HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-01-12, Page 17and seeing to Alfie's needs. Mire considers the town of Seaforth. a great place for it, physically disable eople. The streets have no m 'or hills so his wife can push him round town without too much difficulty and the cost of gousing is still affordable: - . Family Allowances in - rease in 1978 MAPLE LEAF PARR STYLE SCHNEIDERS - ARIETIES 2,y ,., ' SCHNEIDERS SAUSAGE . ' ' "Hu SIDE BACON 1 lb. PKG.1 .55- POLISH LOOP tb- 9;49 BOLOGNA_ BABY .. BAG lb. • -VW PRIDE OF CANADA SLICED- SPARERIBS_ SCHNEIDERS COUNTRY FRESH PORK 3 lb. AVG. COUNTRY STYLE , MAPLE LEAF CORNED , SAUSAGE $1.39 COOKED HAmal.28. BEEF BRISKETy2_4.69 LOIN' ROAST___!ii29 SCHNEIDERS CHUNK d. BURNS BREAKFAST IPORK & BEEFI FRESH CENTRE CUT LEG'OF PORK BUTT' R SHANK COOKED MEATSJ12.!1.35 LINK SAUSAGE_ 98P' HAM SLICE___11,_,_$1 49 FRESH HANII_Jp.129 R OM! FINE, MEDIUM, BROAD OR EXTRA ORO 0 MILD FRESH TASTING EGG NOODLES' - 12 oz. 2 ° 79cTETLEY 'TEA BAGS 144:-s $3.89 CHOCOLATE CHIP OR VARIETY ASSORTMENT SWANS DOWN - 5 COLOURS ZEHRS COOKIES 2 lb. fIN TIE BAG $1 .49 BATHROOM -TISSUE 4 ROLL $1.09 CligRY PIE FILLING 19.oz, " 99-C YELLOW OR GREEN , 2 ROLL X1.09 • Lower Interest, Rates • super special PURE FINE 2 KG. BAG GRANULA rip WHITE SUGAR 69' - ....,.... IF We will be pleased to serve you In. Hwy "'" aci Our rrtgri- er .s: Dale McDonald A GODERICH-HURON RD 8 'OPEN WED-THURS -FRI.- EVENINGS lop dilli • THE H tiCT!EXPPSITOF, JANUARY '1978 -ll! forth artist . ale e Sec surface. 'With the curbs cut, the town would be so-much easier to, get around. Those four inch" ... bumps are hard on a person in a wheelchair and make it difficult to cross Streets:: said 'Alfie. , - lie,feels it will happen 'someday .,„ soon because the people : Of 7 Seaforth are sensitive to the ' needs of the physically disabled, '-'5'eaforth people are concerned with making their town a place ".where all residents are encouraged to use the ``Xhey seem to have , a people Orientation," claimed Alfie.' Making life a bit easier for hundredS• Of men and women like Alfie Pale is what the Ontario March of Dimes and communities Tike Seaforth are-all about.. After all a rather small amount of help to- Mite, in the form of a wheelchair lift, allows him to be a more active member of his community - together we can 'insure that this type of story .. continues so ;won't you help by giving ,generously when called on? - our work carries on as a .sreuspuplotrt.of your interest and' Thirteen years ago when Alfie Dale, dove from 0 swimming raft at Chesley Lake, a small rake- outside ,of,Owen Sound, he had no idea that his life was about to make Ldramatic change. ' - the raft wa:s less thakihree feet above the water and the water a considerable depth, but ' the force of entering the water from even this low height. was, ' "enough to 'fracture 'his neck 'The damage to his neck and ••• 'spinal column resulted in "total paralysis from the neck down and ' caused him to be bedridden for an entire year. Today..,,Alfie and his wife , Without the use of his hands or feet,',Alfie draws by holding the drawing instrument in ttis teeth. "It" takes a lot of practice," Claims Attie, "to develop, a .smooth, steady stroke." The mainstay of his, business is the selling of the hasty notes which his wife Lereen packages in groupsbf ten and sells to gift shops and'organizations that cause them .for fund raising. Unfortunately busineSsIS not dtiing as well as it could because of the difficulty of getting to customers. "It's not that .people don't like them," says Alfie, "but »rather because we can't get out to the shops and organizations to let them know they are available." Loreen, whowere married just six weeks l)efore the accident, have taken Up residence in 'Seaforth: Mile, who, is now an• acconipliShed artist, spends much of. the day creating sketches for upcoming art sales for 'hasty notes'. His ...sketches include such subjects as . fishing boats, antiques, landscapes, treesrlis, favourit6 subjectbeing churcheS., His artistic 'talents-"were not fully realized until ., after .his accident. With encouragement from his wife, he worked and studied Continuously to develop his talent This coming stinimer, promiseS to be a good one for the Dale's because they have just moved into an old home a block from the, main street.. "With the wheelchair lift that the Ontario March of-Mines has provided at a cost of $i200.00 .the people eLSeaforth will be seeing a lot 'of me this suntmer," said Alfie. The lift not only, allows him to get in and out of the house easily, -but it gives a greater freedom of choice when selecting a place to live. pp until now Alfie was forced to consider homes that had few or no steps becau se Loreen could not get him up a full set of stairs. For the,past three months he has eased up on his sketching 'to study for his ham operator's license even though-be does, not have a hain set. "I enjoy taking . the e course for interest sake. I hope to own a set someday," said Alfie. The one thing that he wishes would happen soon in Seaforth is curb cuts. Curb cuts are a.„ method of cutting the curb to form a.ramp that meets fluSh with the road Mrs .William*O'Shed Most of Loreen's time is spent taking care of their small home 4. heads Mirth of Dimes •• The 1978' Campaign for funds • for the Ontario March of Dimes gets underway on January 16, 1978 apd this year it is expected that more- than fifty volunteers will be calling door-to-door throughout this area. Campaign chairman for the drive is Mrs. William O'Shea 'who is being assisted by, Mrs. Ma y Habkirk, Mrs. Charles-Reeves; - Mrs., Lillian Grummett and Mrs. Alfred Beuerman. The number of captain§ has been increased • to eight - Harpurhey - Mrs. Wilfred Titford; Egmendville - Mrs. Jean Lunn, Mrs. Ruth Smith; Seaforth - Mrs. George ' Reeves, Mrs. Frank Sills, Mrs. Frank Roberton, Mrs. William Hodgert and. Mrs. A. Beuerman. Each captian will secure enough canvassers for her particular. . area- Last year's campaign total was by at least' 10% , if not 15% The Ontario March of Dimes provides a wide variety of services t physically disabled men a 'women. Wheelchairs, brace respirators, artificial limbs, nd other personal support, items are provided to those in need; camping holidays for shut- ins are. another March of Dimes -innovation,- - • : The Ontario March of Diines always respects the privacy of the people it assists, so 'lack of lecaf publicity doesn't mean no one was helped. Your donation 'may be helping a neighbour just around- the eorner. So please be as generous as you , can when the Ontario March of .,,Dimes' volunteer calls on you. Darryl Sittler is again Honorary Chairman for the current Ontario Ivlar~ll--of~ denies *anviss-Lforl money for the third consecutive MRS.. AND MRS. ALFIE DALE 1:GREAT - SAYINGS. rizehrs • SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT FROM . MD. 9 A.M. TILL CLOSING TUESDAY JANUARY 17 ,,,, „_,CENTRE-&-END CHOPS MIXED • FAMILY PACK , „FROM YOUNG ONTARIO PORK FRESH LOIN ,CENTRE CUT PORK CHOPS QUARTER LOIN PORK CHOPS $1,475.00; it is anticipated. that year. for 1978 this figure will be topped ECONOIVHCAL , MEATY 'FRESH OR PREVIOUSLY FROZEN PORK HOCKS J.,. 'SLICED" OR BY THE "NEM: SCHNEIDERS REGULAR OR BEEF FRESH PORK LIVER DINNER FRANKS.. .- the federal govern- ment's monthly allowance paid for children under '18 years of age will he increased in January of 1978, Health' and Welfare Minister Monique Begin, announced. the federal government According to the an- paid out more than $173 nouncement FaMily Allbw- million in Family- Allow- ances will rise to $25.68 anceS to 3.6 inillion fain from' $23.89 in most ilies. The cheques covered provinces and in the territ- 7.2 million children. The ones.' national average allowance The amount and method for each recipient family of payment of Family,, was about $49. Allowances varies Quebec and Alberta. Under a provision in the Family Allowances Act, a provincial government may, ask the federal government ' to vary the rates, payable in that province according to 'the age or number of children in a. family, -or--- - both, proViding the pay- ments average $25.68. Quebec and Alberta have again chosen this optiin. -Special -Allowances, which are paid to foster .pareets, welfare agencies, government departments and institutions maintain- ing children, will increase to $25.68, fronW $23,89. Each; month •during 1977 Ib. FROIDIJOIE. CONVENIENT EVAPORATED , FINE QUALITY PURE VEGETABLE CARNATION MILK 15oz T,.. CRISCO OIL . Water VVelil RILLING W.D, 1-topp,er and Sons MODERN ROTARY - RIGS PHONE Neil' 527-1737 'Dull 527-0828 . Jim 527.0775 24 o8.PLUS .1016•F ACE FLORIDA'S FINEST • BIGAMY ---' GRAPEFRUIT ALIENS 7 FRUIT FLAVOURS FRUIT _DRINKS PINK OR WHITE SIZE 48's Cable T.V. News CHICKEN, BEEF,' . PORK. OR STEAK McCAINS FANCY FROZEN U.S1:110: 1 FINE QUALITY EMpEROIT' RED GRAPES. lb, 69! SCHNEIDERS MEAT PIES FRENCH • FRIES .3 1/2 lb. BAG For service or hciokup call your CALIFORNIA NO .1 TENDER • CELERY STALKS BUNCH .59 operator and ask for Zenith 82110 leaving your name; address and • 'PRODUCE OF MEXICO ONT. NO.1 SWEET 8 oz. • GREEN PEPPERS w-49 CHOICE SNYDERS SLICED CARROTS. DICED OR WHOLE BEETS , ZEHRS LUXURY 3 MEATY 'VARIETIES F -0' telephone number. Mitchell Seaforth Cable.T.V. FRESH WASHED U.S. GROWN VEGETABLES DOG FOOD CELLO SPINACH looz. 2F9R 99 -PRODUCE OF U.S. 'ONT. NO. 1 BRU$E1, SPROUTS 4F.R 9 14 oz. 14.5 oz. itukulFmospoissos BABY MACLEANS FRESH MINT DR MILD MINT '°° mi. TUBE 100 ml. 13 oz. TOOTHPASTE $1.09 DETERGENT 24 " 99c iggplyFToCoORN SIRUP. 2 lb. 79*. zidiff DIAPERS • 3" 1.39 .1iDORN $1.99 $ G OLDEN RICH' HAIRSPRAY SPECIALLY FORMULATED MONARCH 3 lb COLOURED IMPERIAL,, MARGARINE CHERRY HILL 12 21E611KM CHEESE PRODUCE OF U.S.A.' C AN. NO. 1VRADE CUCUMBERS 24's McCAINS FROZEN 10 oz. PKGS. .99 ASSORTEO FOR TERRARIUMS OR PLANTERS MINI-PLANTS 2 VP size EACH 4I C CHOPPED BROCCOLI NOW AVAILABLE ON 1 st and 2nd Mortgages anywhere in Ontario on RESIDENTIAL - INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL and FARM PROPERTIES In't'erim financing on new construction or land development REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA PHONE McCAINS ' 3 VARIETIES 9149 917 SHORTCAKES 2 lb WE RESERVE THE RIGHT-TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE vveEktv FAMILY. REQUIREMENTS. CHERRY HILL . COLBY CHEESE 2 LITRE, I si, NOV fit, AsSffirtts FLAVOURS • *EVE PACK GAY YOGURT - 12 oz. 1A9 'SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS CONSULTANTS LTD.: • REIISONS FAMOUS ICE CREAM j:IiiiFAAIIHOH SCONES 2x4 oz. 39C • PKG. OF 4 WESTONS WHITE SLICED' • SANDWICH BREAD ..• 24'oz. lEleiut Office: 86 Weber Street gasOititehtifet.(5i91 744-6835 Branch Offices: 705UotIcrich Sttteto Port Elgin [519]832.2044 504 Tenth Street' Iglu:VC:4519i 364,3121 , Evenings call: David Beynon (5191 /04-gti WE BUY EXISTING' MORTGAGES FOR,INSTANT CASH" 4 4