, Joe Vandenberk, and Carl
Vock. 'Members of the Logan
.Township Library Board are: Carl
ratings by-law to apply for- tile
loan debenture #46 for $28,700.00.
,-Coutieil. • instructed road .
superintendent Sam Acheson, to
purchasy a neW radio for one of
the &raders. Road accounts
approved 'for payment' totalled
$63,591.§9. The fourth p. ayment
of $48:979.56 on theHilLBridge is
due, having been held over to
1978 to spread the costs over two
year$. 13.M.. Ross and Associates
Limited, Consulting Engineers of
Goderich hav,e:' submitted their'
accounts in the sum of $9,654.63
,for the Hill ,Bridge.
Council approved grants to the
Sick Children's • Hospital,
'"Toronto, the War' Memorial
Children's Hospital, London, the
Mental Health Astociation, St.
John . Ambulance, Mitchell.
Muscular Dystrophy, Cancer
,. Research, Heart' Fund Research,
and the Salvation Army, •
The folloWing representatives
were appointed to the respective
boards: Mitchell - .& District
Planning Board-Dan Connolly 3
years, Robert Davey 1 year, Perth
Logan Reeve Carl. Vock and
members of council discussed
,proposals in Bornitoynthat it Was
hoped courd be implemented on
arrival met for its first mepting'of
Reviewing the past year and
looking forward' to the coming
year members referred to weed
control, investigatiOn of a surface
treatment programnie for
township roads and minor bridge
repairs as being matters
requiring attention. '
The meeting was opened with
devotions conducted by Rev.
Arthur Horst of St, Peter's
Lutheran Church, Brodhagen.
Due to an increasingly "heavy
agenda, council, decided Ito hold
the regular Meeting on the first
Monday and,a special meeting on
the' third Monday each., Month.
Joe Vandenberk was appointed
,„ as representative on the Maitland
Valley' Conservation Authority for
I year. A borrowing by-law in the
sum of $350,000.00 was approved
. for the township for 1978 and a
amimmummiummimmuumnimionimmimminimimis: = Prices effettive till closing
= Jan. 24 1978
ofE hazar NOW PRODUCE •
The Huron CountY Board of
'Education wat told Wednesday
,that several.- Of its , portatile
classrooms are cOnsidered to 66'
fire problems by the Ontario Fire
Marshal's office.- John COchrane,
director of education, told the
board 'that some of the 12
p ortables in use in the county do
not meet some fire regulations
sted in the -Ontario Building
Code. He said the—portables
cannot be considered fire hazards
Goderich for years and object to ,
being told they now must send ..... • -410r,imis
1=1.11 the children to Clinton."
Mr. Cochrane said- the
projected enrolment for Goderich =▪ 41•11.
may permit the board to remove
the portables at that school at the
end of this school year. 'He added
that enrolment speculations for
the county may mean the removal
of all portables in four years.
He explained that the portables
were located under the auspices
49! ; • „„,„„„. Fabric = Aft
Softener '.1111P"'" 49,0
[b. so. FLEECY ==.
wow-- Aylmer =NM
4▪ 1114` SOUPS '"1--triPw' =I alai
▪ Prod USA Can- No 1
= Jim Cr. of Celery Chicken Noodle
= ,1010, -Cr. of Chicken Tomato Rice
=I JO', Beef Noodle Mushroom
dm= PP'
• It GE= •••• . .
inn` MINN
• • •
= Ont Grown No 1
39' $1 69
128 N
4111 I I tikkk
/S1-- = Prod USA Can No -1 TEMP:
2 Lb.
.0‘.4 ORANGES 8.9t1
but that the fire marshal'S office - of the Ontario Building Code and = 10 Oz.
,...... , • Tin is concerned abent the location of that d building code had =
some of the units. „ recently been changed. He said . 1 Mr. Cochrane said thdt the list the portables met the =
of requirements the fire marshal requirements of the old code but' '
requested to gain approval for not the new. He added that under rrn,
continued; use of the portables the hew code the portables can be =I'
ranged from writing up fire no closer to a school wall than 40 ••••
alarms to moving the elassrooms: feet and must be at least 20 feet • =
He said 'the matter should' be apart from one another. =
, "Ak;fp9rtable .:456:BrookSide E. • t 0. ,,, * „ Iii411
committee-which-should-censider SCliOO1 is-20 feet from-"a,-= 40,11# Aninniummullmmtpumoimmmummomillmiffig
7 iNN -Asersos,
ENParahnount Solicrlight "
dealt with the by the budget,
projected use of the portables blank wall," he said.
compared with costs tomeet fire The director said the fire =
marshal recommendations. marshal's office would permit no
MEM 7 Oz. . 0 .2111111.11 =SS
• Tin
Mom NI=
ue onne ...„„vswer
BI B t ....00011110' ,,„ = McCain Straight Cut or Shoe String
Mr. Cochrane said the report
from the'fire marshal was insti-
gated by the Goderich • fire
department. He said that
department expressed concern
over the location of the three
portables in use at Goderich
= covered walkways between the
portables and the main school
building so the portables .were ▪ Zerka
placed'as close to the buildinias
possible. He said that eleMentary
usingschools portables . usually .
had no class • rotation and the = 0116, M
3V2 •
MEM '1 09 4.41*4 ' ▪ FRENT FRIES/ = C 0 10 ured
a= I =
ARGARINE = Gusto A Dressed
, • • =" 741isompo. • =
ANL Schneiders
= efrze 990
rej Bicks
• 'D I L L PICKLES 32 6. =NI
• 11114 1 I iltk"‘ = Christies'Premium Plus .
*2 491 =
24 N.
E.'xii• WIENERS - Jo.
PIZZA District Collegiate Institute. He students were in the rooms all =
clay. He added that in the case Of = $111A "......
secondary schools, the 'students = .
are in and out of the portables =
IS% every .teaching period. ,
"If a sttident has to go to the ' ....... ...... ••
79 „N'i-NP.
said the questions raised by the.,
Goderich department prompted,
the . fire marthal to examine all
portables in the county.
1 1-b 79'
*401N/ *IOW
The director eulained,, to the
board that the costs for moving washroom he either puts on his
-some of the portables may be hat and coat to go or opens the
premature if taken on now. He
said- that- by dragging its heels
do.or and runs", he said. He
added that wher4e was teaching =`-'
until the end of the school •year he was assigned to a portable for =
the board may Save money a year and had a head cold "the =
because the portables may be entire year". MN=
thovefl anyway due to projected 'He explained that the portables =
enrolments at schools where
portables are located. He added
that he assumed by .the report
that the,board had until the end of
the school year to make its
Using Goderich a4 an example
the direct9r pointed' out that the
use of the' portable classrooms for
a short period was decided on
rather than the trauma caused by
changing school boundaries. He
said the portables were pressed
into service rather than telling
people whose children would
normally attend Goderich
secondary se.kocil that they would
now7 be attending Clinton
secondary school.
"4 guess irs partly due to
tradition or pride," reasoned the
director. "People have been
sending their children to
-11111110— 1 Lb. -1=11
Fresh from .1‘.1 11 .11.11
are. leased by the.lioard and under MN=
MI= •
the terms of the lease the board is • ,
entitled to one free riiove of each =
= Westons unit, He said that if the invoe isn't 69 A
Y "aft Erbs = ANIL -Poultry Farm --mminp.•
PKG.OF free the board has to pay $430 if = Sunlight a CHELSEA_ BU-NS 8
- Arit, - aim Liquid —411.11.1111117 —
the unit 'is moyed less than 60
feet. He said the three page
document 'from the fire marshal's
...... AWL
• • PKG.OF
12 90=.74. ay&
="1 ala Grade A Large
= j.°1 s EGGS
= Westons Soft & Crusty office listed the requirements for = Jim
MOM DETERGENT Mi= MOM OM= each unit considered to be a
problem and asks the board to let =
11=1111 1=11111
.."-.."*. i Schneider Sweet Pickled .....
.... - ,
32 02
, ,..
the fire marshal know what .it is = JO* = JO"
79' ,.„.. 1 CORNED BE,EF Lb. *1.491
. . ,.. prepared to do to alter the
1 - • Adveirtising...
saves you -
111111.1 IOW= NM=
OM= 401 Ittttkk ▪ Schneidert
▪ BACO hep,ece 1.49 \*(SOW/..,,fr
mum , Ei Schneiders Old Fashioned
OW* N t
g. -4°°j•or
BOLOGI\V By the piece 9 Lb. a 4.1. ICE =
= *4
= Schneiders.Blue Ribbon 1.Wirk = 8 =
Chapmans MI=
411114 --unonsorr =
• = = a."•••'-',PORK •
r. BEANS = $0,
=IN 19 Oz, jorAt.
1140 II ‘ti‘kk4k
"." Schneiders quarter Poynd MOM
• OM=
• all= na
,N g BURGERS _ . 4 I WIN 411111. • 10 delicious flav'ourr
rly. • " 89
=ma M=111 =NM '.. —
' viiii IN litt% '4 = ..... , , . ... — ,
, ....
Vies., Wed., Sat.., ,50 -6 SeafOrik Ont. ThYrs., and PH. -9-0