HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-01-12, Page 18ES CY I •••101 •••••••••• AFTERNOON EUCHRE Wednesday, Janttary 18th, 2 p.m. I.O.O.F. sponsored,_bt Rebekah Lodge. Admission .75c , Lunch provided. 1-31-1 A General meeting of the Van ASK any of our students about Eginond Foundation will be held the "Feature Flint" night at in Seaforth Town Hall Seaforth. Public, School, Wednesday, January 18th, 8 p.m. Wednesday, January 18th, 7:30 1-31-1 P.M. 1-31-1 AFTERNOON euchre at Orange Hall, Monday,..„January 16th, 2.."" p.m. 1,314 MITCHELL 348402 my: FOREST - 323.1545• Ft11.ES TOURS have space available on the following tours: 14 DAY CIRCLE FLORIDA visiting Ocala, Daytona, Ft.. Lauderdale, 'Miami, Orlando, St.: Augustine INCLUDING Silver Springs, Cy. preSs GArdens, Disneyworld,-Marineland and More. Departs Jan. 14, Feb., 11 and 25.' • 14 DAY TOURB with 7 nights ocean front kitchenette acoommodation and including Silver Springs and Marineland' departs, Jan. -14, 28, Feb. 11 and 25: • 14DAY FLORIDA TOUR AND NASSAU CRUISE A complete CiroleFloridaTour plus a luxurious weekend cruise to Nassau departs Jan:. 28. Don't forget• a little space remains on • • 10DAY TOUR TO ORLANDO for Mid Term Break departing March 18. Call us for a free brochure. All tours, pick o,p between Wiarton and Mount Forest along flyiy, #6 and helburne to Mitchell #89 and 23. Other pick up points can be- arranged if enough interested: MOUNT FOREST 519-323-1545 MITCHELL- 519-348:8492 COIVESTOGA COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY ; CLINTON CAMPUF requires part time BOOKKEEPING, TEACHER to-each 10 hrs.,per week Which involves 2 hrs. each day. 'We are lookipg"for an individual with • proven Bookkeeping experience:- Teaching experience would: be an asset, ti• Applications including complete resurneThhould be forwarded to • - EMPLOYMENT & BENEFITS. OFFICER 299 DOON VALLEY DRIVE KITCHENER ONTARIO 142G 4M4 4-31-1 This position is, open to both men and women. , Salary is commensurate with' background and experience. Help , Wanted If you , are an energetic person and a •••••1•14. feet typist who is looking for an interesting, challenging job, we'd like to talk to you. We have .a permanent opening that could be full or part time, setting copy at The Huron Expositor,. Seaforth's award winning weekly newspaper. , Please,applY in writing., giving your . typing speed, work experience; salary expected by JANUARY 23,1978 EDITOR, THE PIU.RON EXPOSITOR BOX 69,. 1 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK IWO 4-31-2 11 Articles For Sale 1.1 Articles For Sale HOLST REAL ESTATE 41111 vo.they finance ruroli.pspriortles 7 farm or home? We do. - • • Do they offer Builders Loans- Intefim Financing - Commercial - big or small? We do. Do they buy and sell"mortgages for cash? We do.' - . DO they offer personal financial consultation? We Do. • Do they hesitate on going to your home? We don't. ' ' • FOR LOWER RATES Fast - Effeciont - Confidential Service give Don a call DON DENOMME-- ADVANCED REALTY FUNDING-CORPORATION GODERICH, ONTARIO 524-2747. -Residential -Farms --Business --Resort Properties SEAFORTH IRE.A1:•EiTATE0* . SHOULD YOU BUY.. JVHOME? • . ,'' \ That's a qUeition only you can answer'. IicriteVer, keep th'is-in• mind: with the many• advantages that home owning provides, it's not- long before buyers discover their purchase was a wise one. • •S • . , . ' EQUITY • Equity is like a giant savings account. As a hOmeowner gradually pays off his mortgage, he builds up more and more equity. In a " .renting situation, O monthly .poyment is down the drain. Paying off a mortgage means . a person is acquiring .o. malor possession, one• shot .aIMOst always. increases in value. • • , . : ' " INFLATION HEDGE - Homes, like' fine wine, ger more valuable witliOcK117', ,, the year. Existing home v alues have gone up about 10 to 11 per cent in' • the past year: At a •10 per cent a ppreciation, a\'40,000 home. would in- the value by !4,000 in the first year alone, sordewhat better than the FINANCIAL FREEDOM _Mortgage payments remain Onstant for the Nil current rate.of inflation ' ., • . . . . . . tOrm of the• loan:While rents usually increase with the cost of living.' PRIVACY - Regardless of whet 'form it takes, a person's home is his or • her c astle. In an apartment, however, Itlyoureeighbour's castle•too. SECURITY-AND CREDIT-atom ownership means being ctsplid part of the community and having an estcrialshe,d credit rostogr-----.L-___,...._ __ _., , . . We W'ould like to say a big ''THANKS" to all our clients for ma-k1ngi977-a------ sUicessful year. Let!! make_ your year to buy a home. We have 'an ()X- - .gellent selection. For efficient professional-service, we're here for you. -- A i ',/,/ • -,".";••• (519).527-1,511 -•••1, Tr • 7 - .•-•7•7• 1 Coining Events WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as fcir serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices gaunt as one word per set': Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 Words $2.00, 7c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No'cOpy. changes, 56 per word, minimum $1.50' SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION, - $1.96 Der column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSETIONS -$1.68 per column inch. Inch. (Minimum size in this• category 1 1/2 inches. Accepted in multiples of. half MO.) BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE 50c .per insertion. ' BIRTHS - 20 words, $2.00, 7c per wOrd. thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices,' 20 words $2.00, each .additional word 7c. IN MENIORIAMS -400 plus 10c per line of verse COMING EVENTS - '20 words $2.:00,_ each additional word 7c. Three insertions for the price oft. - CARD OF THANKS 30 Words $2.00, each additional word 3c. 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT • ON Ott BEFORE FRIDAY NOON IN WEEK OF INSERTION. Nocancellaiion of multiple insertion advertisements after Noon, Tuesday Deadline for classified ads is 12 Neon Tuesdays. Classified 'Rates Phone-5274240_ 1 Coming Events CLINTON legion Bingo every Thursday, 8:00 P.M. 1st regular card $1.00. Restricted to 16-years • or over. 15 regular games of $15,00; $5 least on split; Many other"-specials. Jackpot $200.00 must go each week. 1-30-tf BRODHAGEN Chamber' of Commerce, Winter Carnival, Saturday, February 4th. Novelties and Dragi. Sunday, Feb. 5th Cross Country. 1-26-tf 84789 SEM011111ONTARIO 519 527.0050 Winter Vacation • Motor Coach or Air , March Break • Florida by Air or Coach St. Thomas, Virgin Islands BROCHURES AVAILABLE -30-rf DANCE-Vanastra CommunitY Centre-Saturday, January 14 Dancing 9-1. Music by • The Silvertones,Spotisored by Central Huron Agriculture Society. Lunch, provided $6.00 couple. For tickets phone 482-9125, •482-700, •'482-9415., 1:29x3 THE Huron County health Unit . invites 'you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes, being held in the Clinton Public School commencing TUESDAY, JANUARY 10,1978 from 7:30-9:30,p.m.: These classes will run for 8 'weeks. - Would anyone who is inter-• ested please register by calling ' 1'-800-265-4485 toll free or the Health ,Unit office at-A 482-3416.• Both, husbands' and wives are invited to attend and participate in the discussions. Prenatal classeS for the spring series will be. April 3, 1978. :. 1-29-3 • BEECHWOOD POTTERY',S • regular show and sale Sunday afternoon 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. 2 mi. north of St. Columba!) 345-2184 1 ,-3041 • SEA FORTH Lions Club ,,annual Valentines Dance, Seaforar Legion Hall, Saturday, Feb. 11. Dancing 9 p.m. 'to 1:00 'to The Shannon Orchestra. Tickets $7.00 couple from club members. Proceeds for Seeing Eye Dog. - 1.31-5 ._TI-,1„E Winthrop Community Centre Committee will be holding an open meeting on January 24, , 1978 at 8 p.m. at McKillop Municipal. Office, • Winthrop. Anyone interested in attending will . be, welcome..1-31-2 1 Coming Events 2 Lost, Strayed WOULD the person' who mistakenly wore home a ladies black leather coat in place of a man's leather coat on New Years Eve from Hully 'Gully please call 482-3369., 2-31-1 4 Help Wanted FULL time or' part time -help ,for -geed and livestock farm'. Art Bolton, R.R.1, Dublin. 4-31.2 Needed Immediately 3 ladies or men to worit'full or part time as WATKINS dealers .in, this area. 'Excellent commission plan. For appointment, 'phone K. STRYKER area distributor - 527-1280 or write P.O.Box 448, Se afortli, 4-27 8 An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. 4' Help Wanted TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS Applications will be received by . the undersigned for someone to COUNT DOGS in Morris Township. State price • per dog expected. Applications must 'be received .by 12 NOON ON JANUARY 27 TH, 1978 • MRS. JANE BADLEY CLERK,TOWNSHIP OF' MORRIS R.R.3, WALTON 4-31-2 7 Situations Wanted WILL babysit in my home in' Winthrop on week days. • Phone 527-1582. • 7-31-2 8 Farm Stock For Sale ...2ONE Holstein cow, fresh, 345-2619. 8-31-1 10 Used Cars For Sale 1975 Montego MX 28,000 miles. Call 527-0446, 10-31-1 ONE Pick-up truck camper, $1500.00; 1968 Fargo truck $2007001 1969 GMC 3/4 ton truck with 4 speed transmission, $500.00; 1975 Chrysler Newport 2 door hardtop $2500.00. - 482-9206 ' 10- 4 Help Wanted before ryou buy! Call collect anytime 1-416-663-9508. 1,1-304 _"/NE person's junk is another's gold mine. Turn your unwanted articles into • cash with an EXPOSITOR classified, 527-0240. 11-30xtf GLEANER C2 combine, bean special with corn and grain heads. Fully:equiPped and reconditioned Phone 482-9260. 11-30-tf • SWIMMING POOLS - ding swimming pool ma,nuracturer must dispose of brand new 1978 Models. Fully warranted, complete with pump, motor, filter, fencing, walkway 'and deck. Suggested retail price $2350. Available at pre-season Special of $1322. Call now for early installation. Long term financing available.. Call collect anytime 1-416-663-9508. 11-30-tf GOT something to • sell? 9000 people, read the EXPOSITOR classified ads every 'week. Place your low • priced Expositor classified at 527-0240. 11-30Ictf - ANTHES 'Gas Furnace' 100,000 B.T.U. Approx: 18" wide - 24" long, 60" high. Complete, pipes 'and chimney. Used 2 winters. -1851 after 5 p.m. 11-30x1 FALSE teeth, long underwear? Ekpositor classifieds have sold almost everything. Place your ad today by 'calling 527-0240. 50 cents ofrwhen you pay cash. 11-30xtf STRIP .tickets for admission or refreshments, single and duplicate. The Huron Expositor.. Seafort11.- 11-30-ff GliSTETNER_INK AVAILABLE at The HuronExpositor, 527.0240, Seaforth. 11.30xtf Help Wanted • . „ A Fiegter propane heater 35 x 131/2 x 22 with 50,000 B.T.U. and self fan used with propane can lie changed to natural gas. 887-9384. 11.31-1 New Snowblowers North American Single Auger 80" • $1150.00 "DEMO" North American double auger 86" . . $1350.00 "Demo" Me'Kee 7 50 double auger 92" $1695.00 USED BLOWERS V Types from $75.00 ' • Auger Type $550.00 VINCENT FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. - ..527.0120 ' 11-31-1 1971 Y ,L29214; 'new track; rebuilt engine, *good condition with cover and back rest *$450. - 517:0880. 1,1-31-2 SEWINGmachine sale, 20% off all machines in store. Repairs to all makes and models. All machines :and repairs guaranteed. Hackbart's Department Store, 887-6904. 11-31-tf ONE new and one used E 78 x 14 'suinmer tires, Mounted on - Plymouth rims, 345-2554. 1 t -31 -1 SMALL crib with mattress, 24x 48, 527-0501. 1"2 'Wanted To Buy' QUANTITY of baled straw. JO1iii • •-Oldfield, Phone 527-1436. 127.304 40'foot aerial'. and tower in good condition. Phone 887-6550. 12-39x3 13 ,Wanted Wanting a room to board. Phone " 527-0533', . 13.30-2 WANTED: old brick buildings for demolition & salvage, purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185' Murphy Road, Sarnia.' 13'-304f 14 Property For Sale GEORGE R . JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LIMITED BROKER BOK 249 WEST LORNE-ONT. 768-1170' FREE ' LISTINGS! cost nothing to list your property with us and we do all the advertising. ' WILIAM M. HART ; Salesman •• Seaforth ' Phone 527-0870 14-31-1 _Appraisals _property . pAanagement _toyestments Every week more and more ,people discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Huron Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. 4WTadjSnEet in building lots south end of town $3.2.:000:00. Country Home on 1 1/2 acre' in Hullett, drilled well: - $31,900.0.0. Mobile - 12' x 60' Glendale with Expandn. Uncle $10',000. Wooded Lot in Auburn area with- modern redwood sided home; fireplace & '2 sundecks. • 'Exeter Area ,' renovated one floor schoollAise has- 2 bedrooms, 'Oil furnace.. Large country lot. Renovated Heine - 2 floors, 3 bedrooms, new family roont and sun deck. Located in kinbitrn $29,000.00. Blyth Nearly new - 3 bedroom brick ranch, family room with fireplace, patio doors, sun deck, rec, room , double garage. 3 acres on 'paved road, good well, small barn with hydro. • Clinton Office ,482-3595 John Thompson 527-023& DON HOIST REAL ESTATE LIMITED - Realtors REAL ESTATE LTD. 482.9371- Clinton " 1 acre near Blyth, 7 rm. brick' home, 3 bdrms, porpane heated, moderately priced. *•** * * * • . 6 acre hog farm near Blyth, fully equipped to handle 400 hogs or ' more. 2 storey brick home. 'Easy financing. * * * * * * 100 acre hog farm near ' Londesboro, fully emiipped, buildings nearly new. Just Married? Retiring? ,p,ive us a call we may have just the nice house you .are looking for, low priced, good terms. One a *5,4 c **/ ial plyierty 1 1/2 storey home at Vana;tra,5, tins, 3 bdrms, full basement. ****** 1/1/2 , storey. frame ' home . in Brussels, 5 . rooms, 3 bdrms, carpeted, oil heated, • * FOOD FOR THOUGHT -The respe& , 'of those you respect is worth More than ,lie applause the multitude. " 14-31-3 or over 1-304 OVERSTOCK clearing 336 C Marlin 3030 lever action rifle. ' Reg. retail price $189.00. Clearing Price $149.95. Canadian Tire , Seaforth, 527-1350. 1-31.1 VALENTINE'S DANCE, Saturday, February 11, 9 - 1, Seaforth Community Centre. Music by Chris Black and the Swinging Brass. Admission $3.00 r er per gon. Sponsored by Chisel- hurst Brcomball Club. , 1.31.3'-" Bingo Every Tuesday.. Night at the VANASTRA CENTRE 11.R.S, Clinton 8 P.M. First regular• card $1.00 15 Regular games of $15.00 3 Share the Wealth'- . Jackpot $200 must go. Admission restricted to 16 years L 1.1 Articles For Sale TROPICAL FISH BUDGIES CANARIES ..A complete line of pet supplies PAT'S PET SHOP 0, 350 Main Street. Exeter . Phone 235-1951 t1:30-tf COPIES ,, NEW MATS, bedspreads, sheet 'sets, including Queen size, Copies of your important papers or documents while you wait. blankets in virgin wool also towels and comforter. Phone 345-)Icti Letter size, 25c'each., _ • THE uptoN EXPOSITOR • 11-30xtf HALF a beef call 527-1435. 11-31-1 31-1 SWIMMING PoOls•to .Rent - Will., •1978 Arctic Cat Ly nx '200 twin, lease and install for hOn-reoWtiers, under , 10 hours, showroom family size aluminum swimming condition $1050, 5270880. _ pools With patio. Choice of styles, eetin.g all .fencing-'re'g'ulations- 11-31-2' • on a one, two, or three year rental BANKRUPT swimming pools at. -super reductions'! Brand new basis. with option to own. Try rectangular Redwood type above ground pools from public receivership auction. Partial sta.& of large -bankrupt Canadian swimming pool manufacturer. Quantities limited. First • come 'first served. Don't miss this' opportunity. Installation and terms arranged,,,No dealers. Call Mr. Leeds collect at 416.495-0887 between 9 a.m. - 6 p.m..1.1,31-3 14 'Property For •11.4 Property For ,Salle ON DENommO of -ADVANCED REALTY,." FUNDING CORPORATION Invites ' you to take a comparison test with our competition! ..• Additional Classified on • next Page HENSALL-KIPPEN AREA 125 acres, qiostly workable, some tile, very good 4 bedroom home:, L-shaped 'barn, good' shed. 180 acres good, crop land with buildings,. mostly tiled. CARL S. WALKER REAL ESTATE LTD. 489 Main Street, Exeter Call • PAUL HOHNER at 235f2533 or 235-030.2- for further information. • 14-30-a In Dublin on Hwy. 8, brick cottage, '2 bedrodm, 4 piece bath, kitchen and 'living !opal, with firepface. Completely finished basesment, 'rec room with • firepllee, detached garage and double lot. Phone 345-2404 or_ 345-2195. 14-30-3